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Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, 3rd ed/2001 - Astronomy - ed. Robert A. Meyers.pdf 11.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, 3rd ed/2001 - Atmospheric Science - ed. Robert A. Meyers.pdf 30.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, 3rd ed/2001 - Computer Software - ed. Robert A. Meyers.pdf 29.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, 3rd ed/2001 - Inorganic Chemistry - ed. Robert A. Meyers.pdf 30.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, 3rd ed/2001 - Molecular Biology - ed. Robert A. Meyers.pdf 8.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, 3rd ed/2002 - Lasers and Masers - ed. Robert A. Meyers.pdf 10 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, 3rd ed/2005 - Analytical Chemistry - ed. Robert A. Meyers.pdf 38.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, 3rd ed/2005 - Biochemistry - ed. Robert A. Meyers.pdf 13.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, 3rd ed/2005 - Biotechnology - ed. Robert A. Meyers.pdf 23.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, 3rd ed/2005 - Chemical Engineering - ed. Robert A. Meyers.pdf 33.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, 3rd ed/2005 - Organic Chemistry - ed. Robert A. Meyers.pdf 9.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, 3rd ed/2005 - Polymers - ed. Robert A. Meyers.pdf 13.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, 3rd ed/2006 - Computer Hardware - ed. Robert A. Meyers.pdf 6.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, 3rd ed/2006 - Optics - ed. Robert A. Meyers.pdf 17.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, 3rd ed/2006 - Physical Chemistry - ed. Robert A. Meyers.pdf 36.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, 3rd ed/2007 - Energy - ed. Robert A. Meyers.pdf 7.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, 3rd ed/2007 - Environmental Science - ed. Robert A. Meyers.pdf 5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, 3rd ed/2007 - Measurements Techniques and Instrumentation - ed. Robert A. Meyers.pdf 6.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/Handbook of Optics/E 2, V 1, 1995, Fundamentals, Techniques, and Design - ed. Michael Bass.pdf 17.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/Handbook of Optics/E 2, V 2, 1995, Devices, Measurements, and Properties - ed. Michael Bass.pdf 19.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/Handbook of Optics/E 2, V 3, 2000, Classical, Vision, and X-Ray Optics - ed. Michael Bass.pdf 4.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/Handbook of Optics/E 2, V 4, 2001, Fiber Optics and Nonlinear Optics - ed. Michael Bass.pdf 13.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/Handbook of Optics/E 3, V 1, 2010, Geometrical and Physical Optics, Polarized Light, Components and Instruments - ed. Michael Bass.pdf 11 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/Handbook of Optics/E 3, V 2, 2010, Design, Fabrication and Testing, Sources and Detectors, Radiometry and Photometry - ed. Michael Bass.pdf 12.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/Handbook of Optics/E 3, V 3, 2010, Vision and Vision Optics - ed. Michael Bass.pdf 9.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/Handbook of Optics/E 3, V 4, 2010, Optical Properties of Materials, Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics - ed. Michael Bass.pdf 11.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/Handbook of Optics/E 3, V 5, 2010, Atmospheric Optics, Modulators, Fiber Optics, X-Ray and Neutron Optics - ed. Michael Bass.pdf 16.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/Blandford Colour Series Bombers/V 1, 1977, Bombers 1914-1919, Patrol and Reconnaissance Aircraft 2nd ed. - Kenneth Munson.pdf 24.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/Blandford Colour Series Bombers/V 2, 1975, Bombers in Service, Patrol and Transport Aircraft Since 1960 Revised Edition - Kenneth Munson.pdf 44.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/Monographs in Aerospace History/V 01, 1992, Toward a History of the Space Shuttle ~ An Annotated Bibliography - ed. R.D. Launlus, A.K. Gillette.pdf 6.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/Monographs in Aerospace History/V 04, 1995, Enchanted Rendezvous ~ John C. Houbolt and the Genesis of the Lunar-Orbit Rendezvous Concept - James R. Hansen.pdf 1.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/Monographs in Aerospace History/V 13, 1999, A History of Suction-Type Laminar-Flow Control with Emphasis on Flight Research - Albert L. Braslow.pdf 2.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/Monographs in Aerospace History/V 16, 1999, Touchdown, The Development of Propulsion Controlled Aircraft at NASA Dryden - Tom Tucker.pdf 1.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/Monographs in Aerospace History/V 17, 2000, The History of the XV-15 Tilt Rotor Research Aircraft, From Concept to Flight - M.D. Maisel, D.J. Giulianettri, D.C. Dugan.pdf 2.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/Monographs in Aerospace History/V 18, 2000, Hypersonics before the shuttle, A concise history of the X-15 research airplane - Dennis R. Jenkins.pdf 9.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/Monographs in Aerospace History/V 21, 2001, Humans to Mars, Fifty Years of Mission Planning, 1950-2000 - David S.F. Portree.pdf 2.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/Monographs in Aerospace History/V 22, 2000, Flight Research Problems Encountered and What They Should Teach Us - M.O. Thompson, J.D. Hunley.pdf 1009 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/Monographs in Aerospace History/V 23, 2000, The Eclipse Project - Tom Tucker.pdf 7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/Monographs in Aerospace History/V 24, 2002, Deep Space Chronicle, A Chronology of Deep Space and Planetary Probes, 1958-2000 - Asif A. Siddiqi.pdf 13.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/Monographs in Aerospace History/V 25, 2002, Mach 3+, NASA USAF YF-12 flight research, 1969-1979 - Peter W. Merlin.pdf 9.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/Monographs in Aerospace History/V 26, 2002, Memoirs of an Aeronautical Engineer, Flight Tests at Ames Research Center, 1940-1970 - Seth B. Anderson.pdf 17.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/Monographs in Aerospace History/V 30, 2003, The Spoken Word, Recollections of Dryden History, The Early Years - ed. Curtis Peebles.pdf 4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/Monographs in Aerospace History/V 31, 2003, American X-Vehicles ~ An Inventory- X-1 to X-50 - D.R. Jenkins, T. Landis, J. Miller.pdf 1.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/Monographs in Aerospace History/V 33, 2004, NASA's Nuclear Frontier, The Plum Brook Reactor Facility - M.D. Bowles, R.S. Arrighi.pdf 6.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/Monographs in Aerospace History/V 35, 2005, Unconventional, Contrary, and Ugly ~ The Lunar Landing Research Vehicle - G.J. Matranga, C.W. Ottinger, C.R. Jarvis., D.C. Gelzer.pdf 26.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/Monographs in Aerospace History/V 41, 2007, A Record of Acheivement, 1961-2006 - J.A. Rumerman, C. Gamble, G. Okolski.pdf 5.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/The Pocket Encyclopaedia of World Aircraft in Colour/1972 - Airliners between the wars 1919-39 - Kenneth Munson.pdf 23.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/The Pocket Encyclopaedia of World Aircraft in Colour/1975 - Airliners since 1946 2nd ed. - Kenneth Munson.pdf 21.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/__Experimental and Secret Projects/1971 - Forgotten Fighters and Experimental Aircraft U.S. Army 1918-1941 - Peter M. Bowers.pdf 14.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/__Experimental and Secret Projects/1997 - Luftwaffe Secret Projects, Fighters 1939-1945 - W. Schick, I. Meyer.pdf 46.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/__Experimental and Secret Projects/1999 - Dark Eagles, A History of Top Secret U.S. Aircraft Programs - Curtis Peebles.pdf 4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/__Experimental and Secret Projects/2000 - British Secret Projects, Jet Fighters Since 1950 - Tony Buttler.pdf 54.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/__Experimental and Secret Projects/2002 - Luftwaffe Secret Projects, Ground Attack & Special Purpose Aircraft - D. Herwig, H. Rode.pdf 51.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/__Experimental and Secret Projects/2010 - Secret Projects, Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft - Bill Rose.pdf 23.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/__Rockets, Shuttles, and Space Platforms/2001 - A Vertical Empire ~ The History of the UK Rocket and Space Programme, 1950-1971 - C.N. Hill.pdf 24.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/__Rockets, Shuttles, and Space Platforms/2001 - Rocket and Space Corporation Energia, The Legacy of S. P. Korolev - Robert Godwin.pdf 13.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/__Rockets, Shuttles, and Space Platforms/2002 - Project Orion, The True Story of the Atomic Spaceship - George Dyson.url 180 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/__Rockets, Shuttles, and Space Platforms/2005 - The Story of Space Station Mir - David M. Harland.pdf 28.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/__Rockets, Shuttles, and Space Platforms/2006 - Rockets (Frontiers in Space) - Joseph A. Angelo Jr.pdf 5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/__Rockets, Shuttles, and Space Platforms/2007 - The Story of Manned Space Stations - Philip Baker.pdf 27.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/__Rockets, Shuttles, and Space Platforms/2008 - Salyut ~ The First Space Station Triumph and Tragedy - Grujica S. Ivanovich.pdf 13.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/__Rockets, Shuttles, and Space Platforms/2008 - Spaceplanes, From Airport to Spaceport - Matthew A. Bentley.pdf 4.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/__UAVs/2002 - Innovative Development, Global Hawk and DarkStar - Jeffrey A. Drezner.pdf 1.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/__UAVs/2005 - Soviet Russian Unmanned Aerial Vehicles - Yefim Gordon.pdf 118.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/__UAVs/2008 - Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Robotic Air Warfare 1917-2007 - Steven J. Zaloga.pdf 6.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/__UAVs/2009 - On Integrating Unmanned Aircraft Systems into the National Airspace System - K. Dalamagkidis, K.P. Valavanis, L.A. Piegl.pdf 21.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/__UAVs/2009 - UAV Cooperative Decision and Control Challenges and Practical Approaches - T. Shima, S. Rasmussen.pdf 2.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/__UAVs/2010 - Autonomous Flying Robots, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Micro Aerial Vehicles - K. Nonami, F. Kendoul, S. Suzuki, W. Wang, D. Nakazawa.pdf 11.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/__UAVs/2010 - Unmanned Air Systems UAV Design, Development and Deployment - Reg Austin.pdf 5.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/1973 - Balloons and Airships, 1783-1973 - Lennart Ege.pdf 15.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/1986 - De Havilland Vampire, Venom and Sea Vixen - Philip Birtles.pdf 92.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/1986 - Lockheed F-94 Starfire - R. Francillion, K. Keaveney.pdf 36.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/1988 - U-2 Spyplane in Action No 86 - Larry Davis.pdf 12.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/1989 - Boeing Helicopters CH-47 Chinook - D.A. Anderton, J. Miller.pdf 20.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/1992 - At the Edge of Space, The X-15 Flight Program - Milton O. Thompson.epub 2.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/1993 - B-47 Stratojet in Detail and Scale - D & S Vol. 18 - Alwyn T. Lloyd.pdf 9.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/1996 - International Directory of Military Aircraft, 1996-1997 - G. Frawley, J. Thorn.pdf 8.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/1997 - B-29, Superfortress in Action - Larry Davis.pdf 17 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/1998 - P-47 Thunderbolt - Bert Kinzey.pdf 21.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/1999 - Warbirds, An Illustrated Guide to U.S. Military Aircraft, 1915-2000 - John C. Frédriksen.pdf 14.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/2000 - North American F-86 Sabre - Duncan Curtis.pdf 100.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/2000 - Walk Around, F-86 Sabre - Larry Davis.pdf 17.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/2001 - F-117A Nighthawk (Walk Around 26) - James Goodall.pdf 28.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/2002 - B-2 Spirit In Action No 178 - James Goodall.djvu 21.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/2002 - The VZ-9 Avrocar - B. Lindenbaum, W. Blake.pdf 1.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/2003 - SR-71 Blackbird (Walk Around 32) - James Goodall.pdf 57.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/2005 - English Electric Lightning - Martin Bowman.pdf 41.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/2005 - Lockheed-Martin FA-22 Raptor, Stealth Fighter - Jay K. Miller.pdf 36.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/2008 - Royal Air Force Aircraft and Weapons - ed. Brian Handy.pdf 5.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Air and Spacecrafts, Makes and Models/2011 - F-84 Thunderjet in action - L. Davis, D. Menard.pdf 6.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Aircraft Design/__Performance/1996 - Aircraft Performance (Cambridge Aerospace Series 5) - W.A. Mair, D.L. Birdsall.pdf 10.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Aircraft Design/__Performance/1998 - Aircraft Performance and Design - John Anderson.pdf 39.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Aircraft Design/__Performance/1999 - Performance of Light Aircraft (AIAA) - John T. Lowry.pdf 39.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Aircraft Design/__Performance/2006 - Aircraft Performance - Maido Saarlas.pdf 2.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Aircraft Design/1985 - Airplane Design (8 vols.) - Jan Roskam.pdf 102.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Aircraft Design/1988 - Aircraft Landing Gear Design, Principles and Practices - Norman S. Currey.pdf 5.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Aircraft Design/1988 - Airframe Structural Design, Practical Design Information and Data on Aircraft Structures - Michael Chun-Yung Niu.pdf 23.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Aircraft Design/1992 - Aircraft Design, A Conceptual Approach - Daniel P. Raymer.pdf 32 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Aircraft Design/1998 - Foundations of Aerodynamics, Bases of Aerodynamic Design 5th ed. - A.M. Kuethe, C.-Y. Chow.pdf 12.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Aircraft Design/1999 - Civil Jet Aircraft Design - L.R. Jenkinson, P. Simpkin, D. Rhodes.pdf 18.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Aircraft Design/2003 - Aerospace Design Engineers Guide 5th ed. - AIAA.pdf 4.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Aircraft Design/2011 - Aircraft Interior, Comfort and Design - P. Vink, K. Brauer.pdf 3.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Companion Guides, Handbooks, and Readers/1959 - Space Handbook, Astronautics and Its Applications - Robert W. Buchheim.pdf 13.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Companion Guides, Handbooks, and Readers/2000 - Aircraft Icing Handbook - CAA.pdf 396 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Companion Guides, Handbooks, and Readers/2002 - Spacecraft Thermal Control Handbook, Vol. 1, Fundamental Technologies 2nd ed. - ed. David G. Gilmore.pdf 19.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Companion Guides, Handbooks, and Readers/2003 - Standard Handbook for Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineers - Mark Davies.pdf 13.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Companion Guides, Handbooks, and Readers/2007 - Dictionary of Aviation, 2nd ed. - David Crocker.pdf 6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Companion Guides, Handbooks, and Readers/2008 - Instrument Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-15A) - FAA.pdf 100.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Companion Guides, Handbooks, and Readers/2008 - Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge - FAA.pdf 48.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Flight and Training manuals/2001 - F-18 Flight Manual.pdf 35.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Flight and Training manuals/2002 - AIRBUS A318-321 Flight Crew Operating Manual.pdf 16.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Flight and Training manuals/2002 - Continental Airlines, Boeing 737 Flight Manual.pdf 31.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Flight and Training manuals/2002 - Continental Airlines, Boeing 777 Flight Manual.pdf 28.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Flight and Training manuals/2003 - Boeing 737-500 Flight Crew Training Manual - Ariane Studios.pdf 9.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Flight and Training manuals/2007 - Powered Parachute Flying Handbook - FAA.pdf 14.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Flight and Training manuals/2012 - Helicopter Flying Handbook - FAA.pdf 84.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Flight Mechanics and Control Systems/1979 - Automatic Flight Control Systems - E.H.J. Pallett.pdf 14 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Flight Mechanics and Control Systems/1995 - Schaum's Outline of Feedback and Control Systems - J.J. DisSefano III, A.R. Stubberud, I.J. Williams.pdf 25.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Flight Mechanics and Control Systems/1997 - Spacecraft Dynamics and Control, A Practical Engineering Approach - Marcel J. Sidi.pdf 16.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Flight Mechanics and Control Systems/2003 - Introduction to Aircraft Flight Mechanics - T.R. Yechout, S.L. Morris, D.E. Bossert, W.F. Hallgren.url 159 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Flight Mechanics and Control Systems/2006 - Mechanics of Flight, 11th ed. - R.H. Barnard, D.R. Philpott.djvu 5.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Flight Mechanics and Control Systems/2006 - Stability and Control of Aircraft Systems, Introduction to Classical Feedback Control - Roy Langton.pdf 2.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Flight Mechanics and Control Systems/2007 - Flight Dynamics Principles, A Linear Systems Approach to Aircraft Stability and Control 2nd ed. - Michael Cook.pdf 3.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Flight Mechanics and Control Systems/2010 - Fundamentals of Modern Unsteady Aerodynamics - Ülgen Gülçat.pdf 3.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__Flight Mechanics and Control Systems/2010 - The Control Handbook, Control System Applications 2nd ed. - ed. William S. Levine.pdf 15.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/__General and History/1956 - Interplanetary Flight - Arthur C. Clarke.djvu 1.5 MB
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Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/2004 - Understanding Space, An Introduction to Astronautics 2nd ed. - J.J. Sellers, W.J. Astore, R.B. Giffen, W.J. Larson.pdf 45 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/2005 - Space Mission Analysis and Design, 3rd ed. - eds. W.J. Larson, J.R Wertz.pdf 27.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/2006 - Interplanetary Mission Analysis and Design - Stephen Kemble.pdf 9.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/2006 - MEMS and Microstructures in Aerospace Applications - eds. R. Osiander, M.A.G. Darrin, J.L. Champion.pdf 12.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/2006 - Modern Astrodynamics, Vol. 1 - ed. Pini. Gurfil.pdf 3.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/2006 - Tubulent Shear Layers in Supersonic Flow 2nd ed. - A.J. Smits, J.-P. Dussauge.pdf 6.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/2007 - Aircraft Digital Electronic and Computer Systems ~ Principles, Operations, and Maintenances - Mike Tooley.pdf 9.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/2007 - Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students, 4th ed. - T.H.G. Megson.pdf 8.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/2007 - Atmospheric and Space Flight Dynamics, Modeling and Simulation with MATLAB and Simulink - Ashish Tewari.pdf 8.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/2007 - Avionics ~ Elements, Software, and Functions 2nd ed. - C.R. Spitzer.pdf 10.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/2008 - Aeronautical Radio Communication Systems and Networks - Dale Stacey.pdf 9.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/2008 - Engineering Dynamics - Jerry Ginsberg.pdf 6.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/2009 - Deep Space Craft, An Overview of Interplanetary Flight - Dave Doody.pdf 6.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/2009 - Engineering Design and Graphics with SolidWorks - James Betune.pdf 99.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/2009 - The Simple Science of Flight, From Insects to Jumbo Jets, Revised and Expanded Edition - Henk Tennekes.pdf 2.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/2010 - Modeling Flight, The Role of Dynamically Scaled Free-Flight Models in Support of NASA's Aerospace Programs - Joseph R. Chambers.pdf 12.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/2010 - Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students, 2nd ed. - Howard D. Curtis.pdf 4.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/2010 - Understanding Flight, 2nd ed. - D.F. Anderson, S. Eberhardt.pdf 9.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/2010 - Vector Mechanics for Engineers, Statics, and Dynamics 9th ed. - Beer, Johnston, Mazurek, Cornwell, Eisenberg.pdf 104.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/2011 - Space Mission Engineering, The New SMAD - ed. J.R. Wertz, D.F. Everett, J.J. Puschell.url 170 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Mechanical Engineering/_README_.txt 17 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Celestial Objects/Burnham's Celestial Handbook/V 1, 1978, Andromeda through Cetus - Robert Burnham Jr.pdf 96 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Celestial Objects/Burnham's Celestial Handbook/V 2, 1978, Chamaleon-Orion - Robert Burnham Jr.pdf 98.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Celestial Objects/Burnham's Celestial Handbook/V 3, 1978, Pavo-Vulpecula - Robert Burnham Jr.pdf 113.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Celestial Objects/1859 - Celestial Objects for Common Telescope - Thomas William Webb.pdf 6.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Celestial Objects/1999 - Stargazing, What to Look for in the Night Sky - Tom Van Holt.epub 1.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Celestial Objects/2000 - Observing the Moon, The Modern Astronomer's Guide - Gerald North.pdf 11.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Celestial Objects/2000 - The Planet Observer's Handbook, 2nd ed. - Fred W. Price.pdf 78.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Celestial Objects/2000 - Turn Left at Orion, A Hundred Night Sky Objects to See in a Small Telescope and How to Find Them - G. Consolmagno, D.M. Davis.pdf 6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Celestial Objects/2003 - David Levy's Guide to Observing and Discovering Comets - David H. Levy.pdf 24.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Celestial Objects/2004 - Atlas of the Moon Revised, Updated Edition - Antonin Rukl.pdf 63.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Celestial Objects/2005 - Philip's Atlas of the Universe, Revised Edition - Patrick Moore.pdf 52.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Celestial Objects/2006 - Sky & Telescope's Pocket Sky Atlas - Roger W. Sinnott.pdf 56.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Celestial Objects/2008 - Atlas of the Messier Objects, Highlights of the Deep Sky - R. Stoyan, S. Binnewies, S. Friedrich, trans. K.-P. Schroeder.pdf 34.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Celestial Objects/2008 - The Brightest Stars, Discovering the Universe through the Sky's Most Brilliant Stars - Fred Schaaf.pdf 4.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Famous Astronomers and their Writings/__Copernicus, Nicolaus/1957 - The Copernican Revolution - Thomas S. Kuhn.pdf 14.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Famous Astronomers and their Writings/__Copernicus, Nicolaus/1971 - Three Copernican Treatises 3rd ed. - trans. E. Rosen.pdf 30.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Famous Astronomers and their Writings/__Copernicus, Nicolaus/1987 - The Genesis of the Copernican World - H. Blumenberg, R.M. Wallance.pdf 40 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Famous Astronomers and their Writings/__Copernicus, Nicolaus/2004 - Nicolaus Copernicus, Making the Earth a Planet - O. Gingerich, J. MacLachlan.pdf 8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Famous Astronomers and their Writings/__Galilei, Galileo/2003 - Galileo in Rome, The Rise and Fall of a Troublesome Genius - W.R. Shea, M. Artigas.pdf 3.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Famous Astronomers and their Writings/__Galilei, Galileo/2006 - Thus Spoke Galileo - A. Frova, M. Marenzana.pdf 4.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Famous Astronomers and their Writings/__Galilei, Galileo/2007 - Galileo’s Instruments of Credit ~ Telescopes, Images, Secrecy - Mario Biagioli.pdf 2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Famous Astronomers and their Writings/__Galilei, Galileo/2010 - Galileo and 400 Years of Telescopic Astronomy - P. Grego, D. Mannion.pdf 15.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Famous Astronomers and their Writings/__Kepler, Johannes/1994 - The Music of the Heavens, Kepler's Harmonic Astronomy - Bruce Stephenson.djvu 3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Famous Astronomers and their Writings/__Kepler, Johannes/1995 - The Discovery of Kepler's Laws ~ The Interaction of Science, Philosophy, and Religion - Job Kozhamthadam.rar 649 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Famous Astronomers and their Writings/__Kepler, Johannes/1999 - Johannes Kepler and the New Astronomy - James R. Voelkel.pdf 11.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Famous Astronomers and their Writings/__Kepler, Johannes/2000 - Kepler’s Philosophy and the New Astronomy - Rhonda Martens.pdf 1.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Famous Astronomers and their Writings/1993 - Alexander A. Friedmann, The Man Who Made The Universe Expand - E.A. Tropp, V.Y. Frenkel, A.D. Chernin, trans. A. Dron, M. Burov.pdf 11.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Famous Astronomers and their Writings/1994 - Eddington's Search for a Fundamental Theory, A Key to the Universe - C.W. Kilmister.djvu 1.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Famous Astronomers and their Writings/2000 - On Tycho's Island, Tycho Brahe and His Assistants, 1570-1601 - John Robert Christianson.url 174 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Famous Astronomers and their Writings/2000 - Scientific Method in Ptolemy's Harmonics - Andrew Barker.pdf 9.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Famous Astronomers and their Writings/2004 - Aristarchus of Samos, The Ancient Copernicus - Thomas Heath.url 172 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Famous Astronomers and their Writings/2011 - Edmond Halley's Reconstruction of the Lost Book of Apollonius's Conics - Michael N. Fried.pdf 1.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Famous Astronomers and their Writings/2011 - Unravelling Starlight, William and Margaret Huggins and the Rise of the New Astronomy - Barbara J. Becker.pdf 3.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Archaeoastronomy/1906 - Stonehenge and Other British Stone Monuments Astronomically Considered - Norman Lockyer.djvu 9.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Archaeoastronomy/1993 - Prehistoric Astronomy in the Southwest - J.M. Malville, C. Putnam.pdf 4.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Archaeoastronomy/1999 - Skywatchers, Shamans & Kings, Astronomy and the Archaeology of Power - E.C. Krupp.rar 5.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Archaeoastronomy/2000 - Ancient Astronomy and Celestial Divination - N.M. Swerdlow.rar 2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Archaeoastronomy/2004 - Astrology, Science and Culture ~ Pulling Down the Moon - R. Willis, P. Curry.pdf 595 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Archaeoastronomy/2004 - The Heavenly Writing, Astronomy in Mesopotamian Culture - Francesca Rochberg.pdf 2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Archaeoastronomy/2006 - Astronomia Precolombina - Felipe Lira Montes de Oca.pdf 11.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Archaeoastronomy/2006 - Marriage and Divorce of Astronomy and Astrology - Gordon Fisher.pdf 969 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Archaeoastronomy/2007 - Skywatching in the Ancient World, New Perspectives in Cultural Astronomy - eds. C. Ruggles, G. Urton.pdf 5.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Archaeoastronomy/2009 - Mysteries and Discoveries of Archaeoastronomy - Giulio Magli.pdf 14.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Archaeoastronomy/2009 - Stars and Satellites, Women in Early British and Irish Astronomy - Mary Bruck.pdf 4.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Archaeoastronomy/2011 - Exploring Ancient Skies, A Survey of Ancient and Cultural Astronomy 2nd ed. - D.H. Kelley, E.F. Milone.pdf 22.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Technical History/1853 - Of the Plurality of Worlds, An Essay - William Whewell.pdf 20.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Technical History/1898 - A Short History of Astronomy - Arthur Berry.pdf 26.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Technical History/1932 - Early Astronomy and Cosmology - C.P.S. Menon.pdf 9.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Technical History/1950 - A Concise History of Astronomy - Peter Doig.pdf 56.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Technical History/1987 - Three Hundred Years Of Gravitation - S. Hawking, W. Israel.djvu 5.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Technical History/1993 - Newton's Clock, Chaos in the Solar System - Ivars Peterson.djvu 5.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Technical History/1995 - The Story of Astronomy - L. Motz, J.H. Weaver.djvu 4.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Technical History/1997 - Astronomy Through the Ages, The Story of the Human Attempt to Understand the Universe - Robert Wilson.pdf 18.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Technical History/1997 - Historical Eclipses and Earth's Rotation - F. Richard Stephenson.pdf 32.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Technical History/2002 - Cosmic Vistas, A Popular History of Astronomy - Biman Basu.pdf 6.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Technical History/2003 - Masks of the Universe, Changing Ideas on the Nature of the Cosmos 2nd ed. -Edward Harrison.pdf 2.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Technical History/2005 - L’Univers dévoilé, Une histoire de l'astronomie de 1910 à aujourd’hui - James Lequeux.pdf 3.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Technical History/2005 - Plotting the Globe ~ Stories of Meridians, Parallels, and the International Date Line - Avraham Ariel.pdf 17.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Technical History/2006 - Planetary Motions, A Historical Perspective - Norriss S. Hetherington.pdf 4.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Technical History/2006 - Revolutionaries of the Cosmos, The Astro-Physicists - I.S. Glass.pdf 9.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Technical History/2006 - Space and Astronomy, The People Behind the Science - S. McCutcheon, B. McCutcheon.pdf 13.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Technical History/2006 - The Cosmos, A Historical Perspective - Craig G. Fraser.pdf 1.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Technical History/2007 - Conceptions of Cosmos, From Myths to the Accelerating Universe, A History of Cosmology - Helge S. Kragh.pdf 5.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Technical History/2007 - Space and Astronomy, Decade by Decade - Marianne J. Dyson.pdf 11.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Technical History/2008 - The Moon that Wasn't, The Saga of Venus’ Spurious Satellite - Helge Kragh.pdf 3.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Technical History/2009 - Decoding the Heavens, A 2000 Year Old Computer and the Century-Long Search to Discover Its Secrets - Jo Merchant.pdf 2.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Technical History/2009 - The Sun Recorded Through History - J.M. Vaquero, M. Vazquez.pdf 16.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Technical History/2009 - Time, Space, Stars, and Man ~ The Story of the Big Bang - Michael M. Woolfson.pdf 23.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Technical History/2010 - Defending Copernicus and Galileo, Critical Reasoning in the Two Affairs - M.A. Finocchiaro.pdf 2.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Technical History/2010 - Observing and Cataloguing Nebulae and Star Clusters - Wolfgang Steinicke.pdf 25.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Technical History/2010 - The Universe, A Historical Survey of Beliefs, Theories, and Laws - ed. Erik Gregersen.pdf 5.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Time Periods/1942 - From Copernicus to Einstein - H. Reichenbach, trans. R.B. Winn.djvu 4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Time Periods/1953 - A History Of Astronomy From Thales To Kepler 2nd ed. - J.L.E. Dreyer.djvu 14.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Time Periods/1958 - From Euclid To Eddington, A Study of Conceptions of the External World - Edmund Whittaker.djvu 1.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Time Periods/2004 - From Eudoxus to Einstein, A History of Mathematical Astronomy - C.M. Linton.pdf 3.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/__Time Periods/2007 - Ordering the Heavens, Roman Astronomy and Cosmology in the Carolingian Renaissance - Bruce S. Eastwood.pdf 9.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/1961 - A History of Astronomy - A. Pannekoek.djvu 26.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/1965 - Starlight Nights ~ The Adventures of a Star-Gazer - Leslie C. Peltier.pdf 4.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/1976 - The Stars, A New Way to See Them - Hans Augusto Rey.djvu 5.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/1994 - Stairway to the Stars, The Story of the World's Largest Observatory - Barry Parker.pdf 43.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/1996 - To See the Unseen, A History of Planetary Radar Astronomy - Andrew J. Butrica.pdf 32.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/2001 - Eclipse, The Celestial Phenomenon that Changed the Course of History - Duncan Steel.pdf 39.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/2001 - Our Universe, The Thrill of Extragalactic Exploration As Told by Leading Experts - ed. S. Alan Stern.pdf 5.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/2003 - Minding the Heavens, The Story of Our Discovery of the Milky Way - Leila Belkora.pdf 27 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/2004 - Beyond Pluto, Exploring the Outer Limits of the Solar System - John Davies.pdf 4.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/2004 - Measuring the Cosmos, How Scientists Discovered the Dimensions of the Universe - D.H. Clark, M.D.H. Clark.pdf 7.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/2004 - Stargazer, The Life and Times of the Telescope - Fred Watson.pdf 4.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/2007 - Spacecraft for Astronomy - Joseph A. Angelo Jr.pdf 4.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/2008 - The Red Limit, The Search for the Edge of the Universe - Timothy Ferris.pdf 797 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/2009 - Cosmic Collisions, The Hubble Atlas of Merging Galaxies - L.L. Christensen, R.Y. Shida, D. de Martin.pdf 74.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/2009 - The Adaptive Optics Revolution, A History - Robert W. Duffner.pdf 29.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/2010 - The Case for Pluto, How a Little Planet Made a Big Difference - Alan Boyle.pdf 1.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__General and History/2010 - The Making of History's Greatest Star Map - Michael Perryman.pdf 28.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Infrared and Microwave Astronomy/1999 - Handbook of Infrared Astronomy - I.S. Glass.djvu 1.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Infrared and Microwave Astronomy/2003 - Exploration of the Solar System by Infrared Remote Sensing 2nd ed. - R.A. Hanel, B.J. Conrath, D.E. Jennings, R.E. Samuelson.pdf 3.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Infrared and Microwave Astronomy/2008 - The Cosmic Microwave Background - Ruth Durrer.pdf 4.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Radio Astronomy/1984 - The Early Years of Radio Astronomy, Reflections Fifty Years after Jansky's Discovery - ed. W.T. Sullivan III.pdf 63.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Radio Astronomy/1998 - Basics of Radio Astronomy for the Goldstone for the Apple Valley Radio Telescope (JPL) - Diane Miller.pdf 1.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Radio Astronomy/2004 - Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio Astronomy, 2nd ed. - A.R. Thompson, J.M. Moran, G.W. Swenson Jr.djvu 7.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Radio Astronomy/2006 - Amateur Radio Astronomy - John Fielding.pdf 103.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Radio Astronomy/2007 - The Invisible Universe, The Story of Radio Astronomy 2nd ed. - Gerrit L. Verschuur.pdf 3.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Radio Astronomy/2007 - The Paraboloidal Reflector Antenna in Radio Astronomy and Communication - Jacob W.M. Baars.pdf 6.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Radio Astronomy/2009 - Tools of Radio Astronomy, 5th ed. - T.L. Wilson, K. Rohlfs, S. Huttemeister.pdf 3.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Radio Astronomy/2010 - An Introduction to Radio Astronomy 3rd ed. - B.F. Burke, F. Graham-Smith.url 158 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Telescopes, Mounts, and Accessories/1985 - Build Your Own Telescope, Complete Plans for Five High-quality Telescopes that Anyone Can Build - Richard Berry.pdf 55.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Telescopes, Mounts, and Accessories/1997 - The Dobsonian Telescope, A Practical Manual for Building Large Aperture Telescopes - D. Kriege, R. Berry.djvu 6.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Telescopes, Mounts, and Accessories/2004 - Care of Astronomical Telescopes and Accessories, A Manual for the Astronomical Observer and Amateur Telescope Maker - M. Barlow Pepin.pdf 12.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Telescopes, Mounts, and Accessories/2007 - A User's Guide to the Meade LXD55 and LXD75 Telescopes - Martin Preston.pdf 22.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Telescopes, Mounts, and Accessories/2007 - Binocular Astronomy - Stephen Tonkin.pdf 7.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Telescopes, Mounts, and Accessories/2007 - Real Astronomy with Small Telescopes - Michael Gainer.pdf 7.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Telescopes, Mounts, and Accessories/2007 - Star Ware ~ The Amateur Astronomer's Guide to Choosing, Buying, and Using Telescopes and Accessories 4th ed. - Philip S. Harrington.pdf 4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__Telescopes, Mounts, and Accessories/2009 - The Science and Art of Using Telescopes - Philip Pugh.pdf 11.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__UV, Gamma-ray, and X-ray Astronomy/1993 - Gamma-ray Astronomy - P.V.R. Murthy, A.W. Wolfendale.pdf 8.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__UV, Gamma-ray, and X-ray Astronomy/2002 - The Restless Universe, Understanding X-Ray Astronomy in the Age of Chandra and Newton - Eric M. Schlegel.pdf 4.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__UV, Gamma-ray, and X-ray Astronomy/2003 - Extreme Ultraviolet Astronomy - M.A. Barstow, J.B. Holberg.pdf 10.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__UV, Gamma-ray, and X-ray Astronomy/2003 - Very High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy - T.C. Weekes.pdf 4.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/__UV, Gamma-ray, and X-ray Astronomy/2010 - Exploring the X-ray Universe 2nd ed. - F.D. Seward, P.A. Charles.pdf 12.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/1977 - Textbook on Spherical Astronomy, 6th ed. - W.M. Smart, R.M. Green.pdf 14.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/1982 - Physical Universe, An Introduction to Astronomy - Frank H. Shu.djvu 28.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/1995 - Optical Astronomical Spectroscopy - Christopher R. Kitchin.pdf 18.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/1998 - A Dictionary of Astronomy - Ian Ridpath.pdf 7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/1999 - Observing Meteors, Comets, Supernovae and Other Transient Phenomena - Neil Bone.pdf 28 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/2001 - The Complete Idiot's Guide to Astronomy, 2nd ed. - C. De Pree, A. Axelrod.pdf 9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/2002 - Detection of Light, From the Ultraviolet to the Submillimeter 2nd ed. - George Rieke.pdf 3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/2002 - Phillip's Astronomy Encyclopedia, Revised Edition - Patrick Moore.pdf 31.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/2003 - Astronomy, Principles and Practice 4th ed. - A. Roy, D. Clarke.pdf 5.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/2003 - Handbook Of Space Astronomy And Astrophysics 2nd ed. - Martin Zombeck.pdf 20.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/2003 - Statistical Challenges in Astronomy - eds. E.D. Feigelson, G.J. Babu.pdf 19.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/2005 - Astronomy with a Home Computer - Neale Monks.pdf 6.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/2005 - Fundamentals of Solar Astronomy - A. Bhatnagar, W. Livingston.pdf 36 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/2006 - A Companion to Astronomy and Astrophysics, Chronology and Glossary with Data Tables - Kenneth R. Lang.pdf 4.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/2006 - A Practical Guide to Lightcurve Photometry and Analysis - Brian Warner.pdf 7.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/2006 - Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology, An Introduction - Peter Schneider.pdf 18.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/2006 - Making the Sky Searchable - D. Hogg, M. Blanton.pdf 6.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/2007 - Digital SLR Astrophotography, Practical Amateur Astronomy - Michael A. Covington.pdf 4.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/2007 - Fundamental Astronomy, 5th ed. - eds. H. Karttunen, P. Kroger, H. Oja, M. Poutanen, K.J. Donner.pdf 21 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/2008 - Electronic Imaging in Astronomy, Detectors and Instrumentation 2nd ed. - Ian S. Mclean.pdf 13.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/2009 - Lunar Meteoroid Impacts and How to Observe Them - Brian Cudnik.pdf 13.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/2010 - The Practical Astronomer - W. Gater, A. Vamplew.pdf 40.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/2010 - To Measure the Sky, An Introuction to Observational Astronomy - Frederick R. Chromey.pdf 4.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/2011 - Astronomy at the Frontiers of Science - ed. Jean-Pierre Lasota.pdf 5.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Astronomy/_README_.txt 6 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Bio-Tech/1957 - An Introduction to Cybernetics - W. Ross Ashby.pdf 9.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Bio-Tech/2000 - From Genome to Therapy, Integrating New Technologies with Drug Development - eds. G.R. Bock, D. Cohen, J.A. Goode.pdf 2.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Bio-Tech/2002 - An Introduction to Metabolic and Cellular Engineering - S. Cortassa, M.A. Aon, A.A. Iglesias, D. Lloyd.pdf 4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Bio-Tech/2004 - Biotechnology, 4th ed. - John E. Smith.pdf 1.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Bio-Tech/2005 - Comprehensive Biotechnology-I, Cell Biology and Genetics - V. Sreekrishna.pdf 2.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Bio-Tech/2005 - Lab-on-Chips for Cellomics, Micro and Nanotechnologies for Life Science - eds. H. Andersson, A. van den Berg.pdf 12.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Bio-Tech/2006 - Biomimetics, Biologically Inspired Technologies - ed. Yoseph Bar-Cohen.pdf 15.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Bio-Tech/2006 - Bioterrorism, A Guide for Facility Managers - Joseph Gustin.pdf 3.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Bio-Tech/2009 - Nanofluidics, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology - eds. J.B. Edel, A.J. deMello.pdf 14.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Bio-Tech/2009 - Organic Electronics in Sensors and Biotechnology - R. Shinar, J. Shinar.pdf 7.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Bio-Tech/2010 - Brain-Computer Interfaces, Revolutionizing Human-Computer Interaction - eds. B. Graimann, B. Allison, G. Pfurtscheller.pdf 11.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Bio-Tech/2010 - DNA and Biotechnology - M. Fitzgerald-Hayes, F. Reichsman.pdf 70.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemical Engineering/1942 - An Introduction To Electrochemistry - Samuel Glasstone.djvu 19.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemical Engineering/1995 - Bioprocess Engineering Principles - Pauline M. Doran.pdf 26 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemical Engineering/1999 - Chemical Reaction Engineering 3rd ed. - Octave Levenspiel.pdf 13.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemical Engineering/1999 - Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering 3rd ed. - H. Scott Fogler.pdf 25.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemical Engineering/1999 - Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering 3rd ed., Solutions Manual - H. Scott Fogler.pdf 96.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemical Engineering/1999 - Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid-Phase Equilibria 3rd ed. - J.M. Prausnitz, R.N. Lichtenthaler, E.G. de Azevedo.pdf 11.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemical Engineering/2001 - Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics - Robert Zwanzig.djvu 1.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemical Engineering/2001 - Reservoir Engineering Handbook 2nd ed. - Tarek Ahmed.pdf 9.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemical Engineering/2002 - An Introduction to Polymer Physics - David I. Bower.pdf 10.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemical Engineering/2002 - Transport Phenomena 2nd ed. - R.B. Bird, W.E. Stewart, E.N. Lightfoot.pdf 19.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemical Engineering/2004 - Process Dynamics and Control 2nd ed. - D.E. Seborg, T.F. Edgar, D.A. Mellichamp.pdf 23 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemical Engineering/2005 - Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes 3rd ed. - R.M. Felder, R.W. Rousseau.pdf 36.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemical Engineering/2005 - Engineering Materials 1, An Introduction to Properties Applications and Design 3rd ed. - M.F. Ashby, D.R.H. Jones.pdf 3.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemical Engineering/2005 - Engineering Materials 2, An Introduction to Microstructures, Processing and Design 3rd ed. - M.F. Ashby, D.R.H. Jones.pdf 5.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemical Engineering/2006 - Introduction to Chemical Engineering Computing - Bruce A. Finlayson.pdf 6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemical Engineering/2006 - Quantitative Chemical Analysis 7th ed. - D.C. Harris.djvu 24.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemical Engineering/2006 - Separation Process Principles 2nd ed. - J.D. Seader, E.J. Henley.pdf 32.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemistry/1996 - Modern Quantum Chemistry, Introduction to Advanced Electronic Structure Theory - A. Szabo, N.S. Ostlund.djvu 8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemistry/2001 - Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry ~ Applications, Theory and Instrumentation - ed. Robert A. Meyers.pdf 185.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemistry/2003 - Chemistry 4th ed. - J. McMurry, R.C. Fay.pdf 77 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemistry/2003 - Inorganic Chemistry 3rd ed. - G.L. Miessler, D.A. Tarr .djvu 12.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemistry/2004 - An Introduction to Chemical Kinetics - Margaret Robson Wright.pdf 2.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemistry/2004 - Analytical Chemistry 6th ed. - Gary D. Christian.pdf 133.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemistry/2005 - Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry 2nd ed. (10 vols.) - ed. R. Bruce King.pdf 130 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemistry/2005 - Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry (39 vols.) - eds. F. Ullmann, M. Bohnet.pdf 389 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemistry/2006 - Chemistry, The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change 4th ed. - Martin S. Silberberg.djvu 45.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemistry/2006 - Organic Chemistry 2nd ed. - Joseph M. Hornback.djvu 18.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemistry/2006 - Physical Chemistry 8th ed. - P. Atkins, J. de Paula.djvu 30.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemistry/2006 - Physical Chemistry 8th ed., Student Solution Manual - P. Atkins, J. de Paula.djvu 4.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemistry/2010 - Chemistry, Principles and Practice 3rd ed. - D.L. Reger, S.R. Goode, D.W. Ball.pdf 31.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__Chemistry/2010 - Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry 2nd ed. - eds. A. Vértes, S. Nagy, Z. Klencsár, R.G. Lovas, F. Rösch.pdf 28.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__General and History/1859 - On the Origin of Species (Oxford World's Classics) - Charles Darwin, ed. Gillian Beer.pdf 1.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__General and History/1997 - Lifelines, Biology Beyond Determinism - Steven Rose.pdf 2.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__General and History/1997 - The Major Transitions in Evolution - J.M. Smith. E. Szathmáry.pdf 5.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__General and History/1998 - The Garden of Ediacara, Discovering the First Complex Life - Mark A.S. McMenamin.pdf 4.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__General and History/2000 - History of Modern Biotechnology I - ed. A. Fiechter.pdf 1.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__General and History/2001 - Nature's Robots, A History of Proteins - C. Tanford, J. Reynolds.pdf 4.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__General and History/2001 - Transforming Matter, A History of Chemistry from Alchemy to the Buckyball - Trevor H. Levere.pdf 1.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__General and History/2003 - Thinking about Biology - Stephen Webster.pdf 1.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__General and History/2004 - The Elements, A Very Short Introduction - Philip Ball.pdf 7.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__General and History/2007 - The Triumph of the Fungi, A Rotten History - Nicholas P. Money.pdf 2.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__General and History/2008 - Demons in Eden, The Paradox of Plant Diversity - Jonathan Silvertown.pdf 1.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__General and History/2008 - Models, Mysteries, and Magic of Molecules - eds. J.C.A. Boeyens, J.F. Ogilvie.pdf 12.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/__General and History/2008 - On the Verge of Creating Synthetic Life - Craig Venter.url 131 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/1998 - Introduction to Animal Physiology - Ian Kay.pdf 94 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/2001 - The Properties of Gases and Liquids 5th ed. - B.E. Poling, J.M. Prausnitz, J.P. O'Connell.pdf 4.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/2003 - Introduction to Biophotonics - Paras N. Prasad.pdf 8.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/2004 - Gale Encyclopedia of Biology (4 vols.) - ed. Richard Robinson.pdf 46.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/2006 - Bioluminescence, Chemical Principles And Methods - Osamu Shimomura.djvu 3.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/2006 - Essential Bioinformatics - Jin Xiong.djvu 4.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/2006 - Principles of Gene Manipulation and Genomics 7th ed. - S.B. Primrose, R.M. Twyman.pdf 5.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/2006 - The Bacteria ~ Their Origin, Structure, Function and Antibiosis - Arthur L. Koch.pdf 2.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/2007 - Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (26 vols.) - Wiley.pdf 669.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/2008 - An Introduction to Genetic Engineering 3rd ed. - Desmond S.T. Nicholl.pdf 6.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/2008 - Biological Thermodynamics 2nd ed. - Donald T. Haynie.pdf 3.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/2008 - Biology 8th ed. - N. Campbell, J. Reece, L. Urry, M. Cain, S. Wasserman, P. Minorsky, B. Jackson.pdf 224.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/2008 - Biophysical Chemistry - James P. Allen.pdf 22.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/2008 - Prescott, Harley, and Klein's Microbiology 7th ed. - J.M. Willey, L.M. Sherwood, C.J. Woolverton.pdf 79 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/2008 - The Senses, A Comprehensive Reference (6 vols.) - eds. Masland, Albright, Dallos, Oertel, Firestein, Beauchamp, Bushnell, Basbaum, Kaas, Gardner.pdf 148.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/2009 - Basic and Clinical Pharmacology 11th ed. - B.G. Katzung, S.B. Masters, A.J. Trevor.pdf 52.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/2009 - Plant Cell Biology, From Astronomy to Zoology - Randy O. Wayne.pdf 37.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/2009 - Principles of Anatomy and Physiology 12th ed. - G.J. Tortora, B.H. Derrickson.pdf 100.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/2010 - Biochemistry 4th ed. - R.H. Garrett, C.M. Grisham.pdf 45.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/2010 - Chiral Recognition in the Gas Phase - ed. Anne Zehnacker.pdf 4.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/2010 - Handbook of Epigenetics, The New Molecular and Medical Genetics - ed. Trygve Tollefsbol.pdf 24.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/2010 - Microbiology, An Introduction 10th ed. - G.J. Tortora, B.R. Funke, C.L. Case.pdf 250.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/2011 - Concepts of Genetics - Robert J. Brooker.pdf 90.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/2011 - Fundamentals of Space Medicine 2nd ed. - Gilles Clément.pdf 11.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Chemistry, Biology, and Biotech/2011 - Stern's Introductory Plant Biology 12th ed. - J.E. Bidlack, S.H. Jansky.pdf 99.2 MB
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Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/__Construction Engineering/2006 - Construction Planning, Equipment, and Methods (7th ed.) - R.L. Peurifoy, C.J. Schexnayder, A. Shapira.pdf 47.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/__Construction Engineering/2006 - Steel Construction Manual (13th ed.) - AISC.pdf 119 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/__Construction Engineering/2007 - Steel Design (4th ed.) - William T. Segui.pdf 18.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/__Construction Engineering/2010 - Building Construction Handbook (8th ed.) - R. Chudley, R. Greeno.djvu 22.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/__Environmental Engineering/2009 - Living in the Environment ~ Principles, Connections, and Solutions (16th ed.) - G.T. Miller, S. Spoolman.pdf 35.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/__Environmental Engineering/2010 - Environanotechnology - M. Fan, C.P. Huang, A.E. Bland, Z. Wang, R. Slimane, I.G. Wright.pdf 11.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/__Environmental Engineering/2010 - Introduction to Environmental Engineering (3rd ed.) - P.A. Vesilind, S.M. Morgan, L.G. Heine.pdf 13.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/__General and History/1997 - The Complete Pyramids, Solving the Ancient Mysteries - Mark Lehner.pdf 109.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/__General and History/2000 - Engineering the City, How Infrastructure Works - M. Levy, R. Panchyk.pdf 2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/__General and History/2000 - Machu Picchu, A Civil Engineering Marvel - K.R. Wright, A.V. Zegarra.url 163 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/__General and History/2001 - Encyclopedia of Architectural and Engineering Feats - D. Langmead, C. Garnaut.epub 5.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/__General and History/2005 - The Works, Anatomy of a City - Kate Ascher.pdf 26.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/__General and History/2009 - The Secret of the Great Pyramid - B. Brier, J.-P. Houdin.pdf 4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/__General and History/2010 - Crossing the Hudson, Historic Bridges and Tunnels of the River - Donald E. Wolf.pdf 2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/__General and History/2010 - Map of a Nation, A Biography of the Ordnance Survey - Rachel Hewitt.epub 3.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/__Geotechnical Engineering/1981 - Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering - R.D. Holtz, W.D. Kovacs.djvu 17 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/__Geotechnical Engineering/1996 - Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering - Steven L. Kramer.djvu 18 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/__Geotechnical Engineering/2008 - Acoustic Emission and Critical Phenomena, From Structural Mechanics to Geophysics - eds. A. Carpinteri, G. Lacidogna.pdf 33.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/__Structural Engineering/1996 - Elements of the Theory of Structures - Jacques Heyman.pdf 3.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/__Structural Engineering/2004 - Structural Dynamics, Theory and Computation (5th ed.) - M. Paz, W. Leigh.pdf 21.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/__Structural Engineering/2005 - Handbook of Structural Engineering (2nd ed.) - eds. W.F. Chen, E.M. Lui.pdf 24.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/__Structural Engineering/2010 - Structural Analysis (9th ed.)- R.C. Hibbeler.pdf 38.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/__Structural Engineering/2011 - Understanding Structural Engineering, From Theory to Practice - W.F. Chen, S.E.D.E. El-Metwally.pdf 7.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/__Surveying and Geomatics/2007 - Archaeological Surveying and Mapping, Recording and Depicting the Landscape - Philip Howard.pdf 5.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/__Surveying and Geomatics/2007 - Engineering Surveying (6th ed.) - W. Schofield, M. Breach.pdf 61.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/__Surveying and Geomatics/2012 - Elementary Surveying, An Introduction to Geomatics (13th ed.) - C.D. Ghilani, P.R. Wolf.pdf 49.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/__Water Resources and Technology Engineering/2004 - Water Treatment, Principles and Design - MWH.url 163 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/__Water Resources and Technology Engineering/2006 - Introduction to Potable Water, Treatment Processes - S. Parsons, B. Jefferson.pdf 2.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/__Water Resources and Technology Engineering/2008 - Irrigation and Water Resources Engineering - G.L. Asawa.pdf 6.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/__Water Resources and Technology Engineering/2010 - Ancient Water Technologies - ed. Larry W. Mays.pdf 11.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/2001 - Foundation Design, Principles and Practices (2nd ed.) - Donald P. Coduto.pdf 37.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/2003 - Transportation Systems Planning, Methods and Applications - Konstadinos G. Goulias.pdf 9.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/2004 - Coastal Engineering ~ Processes, Theory and Design Practice - D. Reeve, A. Chadwick, C. Fleming.pdf 5.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/2007 - Design of Wood Structures ASD-LRFD (6th ed.) - D.E. Breyer, K.J. Fridley, K.E. Cobeen, D.G. Pollock Jr.pdf 21.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/2008 - Applied Statistics for Civil and Environmental Engineers (2nd ed.) - N.T. Kottegoda, R. Rosso.pdf 7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/2008 - Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering - A.S. Elnashai, L.D. Sarno.pdf 12.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/2009 - A Textbook of Agronomy - B. Chandrasekaran, K. Annadurai, E. Somasundaram.pdf 6.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/2009 - Engineering Fluid Mechanics (9th ed.) - C.T. Crowe, D.F. Elger, B.C. Williams, J.A. Robertson.pdf 49.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/2009 - Engineering Mechanics Statics (12th ed.) - Russell C. Hibbeler.pdf 61 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/2009 - Engineering Mechanics Statics (12th ed.) Solutions - Russell C. Hibbeler.pdf 107.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/2010 - Basic Civil Engineering - S.S. Bhavikatti.pdf 3.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/2010 - Civil Engineering Formulas (2nd ed.) - Tyler G. Hicks.pdf 6.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/2010 - Methods and Techniques in Urban Engineering - eds. A.C. de Pina Filho, A.C. de Pina.pdf 11.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Civil Engineering and Agronomy/_README_.txt 17 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Algorithms/1993 - Algorithms and Data Structures, With Applications to Graphics and Geometry - J. Nievergelt, K.H. Hinrichs.pdf 14.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Algorithms/2003 - Algorithms for Memory Hierarchies, Advanced Lectures - U. Meyer, P. Sanders, J. Sibeyn.pdf 3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Algorithms/2008 - Algorithms in a Nutshell - G. Heineman, G. Pollice, S. Selkow.pdf 12.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Algorithms/2008 - Encyclopedia of Algorithms - ed. Ming-Yang Kao.pdf 54.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Algorithms/2009 - Introduction to Algorithms 3rd ed. - T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein.pdf 4.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Algorithms/2010 - Hashing in Computer Science, Fifty Years of Slicing and Dicing - Alan G. Konheim.pdf 4.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/Image Analysis and Recognition/2004 - 1st ICIAR Proceedings, Part 1 ~ Porto, Portugal - eds. A. Campilho, M. Kamel.pdf 39.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/Image Analysis and Recognition/2004 - 1st ICIAR Proceedings, Part 2 ~ Porto, Portugal - eds. A. Campilho, M. Kamel.pdf 37.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/Image Analysis and Recognition/2005 - 2nd ICIAR Proceedings ~ Toronto, Canada - eds. M. Kamel, A. Campilho.pdf 56.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/Image Analysis and Recognition/2006 - 3rd ICIAR Proceedings, Part 2 ~ Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal - eds. A. Campilho, M. Kamel.pdf 43.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/Image Analysis and Recognition/2007 - 4th ICIAR Proceedings ~ Montreal, Canada - eds. M. Kamel, A. Campilho.pdf 35.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/Image Analysis and Recognition/2008 - 5th ICIAR Proceedings ~ Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal - eds. A. Campilho, M. Kamel.pdf 52.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/Image Analysis and Recognition/2009 - 6th ICIAR Proceedings ~ Halifax, Canada - eds. M. Kamel, A. Campilho.pdf 40.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/Image Analysis and Recognition/2010 - 7th ICIAR Proceedings, Part 1 ~ Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal - eds. A. Campilho, M. Kamel.pdf 13.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/Image Analysis and Recognition/2010 - 7th ICIAR Proceedings, Part 2 ~ Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal - eds. A. Campilho, M. Kamel.pdf 17.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/Image Analysis and Recognition/2011 - 8th ICIAR Proceedings, Part 1 ~ Burnaby, BC Canada - eds. M. Kamel, A. Campilho.pdf 17.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/Image Analysis and Recognition/2011 - 8th ICIAR Proceedings, Part 2 ~ Burnaby, BC Canada - eds. M. Kamel, A. Campilho.pdf 17.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/__Computer Vision/Asian Conference on Computer Vision/2010 - 10th ACCV Proceedings, Part 1 - eds. R. Kimmel, R. Klette, A. Sugimoto.pdf 19.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/__Computer Vision/Asian Conference on Computer Vision/2010 - 10th ACCV Proceedings, Part 2 - eds. R. Kimmel, R. Klette, A. Sugimoto.pdf 29.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/__Computer Vision/Asian Conference on Computer Vision/2010 - 10th ACCV Proceedings, Part 4 - eds. R. Kimmel, R. Klette, A. Sugimoto.pdf 30.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/__Computer Vision/Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications/V 1, 1999, Sensors and Imaging - ed. B. Jahne.pdf 15 MB
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Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/__Computer Vision/2000 - Computer Vision and Applications, Concise Edition - ed. B. Jahne.pdf 34.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/__Computer Vision/2005 - Handbook of Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision 3rd ed. - C.H. Chen, P.S.P. Wang.pdf 22.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/__Computer Vision/2005 - Machine Vision ~ Theory, Algorithms, Practicalities 3rd ed. - E.R. Davies.djvu 7.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/__Computer Vision/2006 - Vision with Direction, A Systematic Introduction to Image Processing and Computer Vision - Josef Bigun.pdf 7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/__Computer Vision/2009 - An Introduction to 3D Computer Vision Techniques and Algorithms - B. Cyganek, J. Paul Siebert.pdf 13.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/__Computer Vision/2010 - Computer Vision, Detection, Recognition, and Reconstruction - eds. R. Cipolla, S. Battiato, G.M. Farinella.pdf 18.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/__Computer Vision/2011 - Computer Vision and Action Recognition - Atiquir Rahman Ahadpdf.pdf 11 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/__Computer Vision/2011 - Computer Vision, From Surfaces to 3D Objects - ed. C.W.Tyler.pdf 5.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/__DirectX/2003 - Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0 - Frank D. Luna.pdf 6.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/__DirectX/2006 - Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0c, A Shader Approach - Frank D. Luna.chm 6.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/__DirectX/2008 - Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 10 - Frank D. Luna.pdf 25.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/__Image Processing/2002 - Digital Image Processing, 2nd ed. - R.C. Gonzalez, R.E. Woods.djvu 27.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/__Image Processing/2008 - Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision, 3rd ed. - M. Sonka, V. Hlavac, R. Boyle.pdf 28 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/__Image Processing/2009 - Discrete Fourier Analysis and Wavelets, Applications to Signal and Image Processing - S.A. Broughton, K. Bryan.pdf 6.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/__Image Processing/2010 - Sparse and Redundant Representations, From Theory to Applications in Signal and Image Processing - M. Elad.pdf 20.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/__Image Processing/2011 - The Image Processing Handbook, 6th ed. - John C. Russ.pdf 45.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/__OpenGL/2005 - Advanced Graphics Programming Using OpenGL - T. McReynolds, D. Blythe.pdf 5.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/__OpenGL/2005 - Principles of Computer Graphics, Theory and Practice Using OpenGL and Maya - S. Govil-Pai.pdf 21.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/__OpenGL/2010 - OpenGL Programming Guide (Red book), The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL Versions 3.0 and 3.1 (7th ed.) - D. Shreiner.pdf 9.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/__OpenGL/2010 - OpenGL Shading Language (3rd ed.) - R. Rost, B. Licea-Kane.pdf 14.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/__OpenGL/2011 - OpenGL SuperBible (Blue book), Comprehensive Tutorial and Reference (5th ed.) - R. Wright, N. Haemel, G. Sellers, B. Lipchak.pdf 20 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/1994 - Computational Geometry in C - Joseph O'Rourke.djvu 4.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/1995 - Computational Geometry and Computer Graphics in C++ - Michael J. Laszlo.pdf 11.4 MB
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Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/1995 - Radiosity and Realistic Image Synthesis - M.F. Cohen, J.R. Wallace.pdf 5.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/2000 - 3D Game Engine Design (1st ed.) - David H. Eberly.pdf 73.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/2002 - Computer Animation, Algorithms and Techniques - Richard Parent.pdf 4.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/2003 - Digital Video and HDTV Algorithms and Interfaces - Charles Poynton.pdf 4.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/2003 - Pyramid Algorithms, A Dynamic Programming Approach to Curves and Surfaces for Geometric Modeling - Ron Goldman.pdf 22.1 MB
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Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/2004 - Handbook of Discrete and Computational Geometry (2nd ed.) - eds. J.E. Goodman, J. O'Rourke.pdf 29.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/2006 - Curves and Surfaces for Computer Graphics - David Salomon.pdf 3.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/2007 - Geometric Algebra, for Computer Science , An Object Oriented Approach to Geometry - L. Dorst, D. Fontijne, S. Mann.pdf 5.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/2008 - Computational Geometry Algorithms and Applications (3rd ed.) - M. de Berg, O. Cheong, M. van Kreveld, M. Overmars.pdf 2.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/2008 - Mathematics of Shape Description, A Morphological Approach to Image Processing and Computer Graphics - P.K. Ghosh, K. Deguchi.pdf 2.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/2008 - Real World Video Compression - Andy Beach.pdf 12.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Computer Graphics, Vision, and Image Analysis/2010 - Mobile 3D Graphics SoC, From Algorithm to Chip - J. Woo, J. Sohn, B. Nam, H. Yoo.pdf 6.2 MB
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Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Data Storage, Interchange, and Transforms/__Compression/1996 - The Data Compression Book - Christopher M. Bishop.chm 2.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Data Storage, Interchange, and Transforms/__Compression/2008 - A Concise Introduction to Data Compression - David Salomon.pdf 2.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Data Storage, Interchange, and Transforms/__File Formats/1999 - Compressed Image File Formats ~ JPEG, PNG, GIF, XBM, BMP - John Miano.pdf 3.1 MB
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Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Data Storage, Interchange, and Transforms/__File Formats/2002 - JPEG2000 Image Compression Fundamentals, Standards and Practice - D.S. Taubman, M.W Marcellin.pdf 80.8 MB
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Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Data Storage, Interchange, and Transforms/__File Systems/1999 - Practical File System Design, with the Be File System - Dominic Giampaolo.pdf 1.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Data Storage, Interchange, and Transforms/__File Systems/2003 - Implementing CIFS, The Common Internet File System - Christopher Hertel.chm 2 MB
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Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Data Storage, Interchange, and Transforms/__NoSQL/2010 - CouchDB, The Definitive Guide - J. Chris Anderson.pdf 3.6 MB
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Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Data Storage, Interchange, and Transforms/__T-SQL and RDBMS/__RDBMS/2004 - Mastering Oracle SQL - A. Beaulieu, S. Mishra.chm 712 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Data Storage, Interchange, and Transforms/__T-SQL and RDBMS/__RDBMS/2005 - Beginning Databases with PostgreSQL, From Novice to Professional (2nd ed.) - N. Matthews, R. Stones.pdf 18.4 MB
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Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Data Storage, Interchange, and Transforms/__T-SQL and RDBMS/__RDBMS/2010 - Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Unleashed - R. Rankins, P. Bertucci, C. Gallelli, A.T. Silverstein.pdf 47.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Data Storage, Interchange, and Transforms/__T-SQL and RDBMS/2005 - Database Design for Mere Mortals, A Hands On Guide to Relational Database Design (2nd ed.) - Michael Hernandez.djvu 5.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Data Storage, Interchange, and Transforms/__T-SQL and RDBMS/2005 - Database Systems ~ A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation and Management (4th ed.) - T.M. Connolly, C.E. Begg.pdf 51.7 MB
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Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Debugging, Profiling, and Optimization/2002 - Debugging, The 9 Indispensable Rules for Finding Even the Most Elusive Hardware and Software Problem - David J. Agans.pdf 2.1 MB
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Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Data Centers and NOCs/2006 - Administering Data Centers ~ Servers, Storage, and Voice Over IP - Kailash Jayaswal.pdf 12 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Data Centers and NOCs/2010 - Network Mergers and Migrations - G.G. Herrero, J.A. Bernal van der Ven.pdf 3.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Data Centers and NOCs/2011 - Data Center Storage ~ Cost-Effective Strategies, Implementation, and Management - Hubbert Smith.pdf 6.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Networking and Services/2003 - LDAP System Administration - Gerald Carter.pdf 6.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Networking and Services/2004 - End-to-End QoS Network Design, Quality of Service in LANs, WANs, and VPNs - Tim Szigeti.chm 13.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Networking and Services/2004 - Pro Apache (3rd ed.) - Peter Wainwright.pdf 4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Networking and Services/2005 - Asterisk, The Future of Telephony - Jim Van Meggelen.chm 1.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Networking and Services/2006 - DNS and BIND (5th ed.) - C. Liu, P. Albitz.chm 2.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Networking and Services/2007 - Linux Firewalls, Attack Detection and Response with iptables, psad, and fwsnort - Michael Rash.pdf 2.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Networking and Services/2007 - Sendmail (4th ed.) - B. Costales, G. Jansen, C. Aßmann, G.N. Shapiro.pdf 7.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Networking and Services/2009 - Apache Security - Ivan 1.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Nix Variants and Distributions/2006 - Gentoo Linux x86 Handbook - S. Vermeulen, R. Marples, D. Robbins, C. Houser.pdf 440 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Nix Variants and Distributions/2007 - Absolute FreeBSD, The Complete Guide to FreeBSD (2nd ed.) - Michael W. Lucas.pdf 7.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Nix Variants and Distributions/2009 - Linux in a Nutshell (6th ed.) - E. Siever, S. Figgins, R. Love, A. Robbins.pdf 8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Nix Variants and Distributions/2009 - Pro OpenSolaris - H. Foxwell, C. Tran.pdf 15.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Nix Variants and Distributions/2011 - The Official Ubuntu Book (6th ed.) - B.M. Hill, M. Helmke, A. Graner, C. Burger.pdf 9.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Nix Variants and Distributions/_Linux Distributions.url 155 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Nix Variants and Distributions/_Nix Distributions (BSD, Linux, etc).url 156 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Nix Variants and Distributions/_Package Management.url 145 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Scripting/2004 - Microsoft Windows Command-Line - William R. Stanek.chm 1.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Scripting/2005 - Classic Shell Scripting - A. Robbins, N.H.F. Beebe.pdf 7.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Scripting/2005 - Shell Scripting Recipes, A Problem-Solution Approach - Chris F.A. Johnson.pdf 1.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Scripting/2008 - Python for Unix and Linux System Administration - N. Gift, J. Jones.pdf 3.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Scripting/2009 - Pro Bash Programming - Chris F.A. Johnson.pdf 5.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Scripting/2010 - Pro Python System Administration - Rytis Sileika.pdf 3.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Scripting/2010 - Windows PowerShell Cookbook (2nd ed.) - Lee Holmes.pdf 5.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__Development and Programming/Online Services/GitHub.url 109 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__Development and Programming/Online Services/Google Code.url 112 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__Development and Programming/Online Services/SourceForge.url 112 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__Development and Programming/Windows/_MSDN.url 121 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__Development and Programming/Windows/API Monitor.url 122 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__Development and Programming/Windows/Inno Setup.url 125 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__Development and Programming/Windows/PREFast.url 170 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__Development and Programming/Windows/Reflector.url 114 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__Development and Programming/Windows/VisualAssist.url 116 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__Development and Programming/Windows/VTune.url 145 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__Development and Programming/Windows/WinDbg.url 151 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__Development and Programming/Bugzilla.url 113 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__Development and Programming/Deja Insight.url 125 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__Development and Programming/Doxygen.url 126 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__Development and Programming/Rational PurifyPlus.url 157 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__Development and Programming/Wireshark.url 114 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__General Purpose/Nix/Htop and Atop.url 190 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__General Purpose/Nix/IPTraf.url 112 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__General Purpose/Nix/Monitoring Applications.url 168 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__General Purpose/Windows/7zip.url 110 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__General Purpose/Windows/CCleaner.url 121 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__General Purpose/Windows/Directory Opus.url 114 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__General Purpose/Windows/DupScout.url 123 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__General Purpose/Windows/Locate32 (useful with vim).url 115 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__General Purpose/Windows/Process Explorer.url 150 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__General Purpose/Windows/Process Monitor.url 150 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__General Purpose/Windows/Sandboxie.url 114 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__General Purpose/Windows/TCPView.url 150 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__General Purpose/Windows/Unlocker.url 123 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__General Purpose/Windows/ViceVersa.url 110 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__General Purpose/Windows/Windows 2k Resource Kit.url 127 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__General Purpose/Beyond Compare.url 120 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__General Purpose/Putty (or try SecureCRT).url 139 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__General Purpose/Vim.url 120 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/__General Purpose/WinDirStat.url 112 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/2003 - Mac OS X Power Tools - Dan Frakes.pdf 5.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/2003 - Unix Power Tools 3rd ed. - S. Powers, J. Peek, T. O'Reilly, M. Loukides.pdf 11.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/2006 - Windows Developer Power Tools - J. Avery, J. Holmes.chm 22.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/2007 - Security Power Tools - B. Burns, D. Killion, N. Beauchesne, E. Moret, J. Sobrier, M. Lynn, E. Marksha.pdf 12.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/2008 - Netcat Power Tools - Jan Kanclirz.pdf 10.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/2008 - X Power Tools - Chris Tyler.pdf 2.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/2009 - grep Pocket Reference - J. Bambenek, A. Klus.pdf 639 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/_General Reference.url 105 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/_Linux Command Reference.url 125 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/_OS X Manual Pages.url 179 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/__Tools and Utilities/_Windows Command Line Reference.url 188 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/1998 - Learning the UNIX Operating System (4th ed.) - G. Todino, J. Strang, J. Peek.chm 300 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/2002 - Network Intrusion Detection (3rd ed.) - S. Northcutt, J. Novak.pdf 2.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/2002 - Unix Unleashed (4th ed.) - A. Johnston, R. Anderson.pdf 3.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/2003 - Managing RAID on Linux - Derek Vadala.pdf 2.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/2004 - Storage Networks - Daniel J. Worden.chm 3.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/2005 - The Linux Enterprise Cluster - Karl Kopper.chm 3.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/2005 - Virtualization, From the Desktop to the Enterprise - C. Wolf, E.M. Halter.pdf 10.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/2008 - Mac OS X for Unix Geeks (4th ed.) - E.E. Rothman, B. Jepson, R. Rosen.pdf 12.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/2009 - Essential System Administration (3rd ed.) - Æleen Frisch.epub 3.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/2009 - Mac OS X Snow Leopard, The Missing Manual - D. Pogue.pdf 12.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/2009 - Windows Internals, Including Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista (5th ed.) - M. Russinovich, D.A. Solomon.pdf 18.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/2010 - IT Architecture for Dummies - K.K. Hausman, S.L. Cook.pdf 6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/2010 - Microsoft Windows 7 Your Way, Speed Up and Customize Windows - Michael Miller.pdf 22.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/2010 - UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook (4th ed.) - E. Nemeth, G. Snyder, T.R. Hein, B. Whaley.pdf 16.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__IT Topics/2011 - Upgrading and Repairing PCs 20th ed. - Scott Mueller.pdf 25.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__C-style Languages/1988 - The C Programming Language (2nd ed.) - B.W. Kernighan, D.M. Ritchie.pdf 21.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__C-style Languages/1997 - The C++ Programming Language (3rd ed.) - Bjarne Stroustrup.pdf 3.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__C-style Languages/2001 - Modern C++, Design Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied - Andrei Alexandrescu.pdf 1.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__C-style Languages/2002 - C++ Templates, The Complete Guide - D. Vandevoorde, N.M. Josuttis.chm 737 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__C-style Languages/2004 - Exceptional C++ Style - Herb Sutter.chm 551 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__C-style Languages/2005 - C++ Primer (4th ed.) - S.B. Lippman, J. Lajoie, B.E. Moo.chm 1.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__C-style Languages/2005 - Effective C++ (3rd ed.) - Scott Meyers.chm 656 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__C-style Languages/2006 - Beginning C, From Novice to Professional (4th ed.) - Ivor Horton.pdf 8.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__C-style Languages/2008 - Beginning Visual C++ - Ivor Horton.pdf 16.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__C-style Languages/2010 - Pro C# 2010 and the .NET 4 Platform (5th ed.) - Andrew Troelsen.pdf 11.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__C-style Languages/2011 - API Design for C++ - Martin Reddy.pdf 6.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__C-style Languages/2011 - C# in Depth (2nd ed.) - Jon Skeet.pdf 8.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__C-style Languages/2011 - C++ Concurrency in Action, Practical Multithreading - Anthony Williams.pdf 1.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__C-style Languages/2011 - Programming in Objective-C 2.0 (3rd ed.) - Stephen G. Kochan.pdf 5.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Java/Core Java, 8th ed/V 1, 2007, Fundamentals - C.S. Horstmann, G. Cornell.pdf 18.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Java/Core Java, 8th ed/V 2, 2008, Advanced Features - C.S. Horstmann, G. Cornell.pdf 13.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Java/2005 - Beginning J2ME From Novice to Professional 3rd ed. - J. Knudsen, S. Li.pdf 4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Java/2005 - The Java Programming Language 4th ed. - K. Arnold, J. Gosling, D. Holmes.pdf 7.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Java/2006 - Java Concurrency in Practice - B. Goetz, T. Peierls, J. Bloch, J. Bowbeer, D. Holmes, D. Lea.pdf 3.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Java/2006 - Java The Complete Reference 7th ed. - Herbert Schildt.pdf 6.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Java/2006 - Thinking in Java 4th ed. - Bruce Eckel.pdf 6.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Java/2007 - Java Generics and Collections - M. Naftalin, P. Wadler.pdf 2.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Java/2008 - Effective Java 2nd ed. - Joshua Bloch.pdf 2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Java/2008 - Practical API Design, Confessions of a Java Framework Architect - Jaroslav Tulach.pdf 2.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2000 - Python Programming on Win32 - M. Hammond, A. Robinson.chm 4.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2002 - Python and XML - C.A. Jones, F.L. Drake Jr.djvu 2.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2002 - Python Programming with the Java Class Libraries, A Tutorial for Building Web and Enterprise Applications with Jython - Richard Hightower.chm 1.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2002 - Python Programming, An Introduction to Computer Science - John M. Zelle.pdf 1.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2003 - Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner - Michael Dawson.chm 5.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2003 - Text Processing in Python - David Mertz.epub 582 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2004 - Dive Into Python - Mark Pilgrim.pdf 1.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2006 - OReilly Python in a Nutshell (2nd ed.) - Alex Martelli.pdf 13 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2007 - Beginning Game Development with Python and Pygame, From Novice to Professional - Will McGugan.pdf 5.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2007 - Core Python Programming (2nd ed.) - Wesley J. Chun.pdf 15.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2008 - Python Scripting for Computational Science (3rd ed.) - Hans Petter Langtangen.pdf 6.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2008 - Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt - Mark Summerfield.pdf 7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2009 - A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python - Hans Petter Langtangen.pdf 6.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2009 - Beginning Python Visualization, Crafting Visual Transformation Scripts - Shai Vaingast.pdf 2.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2009 - Gray Hat Python, Python Programming for Hackers and Reverse Engineers - Justin Seitz.pdf 3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2009 - Learning Python (4th ed.) - Mark Lutz.pdf 15.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2009 - Matplotlib for Python Developers - Sandro Tosi.pdf 10.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2009 - Python, Essential Reference (4th ed.) - David Beazley.pdf 4.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2010 - A Complete Introduction to the Python Language, Programming in Python 3 (2nd ed.) - Mark Summerfield.pdf 2.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2010 - Foundations of Python Network Programming (2nd ed.) - B. Rhodes, J. Goerzen.pdf 3.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2010 - Python Algorithms, Mastering Basic Algorithms in the Python Language - Magnus Lie Hetland.pdf 3.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2010 - Python Geospatial Development - Erik Westra.pdf 24.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2010 - Python Pocket Reference (4th ed.) - Mark Lutz.pdf 2.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2010 - Python Text Processing with NLTK 2.0 Cookbook - Jacob Perkins.pdf 18 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2010 - The Quick Python Book (2nd ed.) - Vernon L. Ceder.pdf 4.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2011 - Head First Python - Paul Barry.pdf 28.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2011 - MongoDB and Python - Niall O'Higgins.pdf 4.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2011 - Programming Python (4th ed.) - Mark Lutz.pdf 25.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2011 - Python Programming Fundamentals - Kent D. Lee.pdf 4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2012 - Core Python Applications Programming (3rd ed.) - Wesley J. Chun.pdf 9.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/__Python/2012 - Programming Computer Vision with Python - Jan Erik Solem.pdf 69.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/2000 - Programming Perl 3rd ed. - L. Wall, T. Christiansen, J. Orwant.pdf 5.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/2005 - Practical Common Lisp - Peter Seibel.pdf 9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/2005 - Professional Assembly Language (Programmer to Programmer) - Richard Blum.pdf 6.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/2006 - Programming in Lua 2nd ed. - Roberto Ierusalimschy.pdf 2.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/2007 - AutoIt v3, Your Quick Guide - Andy Flesner.pdf 441 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/2009 - Beginning Ruby, From Novice to Professional 2nd ed. - Peter Cooper.pdf 13.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Languages/2009 - Principles of Programming Languages - Gilles Dowek.pdf 13.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Mobile Platforms/__Android/2011 - Android Apps for Absolute Beginners - Wallace Jackson.pdf 18.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Mobile Platforms/__Android/2011 - Beginning Android, Application Development - Wei-Meng Lee.pdf 15.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Mobile Platforms/__Android/2011 - Pro Android 3 - S. Komatineni, D. MacLean, S. Hashimi.pdf 24.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Mobile Platforms/__Android/2011 - Pro Android Scripting with SL4A ~ Writing Android Native Apps Using Python, Lua, and Beanshell - Paul Ferrill.pdf 5.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Mobile Platforms/__Android/2011 - Pro Android Web Apps ~ Develop for Android using HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript - D. Oehlman, S. Blanc.pdf 13.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Mobile Platforms/__Android/2012 - Professional Android Sensor Programming - G. Milette, A. Stroud.pdf 14.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Mobile Platforms/__BlackBerry/2009 - Advanced BlackBerry Development - Chris King.pdf 6.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Mobile Platforms/__BlackBerry/2009 - Beginning BlackBerry Development - Anthony Rizk.pdf 8.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Mobile Platforms/__iPhone/2010 - iPhone Programming, The Big Nerd Ranch Guide - J. Conway, A. Hillegass.pdf 17 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Mobile Platforms/__iPhone/2011 - Basic Sensors in IOS ~ Programming the Accelerometer, Gyroscope, and Magnetometer - Alasdair Allan.pdf 11.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Mobile Platforms/__iPhone/2011 - Beginning iPhone 4 Development, Exploring the iOS SDK - D. Mark, J. LaMarche, J. Nutting.pdf 32.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Mobile Platforms/__iPhone/2011 - Cocos2d for iPhone Game Development Cookbook - Nathan Burba.pdf 3.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Mobile Platforms/__iPhone/2011 - Graphics and Animation on iOS, A Beginner's Guide to Core Graphics and Core Animation - Vandad Nahavandipoor.pdf 7.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Mobile Platforms/__iPhone/2011 - iOS 4 Programming Cookbook - Vandad Nahavandipoor.pdf 5.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Mobile Platforms/__iPhone/2011 - iOS Sensor Apps with Arduino - Alasdair Allan.epub 7.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Mobile Platforms/__iPhone/2011 - Pro iOS 5 Augmented Reality - Kyle Roche.pdf 36.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Mobile Platforms/__Palm/2005 - Professional Palm OS Programming - L.R. Foster, G. Bachmann.pdf 13.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Mobile Platforms/__Palm/2009 - Practical Palm Pre, WebOS Projects - Frank Zammetti.pdf 5.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Mobile Platforms/__Windows Mobile/2007 - Microsoft Mobile Development Handbook - A. Wigley, D. Moth, P. Foot.chm 19.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Mobile Platforms/__Windows Mobile/2011 - 101 Windows Phone 7 Apps, Volume I, Developing Apps 1-50 - Adam Nathan.pdf 8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Mobile Platforms/__Windows Mobile/2011 - Beginning Windows Phone 7 Development 2nd ed. - H. Lee, E. Chuvyrov.pdf 23.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Mobile Platforms/__Windows Mobile/2011 - Pro Windows Phone 7 Development 2nd ed. - Rob Cameron.pdf 16.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Mobile Platforms/2006 - Pro Java ME MMAPI, Mobile Media API for Java Micro Edition - Vikram Goyal.pdf 2.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Mobile Platforms/2007 - Mobile Computing ~ Technology, Applications, and Service Creation - A.K. Talukder, R.R. Yavagal.pdf 66.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Mobile Platforms/2009 - Beginning Smartphone Web Development - G.R. Frederick. R. Lal.pdf 8.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Mobile Platforms/_Also see Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering - Microcontrollers and Microprocessors.txt 0 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Networking/C++ Network Programming (with ACE)/V 1, 2001, Mastering Complexity with ACE and Patterns - D.C. Schmidt, S.D. Huston.pdf 5.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Networking/C++ Network Programming (with ACE)/V 2, 2002, Systematic Reuse with ACE and Frameworks - Douglas C. Schmidt.chm 2.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Networking/TCP-IP Illustrated/V 1, 1993, The Protocols - W. Richard Stevens.chm 8.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Networking/TCP-IP Illustrated/V 2, 1995, The Implementation - G.R. Wright, W.R. Stevens.chm 27.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Networking/TCP-IP Illustrated/V 3, 1996, TCP for Transactions, HTTP, NNTP, and the UNIX Domain Protocols - W. Richard Stevens.djvu 3.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Networking/Unix Network Programming/V 1, 2003, The Sockets Networking API 3rd ed - W. Richard Stevens, B. Fenner, A.M. Rudoff.chm 5.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Networking/Unix Network Programming/V 2, 1999, Interprocess Communication 2nd ed. - W. Richard Stevens.djvu 5.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Networking/1999 - Interconnections ~ Bridges, Routers, Switches, and Internetworking Protocols 2nd ed - Radia Perlman.pdf 3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Networking/2000 - Internetworking with TCP-IP, V 1, Principles, Protocols and Architecture 4th ed. - Douglas Comer.pdf 37 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Networking/2000 - Internetworking with TCP-IP, V 3, Client-Server Programming and Applications, Linux Posix Sockets Version - Douglas Comer.pdf 13.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Networking/2001 - Multimedia Communications, Directions and Innovations - ed. Jerry D. Gibson.pdf 42.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Networking/2003 - Interconnection Networks, An Engineering Approach - J. Duato, S. Yalamanchili, L. Ni.pdf 5.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Networking/2003 - Network Analysis Architecture & Design 2nd ed. - James D. McCabe.chm 14.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Networking/2003 - The ACE Programmer's Guide, Practical Design Patterns for Network and Systems Programming - S.D. Huston, J.C. Johnson, U. Syyid.chm 870 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Networking/2004 - Location-Based Services - J. Schiller, A. Voisard.pdf 5.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Networking/2005 - Twisted Network Programming Essentials - Abe Fettig.chm 1.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Networking/2006 - Ad-Hoc Networking Towards Seamless Communications - L. Gavrilovska, R. Prasad.pdf 2.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Networking/2008 - Wireless Networking - A. Kumar, D. Manjunath, J. Kuri.pdf 5.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Networking/2009 - P2P Networking and Applications - J. Buford, H. Yu, E.K. Lua.pdf 5.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Networking/2010 - Building Wireless Sensor Networks with ZigBee, XBee, Arduino, and Processing - Robert Faludi.epub 9.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Networking/2010 - Mobile Intelligence (Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing) - ed. Laurence T. Yang.pdf 6.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Networking/2010 - Networked Graphics, Building Networked Games and Virtual Environments - A. Steed, M.F. Oliveira.pdf 9.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Networking/2011 - Architecture of Network Systems - D. Serpanos, T. Wolf.pdf 2.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Networking/2011 - Intermittently Connected Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, from Routing to Content Distribution - A. Jamalipour, Y. Ma.pdf 1.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Parallel Processing, Concurrency, and Distributed Computing/1994 - Distributed Operating Systems - Andrew S. Tanenbaum.pdf 33.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Parallel Processing, Concurrency, and Distributed Computing/1997 - Multithreading Applications in Win32, The Complete Guide to Threads - J. Beveridge, R. Wiener.djvu 6.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Parallel Processing, Concurrency, and Distributed Computing/1997 - Programming with POSIX Threads - David R. Butenhof.djvu 9.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Parallel Processing, Concurrency, and Distributed Computing/2000 - Introduction to Distributed Algorithms (2nd ed.) - Gerard Tel.djvu 22.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Parallel Processing, Concurrency, and Distributed Computing/2004 - Grid and Cooperative Computing - eds. H. Jin. Y. Pan, N. Xioa, J. Sun.pdf 18.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Parallel Processing, Concurrency, and Distributed Computing/2005 - Distributed Computing, 19th Intl. Conference, Cracow, Poland - ed. Pierre Fraigniaud.pdf 6.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Parallel Processing, Concurrency, and Distributed Computing/2006 - Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing - M.A. Heroux, P. Raghavan, H.D. Simon.djvu 4.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Parallel Processing, Concurrency, and Distributed Computing/2006 - Principles of Concurrent and Distributed Programming (2nd ed.) - M. Ben-Ari.chm 2.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Parallel Processing, Concurrency, and Distributed Computing/2008 - The Art of Multiprocessor Programming - M. Herlihy, N. Shavit.pdf 7.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Parallel Processing, Concurrency, and Distributed Computing/2009 - Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, Part I, 8th Intl. Conference, Wroclaw, Poland - eds. R. Wyrzykowski, J. Dongarra, K. Karczewski, J. Wasniewski.pdf 11 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Parallel Processing, Concurrency, and Distributed Computing/2010 - Parallel Computing, From Multicores and GPU's to Petascale - eds. B. Chapman, F. Desprez, G.R. Joubert, A. Lichnewsky, F. Peters, T. Priol.pdf 23 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Parallel Processing, Concurrency, and Distributed Computing/2010 - Programming Massively Parallel Processors, A Hands-on Approach - D.B. Kirk, W.W. Hwu.pdf 4.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning/1992 - Genetic Programming, On the Programming of Computers by Means of Natural Selection - John R. Koza.djvu 10 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning/1995 - Artificial Intelligence, A Modern Approach 1st ed. - S. Russell, P. Norvig.djvu 11.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning/1995 - Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition - Christopher M. Bishop.pdf 53.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning/1997 - Machine Learning - Tom M. Mitchell.pdf 37 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning/1997 - Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing, A Computational Approach to Learning and Machine Intelligence - J.-S. R. Jang, C.-T. Sun, E. Mizutani.djvu 7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning/2001 - Learning and Soft Computing, Support Vector Machines, Neural Networks, and Fuzzy Logic Models - Vojislav Kecman.djvu 7.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning/2001 - Swarm Intelligence - R.C. Eberhart, Y. Shi, J. Kennedy.pdf 12.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning/2003 - Artificial Intelligence, A Modern Approach 2nd ed. - S. Russell, P. Norvig.pdf 36.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning/2004 - Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications 2nd ed. - Timothy J. Ross.pdf 5.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning/2005 - Fuzzy Expert Systems and Fuzzy Reasoning - W. Siler, J.J. Buckley.pdf 4.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning/2006 - Algorithms for Approximation - eds. A. Iske, J. Levesley.pdf 9.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning/2006 - Evolutionary Computation, A Unified Approach - Kenneth A. De Jong.pdf 1.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning/2006 - Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning - Christopher M. Bishop.pdf 9.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning/2007 - 12th CIARP Proceedings ~ Vina del Mar-Valparaiso, Chile - eds. L. Rueda, D. Mery, J. Kittler.pdf 34.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning/2007 - OReilly Programming Collective Intelligence - Toby Segaran.pdf 3.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning/2008 - Aggregation Functions, A Guide for Practitioners - G. Beliakov, A. Pradera, T. Calvo.pdf 8.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning/2009 - Collective Intelligence in Action - Satnam Alag.pdf 11.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning/2009 - Dataset Shift in Machine Learning - eds. J. Quinonero-Candela, M. Sugiyama, A. Schwaighofer, N.D. Lawrence.pdf 4.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning/2009 - Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence (3 vols.) - J.R.R. Dopico, J.D. de la Calle, A.P. Sierra.pdf 28.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning/2009 - Natural Language Processing with Python - S. Bird, E. Klein, E. Loper.pdf 5.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning/2009 - Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (10th European Conference, ECSQARU) - eds. C. Sossai, G. Chemello.pdf 13.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning/2009 - The Elements of Statistical Learning ~ Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction 2nd ed. - T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, J. Friedman.pdf 12.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning/2010 - Introduction to Evolutionary Computing - A.E. Eiben, J.E. Smith.djvu 4.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning/2010 - Introduction to Fuzzy Logic using MATLAB - S.N. Sivanandam, S. Sumathi, S.N. Deepa.pdf 17 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning/2011 - Artificial General Intelligence (Lecture Notes, 4th International Conference) - eds. J. Schmidhuber, K.R. Thorisson, M. Looks.pdf 5.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Real-time Interactive Simulation/2002 - 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development - F. Dunn, I. Parberry.pdf 18.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Real-time Interactive Simulation/2004 - 3D Game Engine Architecture, 1st ed. - David H. Eberly.pdf 3.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Real-time Interactive Simulation/2004 - Real-Time Collision Detection - Christer Ericson.pdf 3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Real-time Interactive Simulation/2006 - Visualizing Quaternions - Andrew J. Hanson.pdf 6.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Real-time Interactive Simulation/2007 - Data Structures and Algorithms for Game Developers - Allen Sherrod.pdf 6.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Real-time Interactive Simulation/2008 - Essential Mathematics for Games and Interactive Applications, 2nd ed. - J.M.V. Verth, L.M. Bishop.pdf 3.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Real-time Interactive Simulation/2009 - Artificial Intelligence for Games 2nd ed. - I. Millington, J. Funge.pdf 4.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Real-time Interactive Simulation/2009 - Real-Time Cameras - Mark Haigh-Hutchinson.pdf 2.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Real-time Interactive Simulation/2010 - Game Engine Gems, Vol 1. - Eric Lengyel.chm 9.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Real-time Interactive Simulation/2010 - Game Physics, 2nd ed. - David H. Eberly.pdf 15 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Real-time Interactive Simulation/2011 - 3D Graphics for Game Programming - JungHyun Han.pdf 30.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Real-time Interactive Simulation/2012 - Music For Geeks And Nerds - Pedro Kroger.pdf 1.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Real-time Interactive Simulation/2012 - The Nature of Code - Daniel Shiffman.pdf 21 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Real-time Interactive Simulation/2014 - Game Programming Algorithms and Techniques - Sanjay Madhav.url 181 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__SDKs, Libraries, and Toolchains/1997 - Programming With GNU Software - A. Oram, M. Loukides.djvu 3.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__SDKs, Libraries, and Toolchains/1998 - Programming Windows 5th ed. - Charles Petzold.chm 4.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__SDKs, Libraries, and Toolchains/1999 - Programming Windows With MFC 2nd ed. - Jeff Prosise.chm 4.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__SDKs, Libraries, and Toolchains/1999 - The C++ Standard Library, A Tutorial and Reference - Nicolai M. Josuttis.pdf 2.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__SDKs, Libraries, and Toolchains/2001 - Python Standard Library - Fredrik Lundh.pdf 1.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__SDKs, Libraries, and Toolchains/2005 - Ant, The Definitive Guide, 2nd ed. - Steve Holzner.chm 1.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__SDKs, Libraries, and Toolchains/2005 - Beyond the C++ Standard Library, An Introduction to Boost - Bjorn Karlsson.epub 445 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__SDKs, Libraries, and Toolchains/2008 - C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4, 2nd ed. - J. Blanchette, M. Summerfield.pdf 15.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__SDKs, Libraries, and Toolchains/2010 - Advanced Qt Programming, Creating Great Software with C++ and Qt 4 - Mark Summerfield.pdf 6.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__SDKs, Libraries, and Toolchains/2010 - Autotools ~ A Practioner's Guide to GNU Autoconf, Automake, and Libtool - John Calcote.pdf 18.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__SDKs, Libraries, and Toolchains/2010 - Inside the Microsoft Build Engine, Using MSBuild and Team Foundation Build 2nd ed. - S.I. Hashimi, W. Bartholomew.pdf 21.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__SDKs, Libraries, and Toolchains/2010 - The Linux Programming Interface, A Linux and UNIX System Programming Handbook - Michael Kerrisk.pdf 6.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__SDKs, Libraries, and Toolchains/2011 - Handbook of Open Source Tools - Sandeep Koranne.pdf 7.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Security, Protocols and Cryptography/1996 - Applied Cryptography, Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C (2nd ed.) - Bruce Schneier.pdf 2.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Security, Protocols and Cryptography/1999 - Security Ezines - ed. J. Scott.url 120 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Security, Protocols and Cryptography/2002 - Web Security, Privacy and Commerce (2nd ed.) - Simson Garfinkel.pdf 13.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Security, Protocols and Cryptography/2003 - Writing Secure Code (2nd ed.) - M. Howard, D. LeBlanc.pdf 32.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Security, Protocols and Cryptography/2006 - The Security Development Lifecycle - M. Howard, S. Lipner.chm 3.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Security, Protocols and Cryptography/2006 - Writing Security Tools and Exploits - J.C. Foster, V.T. Liu.pdf 5.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Security, Protocols and Cryptography/2007 - Metasploit Toolkit for Penetration Testing, Exploit Development, and Vulnerability Research - James Foster.pdf 4.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Security, Protocols and Cryptography/2008 - Digital Watermarking and Steganography (2nd ed.) - I.J. Cox, M.L. Miller, J.A. Bloom, J. Fridrich, T. Kalker.pdf 10 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Security, Protocols and Cryptography/2009 - Algorithmic Cryptanalysis - Antoine Joux.pdf 2.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Security, Protocols and Cryptography/2010 - Encryption for Digital Content (Advances in Information Security 52) - A. Kiayias, S. Pehlivanoglu.pdf 5.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Security, Protocols and Cryptography/2011 - The IDA Pro Book, The Unofficial Guide to the World's Most Popular Disassembler (2nd ed.) - Chris Eagle.pdf 6.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Software Release, Configuration Management, and Testing/1999 - Testing Computer Software (2nd ed.) - C. Kaner, J. Falk, H.Q. Nguyen.pdf 4.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Software Release, Configuration Management, and Testing/2002 - Software Configuration Management ~ Patterns Effective Teamwork, Practical Integration - S.P. Berczuk, B. Appleton.pdf 2.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Software Release, Configuration Management, and Testing/2004 - Version Control with Subversion - B. Collins-Sussman, B.W. Fitzpatrick, C.M. Pilato.chm 682 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Software Release, Configuration Management, and Testing/2005 - Practical Perforce - Laura Wingerd.chm 2.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Software Release, Configuration Management, and Testing/2007 - Continuous Integration, Improving Software Quality and Reducing Risk - P.M. Duvall, S. Matyas, A. Glover.pdf 4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Software Release, Configuration Management, and Testing/2009 - Mercurial, The Definitive Guide - Bryan O'Sullivan.pdf 2.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Software Release, Configuration Management, and Testing/2009 - Pro Git - Scott Chacon.pdf 3.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Software Release, Configuration Management, and Testing/2010 - Continuous Delivery ~ Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation - J. Humble, D. Farley.pdf 13.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Systems, Device Drivers, and Low Level Components/2002 - Fundamentals of Embedded Software, Where C and Assembly Meet - Daniel W. Lewis.djvu 2.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Systems, Device Drivers, and Low Level Components/2003 - Unix Systems Programming ~ Communication, Concurrency and Threads 2nd ed. - K.A. Robbins, S. Robbins.pdf 2.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Systems, Device Drivers, and Low Level Components/2005 - File System Forensic Analysis - Brian Carrier.chm 3.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Systems, Device Drivers, and Low Level Components/2005 - Linux Device Drivers 3rd ed. - Jonathan Corbet.pdf 12.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Systems, Device Drivers, and Low Level Components/2006 - Mac OS X Internals, A Systems Approach - Amit Singh.chm 23.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Systems, Device Drivers, and Low Level Components/2006 - Operating Systems Design and Implementation 3rd ed. - A.S. Tanenbaum, A.S. Woodhull.chm 6.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Systems, Device Drivers, and Low Level Components/2006 - Understanding the Linux Kernel 3rd ed. - D.P. Bovet, M. Cesati.pdf 4.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Systems, Device Drivers, and Low Level Components/2007 - Compilers ~ Principles, Techniques, and Tools 2nd ed. - A.V. Aho, M.S. Lam, R. Sethi, J.D. Ullman.pdf 48.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Systems, Device Drivers, and Low Level Components/2007 - Developing Drivers with the Windows Driver Foundation - P. Orwick, G. Smith.chm 6.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Systems, Device Drivers, and Low Level Components/2008 - Modern Operating Systems, International Version 3rd ed. - Andrew S. Tanenbaum.djvu 9.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Systems, Device Drivers, and Low Level Components/2010 - Demystifying Embedded Systems Middleware - Tammy Noergaard.pdf 16.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Systems, Device Drivers, and Low Level Components/2010 - Linux Kernel Development 3rd ed. - Robert Love.pdf 2.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Systems, Device Drivers, and Low Level Components/2010 - Windows System Programming 4th ed. - Johnson M. Hart.pdf 9.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Systems, Device Drivers, and Low Level Components/2011 - Embedded Linux Primer, A Practical Real-World Approach 2nd ed. - Christopher Hallinan.pdf 5.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Theory and Foundations of Computing/1958 - The Computer and the Brain - John von Neumann.djvu 810 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Theory and Foundations of Computing/1979 - Computers and Intractability, A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness - M.R. Garey, D.S. Johnson.djvu 2.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Theory and Foundations of Computing/1996 - Foundations for Programming Languages - John C. Mitchell.pdf 8.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Theory and Foundations of Computing/1997 - Foundations of Computing - Jozef Gruska.pdf 38.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Theory and Foundations of Computing/2000 - Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation 2nd ed. - J.E. Hopcroft, R.Motwani, J.D. Ullman.pdf 60.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Theory and Foundations of Computing/2004 - The Essential Turing, Seminal Writings in Computing, Logic, Philosophy, Artificial Intelligence, and Artificial Life - ed. B. Jack Copeland.pdf 5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Theory and Foundations of Computing/2006 - Introduction to the Theory of Computation 2nd ed. - Michael Sipser.pdf 20.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Theory and Foundations of Computing/2013 - On Computing ~ The Fourth Great Scientific Domain - Paul S. Rosenbloom.pdf 45.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/__Content Management Systems (CMS)/2009 - Using Drupal - A. Byron, A. Berry, N. Haug, J. Eaton, J. Walker, J. Robbins.pdf 25.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/__Content Management Systems (CMS)/2010 - Professional WordPress - H. Stern, D. Damstra, B. Williams.pdf 5.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/__Content Management Systems (CMS)/2011 - The Official Joomla Book - J. Marriott, E. Waring.pdf 12.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/__Content Management Systems (CMS)/_CMS Matrix.url 114 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/__HTML, XHTML, and CSS/2006 - CSS, The Definitive Guide 3rd ed. - Eric A. Meyer.chm 7.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/__HTML, XHTML, and CSS/2007 - Beginning HTML with CSS and XHTML Modern Guide and Reference - D. Schultz, C. Cook.pdf 9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/__HTML, XHTML, and CSS/2009 - CSS, The Missing Manual 2nd ed. - David McFarland.pdf 18.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/__HTML, XHTML, and CSS/2010 - HTML & CSS, The Good Parts - Ben Henick.pdf 3.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/__HTML, XHTML, and CSS/2010 - HTML & XHTML Pocket Reference - Jennifer Niederst Robbins.pdf 2.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/__HTML, XHTML, and CSS/2010 - HTML 5, Up and Running - Mark Pilgrim.pdf 5.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/__Javascript and JQuery/2002 - JavaScript Pocket Reference 2nd ed. - David Flangan.chm 102 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/__Javascript and JQuery/2007 - Practical JavaScript, DOM Scripting and Ajax Projects - Frank Zammetti.pdf 6.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/__Javascript and JQuery/2008 - JavaScript, The Good Parts - Douglas Crockford.pdf 1.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/__Javascript and JQuery/2010 - JQuery Cookbook, Solutions & Examples for Jquery Developers - Cody Lindley.pdf 2.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/__Javascript and JQuery/2010 - jQuery Pocket Reference - David Flangan.pdf 3.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/__Javascript and JQuery/2010 - jQuery, Novice to Ninja - E. Castledine, C. Sharkie.pdf 5.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/__Javascript and JQuery/2011 - JavaScript, The Definitive Guide 6th ed. - David Flanagan.pdf 11.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/2001 - Programming Web Services with SOAP - James Snell.pdf 1.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/2001 - Programming Web Services with XML-RPC - S. St. Laurent, E. Dumbill, J. Johnston.chm 588 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/2004 - The Internet Encyclopedia (3 vols.) - ed. Hossein Bidgoli.pdf 44.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/2005 - Pragmatic Ajax, A Web 2.0 Primer - J. Gehtland, B. Galbraith, D. Almaer.pdf 6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/2006 - Don't Make Me Think, A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability 2nd ed. - Steve Krug.pdf 3.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/2007 - Essential ActionScript 3.0 - Colin Moock.pdf 4.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/2007 - Professional Ajax 2nd ed. - N.C. Zakas, J. McPeak, J. Fawcett.pdf 5.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/2007 - Restful Web Services - L. Richardson, S. Ruby.pdf 3.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/2007 - Webbots, Spiders, and Screen Scrapers, A Guide to Developing Internet Agents with PHP CURL - Michael Schrenk.pdf 5.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/2008 - Accelerated GWT, Building Enterprise Google Web Toolkit Applications - Vipul Gupta.pdf 3.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/2008 - Dojo, The Definitive Guide - Matthew A. Russell.pdf 4.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/2008 - Learning Rails - S. St. Laurent, E. Dumbill.pdf 6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/2008 - Murach's Java Servlets and JSP 2nd ed. - J. Murach, A. Steelman.pdf 15 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/2008 - PHP Reference, Beginner to Intermediate PHP5 - Mario Lurig.pdf 842 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/2008 - Struts 2 in Action - D. Brown, C.M. Davis, S. Stanlick.pdf 5.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/2008 - Website Optimization - Andrew B. King.pdf 7.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/2009 - Greasemonkey Hacks - Mark Pilgrim.epub 8.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/2009 - Learning Flash CS4 Professional - Rich Shupe.pdf 15.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/2009 - PHP and MySQL Web Development 4th ed. - L. Welling, L. Thomson.pdf 13.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/2010 - Closure, The Definitive Guide - Michael Bolin.pdf 5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/2010 - Developer's Guide to Social Programming - Mark D. Hawker.pdf 3.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/2010 - Pro ASP.NET 4 in C# 2010, 4th ed. - M. MacDonald, A. Freeman, M. Szpuszta.pdf 37 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/2010 - Web Technologies ~ Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4 vols.) - Arthur Tatnall.pdf 48.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/2011 - Dreamweaver CS5.5, The Missing Manual - David Sawyer McFarland.pdf 67.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/2011 - Mining the Social Web - Matthew A. Russell.pdf 6.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/__Web Development/2011 - Semantic Web Services - D. Fensel, F.M. Facca, E. Simperl, I. Toma.pdf 10 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/1989 - Concrete Mathematics, A Foundation for Computer Science (2nd ed.) - R.L. Graham, D.E. Knuth, O. Patashnik.djvu 4.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/1994 - Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object Oriented Software - E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, J.M. Vlissides.pdf 18.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/1995 - The Mythical Man-Month, Essays on Software Engineering, Anniversary Edition - Frederick P. Brooks Jr.djvu 5.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/1997 - The Indispensable PC Hardware Book (3rd ed.) - Hans-Peter Messmer.pdf 29.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/1999 - Refactoring, Improving the Design of Existing Code - M. Fowler, K. Beck, J. Brant, W. Opdyke, D. Roberts.pdf 2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/1999 - The Pragmatic Programmer, From Journeyman to Master - A. Hunt, D. 2.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/2001 - User Interface Design for Programmers - Joel Spolsky.pdf 2.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/2004 - Code Complete, A Practical Handbook of Software Construction (2nd ed.) - Steve McConnell.djvu 14.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/2004 - Computer Science Handbook (2nd ed.) - ed. Allen B. Tucker.pdf 22.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/2004 - Design Patterns Explained, A New Perspective on Object-Oriented Design - A. Shalloway, J. Trott.pdf 7.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/2005 - Operating System Concepts (7th ed.) - A. Silberschatz, P.B. Galvin, G. Gagne.pdf 52.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/2005 - Software Systems Architecture - N. Rozanski, E. Woods.pdf 2.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/2006 - Computer Science Unplugged - T. Bell, I.H. Witten, M. Fellows.pdf 2.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/2006 - Mastering Regular Expressions (3rd ed.) - Jeffrey Friedl.pdf 2.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/2007 - Regular Expression Pocket Reference (2nd ed.) - Tony Stubblebine.pdf 1002 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/2008 - Learning the vi and Vim Editors - A. Robbins, E. Hannah, L. Lamb.pdf 6.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/2009 - Software Applications Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (6 vols.) - ed. Pierre F. Tiako.pdf 61 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/2011 - Computer Science, An Overview (11th ed.) - J. Glenn Brookshear.pdf 6.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer Science/_README_.txt 13 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer-Aided Technologies (CAx - CADCAM)/1999 - Principles of CAD CAM CAE - Kunwoo Lee.djvu 10.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer-Aided Technologies (CAx - CADCAM)/2007 - Realistic Architectural Visualization with 3ds Max and mental ray - R. Cusson, J. Cardoso.pdf 22.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer-Aided Technologies (CAx - CADCAM)/2008 - SolidWorks Surfacing and Complex Shape Modeling Bible - Matt Lombard.pdf 69.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer-Aided Technologies (CAx - CADCAM)/2009 - Technical Graphics Communication 4th ed. - G.R. Bertoline, E.N. Wiebe, N.W. Hartman, W.A. Ross.pdf 64 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer-Aided Technologies (CAx - CADCAM)/2010 - Mastering Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2011 - M. Gerhard, J.M. Harper.pdf 37.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer-Aided Technologies (CAx - CADCAM)/2010 - Mastering Autodesk Maya 2011 - Eric Keller.pdf 28.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer-Aided Technologies (CAx - CADCAM)/2010 - SolidWorks 2010 Bible - Matt Lombard.pdf 30.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer-Aided Technologies (CAx - CADCAM)/2010 - SolidWorks 2010, No Experience Required - A.R. Ruiz, G. Jack.pdf 9.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer-Aided Technologies (CAx - CADCAM)/2011 - AutoCAD 2012 and AutoCAD LT 2012 Bible - Ellen Finkelstein.epub 44.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer-Aided Technologies (CAx - CADCAM)/2011 - Autodesk Inventor 2012 and Inventor LT 2012 Essentials - Thom Tremblay.epub 20.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer-Aided Technologies (CAx - CADCAM)/2011 - Autodesk Revit Architecture 2012 Essentials - E. Krygiel, P. Read, J. Vandezande.epub 28.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer-Aided Technologies (CAx - CADCAM)/2011 - OpenSCAD, The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller - M. Kintel, C. Wolf.url 113 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer-Aided Technologies (CAx - CADCAM)/2012 - Expanding the Frontiers of Visual Analytics and Visualization - eds. J. Dill, R. Earnshaw, D. Kasik, J. Vince, P.C. Wong.pdf 20.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Computer-Aided Technologies (CAx - CADCAM)/_Computer-aided technologies - Wikipedia.url 145 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Control and Systems Theory/__Control Engineering/2010 - Control Systems Engineering 6th ed. - Norman S. Nise.pdf 112.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Control and Systems Theory/__Control Engineering/2010 - Control Systems Engineering Solutions 6th ed. - Norman S. Nise.pdf 4.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Control and Systems Theory/__Control Engineering/2010 - Modern Control Engineering 5th ed. - Katsuhiko Ogata.pdf 6.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Control and Systems Theory/__Control Engineering/2010 - Modern Control Engineering Solutions 4th ed. - Katsuhiko Ogata.pdf 6.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Control and Systems Theory/__Linear Systems/1980 - Linear Systems - Thomas Kailath.pdf 26.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Control and Systems Theory/__Linear Systems/1996 - Linear System Theory 2nd ed. - Wilson J. Rugh.pdf 47.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Control and Systems Theory/__Linear Systems/1998 - Linear System Theory and Design 3rd ed. - Chi-Tsong Chen.pdf 9.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Control and Systems Theory/__Linear Systems/2009 - Linear Systems Theory - Joao P. Hespanha.pdf 2.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Control and Systems Theory/__Nonlinear Systems/1985 - Nonlinear System Theory Mathematics in Science and Engineering V 175 - ed. John L. Casti.djvu 1.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Control and Systems Theory/__Nonlinear Systems/2001 - Nonlinear Systems 3rd ed. - Hassan K. Khalil.djvu 5.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Control and Systems Theory/__Nonlinear Systems/2008 - Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Control, A Lyapunov-Based Approach - W.M. Haddad, V. Chellaboina.pdf 6.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Control and Systems Theory/1979 - Introduction to Dynamic Systems ~ Theory, Models, and Applications - D.G. Luenberger.pdf 6.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Control and Systems Theory/1985 - General System Theory ~ Foundations, Development, Applications (Revised Edition) - Ludwig von Bertalanffy.djvu 1.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Control and Systems Theory/1990 - Modern Control Theory 3rd ed. - William L. Brogan.pdf 56.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Control and Systems Theory/1991 - Applied Nonlinear Control - J.E. Slotine, W. Li.pdf 9.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Control and Systems Theory/1994 - Discrete-Time Control Systems - Katsuhiko Ogata.pdf 17.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Control and Systems Theory/1996 - Chaos, An Introduction to Dynamical Systems - K.T. Alligood, T.D. Sauer, J.A. Yorke.pdf 7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Control and Systems Theory/1997 - Introduction to Mathematical Systems Theory, A Behavioral Approach - J.W. Polderman, J.C. Willems.pdf 3.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Control and Systems Theory/2001 - Data Engineering, Fuzzy Mathematics in Systems Theory and Data Analysis - Olaf Wokenhauer.pdf 28.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Control and Systems Theory/2002 - Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems 3rd ed. - C.M. Close, D.H. Frederick, J.C. Newell.url 167 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Control and Systems Theory/2002 - Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems 3rd ed., Solutions - C.M. Close, D.H. Frederick, J.C. Newell.pdf 26 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Control and Systems Theory/2003 - System Dynamics, 4th ed - Katsuhiko Ogata.pdf 25.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Control and Systems Theory/2005 - General Systems Theory ~ Problems, Perspectives, Practice 2nd ed. - Lars Skyttner.pdf 23.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Control and Systems Theory/2005 - Multivariable Feedback Control, Analysis and Design - S. Skogestad, I. Postlethwaite.pdf 7.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Control and Systems Theory/2007 - Dynamic Modeling and Control of Engineering Systems - B.T. Kulakowski, J.F. Gardner, J.L. Shearer.pdf 4.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Control and Systems Theory/2009 - Bilinear Control Systems, Matrices in Action - David Elliot.pdf 1.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Control and Systems Theory/2010 - Modern Control Systems 12th ed. - R.C. Dorf, R.H. Bishop.pdf 132.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Control and Systems Theory/2010 - Modern Control Systems 12th ed., Instructor's Solution Manual - R.C. Dorf, R.H. Bishop.pdf 4.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Control and Systems Theory/2011 - The Control Systems Handbook, Control System Advanced Methods 2nd ed. - ed. William S. Levine.pdf 11.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Control and Systems Theory/_README_.txt 669 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/Advances in Geosciences/V 1, 2006, Solid Earth - eds. Y.-T. Chen, W.-H. Ip.pdf 7.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/Advances in Geosciences/V 2, 2006, Solar Terrestrial - eds. M. Duldig, W.-H. Ip.pdf 10.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/Advances in Geosciences/V 3, 2006, Planetary Science - eds. A. Bhardwaj, W.-H. Ip.pdf 8.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/Advances in Geosciences/V 4, 2006, Hydrological Science - eds. N. Park, W.-H. Ip.pdf 7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/Advances in Geosciences/V 5, 2006, Oceans and Atmospheres - ed. H. Choi, W.-H. Ip.pdf 6.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/Advances in Geosciences/V 6, 2007, Hydrological Science - eds. N. Park, W.-H. Ip.pdf 4.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/Advances in Geosciences/V 7, 2007, Planetary Science - eds. A. Bhardwaj, W.-H. ip.pdf 4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/Advances in Geosciences/V 8, 2007, Solar Terrestrial - eds. M. Duldig, W.-H. Ip.pdf 5.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/Advances in Geosciences/V 9, 2007, Solid Earth, Ocean Science, Atmospheric Science - ed. Y.-T. Chen, W.-H. Ip.pdf 8.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Climatology/1980 - Climate in Earth History - National Research Council.pdf 7.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Climatology/2001 - Climatology for Airline Pilots - H.R. Quantick.pdf 14.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Climatology/2005 - A Climate Modelling Primer 3rd ed. - K. McGuffie, A. Henderson-Sellers.pdf 7.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Climatology/2005 - Encyclopedia of World Climatology - ed. John E. Oliver.pdf 58.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Climatology/2007 - Climate Change, A Multidisciplinary Approach 2nd ed. - William J. Burroughs.pdf 24.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__General and History/1999 - The Rejection of Continental Drift, Theory and Method in American Earth Science - Naomi Oreskes.pdf 32.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__General and History/2001 - El Nino in History, Storming Through the Ages - Cesar N. Caviedes.pdf 4.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__General and History/2001 - Scanning the Skies, A History of Tornado Forecasting - Marlene Bradford.pdf 10.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__General and History/2004 - A Student's Guide to Earth Science Vol 4, Debatable Issues - Kris Harper.pdf 1.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__General and History/2006 - The Emergence of Numerical Weather Prediction, Richardson's Dream - Peter Lynch.pdf 6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__General and History/2006 - Windswept, The Story of Wind and Weather - Marq de Villiers.epub 5.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__General and History/2008 - Earth Science and Human History 101 - J.J.W. Rogers, T. Tucker.pdf 2.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__General and History/2008 - Tides of History, Ocean Science and Her Majesty's Navy - Michael S. Reidy.pdf 3.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__General and History/2009 - Earth Science, A Scientific History of the Solid Earth - Michael Allaby.pdf 12.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__General and History/2009 - Flotsametrics and the Floating World, How One Man's Obsession with Runaway Sneakers and Rubber Ducks Revolutionized Ocean Science - C. Ebbesmeyer, E. Scigliano.pdf 3.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__General and History/2009 - Oceans, A Scientific History of Oceans and Marine Life - Michael Allaby.pdf 20.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Geophysics/Advances in Geophysics/V 01, 1952 - ed. H.E. Landsberg.pdf 21.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Geophysics/Advances in Geophysics/V 02, 1955 - ed. H.E. Landsberg.pdf 14.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Geophysics/Advances in Geophysics/V 04, 1958 - eds. H.E. Landsberg, J.V. Mieghem.pdf 23.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Geophysics/Advances in Geophysics/V 05, 1958 - eds. H.E. Landsberg, J.V. Mieghem.pdf 17.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Geophysics/Advances in Geophysics/V 07, 1961 - eds. H.E. Landsberg, J.V. Mieghem.pdf 17.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Geophysics/Advances in Geophysics/V 08, 1961 - eds. H.E. Landsberg, J.V. Mieghem.pdf 20.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Geophysics/Advances in Geophysics/V 12, 1967 - eds. H.E. Landsberg, J.V. Mieghem.pdf 19 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Geophysics/Advances in Geophysics/V 13, 1969 - eds. H.E. Landsberg, J.V. Mieghem.pdf 12.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Geophysics/Advances in Geophysics/V 15, 1971 - eds. H.E. Landsberg, J.V. Mieghem.pdf 14.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Geophysics/Advances in Geophysics/V 16, 1973 - eds. H.E. Landsberg, J.V. Mieghem.pdf 22.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Geophysics/Advances in Geophysics/V 17, 1974 - eds. H.E. Landsberg, J.V. Mieghem.pdf 16.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Geophysics/Advances in Geophysics/V 19, 1976 - eds. H.E. Landsberg, J.V. Mieghem.pdf 13.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Geophysics/Advances in Geophysics/V 21, 1979 - ed. Barry Saltzman.pdf 18.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Geophysics/Advances in Geophysics/V 23, 1981 - ed. Barry Saltzman.pdf 17.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Geophysics/Advances in Geophysics/V 24, 1982 - ed. Barry Saltzman.pdf 18.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Geophysics/Advances in Geophysics/V 26, 1984 - ed. Barry Saltzman.pdf 20.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Geophysics/Advances in Geophysics/V 28, 1985, Issues in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modeling (Part B, Weather Dynamics) - ed. B. Saltzman, S. Manabe.pdf 23.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Geophysics/International Geophysics/V 53, 1994, Cloud Dynamics - Robert A. Houze Jr.pdf 34.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Geophysics/International Geophysics/V 73, 2000, Paleomagnetism, Continents and Oceans - M.W. McElhinny, P.L. McFadden.pdf 24.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Geophysics/International Geophysics/V 85, 2002, An Introduction to Atmospheric Gravity Waves - Carmen J. Nappo.pdf 3.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Geophysics/International Geophysics/V 87, 2004, Physics and Chemistry of the Solar System 2nd ed. - John S. Lewis.pdf 23.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Geophysics/International Geophysics/V 93, 2008, Atmosphere, Ocean, and Climate Dynamics - J. Marshall, R.A. Plumb.pdf 16.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Geophysics/International Geophysics/V 96, 2009, The Earth's Ionosphere, Plasma Physics and Electrodynamics 2nd ed. - Michael C. Kelley.pdf 20.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Geophysics/International Geophysics/V 99, 2011, Storm and Cloud Dynamics 2nd ed. - W.R. Cotton, G.H. Bryan, S.C. van den Heever.pdf 21.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Geophysics/1983 - Treatise on Geophysics (11 vols.) - ed. Gerald Schubert.pdf 256.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Geophysics/1990 - Applied Geophysics 2nd ed. - W.M. Telford, L.P. Geldart, R.E. Sheriff.pdf 22.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Geophysics/1997 - An Introduction to Applied and Environmental Geophysics - John M. Reynolds.djvu 23.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Geophysics/2003 - Field Geophysics 3rd ed. - John Milsom.pdf 2.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Geophysics/2011 - Factor Separation in the Atmosphere, Applications and Future Prospects - eds. P. Alpert, T. Sholokhman.pdf 8.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Oceanography/1981 - Baltic Sea - ed. Aarno Voipio.pdf 23.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Oceanography/1991 - World Atlas of Holocene Sea-Level Changes - Paolo A. Pirazzoli.pdf 15.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Oceanography/1997 - Biological Oceanography, An Introduction (2nd ed.) - T.R. Parsons, C.M. Lalli.pdf 22.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Oceanography/1998 - Fundamentals of Acoustical Oceanography - H. Medwin, C.S. Clay.djvu 6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Oceanography/2004 - Introduction to Physical Oceanography - Robert H. Stewart.pdf 10 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Oceanography/2005 - Sound Images of the Ocean, in Research and Monitoring - Peter C. Wille.pdf 37 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Oceanography/2008 - Essentials of Oceanography (5th ed.) - Tom S. Garrison.pdf 82.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Oceanography/2009 - Encyclopedia of Aral Sea - I. Zonn, M. Glantz, A. Kostianoy, A. Kosarev.pdf 10.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Petrology, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy/2003 - Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology (2nd ed.) - Myron G. Best.pdf 15.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Petrology, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy/2004 - Petrophysics (2nd ed.) - D. Tiab, E.C. Donaldson.pdf 21 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Petrology, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy/2005 - Interior Western United States (GSA Field Guide 6) - J.L. Pederson, C.M. Dehler.pdf 45.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Petrology, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy/2006 - Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (4th ed.) - Sam Boggs Jr.pdf 48.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Petrology, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy/2009 - Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (2nd ed.) - Gary Nichols.pdf 15.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Petrology, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy/2010 - Rare Earth Elements in Ultramafic and Mafic Rocks and their Minerals - Felix P. Lesnov.pdf 3.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Soil Types/2006 - Soils, Basic Concepts and Future Challenges - eds. G. Certini, R. Scalenghe.pdf 4.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Soil Types/2007 - Soil Microbiology, Ecology, and Biochemistry 3rd ed. - ed. Eldor A. Paul.pdf 4.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Soil Types/2008 - Permafrost Soils - ed. Rosa Margesin.pdf 3.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Soil Types/2013 - Pedodiversity - eds. J.J. Ibanez, J.G. Bockheim.url 356 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/Gale Encyclopedia of Endangered Species, 2nd Ed/V 1, 2004, Mammals - eds. S. Benson, R. Nagel.pdf 57.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/Gale Encyclopedia of Endangered Species, 2nd Ed/V 2, 2004, Arachnids, Birds, Crustaceans, Insects and Mollusks - eds. S. Benson, R. Nagel.pdf 65 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/Gale Encyclopedia of Endangered Species, 2nd Ed/V 3, 2004, Amphibians, Fish, Plants, and Reptiles - eds. S. Benson, R. Nagel.pdf 51.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/Grizmek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, 2nd Ed/V 01, 2004, Lower Metazoans and Lesser Deuterostomes - eds. D.A. Thoney, N. Schlager, J.E. Trumpey, M. Hutchins.pdf 47.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/Grizmek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, 2nd Ed/V 02, 2004, Protostomes - eds. S.F. Craig, D.A. Thoney, N. Schlager, J.E. Trumpey, M. Hutchins.pdf 46.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/Grizmek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, 2nd Ed/V 03, 2004, Insects - eds. A.V. Evans, R.W. Garrison, N. Schlager, J.E. Trumpey, M. Hutchins.pdf 41.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/Grizmek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, 2nd Ed/V 04, 2003, Fishes I - eds. D.A. Thoney, P.V. Loiselle, N. Schlager, J.E. Trumpey, M. Hutchins.pdf 70.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/Grizmek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, 2nd Ed/V 05, 2003, Fishes II - eds. D.A. Thoney, P.V. Loiselle, N. Schlager, J.E. Trumpey, M. Hutchins.pdf 95 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/Grizmek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, 2nd Ed/V 06, 2003, Amphibians - eds. W.E. Duellman, N. Schlager, J.E. Trumpey, M. Hutchins.pdf 58.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/Grizmek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, 2nd Ed/V 07, 2003, Reptiles - eds. J.B. Murphy, N. Schlager, J.E. Trumpey, M. Hutchins.pdf 41.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/Grizmek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, 2nd Ed/V 08, 2003, Birds I - eds. J.A. Jackson, W.J. Bock, D. Olendorf, J.E. Trumpey, M. Hutchins.pdf 64.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/Grizmek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, 2nd Ed/V 09, 2003, Birds II - eds. J.A. Jackson, W.J. Bock, D. Olendorf, J.E. Trumpey, M. Hutchins.pdf 65.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/Grizmek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, 2nd Ed/V 10, 2003, Birds III - eds. J.A. Jackson, W.J. Bock, D. Olendorf, J.E. Trumpey, M. Hutchins.pdf 67.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/Grizmek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, 2nd Ed/V 11, 2003, Birds IV - eds. J.A. Jackson, W.J. Bock, D. Olendorf, J.E. Trumpey, M. Hutchins.pdf 78.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/Grizmek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, 2nd Ed/V 12, 2004, Mammals I - eds. D.G. Klelman, V. Geist, M.C. McDade, J.E. Trumpey, M. Hutchins.pdf 17.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/Grizmek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, 2nd Ed/V 13, 2004, Mammals II - eds. D.G. Klelman, V. Geist, M.C. McDade, J.E. Trumpey, M. Hutchins.pdf 43.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/Grizmek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, 2nd Ed/V 14, 2004, Mammals III - eds. D.G. Klelman, V. Geist, M.C. McDade, J.E. Trumpey, M. Hutchins.pdf 38.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/Grizmek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, 2nd Ed/V 15, 2004, Mammals IV - eds. D.G. Klelman, V. Geist, M.C. McDade, J.E. Trumpey, M. Hutchins.pdf 30.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/Grizmek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, 2nd Ed/V 16, 2004, Mammals V - eds. D.G. Klelman, V. Geist, M.C. McDade, J.E. Trumpey, M. Hutchins.pdf 49.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/Grizmek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, 2nd Ed/V 17, 2004, Cumulative Index - eds. M. Hutchins, M.C. McDade, D. Olendorf, N. Schlager.pdf 2.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/__General and History/1890 - Curious Creatures In Zoology - John Ashton.pdf 3.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/__General and History/1967 - The Mind of the Dolphin, A Nonhuman Intelligence - John Lilly.pdf 5.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/__General and History/1978 - Of Wolves and Men - Barry H. Lopez.pdf 49.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/__General and History/1981 - After Man, A Zoology of the Future - Dougal Dixon.djvu 42.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/__General and History/2000 - Journey of the Pink Dolphins, An Amazon Quest - Sy Montgomery.epub 1.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/__General and History/2001 - Where's The Octopus - R.T. Hanlon, F. Lichtman.url 169 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/__General and History/2002 - Listening to Whales, What the Orcas Have Taught Us - Alexandra Morton.pdf 6.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/__General and History/2003 - Crow - Boria Sax.pdf 2.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/__General and History/2007 - Early Modern Zoology, The Construction of Animals in Science, Literature and the Visual Arts - eds. K.A.E. Enenkel, P.J. Smith.pdf 18.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/__General and History/2008 - Beautiful Minds, The Parallel Lives of Great Apes and Dolphins - M. Bearzi, C.B. Stanford.pdf 649 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/__General and History/2008 - Every Living Thing ~ Man's Obsessive Quest to Catalog Life, from Nanobacteria to New Monkeys - Rob Dunn.pdf 1.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/__General and History/2010 - Do Fish Feel Pain - Victoria Braithwaite.pdf 807 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/__General and History/2011 - Atlas of the World's Strangest Animals - Paula Hammond.pdf 42.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/__General and History/2012 - All Yesterdays, Unique and Speculative Views of Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals - J. Conway, C.M. Kosemen, D. 13.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/1987 - Longman Wildlife Library - ed. Philip Whitfield.pdf 61.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/1989 - Paleontology, The Record of Life - C.W. Stearn, R.L. Carroll.pdf 30.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/1999 - A Dictionary of Zoology (Oxford Paperback Reference) - Michael Allaby.pdf 3.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/2000 - Through a Window - Jane Goodall.epub 1.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/2001 - Integrated Principles of Zoology (11th ed.) - C.P. Hickman Jr, L.S. Roberts, A. Larson.pdf 117.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/2001 - Zoology (5th ed.) - S. Miller, J.P. Harley.pdf 98.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/2002 - Life at the Limits, Organisms in Extreme Environments - David A. Wharton.pdf 2.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/2003 - Magill's Encyclopedia of Science, Plant Life (4 vols.) - eds. B.D. Ness, C.J. Moose.pdf 31.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/2005 - Cephalopods - P. Boyle, P. Rodhouse.pdf 10.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/2005 - The Coral Reef (Life in the Sea) - P. Walker, E. Wood.pdf 1.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/2006 - An Introduction to the Invertebrates (2nd ed.) - Janet Moore.pdf 4.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/2007 - Built by Animals, The Natural History of Animal Architecture - Mike Hansell.pdf 3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/2007 - Encyclopedia of Animal Science - eds. A.W. Bell, W.G. Pond.pdf 72.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/2010 - Animals From Mythology to Zoology (Discovering the Earth) - Michael Allaby.pdf 10.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/2010 - The Insects, An Outline of Entomology, (4th ed.) - P.J. Gullan, P. Cranston.pdf 11.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/__Zoological/2011 - Dinosaurs, A Visual Encyclopedia - eds. B. Morgan, C. Bingham.pdf 109.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/1961 - Physics of the Aurora and Airglow - Joseph W. Chamberlain.pdf 32 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/1980 - An Introduction to Atmospheric Physics (2nd ed.) - R.G. Fleagle, J.A. Businger.pdf 17.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/1989 - Atmospheric Electrostatics - Lars Wahlin.djvu 1.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/1989 - Theory of the Earth - Don L. Anderson.pdf 32.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/1999 - Principles of Seismology - Agustin Udias.pdf 161.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/2000 - Applied Hydrogeology (4th ed.) - C.W. Fetter.pdf 55.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/2002 - Exploring the Secrets of the Aurora - Syun-Ichi Akasofu.pdf 19.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/2005 - Earth as an Evolving Planetary System - Kent C. Condie.pdf 9.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/2005 - Encyclopedia of Earth Science - Timothy Kusky.pdf 13.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/2005 - Physical Geodesy - B. Hofmann-Wellenhof, H. Moritz.pdf 21.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/2005 - The Biomarker Guide, Vol. 1, Biomarkers and Isotopes in the Environment and Human History - K.E. Peters, C.C. Walters, J.M. Moldowan.pdf 14 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/2005 - Thrustbelts ~ Structural Architecture, Thermal Regimes and Petroleum Systems - M. Nemcok, S. Schamel, R. Gayer.pdf 27.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/2006 - Marine Science, An Illustrated Guide to Science - eds. G. Lee, J. Stokes.pdf 12.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/2006 - Observation of the Earth System from Space - eds. J. Flury, R. Rummel, C. Reigber, M. Rothacher, G. Boedecker, U. Schreiber.pdf 23.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/2006 - Sprites, Elves and Intense Lightning Discharges - eds. M. Fullekrug, E.A. Mareev, M.J. Rycroft.pdf 4.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/2006 - Understanding Earth (5th ed.) - J. Grotzinger, T.H. Jordan, F. Press, R. Siever.pdf 98.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/2007 - Advances in Earth Science, Vol. 2, From Earthquakes to Global Warming - eds. P.R. Sammonds, J.M.T. Thompson.pdf 8.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/2007 - An Introduction to Atmospheric Thermodynamics (2nd ed.) - Anastasios Tsonis.pdf 2.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/2007 - Observing Systems for Atmospheric Composition - eds. G. Visconti, P.D. Carlo, W.H. Brune, M. Schoeberl, A. Wahner.pdf 13.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/2008 - Earth Science, Geology, the Environment, and the Universe (Student Edition) - F. Borrero.pdf 111.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/2008 - Ecology, Concepts and Applications (4th ed.) - Manuel C. Molles Jr.djvu 36.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/2009 - Holocene Extinctions - ed. Samuel T. Turvey.pdf 5.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/2009 - Meteorology Today (9th ed.) - C. Donald Ahrens.pdf 61.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/2010 - Cosmogenic Nuclides ~ Principles, Concepts and Applications in the Earth Surface Sciences - Tibor J. Dunai.pdf 2.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/2010 - Earth Materials - K. Hefferan, J. O'Brien.pdf 49.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Earth Science and Zoology/_README_.txt 3 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 01, 1999, Aerospace and Electronic Systems - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 7.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 02, 1999, Antennas and Propagation - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 12.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 03, 1999, Applied Superconductivity - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 5.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 04, 1999, Automatic Control - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 10.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 05, 1999, Biomedical Engineering - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 6.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 06, 1999, Broadcasting - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 3.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 07, 1999, Circuits and Systems, Analog and Digital Signal Processing - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 25.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 08, 1999, Circuits and Systems, Fundamental Theory and Applications - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 11 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 09, 1999, Circuits and Systems for Video Technology - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 2.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 10, 1999, Communications - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 9.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 11, 1999, Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 3.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 12, 1999, Computational Science and Engineering - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 15.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 13, 1999, Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 1.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 14, 1999, Computers - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 13 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 15, 1999, Consumer Electronics - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 2.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 16, 1999, Control Systems Technology - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 2.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 17, 1999, Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 7.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 18, 1999, Education - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 1.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 19, 1999, Electromagnetic Compatibility - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 1.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 20, 1999, Electron Devices - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 12.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 21, 1999, Electronic Materials - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 10 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 22, 1999, Energy Conversion - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 7.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 23, 1999, Engineering Management - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 9.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 24, 1999, Fuzzy Systems - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 3.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 25, 1999, Geoscience and Remote Sensing - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 3.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 26, 1999, Image Processing - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 6.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 27, 1999, Industrial Electronics - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 2.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 28, 1999, Industry Applications - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 6.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 29, 1999, Information Theory - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 3.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 30, 1999, Instrumentation and Measurement - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 24.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 31, 1999, Knowledge and Data Engineering - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 7.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 32, 1999, Lightwave Technology - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 3.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 33, 1999, Magnetics - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 12.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 34, 1999, Medical Imaging - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 3.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 35, 1999, Microelectromechanical Systems - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 454 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 36, 1999, Microwave Theory and Techniques - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 13.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 37, 1999, Multimedia - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 1.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 38, 1999, Networking - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 5.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering/V 39, 1999, Neural Networks - ed. John G. Webster.pdf 3.4 MB
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Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/__Telecommunications, Broadcasting, and Receiving/1998 - Introduction to Telephones and Telephone Systems - A. Michael Noll.epub 3.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/__Telecommunications, Broadcasting, and Receiving/1998 - Telecommunication Transmission Systems 2nd ed. - Robert G. Winch.pdf 5.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/__Telecommunications, Broadcasting, and Receiving/1998 - Wireless CMOS Frequency Synthesizer Design - J. Craninckz, M. Steyaert.pdf 10.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/__Telecommunications, Broadcasting, and Receiving/1999 - Understanding Modern Telecommunications and the Information Superhighway - J.G. Nellist, E.M. Gilbert.epub 3.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/__Telecommunications, Broadcasting, and Receiving/2001 - CDMA Access and Switching, For Terrestrial and Satellite Networks - D. Gerakoulis, E. Geraniotis.pdf 1.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/__Telecommunications, Broadcasting, and Receiving/2001 - Understanding Telephone Electronics 4th ed. - S.J. Bigelow, J.J. Carr, S. Winder.pdf 9.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/__Telecommunications, Broadcasting, and Receiving/2002 - Mobile Location Services, The Definitive Guide - Andrew Jaqoe.chm 6.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/__Telecommunications, Broadcasting, and Receiving/2003 - Digital Audio Broadcasting, Principles and Applications of Digital Radio 2nd ed. - eds. W. Hoeg, T. Lauterbach.pdf 4.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/__Telecommunications, Broadcasting, and Receiving/2003 - Mobile Communications 2nd ed. - Jochen Schiller.pdf 18.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/__Telecommunications, Broadcasting, and Receiving/2004 - Ham Radio for Dummies - H. Ward Silver.pdf 8.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/__Telecommunications, Broadcasting, and Receiving/2004 - Newton's Telecom Dictionary ~ Covering Telecommunications, Networking, Information Technology, Computing and the Internet - Harry Newton.chm 7.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/__Telecommunications, Broadcasting, and Receiving/2004 - Telecommunication System Engineering 3rd ed. - Roger L. Freeman.pdf 8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/__Telecommunications, Broadcasting, and Receiving/2005 - Introduction to RF Propagation - John S. Seybold.pdf 4.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/__Telecommunications, Broadcasting, and Receiving/2005 - Lightwave Technology, Telecommunication Systems - Govind P. Agrawal.pdf 30 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/__Telecommunications, Broadcasting, and Receiving/2005 - Microwave Engineering 3rd ed. - David M. Pozar.pdf 65.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/__Telecommunications, Broadcasting, and Receiving/2005 - Telecommunication Switching and Networks 2nd ed. - P. Gnanasivam.pdf 2.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/__Telecommunications, Broadcasting, and Receiving/2005 - Wireless Communications & Networks 2nd ed. - William Stallings.pdf 56.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/__Telecommunications, Broadcasting, and Receiving/2006 - Line Communication System - Apurba Das.pdf 3.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/__Telecommunications, Broadcasting, and Receiving/2006 - Satellite Communications 4th ed. - Dennis Roddy.pdf 7.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/__Telecommunications, Broadcasting, and Receiving/2006 - Telecommunications Essentials 2nd ed. - L. Goleniewski, K.W. Jarrett.chm 9.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/__Telecommunications, Broadcasting, and Receiving/2007 - Satellite Newsgathering 2nd ed. - Jonathan Higgins.pdf 18.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/__Telecommunications, Broadcasting, and Receiving/2009 - Cabling, The Complete Guide to Copper and Fiber-Optic Networking 4th ed. - A. Oliviero, B. Woodward.pdf 20 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/__Telecommunications, Broadcasting, and Receiving/2009 - GSM ~ Architecture, Protocols and Services 3rd ed. - J. Eberspacher, C. Bettstetter, H.J. Vogel, C. Hartmann.pdf 8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/__Telecommunications, Broadcasting, and Receiving/2010 - Practical Digital Wireless Signals - Earl McCune.pdf 13.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/__Telecommunications, Broadcasting, and Receiving/2011 - Principles of Spread-Spectrum Communication Systems 2nd ed. - Don Torrieri.pdf 3.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/1962 - Troubleshooting With the Oscilloscope - Robert Gordon.pdf 2.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/1985 - Encyclopedia of Electronic Circuits (6 vols.) - ed. R. Graf, W. Sheets.pdf 155.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/1987 - Linear and Nonlinear Circuits - L.O. Chua, C.A. Desoer, E.S. Kuh.pdf 126.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/1989 - The Art of Electronics 2nd ed. - P. Horowitz, W. Hill.pdf 191.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/1999 - Digital Design, Principles and Practices 3rd ed. - John F. Wakerly.pdf 7.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/2001 - Nonlinear Phenomena in Power Electronics ~ Attractors, Bifurcations, Chaos, and Nonlinear Control - S. Banerjee, G.C. Verghe.pdf 25.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/2002 - CMOS Analog Circuit Design - P.E. Allen, D.R. Holberg.pdf 27.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/2002 - Digital Logic Design 4th ed. - B. Holdsworth, C. Woods.pdf 24.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/2002 - Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design - S. Brown, Z. Vranesic.djvu 10.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/2003 - Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits 3rd ed. - D.A. Hodges, H.G. Jackson, R.A. Saleh.djvu 22.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/2003 - Electric Machinery 6th ed. - A.E. Fitzgerald, C. Kingsley Jr, S.D. Umans.pdf 16.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/2003 - Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering - C.B. Fleddermann, M.D. Bradshaw.pdf 38.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/2003 - Semiconductor Physics And Devices 3rd ed. - Donald A. Neamen.pdf 28.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/2004 - Ambient Intelligence, Impact on Embedded System Design - eds. T. Basten, M. Geilen, H. de Groot.pdf 11.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/2004 - An Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems 2nd ed. - N. Maluf, K. Williams.pdf 4.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/2005 - Designing Embedded Hardware 2nd ed. - John Catsoulis.pdf 6.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/2005 - Starting Electronics 3rd ed. - Keith Brindley.pdf 5.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/2006 - Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics - ed. Rajeev Bansal.pdf 8.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/2006 - Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics 4th ed. - Stan Gibilisco.pdf 7.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/2007 - Electrical and Electronic Principles and Technology 3rd ed. - John Bird.pdf 6.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/2007 - Inside the Machine, An Illustrated Introduction to Microprocessors and Computer Architecture - Jon Stokes.pdf 9.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/2007 - Principles of Electric Circuits, Conventional Current Version 8th ed. - Thomas L. Floyd.djvu 20.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/2008 - Introductory Circuits - Robert Spence.pdf 4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/2008 - Probability, Statistics and Random Processes For Electrical Engineering 3rd ed. - Alberto Leon-Garcia.pdf 63.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/2009 - Computer Organization and Design, The Hardware Software Interface 4th ed. - D.A. Patterson, J.L. Hennessy.pdf 258.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/2009 - Digital Fundamentals 10th ed., Instructor's Manual - Thomas L. Floyd.pdf 4.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/2009 - Digital Fundamentals 9th ed. - Thomas L. Floyd.pdf 469.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/2009 - Experiments in Digital Fundamentals 10th ed. - David M. Buchla.pdf 17.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/2010 - Electrical Engineering, Principles and Applications 5th ed. - Allan R. Hambley.pdf 150.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/2010 - Electrical Engineering, Principles and Applications 5th ed., Solution Manual - Allan R. Hambley.pdf 3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/2011 - Introduction to Circuit Analysis and Design - Tildon Glisson Jr.pdf 7.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/2012 - The Art of Hardware Architecture, Design Methods and Techniques for Digital Circuits - Mohit Arora.pdf 2.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Electrical, Acoustical, and Computer Engineering/_README_.txt 13 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/Macmillan Encyclopedia of Energy/V 1, 2001, Macmillan Encyclopedia of Energy (A to E) - ed. John Zumerchik.pdf 10.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/Macmillan Encyclopedia of Energy/V 2, 2001, Macmillan Encyclopedia of Energy (E to O) - ed. John Zumerchik.pdf 13 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/Macmillan Encyclopedia of Energy/V 3, 2001, Macmillan Encyclopedia of Energy (O to Z) - ed. John Zumerchik.pdf 17.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/__General and History/2010 - Energy Transitions ~ History, Requirements, Prospects - Vaclav Smil.pdf 3.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/__General and History/2010 - Energy, The Subtle Concept - Jennifer Coopersmith.pdf 1.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/__General and History/2011 - A History of Energy, Northern Europe from the Stone Age to the Present Day - Bent 37.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/__Nuclear Power/2000 - Introduction to Nuclear Power 2nd ed. - G.F. Hewitt, J.G. Collier.pdf 6.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/__Nuclear Power/2001 - Introduction to Nuclear Engineering 3rd ed. - J.R. Lamarsh, A.J. Baratta.pdf 9.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/__Nuclear Power/2003 - The Future of Nuclear Power, An Interdisciplinary MIT Study (2009 update) - Eric S. Beckjord.pdf 29.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/__Nuclear Power/2004 - Emerging Demands for the Safety of Nuclear Power Operations, Challenge and Response - N. Itoigawa, B. Fahlbruch, B. Wilpert.pdf 2.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/__Nuclear Power/2004 - Introductory Nuclear Physics - Samuel S. M. Wong.pdf 24.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/__Nuclear Power/2004 - The Future of Nuclear Power - John N. Lillington.pdf 4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/__Nuclear Power/2006 - Nuclear Power (Library in a Book) - David E. Newton.pdf 1.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/__Nuclear Power/_Nuclear Science and Engineering - MIT OCW.url 136 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/1978 - Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering, Developments in Petroleum Science - L.P. Dake.pdf 7.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/1985 - Electric Power Distribution System Engineering - Turan Gonen.pdf 23.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/1993 - The Quantum Vacuum, An Introduction to Quantum Electrodynamics - Peter W. Milonni.djvu 3.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/2000 - Excess Heat, Why Cold Fusion Research Prevailed - Charles G. Beaudette.djvu 4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/2001 - Solar Power Satellites - Don M. Flournoy.pdf 1.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/2003 - Fuel Cell Systems Explained 2nd ed. - J. Larminie, A. Dicks.pdf 3.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/2004 - Encyclopedia of Energy (6 vols.) - ed. Cutler J. Cleveland.pdf 78.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/2004 - Photovoltaic Systems Engineering 2nd ed. - R.A. Messenger, J. Ventre.epub 4.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/2005 - Energy ~ Its Use and the Environment - R.A. Hinrichs, M.H. Kleinbach.url 161 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/2005 - The Lucent Library of Science and Technology ~ Energy Alternatives - Gabriel Cruden.pdf 9.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/2007 - Energy Science ~ Principles, Technologies, and Impacts - J. Andrews, N. Jelley.pdf 13.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/2007 - Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy - Jeffrey P. Freidberg.pdf 5.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/2008 - Biocatalysis and Bioenergy - eds. C.T. Hou, J.F. Shaw.pdf 4.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/2008 - Power System Analysis and Design 4th ed. - J.D. Glover, M.S. Sarma, T.J. Overbye.pdf 30.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/2009 - Dictionary of Energy, Expanded Edition - eds. C.J. Cleveland, C.G. Morris.pdf 22.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/2009 - Sustainable Energy, Without the Hot Air - David JC MacKay.pdf 13.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/2010 - Electric Power Principles ~ Sources, Conversion, Distribution and Use - James L. Kirtley.pdf 3.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/2010 - Fusion, An Introduction to the Physics and Technology of Magnetic Confinement Fusion 2nd ed. - Weston M. Stacey.pdf 2.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/2010 - Wind Energy Engineering - Pramod Jain.pdf 1.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/2011 - An Indispensable Truth, How Fusion Power Can Save the Planet - Francis F. Chen.pdf 23.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/2011 - Energy Resources and Systems, Vol. 2 ~ Renewable Resources - T.K. Ghosh, M.A. Prelas.pdf 20.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Energy Research/2013 - Underground Thermal Energy Storage - Kun Sang Lee.pdf 2.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Fabrication and Industrial Engineering/__Companion Guides, Handbooks, and Readers/1996 - Handbook of Manufacturing Engineering - Jack Walker.pdf 11 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Fabrication and Industrial Engineering/__Companion Guides, Handbooks, and Readers/2004 - Manufacturing Engineering Handbook - Hwaiyu Geng.pdf 16.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Fabrication and Industrial Engineering/__Companion Guides, Handbooks, and Readers/2006 - Handbook of Industrial and Systems Engineering - Adedeji B. Badiru.pdf 7.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Fabrication and Industrial Engineering/__General and History/1985 - From the American System to Mass Production, 1800-1932 ~ The Development of Manufacturing Technology in the United States - David Hounshell.url 167 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Fabrication and Industrial Engineering/__General and History/2005 - FAB ~ The Coming Revolution on Your Desktop, From Personal Computers to Personal Fabrication - Neil Gershenfeld.epub 5.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Fabrication and Industrial Engineering/__General and History/2010 - The Homebrew Industrial Revolution, A Low-Overhead Manifesto - Kevin A. Carson.pdf 3.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Fabrication and Industrial Engineering/__General and History/2012 - 3D Printing, The Next Technology Gold Rush - Christopher D. Winnan.epub 2.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Fabrication and Industrial Engineering/__General and History/2013 - America's Assembly Line - David E. Nye.epub 5.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Fabrication and Industrial Engineering/1992 - Introduction to Industrial and System Engineering 3rd ed. - W.C. Turner, J.H. Mize, K.E. Case, J.W. Nazemetz.url 173 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Fabrication and Industrial Engineering/1999 - Introduction to Manufacturing Processes and Materials - Robert C. Creese.pdf 13 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Fabrication and Industrial Engineering/2000 - Composites Manufacturing ~ Materials, Product, and Process Engineering - Sanjay K. Mazumdar.pdf 68.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Fabrication and Industrial Engineering/2001 - Manufacturing, Engineering, and Technology - S.S. Kalpakjian, Schmid.pdf 122.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Fabrication and Industrial Engineering/2002 - Lean Assembly, The Nuts and Bolts of Making Assembly Operations Flow - Michel Baudin.pdf 25.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Fabrication and Industrial Engineering/2003 - Probability and Statistics in Engineering 4th ed. - W.W. Hines, D.C. Montgomery, D.M. Goldsman, C.M. Borror.pdf 29.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Fabrication and Industrial Engineering/2004 - Discrete Event Simulation, A First Course - L. Lemmis, S. Park.pdf 3.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Fabrication and Industrial Engineering/2007 - Supply Chain Management 3rd ed. - S. Chopra, P. Meindl.pdf 17.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Fabrication and Industrial Engineering/2009 - Manufacturing, Engineering and Technology 6th ed. - S. Kalpakjian, S. Schmid.pdf 104.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Fabrication and Industrial Engineering/2010 - Beginning Google Sketchup for 3D Printing - Sandeep Singh.pdf 16.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Fabrication and Industrial Engineering/2011 - Introduction to Discrete Event Simulation and Agent-based Modeling - Theodore T. Allen.pdf 3.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Fabrication and Industrial Engineering/2011 - Printing in Plastic, Build Your Own 3D Printer - J.F. Kelly, P. Hood-Daniel.pdf 16.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Fabrication and Industrial Engineering/2012 - Practical 3D Printers, The Science and Art of 3D Printing - Brian Evans.pdf 19.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Fabrication and Industrial Engineering/2013 - Getting Started with RepRap - Josef Prusa.url 165 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Fabrication and Industrial Engineering/_README_.txt 4 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__General, Unsolved Problems, and Science-Politics/__Patent Fundamentals for Engineers and Inventors/2000 - Patent Fundamentals for Scientists and Engineers 2nd ed. - T.T. Gordon, A.S. Cookfair.pdf 12.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__General, Unsolved Problems, and Science-Politics/__Patent Fundamentals for Engineers and Inventors/2008 - The Inventor's Notebook, A Patent it Yourself Companion 5th ed. - F. Grissm, D. Pressman.pdf 2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__General, Unsolved Problems, and Science-Politics/__Patent Fundamentals for Engineers and Inventors/2010 - Patent Law for Computer Scientists, Steps to Protect Computer-Implemented Inventions - D. Closa, A. Gardiner, F. Giemsa, J. Machek.pdf 2.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__General, Unsolved Problems, and Science-Politics/__Patent Fundamentals for Engineers and Inventors/2011 - Patent it Yourself 15th ed. - David Pressman.pdf 16 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__General, Unsolved Problems, and Science-Politics/1992 - Complexity, Life at the Edge of Chaos - Roger Lewin.pdf 16.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__General, Unsolved Problems, and Science-Politics/1996 - Chaos In The Cosmos - Barry Parker.pdf 26.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__General, Unsolved Problems, and Science-Politics/1996 - The Structure of Scientific Revolutions 3rd ed. - Thomas S. Kuhn.pdf 20.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__General, Unsolved Problems, and Science-Politics/1999 - Gödel, Escher, Bach ~ An Eternal Golden Braid - Douglas R. Hofstadter.pdf 13.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__General, Unsolved Problems, and Science-Politics/2000 - The Millennium Prize Problems - eds. J. Carlson, A. Jaffe, A. Wiles.pdf 4.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__General, Unsolved Problems, and Science-Politics/2001 - Unsolved Mysteries of Science - John Malone.pdf 2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__General, Unsolved Problems, and Science-Politics/2002 - Fabulous Science, Fact and Fiction in the History of Scientific Discovery - John Waller.pdf 2.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__General, Unsolved Problems, and Science-Politics/2002 - Prematurity in Scientific Discovery, On Resistance and Neglect - ed. Ernest B. Hook.pdf 1.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__General, Unsolved Problems, and Science-Politics/2002 - The Annotated Flatland, A Romance of Many Dimensions - E.A. Abbott, I. Stewart.pdf 1.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__General, Unsolved Problems, and Science-Politics/2004 - Beyond Reason, 8 Great Problems that Reveal the Limits of Science - A.K. Dewdney.djvu 1.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__General, Unsolved Problems, and Science-Politics/2004 - Sync ~ How Order Emerges from Chaos in the Universe, Nature and Daily Life - Steven H. Strogatz.epub 2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__General, Unsolved Problems, and Science-Politics/2006 - The Art and Science of Technology Transfer - Phyllis L. Speser.pdf 7.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__General, Unsolved Problems, and Science-Politics/2007 - Chaos, A Very Short Introduction - Leonard A. Smith.pdf 5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__General, Unsolved Problems, and Science-Politics/2007 - Cosmological Enigmas ~ Pulsars, Quasars, and Other Deep-Space Questions - Mark Kidger.pdf 5.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__General, Unsolved Problems, and Science-Politics/2007 - NASA's Scientist-Astronauts - D.J. Shayler, C. Burgess.pdf 63.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__General, Unsolved Problems, and Science-Politics/2007 - Quirky Sides of Scientists, True Tales of Ingenuity and Error From Physics and Astronomy - David R. Topper.pdf 2.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__General, Unsolved Problems, and Science-Politics/2008 - 13 Things That Don't Make Sense - Michael Brooks.pdf 1.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__General, Unsolved Problems, and Science-Politics/2009 - On Being a Scientist, Responsible Conduct in Research, 3rd ed. - NAS.pdf 389 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__General, Unsolved Problems, and Science-Politics/2010 - On Fact and Fraud, Cautionary Tales from the Front Lines of Science - David Goodstein.pdf 1.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__General, Unsolved Problems, and Science-Politics/2010 - Seeing Further ~ The Story of Science, Discovery, and the Genius of the Royal Society - Bill Bryson.epub 2.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Imaging, Photogrammetry, Photography, and Lighting/__Photogrammetry/2002 - Digital Photogrammetry - Y. Egels, M.Kasser.pdf 9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Imaging, Photogrammetry, Photography, and Lighting/__Photogrammetry/2006 - Digital Photogrammetry, A Practical Course (2nd ed.) - Wilfried Linder.pdf 10 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Imaging, Photogrammetry, Photography, and Lighting/__Photogrammetry/2009 - Digital Photogrammetry, A Practical Course (3rd ed.) - Wilfried Linder.pdf 5.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Imaging, Photogrammetry, Photography, and Lighting/__Photogrammetry/2010 - Image-Based Modeling - Long Quan.pdf 7.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Imaging, Photogrammetry, Photography, and Lighting/2001 - Lighting Engineering, Applied Calculations - R.H. Simons, A.R. Bean.pdf 18.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Imaging, Photogrammetry, Photography, and Lighting/2003 - Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB - R.C. Gonzalez, R.E. Woods, S.L. Eddins.pdf 27.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Imaging, Photogrammetry, Photography, and Lighting/2005 - Digital Holography ~ Digital Hologram Recording, Numerical Reconstruction, and Related Techniques - U. Schnars, W. Jüeptner.pdf 4.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Imaging, Photogrammetry, Photography, and Lighting/2006 - Night and Low-Light Techniques for Digital Photography - Peter Cope.pdf 5.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Imaging, Photogrammetry, Photography, and Lighting/2007 - Filming the Fantastic, A Guide to Visual Effects Cinematography - Mark Sawicki.pdf 36.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Imaging, Photogrammetry, Photography, and Lighting/2007 - Focal Encyclopedia of Photography ~ Digital Imaging, Theory and Applications, History, and Science (4th ed.) - ed. Michael Peres.pdf 33.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Imaging, Photogrammetry, Photography, and Lighting/2008 - Understanding Forensic Digital Imaging - H. Blitzer, K. Stein-Ferguson, J. Huang.pdf 15.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Imaging, Photogrammetry, Photography, and Lighting/2009 - Lens Design Fundamentals (2nd ed.) - R. Kingslake, R.B. Johnson.pdf 7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Imaging, Photogrammetry, Photography, and Lighting/2009 - Photography and Science - Kelley Wilder.pdf 4.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Imaging, Photogrammetry, Photography, and Lighting/2010 - Adobe Photoshop CS5 for Photographers - Martin Evening.pdf 59.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Imaging, Photogrammetry, Photography, and Lighting/2010 - Langford's Basic Photography, The Guide for Serious Photographers (9th ed.) - M. Langford, A. Fox, R.S. Smith.pdf 22.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Imaging, Photogrammetry, Photography, and Lighting/2010 - The Manual of Photography (10th ed.) - E. Allen, S. Triantaphillidou.pdf 17.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Imaging, Photogrammetry, Photography, and Lighting/2010 - Understanding Exposure (3rd ed.) - Bryan Peterson.pdf 108.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Imaging, Photogrammetry, Photography, and Lighting/_README_.txt 7 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Information Science/__General and History/2003 - The Enduring Library ~ Technology, Tradition, and the Quest for Balance - Michael Gorman.pdf 1.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Information Science/__General and History/2005 - Google and the Myth of Universal Knowledge, A View from Europe - J. Jeanneney, trans. T.L. Fagan.pdf 489 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Information Science/__General and History/2005 - The Google Story ~ Inside the Hottest Business, Media, and Technology Success of Our Time - D. Vise, M. Malseed.pdf 1.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Information Science/__General and History/2006 - From Gutenberg to Google, Electronic Representations of Literary Texts - Peter L. Shillingsburg.pdf 1.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Information Science/__General and History/2013 - Big Data, A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think - V. Mayer-Schonberger, K. Cukier.epub 405 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Information Science/1997 - The Limits of Mathematics, A Course on Information Theory and the Limits of Formal Reasoning - Gregory J. Chaitin.djvu 848 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Information Science/2002 - The Mathematical Foundation of Informatics - eds. L. van Do, M. Ito.pdf 9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Information Science/2003 - Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms - David J.C. MacKay.pdf 7.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Information Science/2004 - Global Librarianship - eds. M.A. Kesselman, I. Weintraub.pdf 1.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Information Science/2004 - Quantum Information Science - eds. C. Soo, W.M. Zhang.djvu 3.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Information Science/2006 - Information Science - David G. Luenberger.pdf 8.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Information Science/2008 - Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (2nd ed.) - ed. Mehdi Khosrow-Pour.pdf 42 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Information Science/2009 - Human Information Retrieval - Julian Warner.pdf 850 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Information Science/2009 - Python for Informatics - Charles Severance.pdf 1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Information Science/2010 - Information, A Very Short Introduction - Luciano Floridi.pdf 1.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Information Science/2011 - Models of Science Dynamics, Encounters Between Complexity Theory and Information Science - A. Scharnhorst, K. Borner, P. van den Besselaar.pdf 6.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__Animal Communication/1978 - Communication Between Man and Dolphin, The Possibilities of Talking with Other Species - John Lilly.pdf 6.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__Animal Communication/1998 - Apes, Language, and the Human Mind - S. Savage-Rumbaugh, S.G. Shanker, T.J. Taylor.chm 7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__Animal Communication/1999 - The Alex Studies, Cognitive and Communicative Abilities of Grey Parrots - Irene M. Pepperberg.pdf 1.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__Animal Communication/2003 - Animal Bodies, Human Minds ~ Ape, Dolphin, and Parrot Language Skills - W.A. Hillix, D.M. Rumbaugh.pdf 92 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__Animal Communication/2006 - Kanzi's Primal Language, The Cultural Initiation of Primates into Language - P. Segerdahl, W. Fields, S. Savage-Rumbaugh.pdf 1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__Animal Communication/2008 - Nim Chimpsky, The Chimp Who Would Be Human - Elizabeth 2.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__General and History/Cambridge History of the English Language/V 1, 1992, The Beginnings to 1066 - ed. Richard M. Hogg.pdf 10.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__General and History/Cambridge History of the English Language/V 2, 1992, 1066-1476 - ed. Norman Blake.pdf 11.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__General and History/Cambridge History of the English Language/V 3, 1999, 1476-1776 - ed. Roger Lass.pdf 4.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__General and History/Cambridge History of the English Language/V 4, 1998, 1776-1997 - ed. Suzanne Romaine.pdf 12.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__General and History/Cambridge History of the English Language/V 5, 1994, English in Britain and Overseas, Origins and Development - ed. Robert Burchfield.pdf 9.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__General and History/Cambridge History of the English Language/V 6, 2001, English in North America - ed. John Algeo.pdf 2.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__General and History/1967 - A Short History of Linguistics - R.H. Robbins.pdf 8.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__General and History/2002 - Speak, A Short History of Languages - Tore Janson.pdf 1.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__General and History/2003 - The Power of Babel, A Natural History of Language - John Mcwhorter.pdf 16.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__General and History/2005 - The Talking Ape, How Language Evolved - Robbins Burling.pdf 1.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__General and History/2006 - The Meaning of Tingo, And Other Extraordinary Words from Around the World - Adam Jacot de Boinod.pdf 2.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__General and History/2006 - The Unfolding of Language, An Evolutionary Tour of Mankind's Greatest Invention - Guy Deutscher.pdf 4.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__General and History/2009 - In the Land of Invented Languages - Arika Okrent.epub 1.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__General and History/2009 - Wordcrime, Solving Crime Through Forensic Linguistics - John Olsson.url 172 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__General and History/2009 - Writing and Script, A Very Short Introduction - Andrew Robinson.pdf 2.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__General and History/2010 - Romance Languages, A Historical Introduction - T. Alkire, C. Rosen.pdf 2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__General and History/2010 - The Language Construction Kit - Mark 780 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__General and History/2010 - The Last Speakers, The Quest to Save the World's Most Endangered Languages - K. David Harrison.epub 2.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__General and History/2013 - Netymology, A Linguistic Celebration of the Digital World - Tom Chatfield.url 153 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__Grammar and Semantics/1981 - Introduction to Montague Semantics - D.R. Dowth, R.E. Wall, S. Peters.djvu 3.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__Grammar and Semantics/1990 - Meaning and Grammar, An Introduction to Semantics - G. Chierchia, S. McConnell-Ginet.pdf 3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__Grammar and Semantics/2002 - Formal Semantics, The Essential Readings - eds. P. Portner, B.H. Partee.djvu 9.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__Grammar and Semantics/2004 - An Introduction to Functional Grammar 3rd ed. - M.A.K. Halliday, C.M.I.M. Matthiessen.pdf 3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__Grammar and Semantics/2004 - Semantic Cognition, A Parallel Distributed Processing Approach - T.T. Rogers, J.L. McClelland.pdf 1.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__Grammar and Semantics/2007 - Semantic Relationism - Kit Fine.pdf 638 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__Grammar and Semantics/2008 - Modal Logic, An Introduction to its Syntax and Semantics - N.B. Cocchiarella, M.A. Freund.djvu 2.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__Natural Language, Speech, Synthesis and Processing/1978 - Digital Processing of Speech Signals - L.R. Rabiner, R.W. Schafer.djvu 6.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__Natural Language, Speech, Synthesis and Processing/1987 - Natural Language Understanding 1st ed. - James Allen.djvu 4.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__Natural Language, Speech, Synthesis and Processing/1995 - Natural Language Understanding 2nd ed. - James Allen.chm 5.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__Natural Language, Speech, Synthesis and Processing/2000 - Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing - C.D. Manning, H. Schutze.pdf 6.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__Natural Language, Speech, Synthesis and Processing/2001 - Digital Speech Processing, Synthesis and Recognition 2nd ed. - Sadaoki Furui.pdf 22.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__Natural Language, Speech, Synthesis and Processing/2007 - Introduction to Digital Speech Processing - L.R. Rabiner, R.W. Schafer.pdf 2.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__Natural Language, Speech, Synthesis and Processing/2008 - Speech and Language Processing 2nd ed. - D. Jurafsky, J.H. Martin.pdf 26 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__Natural Language, Speech, Synthesis and Processing/2011 - Spoken Language Understanding ~ Systems for Extracting Semantic Information from Speech - G. Tur, R. De Mori .pdf 9.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__Sociolinguistics/1995 - An Introduction to Language and Society 2nd ed. - Martin Montgomery.pdf 1.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__Sociolinguistics/2006 - An Introduction to Sociolinguistics 5th ed. - Ronald Wardhaugh.pdf 4.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/__Sociolinguistics/2006 - Language, Culture, and Society ~ Key Topics in Linguistic Anthropology - eds. C. Jourdan, K. Tuite.pdf 2.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/1959 - Course In General Linguistics - F. de Saussure, trans. W. Baskin.pdf 12.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/1963 - The Mathematical Theory of Communication - C.E. Shannon, W. Weaver.djvu 1.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/1977 - Origins, A Short Etymological Dictionary of Modern English - Eric Partridge.pdf 18.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/1985 - Natural Language Parsing ~ Psychological, Computational, and Theoretical Perspectives - D.R. Dowty, L. Karttunen, A.M. Zwicky.djvu 3.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/1986 - Computational Linguistics, An Introduction - Ralph Grishman.pdf 61.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/1993 - How Languages Are Learned - P.M. Lightbown, N. Spada.djvu 1.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/1994 - Describing Language - D. Graddol, J. Cheshire, J. Swann.djvu 3.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/1994 - Linguistic Theories of Humor - Salvatore Attardo.pdf 21.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/1997 - The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language 2nd ed. - David Crystal.pdf 22.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/1997 - The Symbolic Species, The Co-Evolution of Language and the Brain - Terrence W. Deacon.pdf 860 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/1998 - Language Form and Language Function - Frederick J. Newmeyer.pdf 1.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/1998 - Psycholinguistics - Thomas Scovel.pdf 1.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/2000 - Linguistics of American Sign Language Text, An Introduction 3rd ed. - C. Valli, C. Lucas.pdf 10.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/2001 - Linguistics, An Introduction to Language and Communication - A. Akmajian, R.A. Demers, A.K. Farmer, R.M. Harnish.pdf 3.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/2002 - Syntactic Structures (2nd ed.) - Noam Chomsky.pdf 4.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/2004 - Teach Yourself Linguistics - Jean 1.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/2006 - Cognitive Linguistics, An Introduction - V. Evans, M. Green.pdf 3.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/2006 - Competing Models of Linguistic Change, Evolution and Beyond - ed. Ole Nedergaard Thomsen.pdf 2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/2007 - An Introduction to Applied Linguistics, From Practice to Theory 2nd ed. - Alan Davies.pdf 860 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/2007 - An Introduction to Forensic Linguistics - M. Coulthard, A. Johnson.pdf 1.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/2007 - An Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology - J. Clark. C. Yallop, J. Fletcher.pdf 15.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/2007 - Neurolinguistics, An Introduction to Spoken Language Processing and its Disorders - John C.L. Ingram.pdf 4.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/2007 - Semiotics, The Basics 2nd ed. - Daniel Chandler.pdf 1.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/2007 - The Origins of Meaning, Language in the Light of Evolution - James R. Hurford.pdf 1.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/2008 - Language Classification, History and Method - L. Campbell, W.J. Poser.pdf 4.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/2008 - Mathematical Linguistics - Andras Kornai.pdf 2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/2008 - Quantitative Methods in Linguistics - Keith Johnson.pdf 15 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/2008 - Second Language Acquisition, An Introductory Course 3rd ed. - S.M. Gass, L. Selinker.pdf 5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/2008 - The Boundaries of Babel, The Brain and the Enigma of Impossible Languages - A. Moro, trans. I. Caponigro, D.B. Kane.pdf 5.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/2009 - Key Ideas in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language - eds. S. Chapman, C. Routledge.pdf 1.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/2011 - The Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics - ed. James Simpson.pdf 6.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Linguistics and Communication/_README_.txt 3 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/__Applied Physics/2001 - Dictionary of Material Science and High Energy Physics - ed. Dipak Basu.pdf 4.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/__Applied Physics/2003 - Applied Quantum Mechanics, For Engineers and Physicists - Anthony Levi.pdf 3.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/__Applied Physics/2006 - Applied Quantum Mechanics 2nd ed. - A.F.J. Levi.pdf 3.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/__Applied Physics/2006 - Applied Quantum Mechanics 2nd ed., Solution Manual - A.F.J. Levi.pdf 3.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/__Ceramics/1998 - An Introduction to the Mechanical Properties of Ceramics - David J. Green.pdf 31.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/__Ceramics/2003 - Fundamentals of Ceramics - M.W. Barsoum.pdf 33.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/__Ceramics/2007 - Ceramic Materials, Science and Engineering - C.B. Carter, M.G. Norton.pdf 20 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/__Crystallography/1963 - Elementary Crystallography, An Introduction to the Fundamental Geometrical Features of Crystals - Martin J. Buerger.djvu 9.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/__Crystallography/1985 - Physical Properties of Crystals, Their Representations by Tensors and Matrices - J.F. Nye.pdf 104.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/__Crystallography/2007 - Physical Properties of Crystals, An Introduction - Siegfried Haussuhl.pdf 3.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/__General and History/1983 - History of Strength of Materials - Stephen P. Timoshenko.pdf 74.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/__General and History/2001 - The Coming of Materials Science - R.W. Cahn.pdf 37.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/__General and History/2004 - Understanding Materials Science ~ History, Properties, Applications 2nd ed. - Rolf E. Hummel.pdf 8.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/__General and History/2009 - Superconductivity, A Very Short Introduction - Stephen Blundell.pdf 1.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/1973 - The Principles of Engineering Materials - C.R. Barrett, A.S. Tetelman, W.D. Nix.url 172 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/1988 - Mechanical Metallurgy - George E. Dieter.pdf 58.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/1990 - X-Ray Diffraction - B.E. Warren.djvu 7.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/1996 - Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials 4th ed. - Richard W. Hertzberg.pdf 41.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/1999 - Advanced Strength and Applied Stress Analysis 2nd ed. - Richard Budynas.pdf 23.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/1999 - Concrete Mixture Proportioning, A Scientific Approach - François de Larrard.pdf 9.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/1999 - Modern Physical Metallurgy and Materials Engineering 6th ed. - R.E. Smallman, R.J. Bishop.pdf 42.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/2000 - Dictionary of Materials and Testing 2nd ed. - ed. Joan L. Tomsic.pdf 26.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/2003 - Electronic and Optoelectronic Properties of Semiconductor Structures - Jasprit Singh.pdf 5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/2003 - Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials 4th ed. - David R. Gaskell.pdf 17.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/2004 - Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology 3rd ed. - Herman F. Mark.pdf 88.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/2004 - Introduction to Dislocations 5th ed. - D. Hull, D.J. Bacon.pdf 12.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/2004 - Modern Experimental Stress Analysis, Completing the Solution of Partially Specified Problems - James F. Doyle.pdf 6.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/2006 - Concise Encyclopedia of the Structure of Materials - ed. John Wilson Martin.pdf 10.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/2006 - Plastics, Materials and Processing 3rd ed. - A. Brent Strong.pdf 31 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/2007 - Alloy Physics, A Comprehensive Reference - Wolfgang Pfeiler.pdf 20.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/2007 - Materials ~ Engineering, Science, Processing and Design - M. Ashby, H. Shercliff, D. Cebon.pdf 16.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/2008 - Microstructural Characterization of Materials 2nd ed. - D. Brandon, W.D. Kaplan.pdf 13.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/2008 - Polymer Engineering Science and Viscoelasticity, An Introduction - H.F. Brinson, L.C. Brinson.pdf 5.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/2009 - Essentials of Polymer Science and Engineering - P.C. Painter, M.M. Coleman.pdf 37.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/2009 - Fundamentals of Creep in Metals and Alloys 2nd ed. - Michael Kassner.pdf 4.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/2009 - Mechanical Behavior of Materials 2nd ed. - M.A. Meyers, K.K. Chawla.pdf 16.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/2009 - Solid-State Physics, An Introduction to Principles of Materials Science 4th ed. - H. Ibach, H. Luth.pdf 6.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/2010 - Materials Science and Engineering, An Introduction 8th ed. - W.D. Callister Jr, D.G. Rethwisch.pdf 32.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/2010 - Mechanical Behavior of Materials 2nd ed. - William F. Hosford.pdf 10.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Material Science/_README_.txt 6 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics/_Mathworld Online.url 118 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics/V 1, 1998, CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics (A to D) - E. Weisstein.pdf 71 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics/V 2, 1998, CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics (D to K) - E. Weisstein.pdf 70.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics/V 3, 1998, CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics (K to Q) - E. Weisstein.pdf 71 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics/V 4, 1998, CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics (Q to Z) - E. Weisstein.pdf 67.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 001, 1976, Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability - Luis A. Santalo.djvu 4.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 002, 1976, The Theory of Partitions - George E. Andrews.djvu 1.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 003, 1977, The Theory of Information and Coding - Robert J. McEliece.url 169 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 004, 1977, Symmetry and Separation of Variables - Willard Miller Jr.djvu 6.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 005, 1978, Thermodynamic Formalism, The Mathematical Structure of Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics 2nd ed. - David Ruelle.pdf 2.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 006, 1978, Permanents - Henryk Minc.djvu 1.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 007, 1985, Measurement Theory ~ With Applications to Decisionmaking, Utility, and the Social Sciences - Fred S. Roberts.pdf 5.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 008, 1981, Angular Momentum in Quantum Physics, Theory and Application - L.C. Biedenharn, J.D. Louck.pdf 33.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 009, 1984, The Racah-Wigner Algebra in Quantum Theory - L.C. Biedenharn, J.D. Louck.pdf 25.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 010, 1979, Product Integration with Application to Differential Equations - J.D. Dollard, C.N. Friedman.url 205 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 011, 1980, Continued Fractions, Analytic Theory and Applications - W.B. Jones, W.J. Thron.djvu 3.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 012, 1981, Mathematical Theory of Entropy - N.F.G. Martin, J.W. England.url 169 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 013, 1981, Padé Approximants, Part 1, Basic Theory, 1st ed. - G.A. Baker Jr, P. Graves-Morris.djvu 2.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 014, 1981, Padé Approximants, Part 2, Extensions and Applications, 1st ed. - G.A. Baker Jr, P. Graves-Morris.djvu 1.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 015, 1981, The Logic of Quantum Mechanics - E.G. Beltrametti, G. Cassinelli.djvu 2.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 016, 1981, Representation Theory of the Symmetric Group - G. James, A. Kerber.djvu 3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 017, 1997, Algebraic Combinatorics on Words - M. Lothaire.pdf 15.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 018, 1983, The Cauchy Problem - H.O. Fattorini.pdf 5.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 019, 1983, Birkhoff Interpolation - G.G. Lorentz, K. Jetter, S.D. Riemenschneider.djvu 2.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 020, 1997, Finite Fields - R. Lidl, H. Niederreiter.djvu 3.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 021, 2001, Graph Theory - W.T. Tutte.url 169 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 022, 1984, Field Extensions and Galois Theory - Julio R. Bastida.url 169 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 023, 1984, The One-Dimensional Heat Equation - John Rozier Cannon.url 169 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 024, 1986, The Banach-Tarski Paradox - Stan Wagon.djvu 7.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 025, 1985, Computation and Automata - Arto Salomaa.djvu 3.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 026, 1986, Theory of Matroids - Neil White.pdf 2.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 027, 1987, Regular Variation - N.H. Bingham, C.M. Goldie, J.L Teugels.djvu 4.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 028, 1987, Rational Approximation of Real Functions - P.P. Petrushev, V.A. Popov.url 169 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 029, 1987, Combinatorial Geometries - Neil White.url 169 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 030, 1989, Algorithmic Algebraic Number Theory - M. Pohst, H. Zassenhaus.pdf 13.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 031, 1989, Functional Equations in Several Variables - J. Aczel, J.G. Dhombres.url 169 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 032, 1990, Iterative Functional Equations - M. Kuczma, B. Choczewski, R. Ger.djvu 4.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 033, 1990, Factorization Calculus and Geometric Probability - R.V. Ambartzumian.url 169 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 034, 1990, Volterra Integral and Functional Equations - G. Gripenberg, S.O. Londen, O. Staffans.djvu 7.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 035, 1990, Basic Hypergeometric Series - G. Gasper, M. Rahman.djvu 2.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 036, 1991, Comparison of Statistical Experiments - Erik N. Torgersen.url 169 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 037, 1990, Interval Methods for Systems of Equations - Arnold Neumaier.djvu 1.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 038, 1991, Exact Constants in Approximation Theory - N. Korneichuk.url 179 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 039, 1991, Combinatorial Matrix Theory - R.A. Brualdi, H.J. Ryser.pdf 6.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 040, 1992, Matroid Applications - ed. Neil White.pdf 3.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 041, 1991, Operator Algebras in Dynamical Systems - Shôichirô Sakai.pdf 4.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 042, 1993, Model Theory - Wilfrid Hodges.djvu 6.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 043, 1992, General Orthogonal Polynomials - H. Stahl, V. Totik.djvu 1.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 044, 1993, Convex Bodies, The Brunn-Minkowski Theory - Rolf Schneider.djvu 7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 045, 1992, Stochastic Equations in Infinite Dimensions - G.D. Prato, J. Zabczyk.djvu 6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 046, 1999, Oriented Matroids 2nd ed. - A. Björner, M.L. Vergnas, B. Sturmfels, N. White, G.M. Ziegler.pdf 7.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 047, 1992, Stopping Times and Directed Processes - G.A. Edgar, L. Sucheston.pdf 3.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 048, 1994, Computation with Finitely Presented Groups - Charles C. Sims.pdf 4.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 049, 1994, V 1, Banach Algebras and the General Theory of (asterisk)-Algebras - Theodore W. Palmer.djvu 11 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 050, 1994, V 1, Handbook of Categorical Algebra, Basic Category Theory - Francis Borceux.djvu 2.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 051, 1994, V 2, Handbook of Categorical Algebra, Categories and Structures - Francis Borceux.djvu 3.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 052, 1994, V 3, Handbook of Categorical Algebra, Categories of Sheaves - Francis Borceux.djvu 11.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 053, 1999, Random Graphs - V.F. Kolchin.pdf 1.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 054, 1995, Introduction to the Modern Theory of Dynamical Systems - A. Katok, B. Hasselblatt.url 169 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 055, 1996, Combinatorial Methods in Discrete Mathematics - Vladimir N. Sachkov.pdf 2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 056, 1997, Probabilistic Methods in Combinatorial Analysis - Vladimir N. Sachkov.djvu 2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 057, 1995, Skew Fields, Theory of General Division Rings - P.M. Cohn.djvu 5.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 058, 1995, Geometric Tomography - Richard J. Gardner.url 169 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 059, 1996, Padé Approximants, 2nd ed. - G.A. Baker Jr, P. Graves-Morris.djvu 3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 060, 1995, Bounded Arithmetic, Propositional Logic and Complexity Theory - Jan Krajicek.pdf 3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 061, 1996, Geometric Applications of Fourier Series and Spherical Harmonics - Helmut Groemer.djvu 1.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 062, 1999, Infinite Dimensional Optimization and Control Theory - Hector O. Fattorini.url 169 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 063, 1996, Minkowski Geometry - A.C. Thompson.djvu 6.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 064, 1997, Nonnegative Matrices and Applications - R.B. Bapat, T.E.S. Raghavan.djvu 2.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 065, 1997, Sperner Theory - Konrad Engel.djvu 3.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 066, 1997, Eigenspaces of Graphs - D. Cvetkovic, P. Rowlinson, S. Simic.djvu 1.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 067, 1998, Combinatorial Species and Tree-like Structures - F. Bergeron, G. Labelle, P. Leroux, trans. M. Readdy.djvu 6.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 068, 2003, Representations and Invariants of the Classical Groups - R. Goodman, N.R. Wallach.url 169 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 069, 1999, V 1, Design Theory 2nd ed. - T. Beth, D. Jungnickel, H. Lenz.djvu 5.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 070, 1998, Orthonormal Systems and Banach Space Geometry - A. Pietsch, J. Wenzel.djvu 2.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 071, 1999, Special Functions - G.E. Andrews, R. Askey, R. Roy.djvu 14.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 072, 1999, Quantum Field Theory for Mathematicians - Robin Ticciati.djvu 6.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 073, 1999, Semimodular Lattices, Theory and Applications - Manfred Stern.pdf 10 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 074, 2010, V 1, Control Theory for Partial Differential Equations, Abstract Parabolic Systems - I. Lasiecka, R. Triggiani.url 134 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 075, 2011, V 2, Control Theory for Partial Differential Equations, Abstract Hyperbolic-like Systems - I. Lasiecka, R. Triggiani.url 134 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 076, 1999, Geometry of Sporadic Groups I, Petersen and Tilde Geometries - A.A. Ivanov.pdf 6.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 077, 2000, Polynomials with Special Regard to Reducibility - A. Schinzel.pdf 2.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 078, 1999, V 2, Design Theory 2nd ed. - T. Beth, D. Jungnickel, H. Lenz.pdf 14 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 079, 2001, Banach Algebras and the General Theory of (asterisk)-Algebras, Vol. 2 - Theodore W. Palmer.pdf 49.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 080, 2000, Lie's Structural Approach to PDE Systems - Olle Stormark.djvu 4.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 081, 2001, Orthogonal Polynomials of Several Variables - C.F. Dunkl, Y. Xu.djvu 6.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 082, 2000, The Foundations of Mathematics in the Theory of Sets - John P. Mayberry.url 169 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 083, 2001, Navier-Stokes Equations and Turbulence - C. Foias, O. Manley, R. Rosa, R. Temam.pdf 1.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 084, 2001, Geometries on Surfaces - B. Polster, G. Steinke.pdf 5.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 085, 2001, Asymptotics and Mellin-Barnes Integrals - R.B. Paris, D. Kaminsky.pdf 2.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 086, 2002, The Theory of Information and Coding 2nd ed. - Robert J. McEliece.pdf 4.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 087, 2002, An Algebraic Introduction to K-Theory - Bruce A. Magurn.djvu 3.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 088, 2003, V 1, Solving Polynomial Equation Systems, The Kronecker-Duval Philosophy - Teo Mora.pdf 1.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 089, 2002, Stochastic Integration with Jumps - Klaus Bichteler.pdf 3.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 090, 2002, Algebraic Combinatorics on Words - M. Lothaire.djvu 4.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 091, 2002, Geometry of Sporadic Groups II, Representations and Amalgams - A.A. Ivanov, S.V. Shpectorov.pdf 6.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 092, 2002, Abstract Regular Polytopes - P. McMullen, E. Schulte.pdf 2.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 093, 2003, Continuous Lattices and Domains - G. Gierz, K.H. Hofmann, K. Keimel, J.D. Lawson, M.W. Mislove, D.S. Scott.pdf 2.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 094, 2003, Mathematical Constants - Steven R. Finch.pdf 2.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 095, 2003, The Mountain Pass Theorem ~ Variants, Generalizations and Some Applications - Youssef Jabri.pdf 2.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 096, 1990, Basic Hypergeometric Series 2nd ed. - G. Gasper, M. Rahman.pdf 5.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 097, 2004, Categorical Foundations Special Topics in Order, Topology, Algebra, and Sheaf Theory - eds. M.C. Pedicchio, W. Tholen.djvu 5.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 098, 2005, Classical and Quantum Orthogonal Polynomials in One Variable - Mourad E.H. Ismail.url 169 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 099, 2005, V 2, Solving Polynomial Equation Systems, Macaulay's Paradigm and Gröbner Technology - Teo Mora.url 169 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 100, 2004, Large Deviations and Metastability - E. Olivieri, M.E. Vares.pdf 2.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 101, 2007, Contact Geometry and Nonlinear Differential Equations - A. Kushner, V. Lychagin, V. Rubtsov.djvu 3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 102, 2005, Topics in Algebraic Graph Theory - eds. L.W. Beineke, R.J. Wilson.pdf 1.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 103, 2005, Well-Posed Linear Systems - Olof Staffans.pdf 3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 104, 2006, Dynamic Data Assimilation, A Least Squares Approach - J.M. Lewis, S. Lakshmivarahan, S. Dhall.pdf 3.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 105, 2004, Applied Combinatorics on Words - M. Lothaire.pdf 4.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 106, 2006, Analytic Tomography - Andrew Markoe.pdf 12.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 107, 2006, Multiple Scattering Interaction of Time-Harmonic Waves with N Obstacles - P.A. Martin.pdf 1.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 108, 2006, Combinatorial Matrix Classes - Richard A. Brualdi.pdf 2.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 109, 2010, Convex Functions ~ Constructions, Characterizations and Counterexamples - J.M. Borwein, J.D. Vanderwerff.pdf 3.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 110, 2007, Spline Functions on Triangulations - M.-J. Lai, L.L. Schumaker.pdf 3.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 111, 2007, Symmetric Generation of Groups, With Applications to many of the Sporadic Finite Simple Groups - Robert T. Curtis.pdf 2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 112, 2007, The Classical Fields, Structural Features of the Real and Rational Numbers - H. Salzmann, T. Grundhofer, H. Hahl, R. Lowen.pdf 2.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 113, 2007, Stochastic Partial Differential Equations with Lévy Noise, An Evolution Equation Approach - S. Peszat, J. Zabczyk.djvu 13 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 114, 2008, Combinatorial Games, Tic-Tac-Toe Theory - József Beck.pdf 2.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 115, 2007, Nonuniform Hyperbolicity - L. Barreira, Y. Pesin.url 169 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 116, 2008, J-Contractive Matrix Valued Functions and Related Topics - D.Z. Arov, H. Dym.pdf 2.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 117, 2008, Exact and Approximate Controllability for Distributed Parameter Systems, A Numerical Approach - R. Glowinski, J.-L. Lions, J. He.pdf 11 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 118, 2008, Asymptotic Analysis of Random Walks Heavy-Tailed Distributions - A.A. Borovkov, K.A. Borovkov, trans. O.B. Borokova.pdf 2.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 119, 2008, Geometry of Chemical Graphs, Polycycles and Two-faced Maps - M. Deza, M.D. Sikiric.pdf 3.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 120, 2008, Absolute Measurable Spaces - Togo Nishiura.pdf 1.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 121, 2009, Purity, Spectra and Localisation - Mike Priest.url 250 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 122, 2008, Orthogonal Polynomials and Continued Fractions, From Euler's Point of View - Sergey Khrushchev.pdf 2.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 123, 2008, Algorithmic Aspects of Graph Connectivity - H. Nagamochi, T. Ibaraki.pdf 4.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 124, 2009, V 1, Hilbert Transforms - Frederick W. King.pdf 3.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 125, 2009, V 2, Hilbert Transforms - Frederick W. King.pdf 3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 126, 2009, Sub-Riemannian Geometry - O. Calin, D.-C. Chang.url 253 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 127, 2009, Aggregation Functions - M. Grabisch, J.-L. Marichal, R. Mesiar, E. Pap.url 251 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 128, 2009, Topics in Topological Graph Theory - eds. L.W. Beineke, R.J. Wilson.url 248 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 129, 2009, Codes and Automata - J. Berstel, D. Perrin, C. Reutenauer.pdf 4.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 130, 2010, Modules over Endomorphism Rings - Theodore G. Faticoni.url 250 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 131, 2010, Stochastic Control and Mathematical Modeling, Applications in Economics - Hiroaki Morimoto.url 227 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 132, 2011, Relational Mathematics - Gunther Schmidt.url 244 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 133, 2010, Finite Precision Number Systems and Arithmetic - P. Kornerup, D.W. Matula.url 169 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 134, 2010, Boolean Models and Methods in Mathematics, Computer Science, and Engineering - ed. Y. Crama, P.L. Hammer.url 250 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 135, 2010, Combinatorics, Automata and Number Theory - eds. V. Berthé, M. Rigo.pdf 4.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 136, 2010, Variational Principles in Mathematical Physics, Geometry, and Economics - A. Kristaly, V.D. Radulescu, C.G. Varga.url 246 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 137, 2010, Noncommutative Rational Series with Applications - J. Bertsel, C. Reutenauer.pdf 2.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 138, 2011, Graph Structure and Monadic Second-Order Logic - Bruno Courcelle.url 134 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 139, 2011, Matrices and Graphs in Geometry - Miroslav Fiedler.url 169 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 140, 2011, Real Analysis Through Modern Infinitesimals - Nader Vakil.url 169 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 141, 2011, Hadamard Expansions and Hyperasymptotic Evaluation - R.B. Paris.url 169 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications/S 142, 2011, Boolean Functions ~ Theory, Algorithms, and Applications - Y. Crama, P.L. Hammer.pdf 4.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Mathematics, Macmillan Science Library/V 1, 2002, Ab to Cy - ed. Barry Max Brandenberger Jr.djvu 5.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Mathematics, Macmillan Science Library/V 2, 2002, Da to Lo - ed. Barry Max Brandenberger Jr.djvu 5.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Mathematics, Macmillan Science Library/V 3, 2002, Ma to Ro - ed. Barry Max Brandenberger Jr.djvu 5.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/Mathematics, Macmillan Science Library/V 4, 2002, Sc to Ze - ed. Barry Max Brandenberger Jr.djvu 5.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Abstract and Modern Algebra/1982 - A Book of Abstract Algebra - Charles C. Pinter.djvu 2.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Abstract and Modern Algebra/1990 - Contemporary Abstract Algebra 2nd ed. - Joseph Gallian.djvu 5.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Abstract and Modern Algebra/1994 - Algebra, Groups, Rings and Fields - Louis Rowen.pdf 3.5 MB
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Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/__Prime Numbers/2003 - Prime Obsession, Bernhard Riemann and the Greatest Unsolved Problem in Mathematics - John Derbyshire.pdf 8.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/__Prime Numbers/2003 - The Music of the Primes, Searching to Solve the Greatest Mystery in Mathematics - Marcus du Sautoy.pdf 1.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/__Prime Numbers/2005 - Prime Numbers, The Most Mysterious Figures in Math - David Wells.pdf 1.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/__Prime Numbers/2005 - Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis, The Quest to Find the Hidden Law of Prime Numbers - Dan Rockmore.djvu 2.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/1906 - The Fourth Dimension - C. Howard Hinton.pdf 1.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/1949 - The History of the Calculus and Its Conceptual Development - Carl B. Boyer.djvu 5.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/1971 - A History of Pi - Petr Beckmann.djvu 2.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/1982 - Mathematics, The Loss of Certainty - Morris Kline.djvu 4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/1986 - Knotted Doughnuts and Other Mathematical Entertainments - Martin Gardner.djvu 3.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/1991 - To Infinity and Beyond, A Cultural History of the Infinite - Eli Maor.djvu 14.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/1993 - The Joy of Mathematics, Discovering Mathematics All Around You - Theoni Pappas.djvu 3.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/1994 - e The Story of a Number - Eli Maor.djvu 2.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/1998 - An Imaginary Tale, The Story of √-1 - Paul J. Nahin.pdf 2.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/1999 - The Moment of Proof, Mathematical Epiphanies - Donald C. Benson.pdf 4.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/1999 - The Nothing That Is, A Natural History of Zero - Robert Kaplan.pdf 10 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/2000 - The Language of Mathematics, Making the Invisible Visible - Keith Devlin.pdf 7.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/2000 - Zero, The Biography of a Dangerous Idea - Charles Seife.epub 1.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/2001 - Euclid's Window, The Story of Geometry from Parallel Lines to Hyperspace - Leonard Mlodinow.pdf 27.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/2001 - Godel's Proof - E. Nagel, J.R. Newman, ed. D.R. Hofstadter.djvu 768 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/2001 - Wonders of Numbers ~ Adventures in Mathematics, Mind, and Meaning - Clifford A. Pickover.pdf 22.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/2002 - The Golden Ratio, The Story of Phi, The World's Most Astonishing Number - Mario Livio.epub 6.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/2003 - Dr. Riemann's Zeros - Karl Sabbagh.pdf 11.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/2003 - Everything and More, A Compact History of ∞ - David Foster Wallace.pdf 10.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/2003 - Gamma, Exploring Euler's Constant - Julian Havil.djvu 1.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/2003 - Kepler's Conjecture - George G. Szpiro.pdf 2.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/2004 - Infinity and the Mind, The Science and Philosophy of the Infinite - Rudy Rucker.djvu 5.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/2004 - Pi, A Biography of the World's Most Mysterious Number - A.S. Posamentier, I. Lehmann.djvu 10.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/2005 - Godel's Theorem, An Incomplete Guide to Its Use and Abuse - Torkel Franzen.djvu 982 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/2005 - Incompleteness, The Proof and Paradox of Kurt Godel - Rebecca Goldstein.pdf 1.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/2005 - The History of Mathematics, A Brief Course 2nd ed. - Roger Cooke.pdf 12.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/2006 - Mathematics and Common Sense, A Case of Creative Tension - Philip J. Davis.pdf 3.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/2006 - The Calculus Wars ~ Newton, Leibniz, and the Greatest Mathematical Clash of All Time - Jason Socrates Bardi.djvu 2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/2007 - Numbers at Work, A Cultural Perspective - R.J. Taschner, trans. O. Binder, D. Sinclair-Jones.pdf 5.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/2007 - The Pythagorean Theorem, A 4000-Year History - Eli Maor.djvu 6.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/2007 - Why Beauty Is Truth, The History of Symmetry - Ian Stewart.djvu 2.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/2008 - The Unimaginable Mathematics of Borges Library of Babel - William Goldbloom Bloch.pdf 2.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/2009 - Is God a Mathematician - Mario Livio.epub 2.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/2009 - Philosophy of Mathematics - ed. Andrew Irvine.djvu 5.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/2009 - The Math Book - Clifford Pickover.djvu 11.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/2009 - The Mathematics of Harmony, From Euclid to Contemporary Mathematics and Computer Science - Alexey Stakhov.pdf 10.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/2009 - Who Gave you the Epsilon and Other Tales of Mathematical History - eds. M. Anderson, V. Katz, R. Wilson.djvu 12.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/2010 - A Mathematical Tapestry, Demonstrating the Beautiful Unity of Mathematics - P. Hilton, J. Pedersen, il. S. Donmoyer.pdf 6.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/2011 - The History of Mathematics, An Introduction 7th ed. - David M. Burton.pdf 11.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__General, History, and Philosophy/2011 - Viewpoints, Mathematical Perspective and Fractal Geometry in Art - M. Frantz, A. Crannell.pdf 7.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Geometry/__Fractal/1982 - The Fractal Geometry of Nature - Benoit B. Mandelbrot.djvu 8.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Geometry/__Fractal/1988 - The Science of Fractal Images - eds. H.-O. Peitgen, D. Saupe.djvu 17.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Geometry/__Fractal/1990 - Fractal Geometry, Mathematical Foundations & Applications - Kenneth Falconer.pdf 11.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Geometry/__Fractal/1997 - Techniques in Fractal Geometry - Kenneth Falconer.djvu 1.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Geometry/__Fractal/2009 - Fractal Geometry and Stochastics IV - eds. C. Bandt, P. Morters, M. Zahle.pdf 3.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Geometry/1946 - Essentials Of Plane Trigonometry And Analytic Geometry - Atherton H. Sprague.pdf 6.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Geometry/1970 - Fundamentals of College Geometry 2nd ed. - E. M. Hemmerling.pdf 15.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Geometry/1973 - Modern Geometries - James R. Smart.pdf 10.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Geometry/1982 - Famous Problems of Geometry and How to Solve Them - Benjamin Bold.epub 3.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Geometry/1983 - Semi-Riemannian Geometry - Barrett O'Neill.pdf 19 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Geometry/1985 - Circles, A Mathematical View - Dan Pedoe.pdf 5.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Geometry/1988 - Basic Algebraic Geometry 1, 2nd ed. - Igor R. Shafarevich.djvu 3.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Geometry/1993 - Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries, Development and History 3rd ed. - Marvin J. Greenberg.djvu 4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Geometry/1993 - Riemannian Geometry, a Beginners Guide - Frank Morgan.pdf 11.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Geometry/1998 - Non-Euclidean Geometry 6th ed. - H.S.M. Coxeter.djvu 2.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Geometry/2000 - Methods of Geometry - James T. Smith.pdf 8.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Geometry/2005 - Geometry and Topology - M. Reid, B. Szendroi.pdf 1.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Geometry/2005 - Geometry, A Self Teaching Guide - S. Slavin, G. Crisonino.pdf 7.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Geometry/2006 - Elementary Differential Geometry, Revised 2nd ed. - Barrett O'Neill.pdf 4.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Graph Theory/1987 - Topological Graph Theory - J.L. Gross, T.W. Tucker.djvu 3.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Graph Theory/1996 - Introduction to Graph Theory 4th ed. - Robin J. Wilson.pdf 13.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Graph Theory/1998 - Graph Theory As I Have Known It - W.T. Tutte.djvu 2.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Graph Theory/2008 - Combinatorics and Graph Theory 2nd ed. - J. Harris, J.L. Hirst, M. Mossinghoff.pdf 2.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Graph Theory/2008 - Graphs, Dioids and Semirings ~ New Models and Algorithms - M. Gondran, M. Minoux.pdf 2.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Graph Theory/2010 - Graph Theory 4th ed. - Reinhard Diestel.djvu 4.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Matlab, Mathematica, Computation Platforms, and TeX/The Mathematica Guidebooks/2005 - The Mathematica Guidebook for Programming - Michael Trott.pdf 4.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Matlab, Mathematica, Computation Platforms, and TeX/The Mathematica Guidebooks/2005 - The Mathematica GuideBook for Symbolics - Michael Trott.pdf 139 MB
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Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Matlab, Mathematica, Computation Platforms, and TeX/1987 - Writing Mathematics Well, A Manual for Authors - Leonard Gillman.pdf 986 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Matlab, Mathematica, Computation Platforms, and TeX/1997 - Learning LaTeX - D.F. Griffiths, D.J. Higham.pdf 2.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Matlab, Mathematica, Computation Platforms, and TeX/1999 - Numerical Methods Using Matlab, 3rd ed. - J.H. Mathews, K.D. Fink.pdf 39.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Matlab, Mathematica, Computation Platforms, and TeX/2003 - Guide to LaTeX, 4th ed. - H. Kopka, P.W. Daly.pdf 2.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Matlab, Mathematica, Computation Platforms, and TeX/2004 - Introduction to Mathematics with Maple - P. Adams, K. Smith, R. Vyborny.pdf 16.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Matlab, Mathematica, Computation Platforms, and TeX/2009 - Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists 4th ed. - B. Hahn, D. Valentine.pdf 2.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Matlab, Mathematica, Computation Platforms, and TeX/2009 - The Student's Introduction to Mathematica, A Handbook for Precalculus, Calculus and Linear Algebra 2nd ed. - B.F. Torrence, E.A. Torrence.pdf 4.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Matlab, Mathematica, Computation Platforms, and TeX/2011 - MATLAB, An Introduction with Applications 4th ed. - Amos Gilat.pdf 9.3 MB
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Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Miscellaneous Advanced Topics/1950 - Differential Algebra - Joseph F. Ritt.pdf 14.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Miscellaneous Advanced Topics/1952 - Conformal Mapping - Zeev Nehari.djvu 4.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Miscellaneous Advanced Topics/1963 - Mathematics of Metamathematics - H. Rasiowa, R. Sikorski.djvu 3.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Miscellaneous Advanced Topics/1969 - An Introduction to the Approximation of Functions - Theodore J. Rivlin.djvu 1.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Miscellaneous Advanced Topics/1982 - The Lorenz Equations ~ Bifurcations, Chaos, and Strange Attractors - Colin Sparrow.djvu 1.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Miscellaneous Advanced Topics/1984 - Computation with Recurrence Relations - Jet Wimp.djvu 2.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Miscellaneous Advanced Topics/1995 - Introduction to Perturbation Methods - Mark H. Holmes.djvu 2.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Miscellaneous Advanced Topics/1995 - Monotone Dynamical Systems, An Introduction to the Theory of Competitive and Cooperative Systems - Hal L. Smith.djvu 2.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Miscellaneous Advanced Topics/1999 - Fermat's Last Theorem for Amateurs - Paulo Ribenboim.pdf 7.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Miscellaneous Advanced Topics/2000 - An Introduction to Ergodic Theory - Peter Walters.djvu 4.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Miscellaneous Advanced Topics/2000 - Mirror Symmetry - K. Hori, S. Katz, A. Klemm, R. Pandharipande, R. Thomas, C. Vafa, R. Vakil, E. Zaslow.pdf 16.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Miscellaneous Advanced Topics/2003 - An Introduction to Invariants and Moduli - S. Mukai, trans. W.M. Oxbury.pdf 8.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Miscellaneous Advanced Topics/2005 - Bifurcation Theory and Applications - T. Ma, S. Wang.pdf 12.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Miscellaneous Advanced Topics/2006 - Dynamics on the Riemann Sphere, A Bodil Branner Festschrift - eds. P.G. Hjorth, C.L. Petersen.pdf 10.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Miscellaneous Advanced Topics/2008 - Interpolation Process, Basic Theory and Applications - G. Mastroianni, G.V. Milovanovic.pdf 4.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Miscellaneous Advanced Topics/2008 - Recent Advances in Matrix and Operator Theory - eds. J.A. Ball, Y. Eidelman, J.W. Helton, V. Olshevsky, J. Rovnyak.pdf 1.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Miscellaneous Advanced Topics/2011 - Mathematical Inequalities, A Perspective - P. Cerone, S.S. Dragomir.pdf 1.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Number Theory/1966 - Set Theory and the Continuum Hypothesis - Paul J. Cohen.djvu 1.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Number Theory/1971 - Number Theory - George E. Andrews.djvu 1.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Number Theory/1974 - Basic Number Theory, 3rd ed. - Andre Weil.djvu 2.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Number Theory/1976 - Introduction to Analytic Number Theory - Tom M. Apostol.pdf 4.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Number Theory/1978 - Solved and Unsolved Problems in Number Theory, 2nd ed. - Daniel Shanks.djvu 3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Number Theory/1980 - Multiplicative Number Theory, 2nd ed. - H. Davenport, H.L. Montgomery.djvu 1.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Number Theory/1984 - Combinatorial Set Theory, Partition Relations for Cardinals - P. Erdos, A. Hajnal, A. Mate, R. Rado.pdf 13.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Number Theory/1994 - A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography, 2nd ed. - Neal Koblitz.djvu 3.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Number Theory/1995 - Set Theory, An Introduction, 2nd ed. - Robert L. Vaught.djvu 1.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Number Theory/1995 - Theory of Numbers, A Text and Source Book of Problems - A. Adler, J.E. Cloury.djvu 3.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Number Theory/1996 - The New Book of Prime Number Records - Paulo Ribenboim.djvu 3.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Number Theory/1996 - Theory of Algebraic Integers - R. Dedekind, trans. J. Stillwell.pdf 1.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Number Theory/2001 - A Brief Guide to Algebraic Number Theory - H.P.F. Swinnerton-Dyer.djvu 1.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Number Theory/2004 - Primality Testing in Polynomial Time - Martin Dietzfelbinger.djvu 1.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Number Theory/2006 - Number Theory in the Spirit of Ramanujan - Bruce C. Berndt.pdf 17.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Number Theory/2007 - Elementary Number Theory, 6th ed. - David M. Burton.djvu 3.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Number Theory/2007 - Experimental Number Theory - Fernando Rodriguez Villegas.pdf 1.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Number Theory/2009 - An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, 6th ed. - G.H. Hardy, E.M. Wright.pdf 11.1 MB
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Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Statistics and Probability/1959 - Elementary Decision Theory - H. Chernoff, L. Moses.djvu 2.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Statistics and Probability/1974 - Introduction to the Theory of Statistics 3rd ed. - A. Mood.djvu 3.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Statistics and Probability/1974 - Random Processes 2nd ed. - Murray Rosenblatt.djvu 7.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Statistics and Probability/1987 - Statistical Methods for Quality Improvement - Hitoshi Kume.pdf 25.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Statistics and Probability/1990 - Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition 2nd ed. - Keinosuke Fukunaga.pdf 12.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Statistics and Probability/1993 - Breakthroughs in Statistics Vol. 1, Foundations and Basic Theory - S. Kotz, N. Johnson.djvu 6.9 MB
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Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Statistics and Probability/1994 - Bayesian Theory (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics) - J.M. Bernardo, A.F.M. Smith.pdf 26 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Statistics and Probability/1998 - Misused Statistics 2nd ed. - H. Spirer, L. Spirer, A. Jaffe.djvu 2.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Statistics and Probability/2003 - Applied Statistics & Probability for Engineers 3rd ed. - D. Montgomery, G. Runger.pdf 13.6 MB
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Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Statistics and Probability/2003 - Probability Theory, The Logic of Science - E.T. Jaynes.pdf 4.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Statistics and Probability/2004 - Elementary Statistics, 9th ed. update - Mario Triola.pdf 23.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Statistics and Probability/2005 - Foundations of Combinatorics with Applications - E.A. Bender, S.G. Williamson.pdf 2.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Statistics and Probability/2006 - An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications 4th ed. - R.J. Larsen, M.L Marx.djvu 13.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Statistics and Probability/2006 - Springer Handbook of Engineering Statistics - Hoang Pham.pdf 34 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Statistics and Probability/2006 - The Cambridge Dictionary of Statistics 3rd ed - B. S. Everitt.pdf 5.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Statistics and Probability/2006 - Understanding and Using Advanced Statistics - J. Foster, E. Barkus, C. Yavorsky.pdf 910 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Statistics and Probability/2007 - The R Book - Michael J. Crawley.pdf 14.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Statistics and Probability/2008 - Statistics, A Very Short Introduction - David J. Hand.pdf 885 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Statistics and Probability/2009 - Introductory Combinatorics 5th ed. - Richard A. Brualdi.pdf 11.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Statistics and Probability/2009 - Statistical Models, Theory and Practice (revised edition) - David A. Freedman.pdf 2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Statistics and Probability/2011 - Bayesian Theory and Methods with Applications - V. Savchuk, C.P. Tsokos.pdf 3.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Statistics and Probability/2011 - Introduction to Modeling and Analysis of Stochastic Systems 2nd ed. - V.G. Kulkarni.pdf 1.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Topology/1951 - Topology of Fibre Bundles - Norman Steenrod.pdf 6.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Topology/1962 - Introduction to Topology - Bert Mendelson.djvu 1.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Topology/1964 - Point Set Topology - Steven A. Gaal.djvu 2.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Topology/1967 - Topological Vector Spaces, Distributions and Kernels - Francois Treves.djvu 7.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Topology/1970 - General Topology - Stephen Willard.djvu 3.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Topology/1971 - Topological Vector Spaces - Helmut H. Schaefer.djvu 2.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Topology/1982 - Cohomology of Groups - Kenneth S. Brown.djvu 2.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Topology/1988 - Theory of Topological Structures, An Approach to Categorical Topology - G. Preuss, trans. A. Behling.djvu 5.8 MB
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Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Topology/1997 - An Introduction to Knot Theory - W.B. Raymond Lickorish.djvu 4.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Topology/1999 - A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology - J.P. May.pdf 1.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Topology/2000 - Topology 2nd ed. - James R. Munkres.djvu 4.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Topology/2002 - Algebraic Topology - Allen Hatcher.pdf 4.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Topology/2002 - Introduction to Smooth Manifolds - John M. Lee.djvu 6.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Topology/2005 - Essential Topology - Martin D. Crossley.pdf 5.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Topology/2007 - Topological Invariants of Stratified Spaces - Markus Banagl.pdf 2.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Topology/2009 - Low Dimensional Topology - T.S. Mrowka, P.S. Ozsvath.djvu 3.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Topology/2011 - An Introduction to Manifolds 2nd ed. - Loring W. Tu.pdf 2.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/__Topology/2012 - More Concise Algebraic Topology ~ Localization, Completion, and Model Categories - J.P. May, K. Ponto.pdf 2.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/1959 - Realm of Numbers - Isaac Asimov.djvu 2.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/1989 - Integrated Mathematics 2nd ed. (3 vols.) - I. Dressler, E.P. Keenan, A.X. Gantert.pdf 860.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/1989 - Introduction to Geometry 2nd ed. - H.S.M. Coxeter.djvu 3.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/1996 - Handbook of Matrices - H. Lutkepohl.pdf 6.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/1998 - Logic as Algebra - P. Halmos, S. Givant.djvu 846 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/2000 - Handbook Of Discrete And Combinatorial Mathematics - ed. Kenneth Rosen.pdf 6.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/2003 - Algebra Demystified, A Self Teaching Guide - Rhonda Huettenmueller.pdf 1.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/2003 - Introduction to Linear Algebra 3rd ed. - Gilbert Strang.pdf 51.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/2003 - Solution Manual, Introduction to Linear Algebra 3rd ed. - Gilbert Strang.pdf 500 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/2006 - Advanced Mathematical Concepts, Precalculus with Applications - B. Holliday, G. Cuevas, M. McClure.pdf 89.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/2006 - How to Prove It, A Structured Approach 2nd ed. - Daniel J. Velleman.pdf 2.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/2007 - College Trigonometry, 6th ed. - R.N. Aufmann, V.C. Barker, R.D. Nation.pdf 15.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/2008 - Algebra and Trigonometry 8th ed. - M. Sullivan.pdf 142.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/2008 - Algebra and Trigonometry, Student Solutions Manual 8th ed. - M. Sullivan, K. Bodden, R. Gallaher.pdf 100.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/2011 - The Nature of Mathematics 12th ed. - Karl J. Smith.pdf 84.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Mathematics/_README_.txt 9 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology/V 01, 2004, A to C - ed. Hari Singh Nalwa.pdf 26.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology/V 02, 2004, C to E - ed. Hari Singh Nalwa.pdf 31.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology/V 03, 2004, E to H - ed. Hari Singh Nalwa.pdf 45.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology/V 04, 2004, H to M - ed. Hari Singh Nalwa.pdf 38.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology/V 05, 2004, M to M - ed. Hari Singh Nalwa.pdf 51.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology/V 06, 2004, N to N - ed. Hari Singh Nalwa.pdf 34.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology/V 07, 2004, N to N - ed. Hari Singh Nalwa.pdf 42.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology/V 08, 2004, N to P - ed. Hari Singh Nalwa.pdf 48.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology/V 09, 2004, P to S - ed. Hari Singh Nalwa.pdf 38.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology/V 10, 2004, S to Z - ed. Hari Singh Nalwa.pdf 33.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/__General and Philosophy/2002 - Nanotechnology, A Gentle Introduction to the Next Big Idea - M. Ratner, D. Ratner.pdf 1.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/__General and Philosophy/2004 - Hacking Matter ~ Levitating Chairs, Quantum Mirages, and the Infinite Weirdness of Programmable Atoms - Wil McCarthy.pdf 2.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/__General and Philosophy/2005 - Nanocosm, Nanotechnology and the Big Changes Coming from the Inconceivably Small - William Illsey Atkinson.pdf 1001 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/__General and Philosophy/2005 - Nanotechnology For Dummies - R.D. Booker, E. Boysen.pdf 5.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/__General and Philosophy/2011 - Innovation and Nanotechnology, Converging Technologies and the End of Intellectual Property - David Koepsell.pdf 1.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/1997 - Introduction to Mesoscopic Physics - Yoseph Imry.djvu 2.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/2003 - Introduction To Nanotechnology - C.P. Poole Jr., F.J. Owens.pdf 154.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/2004 - Nanophysics and Nanotechnology, An Introduction to Modern Concepts in Nanoscience - Edward L. Wolf.djvu 7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/2004 - Springer Handbook of NanoTechnology - ed. Bharat Bhushan.pdf 73.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/2006 - Nanotubes and Nanofibers - ed. Yuri Gogotsi.pdf 6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/2007 - Nanotechnology in Biology and Medicine ~ Methods, Devices, and Applications - ed. Tuan Vo-Dinh.pdf 43.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/2007 - Nanotechnology, An Introduction to Nanostructuring Techniques 2nd ed. - M. Köhler, W. Fritzsche.pdf 5.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/2008 - Semiconductor Nanocrystal Quantum Dots ~ Synthesis, Assembly, Spectroscopy and Applications - ed. Andrey Rogach.pdf 10.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/2009 - Fundamentals and Applications of Nanomaterials - Z. Guo, L. Tan.pdf 4.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/2009 - Nano and Micromachining - eds. J.P. Davim, M.J. Jackson.pdf 5.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/2009 - Nanomaterials, Mechanics and Mechanisms - K.T. Ramesh.pdf 5.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/2009 - Quantum Transport, Introduction to Nanoscience - Y.V. Nazarov, Y.M. Blanter.pdf 7.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/2010 - Introduction to Nanoscience - Stuart M. Lindsay.pdf 6.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/2010 - Nanoscale Devices ~ Fabrication, Functionalization, and Accessibility from the Macroscopic World - Gianfranco Cerofolini.pdf 9.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/2010 - Nanostructured Superconductors - V.V. Moshchalkov, J. Fritzsche.pdf 15.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Nanotechnology and Nanoscience/2010 - Nanotechnological Basis for Advanced Sensors - eds. J.P. Reithmaier, P. Paunovic, W. Kulisch, C. Popov, P. Petkov.pdf 10.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/Course of Theoretical Physics/V 01, 1976, Mechanics 3rd ed. - L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifshitz.djvu 1.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/Course of Theoretical Physics/V 02, 1980, The Classical Theory of Fields 4th ed. - L.D Landau, E.M. Lifshitz.djvu 3.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/Course of Theoretical Physics/V 03, 1977, Quantum Mechanics ~ Nonrelativistic Theory 3rd ed. - L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifshitz.djvu 7.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/Course of Theoretical Physics/V 04, 1982, Quantum Electrodynamics 2nd ed. - L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifshitz.djvu 5.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/Course of Theoretical Physics/V 05, 1980, Statistical Physics, Part 1, 3rd ed. - L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifshitz.pdf 31.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/Course of Theoretical Physics/V 06, 1987, Fluid Mechanics 2nd ed. - L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifshitz.pdf 32.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/Course of Theoretical Physics/V 07, 1970, Theory of Elasticity - L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifshitz.pdf 7.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/Course of Theoretical Physics/V 08, 1984, Electrodynamics of Continuous Media 2nd ed. - L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifshitz.djvu 6.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/Course of Theoretical Physics/V 09, 1981, Statistical Physics, Part 2, Theory of Condensed State 2nd ed. - L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifshitz.djvu 5.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/Course of Theoretical Physics/V 10, 1981, Physical Kinetics - L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifshitz.djvu 3.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/Feynman Lectures on Physics/V 1, 1963, Mainly Mechanics, Radiation, and Heat - R.P. Feynman, R.B. Leighton, M. Sands.djvu 22.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/Feynman Lectures on Physics/V 2, 1964, Mainly Electromagnetism and Matter - R.P. Feynman, R.B. Leighton, M. Sands.djvu 20.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/Feynman Lectures on Physics/V 3, 1966, Quantum Mechanics - R.P. Feynman, R.B. Leighton, M. Sands.djvu 15.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/Feynman Lectures on Physics/V 4, 2005, Feynman's Tips on Physics, A Problem-Solving Supplement to the Feynman Lectures on Physics - R.P. Feynman, M.A. Gottlieb, R. Leighton.djvu 4.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/Handbook of Laser Technology and Applications/V 1, 2004, Principles - eds. C.E. Webb, J.D.C. Jones.djvu 8.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/Handbook of Laser Technology and Applications/V 2, 2004, Laser Design and Laser Systems - eds. C.E. Webb, J.D.C. Jones.djvu 36.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/Handbook of Laser Technology and Applications/V 3, 2004, Applications - eds. C.E. Webb, J.D.C. Jones.djvu 75.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/Methods of Theoretical Physics/V 1, 1953, Methods of Theoretical Physics (ch. 1-8) - P.M. Morse, H. Feshbach.djvu 12.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/Methods of Theoretical Physics/V 2, 1953, Methods of Theoretical Physics (ch. 9-13) - P.M. Morse, H. Feshbach.djvu 8.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Astrophysics and Cosmology/__Black Holes/2003 - The Galactic Black Hole, Lectures on General Relativity and Astrophysics - eds. H. Falcke, F.W. Hehl.pdf 12.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Astrophysics and Cosmology/__Black Holes/2004 - Black Holes - Don Nardo.pdf 4.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Astrophysics and Cosmology/__Black Holes/2005 - An Introduction To Black Holes, Information, and The String Theory Revolution - L. Susskind, J. Lindesay.pdf 2.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Astrophysics and Cosmology/__Black Holes/2009 - The Kerr Spacetime, Rotating Black Holes in General Relativity - eds. D.L. Wiltshire, M. Visser, S.M. Scott.djvu 6.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Astrophysics and Cosmology/__Cosmology/1934 - Relativity, Thermodynamics and Cosmology - Richard C. Tolman.pdf 23.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Astrophysics and Cosmology/__Cosmology/1976 - Principles of Cosmology and Gravitation - Michael V. Berry.djvu 1.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Astrophysics and Cosmology/__Cosmology/1991 - Quantum Cosmology And Baby Universes, Vol. 7 - eds. S. Coleman, J.B. Hartle, T. Piran, S. Weinberg.djvu 3.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Astrophysics and Cosmology/__Cosmology/1993 - Present and Future of the Cosmic Microwave Background - eds. J.L. Sanz, E. Martinez-Gonzalex, L. Cayon.djvu 2.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Astrophysics and Cosmology/__Cosmology/2000 - Cosmological Inflation and Large-Scale Structure - A.R. Liddle, D.H. Lyth.djvu 3.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Astrophysics and Cosmology/__Cosmology/2000 - Molecular Hydrogen in Space - eds. F. Combes, G. Pineau des Forets.pdf 6.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Astrophysics and Cosmology/__Cosmology/2002 - Cosmology, The Origin and Evolution of Cosmic Structure (2nd ed.) - P. Coles, F. Lucchin.pdf 3.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Astrophysics and Cosmology/__Cosmology/2003 - An Introduction to Cosmology (3rd ed.) - Maat Roos.pdf 2.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Astrophysics and Cosmology/__Cosmology/2004 - An Introduction to Mathematical Cosmology (2nd ed.) - J.N. Islam.pdf 3.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Astrophysics and Cosmology/__Cosmology/2005 - Physical Foundations of Cosmology - Viatcheslav Mukhanov.pdf 2.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Astrophysics and Cosmology/__Cosmology/2005 - The Physics Of The Early Universe - ed. E. Papantonopoulos.pdf 2.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Astrophysics and Cosmology/__Cosmology/2008 - Cosmology - Steven Weinberg.pdf 3.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Astrophysics and Cosmology/__Cosmology/2010 - Cycles of Time, An Extraordinary New View of the Universe - Roger Penrose.pdf 8.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Astrophysics and Cosmology/__Cosmology/2012 - The Universe as Automaton, From Simplicity and Symmetry to Complexity - K. Mainzer, L. Chua.pdf 4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Astrophysics and Cosmology/1961 - An Elementary Survey of Celestial Mechanics - Y. Ryabov, trans. G. Yankovsky.pdf 13 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Astrophysics and Cosmology/1971 - Lectures on Celestial Mechanics - C.L. Siegel, J.K. Moser, trans. C.I. Kalme.djvu 2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Astrophysics and Cosmology/1995 - Introduction to Space Physics - M.G. Kivelson, C.T. Russell.djvu 7.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Astrophysics and Cosmology/2000 - The Origin and Evolution of the Solar System - Michael M. Woolfson.pdf 4.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Astrophysics and Cosmology/2002 - Gravitational Lensing and Microlensing - S. Mollerach, E. Roulet.djvu 1.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Astrophysics and Cosmology/2005 - High-Energy Spectroscopic Astrophysics - S.M. Kahn, P. von Ballmoos, R.A. Sunyaev.pdf 2.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Astrophysics and Cosmology/2007 - An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics 2nd ed. - B.W. Carroll, D.A. Ostlie.djvu 27 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Astrophysics and Cosmology/2007 - An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics 2nd ed., Solution Manual - B.W. Carroll, D.A. Ostlie.pdf 2.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Astrophysics and Cosmology/2008 - Foundations of High-Energy Astrophysics - Mario Vietri.pdf 2.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Astrophysics and Cosmology/2008 - High Time Resolution Astrophysics - D. Phelan, O. Ryan, A. Shearer.pdf 8.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Astrophysics and Cosmology/2010 - An Introduction to Stellar Astrophysics - Francis LeBlanc.pdf 3.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Casimir Effect/1998 - Casimir Effect 50 Years Later - ed. Michael Bordag.djvu 3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Casimir Effect/2001 - The Casimir Effect, Physical Manifestations of Zero Point Energy - K.A. Milton.djvu 1.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Casimir Effect/2009 - Advances in the Casimir Effect, International Series of Monographs on Physics V 145 - M. Bordag, G.L. Klimchitskaya, U. Mohideen, V.M. Mostepanenko.pdf 5.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Classical Mechanics/1998 - Analytical Mechanics - L.N. Hand, J.D. Finch.pdf 42.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Classical Mechanics/1998 - Classical Dynamics, A Contemporary Approach - J.V. Jose, E.J. Saletan.djvu 6.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Classical Mechanics/2001 - Classical Mechanics (3rd ed.) - H. Goldstein, C.P. Poole, J.L. Safko.pdf 29.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Classical Mechanics/2004 - Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems (5th ed.) - S.T. Thornton, J.B. Marion.djvu 4.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Classical Mechanics/2004 - Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems (5th ed.) Solutions - S.T. Thornton, J.B. Marion.pdf 9.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Classical Mechanics/2005 - Classical Mechanics - John R. Taylor.djvu 14.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Companion Guides, Handbooks, and Readers/A Guide to Physics Problems/P 1, 2004, Mechanics, Relativity, and Electrodynamics - S.B. Cahn, B.E. Nadgorny.pdf 6.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Companion Guides, Handbooks, and Readers/A Guide to Physics Problems/P 2, 2004, Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics - S.B. Cahn, G.D. Mahan, B.E. Nadgorny.pdf 5.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Companion Guides, Handbooks, and Readers/Schaum's Outline Series/1995 - Schaum's Outline of Beginning Physics I ~ Mechanics and Heat - Alvin Halpern.pdf 17.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Companion Guides, Handbooks, and Readers/Schaum's Outline Series/1997 - Schaum's Outline of College Physics 9th ed. - F.J. Bueche, E. Hecht.pdf 7.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Companion Guides, Handbooks, and Readers/Schaum's Outline Series/1998 - Schaum's Outline of Beginning Physics II ~ Waves, Electromagnetism, Optics and Modern Physics - A. Halpern, E. Erlbach.pdf 21.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Companion Guides, Handbooks, and Readers/Schaum's Outline Series/1998 - Schaum's Outline of Heat Transfer 2nd ed. - D.R. Pitts, L.E. Sissom.djvu 4.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Companion Guides, Handbooks, and Readers/Schaum's Outline Series/1998 - Schaum's Outline of Quantum Mechanics - Y. Peleg, R. Pnini, E. Zaarur.djvu 3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Companion Guides, Handbooks, and Readers/Schaum's Outline Series/2008 - Schaum's Outline of Fluid Mechanics - M.C. Potter, D.C. Wiggert.pdf 4.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Companion Guides, Handbooks, and Readers/1996 - How to Solve Physics Problems - R. Oman, D. Oman.pdf 16.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Companion Guides, Handbooks, and Readers/2001 - Nonlinear Physics with Mathematica for Scientists and Engineers - R.H. Ennis, G.C. McGuire.djvu 7.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Companion Guides, Handbooks, and Readers/2002 - Mathematica for Physics 2nd ed. - R.L. Zimmerman, F.L. Olness,.pdf 90.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Companion Guides, Handbooks, and Readers/2005 - Encyclopedia of Physics 3rd ed. (2 vols.) - eds. R.G. Lerner, G.L. Trigg.url 160 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Companion Guides, Handbooks, and Readers/2005 - The Facts On File Dictionary Of Physics 4th ed. - J. Daintith, R. Rennie.pdf 2.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Companion Guides, Handbooks, and Readers/2008 - A Physicist's Guide to Mathematica 2nd ed. - Patrick T. Tam.pdf 7.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Companion Guides, Handbooks, and Readers/2009 - Physics Formulary - J.C.A. Wevers.pdf 725 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Electromagnetism/1873 - A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, Vol. 1 - J.C. Maxwell.pdf 58.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Electromagnetism/1881 - A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, Vol. 2 (2nd ed.) - J.C. Maxwell, W.D. Niven.pdf 56.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Electromagnetism/1962 - Classical Electrodynamics - John David Jackson.djvu 8.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Electromagnetism/1972 - Principles of Electrodynamics - Melvin Schwartz.djvu 2.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Electromagnetism/1988 - Electromagnetic Fields and Waves (3rd ed.) - P. Lorrain, D.R. Corson.pdf 9.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Electromagnetism/1997 - Div, Grad, Curl, and All That, An Informal Text on Vector Calculus (3rd ed.) - H.M. Schey.djvu 974 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Electromagnetism/1998 - Classical Electrodynamics - Walter Greiner.pdf 28.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Electromagnetism/1999 - Introduction to Electrodynamics (3rd ed.) - D.J. Griffiths.pdf 17.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Electromagnetism/2002 - Electromagnetism - G.L. Pollack, D.R. Stump.djvu 17.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Electromagnetism/2003 - Complex Electromagnetic Problems and Numerical Simulation Approaches - Levent Sevgi.pdf 107.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Electromagnetism/2006 - Magnetism, From Fundamentals to Nanoscale Dynamics - J. Stöhr, H.C. Siegmann.pdf 29.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Electromagnetism/2009 - Electrostatics - Hilary D. Brewster.pdf 19.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/1958 - Physics and Philosophy, The Revolution in Modern Science - Werner Heisenberg.pdf 13.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/1962 - Gravity (Science Study Series 22) - George Gamow.pdf 12.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/1970 - The Project Physics Course Reader 2, Motion in the Heavens - Holton, Rutherford, Watson.pdf 10.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/1985 - Perfect Symmetry, The Search for the Beginning of Time - Heinz R. Pagels.pdf 3.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/1988 - QED, The Strange Theory of Light and Matter - Richard P. Feynman.djvu 1.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/1993 - The First Three Minutes, A Modern View Of The Origin Of The Universe - Steven Weinberg.pdf 1.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/1994 - Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays - Stephen W. Hawking.pdf 5.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/1994 - Einstein's Dreams - Alan Lightman.epub 2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/1994 - The Mystery of the Quantum World 2nd ed. - Euan J. Squires.pdf 7.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/1995 - Black Holes and Time Warps, Einstein's Outrageous Legacy - Kip S. Thorne.djvu 16.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/1997 - Beyond Star Trek, Physics From Alien Invasions To The End Of Time - Lawrence M. Krauss.pdf 771 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/1998 - Paul Dirac, The Man and his Work - A. Pais, M. Jacobs, D.I. Olive, M.F. Atiyah.djvu 1.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/1999 - Black Holes, Wormholes & Time Machines - Jim Al-Khalili.pdf 1.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/1999 - Fusion, A Voyage Through the Plasma Universe - Hans Wilhelmsson.chm 785 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/2000 - The Runaway Universe, The Race to Find the Future of the Cosmos - Donald Goldsmith.pdf 26.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/2001 - Hidden Unity in Nature's Laws - John C. Taylor.pdf 1.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/2001 - Histories of the Electron, The Birth of Microphysics - eds. J.Z. Buchwald, A. Warwick.pdf 2.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/2001 - Three Roads to Quantum Gravity - Lee Smolin.pdf 920 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/2002 - Origins, The Quest for Our Cosmic Roots - Tom Yulsman.pdf 20.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/2002 - Quantum Theory, A Very Short Introduction - John Polkinghorne.pdf 906 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/2002 - Strange Matters, Undiscovered Ideas at the Frontiers of Space and Time - Tom Siegfried.pdf 15.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/2003 - The Elegant Universe ~ Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory - Brian 1.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/2004 - Particle Physics, A Very Short Introduction - Frank Close.pdf 3.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/2004 - The Fabric of the Cosmos, Space Time and the Texture of Reality - Brian Greene.pdf 25.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/2004 - The Road to Reality, A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe - Roger Penrose.pdf 11.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/2005 - Mad About Modern Physics ~ Braintwisters, Paradoxes, and Curiosities - F. Potter, C. Jargodzki.pdf 1.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/2005 - Warped Passages, Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe's Hidden Dimensions - Lisa Randall.epub 3.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/2006 - In Search of Dark-Matter - K. Freeman, G. McNamara.pdf 6.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/2006 - Many Worlds in One, The Search for Other Universes - Alex Vilenkin.djvu 2.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/2006 - The Theory of Almost Everything, The Standard Model - Robert Oerter.epub 1.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/2006 - The Trouble With Physics ~ The Rise of String Theory, the Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next - Lee Smolin.djvu 2.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/2007 - Controlling the Quantum World ~ The Science of Atoms, Molecules, and Photons - National Research Council.pdf 12 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/2007 - Endless Universe, Beyond the Big Bang - P.J. Steinhardt, N. Turok.pdf 2.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/2007 - Four Laws That Drive the Universe - Peter Atkins.pdf 890 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/2007 - From Clockwork to Crapshoot, A History of Physics - Roger G. Newton.pdf 1.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/2007 - The Motion Paradox ~ The 2,500-Year Old Puzzle Behind All the Mysteries of Time and Space - Joseph Mazur.pdf 1.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/2007 - The Music of the Big Bang, The Cosmic Microwave Background and the New Cosmology - Amedeo Balbi.pdf 2.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/2008 - The Black Hole War, My Battle With Stephen Hawking to Make the World Safe for Quantum Mechanics - Leonard Susskind.pdf 44 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/2009 - Collider, The Search for the World's Smallest Particles - Paul Halpern.pdf 1.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/2009 - Nothing, A Very Short Introduction - Frank Close.pdf 1.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/2010 - Neutrino - Frank Close.pdf 1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/2012 - A Universe From Nothing, Why There Is Something Rather than Nothing - Lawrence M. 993 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__General and Philosophy/2012 - Higgs, The Invention & Discovery of the God Particle - Jim Baggott.pdf 2.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Mathematical and Computational Physics/Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics/V 1, 1980, Functional Analysis, Revised and Enlarged Edition - M. Reed, B. Simon.djvu 9.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Mathematical and Computational Physics/Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics/V 2, 1975, Fourier Analysis, Self Adjointness - M. Reed, B. Simon.djvu 7.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Mathematical and Computational Physics/Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics/V 3, 1979, Scattering Theory - M. Reed, B. Simon.djvu 7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Mathematical and Computational Physics/Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics/V 4, 1978, Analysis of Operators - M. Reed, B. Simon.djvu 8.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Mathematical and Computational Physics/1953 - Mathematical Physics - Donald H. Menzel.djvu 17.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Mathematical and Computational Physics/1966 - The Theory of Spinors - Elie Cartan.djvu 1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Mathematical and Computational Physics/1983 - An Elementary Primer for Gauge Theory - K. Moriyasu.djvu 1009 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Mathematical and Computational Physics/1985 - Mathematical Physics - Robert Geroch.djvu 6.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Mathematical and Computational Physics/1988 - Twistor Geometry and Field Theory - R.S. Ward, R.O. Wells Jr.djvu 3.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Mathematical and Computational Physics/1989 - Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics 2nd ed. - V.I. Arnold, trans. K. Vogtmann, A. Weinstein.djvu 3.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Mathematical and Computational Physics/1992 - The Dirac Equation - Bernd Thaller.djvu 3.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Mathematical and Computational Physics/1995 - Ten Physical Applications of Spectral Zeta Functions - Emilio Elizalde.djvu 1.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Mathematical and Computational Physics/1997 - Computational Physics - Nicholas Giordano.djvu 4.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Mathematical and Computational Physics/1997 - Conformal Field Theory, Graduate Texts in Contemporary Physics - P. Di Francesco, P. Mathieu, D. Senechal.djvu 6.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Mathematical and Computational Physics/1997 - Group Theory in Physics, An Introduction - J.F. Cornwell.pdf 4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Mathematical and Computational Physics/1998 - Mathematical Topics between Classical and Quantum Mechanics - Nicholas P. Landsman.djvu 5.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Mathematical and Computational Physics/1999 - Mathematical Physics, A Modern Introduction to Its Foundations - Sadri Hassani.pdf 33.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Mathematical and Computational Physics/2001 - Optimization Algorithms In Physics - A.K. Hartmann, H. Rieger.pdf 12.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Mathematical and Computational Physics/2003 - Geometry, Topology and Physics 2nd ed. - Mikio Nakahara.pdf 5.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Mathematical and Computational Physics/2006 - An Introduction to Computational Physics 2nd ed. - Tao Pang.pdf 1.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Mathematical and Computational Physics/2006 - Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics (5 vols.) - eds. J.-P. Françoise, G.L. Naber, T.S. Tsun.pdf 41.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Mathematical and Computational Physics/2008 - Lie Groups, Physics, and Geometry, An Introduction for Physicists, Engineers, and Chemists - Robert Gilmore.pdf 2.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Mathematical and Computational Physics/2008 - Symmetry Rules, How Science and Nature Are Founded on Symmetry - Joe Rosen.pdf 1.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Mathematical and Computational Physics/2010 - Mathematical Tools for Physics - James Nearing.pdf 3.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Miscellaneous Advanced Topics/2002 - Decoherence and Entropy in Complex Systems (selected lectures from DICE) - ed. H.-T. Elze.djvu 3.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Miscellaneous Advanced Topics/2003 - Light-Matter Interaction (Vol.1), Fundamentals and Applications- J. Weiner, P.-T. Ho.djvu 2.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Miscellaneous Advanced Topics/2003 - The Dark Universe ~ Matter, Energy and Gravity - ed. Mario Livio.pdf 7.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Miscellaneous Advanced Topics/2006 - The Physics of Vibration (2 vols.) - A.B. Pippard.pdf 26.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Miscellaneous Advanced Topics/2007 - The Physical Basis of The Direction of Time (5th ed.) - H. Dieter Zeh.pdf 1.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Miscellaneous Advanced Topics/2010 - Dark Energy, Theory and Observations - L. Amendola, S. Tsujikawa.pdf 4.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Nuclear Physics/1987 - Introductory Nuclear Physics - Kenneth S. Krane.djvu 11.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Nuclear Physics/1993 - Fundamentals Handbook Nuclear Physics and Reactor Theory, Vol. 1 - DOE.pdf 2.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Nuclear Physics/1993 - Fundamentals Handbook Nuclear Physics and Reactor Theory, Vol. 2 - DOE.pdf 1.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Nuclear Physics/2001 - Nuclear Physics, Principles and Applications - J.S. Lilley.pdf 18.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Nuclear Physics/2004 - Theoretical Nuclear And Subnuclear Physics 2nd ed. - John Dirk Walecka.pdf 20.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Nuclear Physics/2010 - The Physics of the Manhattan Project 2nd ed. - B. Cameron Reed.pdf 1.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Optical Physics/1975 - Introduction to Modern Optics (2nd ed.) - Grant R. Fowles.pdf 62.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Optical Physics/1985 - Statistical Optics - Joseph W. Goodman.djvu 12.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Optical Physics/1991 - Fundamentals of Photonics - B.E.A. Saleh, M.C. Teich.pdf 46.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Optical Physics/1998 - Principles of Lasers (4th ed.) - O. Svelto, trans. D.C. Hanna.djvu 7.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Optical Physics/1999 - Principles of Optics ~ Electromagnetic Theory of Propagation, Interference and Diffraction of Light (7th ed.) - M. Born, E. Wolf.pdf 52.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Optical Physics/2002 - Basics of Holography - P. Hariharan.pdf 6.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Optical Physics/2004 - Fourier Optics, An Introduction (2nd ed.) - E.G. Steward.djvu 2.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Optical Physics/2005 - Semiconductor Optics (2nd ed.) - Claus Klingshirn.pdf 12.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Optical Physics/2006 - Quantum Optics, An Introduction - Mark Fox.pdf 8.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Optical Physics/2010 - Optical physics (4th ed.) - Lipson.pdf 16.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Particle Physics/1993 - Modern Elementary Particle Physics, Updated Edition - Gordon Kane.djvu 2.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Particle Physics/2000 - Many-Particle Physics 3rd ed. - Gerald D. Mahan.djvu 13.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Particle Physics/2000 - Symmetries in Intermediate and High Energy Physics - eds. A. Faessler, T.S. Kosmas, G.K. Leontaris.djvu 2.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Particle Physics/2002 - Quarks, Leptons, and the Big Bang 2nd ed. - Jonathan Allday.pdf 3.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Particle Physics/2004 - Introduction to Elementary Particles - David Griffiths.pdf 7.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Quantum Physics/1950 - The Theory of Groups and Quantum Mechanics - H. Weyl, trans. H.P. Robertson.djvu 19.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Quantum Physics/1955 - Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics - J. von Neumann, trans. R.T. Beyer.djvu 4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Quantum Physics/1985 - Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei, and Particles 2nd ed. - R. Eisberg, R. Resnick.pdf 14 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Quantum Physics/1990 - Chaos in Classical and Quantum Mechanics - Martin C. Gutzwiller.djvu 4.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Quantum Physics/1993 - Quantum Field Theory, A Modern Introduction - Michio Kaku.djvu 6.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Quantum Physics/1994 - Principles of Quantum Mechanics 2nd ed. - R. Shankar.djvu 5.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Quantum Physics/2000 - The Quantum Theory of Light 3rd ed. - Rodney Loudon.pdf 14.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Quantum Physics/2002 - Quantum Gravity, Generalized Theory of Gravitation and Superstring Theory-Based Unification - ed. B.N. Kursunoglu, S.L. Mintz, A. Perlmutter.pdf 8.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Quantum Physics/2004 - Photons and Atoms, Introduction to Quantum Electrodynamics - C. Cohen-Tannoudji, J. Dupont-Roc, G. Grynberg.pdf 18.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Quantum Physics/2004 - Quantum Gravity - Carlo Rovelli.djvu 3.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Quantum Physics/2005 - Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 2nd ed. - David J. Griffiths.djvu 5.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Quantum Physics/2006 - Quantum Information, An Overview - Greg Jaeger.pdf 1.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Quantum Physics/2006 - Quantum Mechanics, Vol. 1 - C. Cohen-Tannoudji, B. Diu, F. Laloe.djvu 9.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Quantum Physics/2006 - Quantum Mechanics, Vol. 2 - C. Cohen-Tannoudji, B. Diu, F. Laloe.pdf 8.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Quantum Physics/2007 - Molecular Quantum Mechanics 4th ed. - P. Atkins, R. Friedman.pdf 6.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Quantum Physics/2010 - Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell 2nd ed. - Anthony Zee.pdf 3.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Quantum Physics/2010 - Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals, Emended Edition - R.P. Feynman, A.R. Hibbs, D.F. Styer.pdf 28.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Quantum Physics/2011 - Quantum Phase Transitions, 2nd ed. - Subir Sachdev.pdf 2.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Relativity/1952 - Space, Time, Matter - Hermann Weyl.djvu 3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Relativity/1962 - A Sophisticate's Primer of Relativity - P.W. Bridgman.djvu 1.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Relativity/1972 - Gravitation and Cosmology, Principles and Applications of the General Theory of Relativity - Steven Weinberg.djvu 5.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Relativity/1973 - Gravitation - C.W. Misner, K.S. Thorne, J.A. Wheeler.djvu 19.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Relativity/1975 - General Theory of Relativity - Paul A.M. Dirac.djvu 741 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Relativity/1982 - Introduction to Tensor Calculus, Relativity, and Cosmology 3rd ed. - Derek F. Lawden.pdf 10 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Relativity/1984 - General Relativity - Robert M. Wald.djvu 4.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Relativity/1998 - Einstein's Miraculous Year, Five Papers That Changed the Face of Physics - ed. John Stachel.djvu 1.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Relativity/2003 - Gravity, An Introduction to Einstein's General Relativity - James B. Hartle.djvu 11.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Relativity/2004 - Spacetime and Geometry, An Introduction to General Relativity - Sean M. Carroll.djvu 4.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Relativity/2005 - Relativity and the Nature of Spacetime - Vesselin Petkov.pdf 1.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Relativity/2005 - Relativity, The Special and the General Theory - A. Einstein, trans. R.W. Lawson.pdf 1020 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Relativity/2008 - Relativity, A Very Short Introduction - Russell Stannard.pdf 1.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Relativity/2009 - A First Course in General Relativity 2nd ed. - Bernard Schutz.pdf 2.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/__Fluid Mechanics/Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics/V 1, 1991, Fundamentals and General Techniques 2nd ed. - C.A.J. Fletcher.djvu 7.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/__Fluid Mechanics/Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics/V 2, 1988, Specific Techniques for Different Flow Categories - C.A.J. Fletcher.djvu 7.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/__Fluid Mechanics/Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics/V 3, 1992, A Solutions Manual - K. Srinivas, C.A.J. Fletcher.pdf 11.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/__Fluid Mechanics/Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows/V 1, 2007, The Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics 2nd ed. - Charles Hirsch.pdf 14.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/__Fluid Mechanics/Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows/V 2, 1990, Computational Methods for Inviscid and Viscous Flows - Charles Hirsch.pdf 20.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/__Fluid Mechanics/1962 - Vectors, Tensors, And The Basic Equations Of Fluid Mechanics - Rutherford Aris.djvu 2.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/__Fluid Mechanics/1967 - An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics - G.K. Batchelor.djvu 8.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/__Fluid Mechanics/1989 - Modern Compressible Flow, with Historical Perspective 2nd ed. - John D. Anderson.djvu 6.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/__Fluid Mechanics/1995 - Computational Fluid Dynamics, The Basics With Applications - John Anderson Jr.pdf 15.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/__Fluid Mechanics/2003 - Vorticity and Incompressible Flow - A.J. Majda, A.L. Bertozzi.pdf 2.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/__Fluid Mechanics/2005 - Incompressible Flow 3rd ed. - Ronald L. Panton.url 185 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/__Fluid Mechanics/2006 - Turbulence Modeling for CFD 3rd ed. - David C. Wilcox.pdf 124.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/__Fluid Mechanics/2008 - Fluid Mechanics 4th ed. - P.K. Kundu, I.M. Cohen.pdf 9.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/__Fluid Mechanics/2009 - Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics 6th ed. - B.R. Munson, D.F. Young, T.H. Okiishi, W.W. Huebsch.pdf 17.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/__Gas Dynamics/1964 - Lectures on Gas Theory - Ludwig Boltzmann.url 186 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/__Gas Dynamics/1967 - An Introduction to the Kinetic Theory of Gases - James Jeans.pdf 10.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/__Gas Dynamics/1994 - Molecular Gas Dynamics and the Direct Simulation of Gas - G.A. Bird.djvu 4.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/__Plasma Physics/1984 - Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, V 1 Plasma Physics, 2nd ed. - Francis F. Chen.pdf 10.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/__Plasma Physics/2001 - The Fourth State Of Matter, An Introduction To Plasma Science - S. Eliezer, Y. Eliezer.pdf 1.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/__Plasma Physics/2010 - Relaxation Dynamics in Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas - eds. P.H. Diamond, X. Garbet, P. Ghendrith, Y. Sarazin.pdf 8.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/__Solid State Physics/1996 - Introduction to Solid State Physics 7th ed. - Charles Kittel.djvu 13.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/__Solid State Physics/2003 - Advanced Solid State Physics - Philip Phillips.djvu 4.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/__Solid State Physics/2007 - Physics of Semiconductor Devices 3rd ed. - S.M. Sze, K.K. Ng.pdf 36.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/__Solid State Physics/2009 - The Chemical Physics of Ice - N.H. Fletcher.pdf 7.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/1954 - Molecular Theory of Gases and Liquids - J.O. Hirschfelder, C.F. Curtiss, R.B. Bird.url 183 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/1979 - Boundary Layer Theory 7th ed. - H. Schlichting, trans. J. Kestin.djvu 11.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/1995 - Principles of Condensed Matter Physics - P.M. Chaikin, T.C. Lubensky.djvu 4.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/2001 - The Properties of Gases and Liquids 5th ed. - B.E. Poling, J.M. Prausnitz, J.P. O'Connell.pdf 4.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/2002 - The Physics of Phase Transitions, Concepts and Applications 2nd ed. - P. Papon, J. Leblond, P.H.E. Meijer, trans. S.L. Schnur.pdf 3.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/2005 - Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics (5 vols.) - eds. F. Bassani, G.L. Liedl, P. Wyder.pdf 68.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__States of Matter/2008 - Bose-Einstein Condensation in Dilute Gases 2nd ed. - C.J. Pethick, H. Smith.pdf 4.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Statistical Mechanics/1965 - Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics - Frederick Reif.djvu 7.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Statistical Mechanics/1985 - Statistical Mechanics - Shang-Keng Ma, trans. M.K. Fung.djvu 3.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Statistical Mechanics/1987 - Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics - David Chandler.djvu 2.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Statistical Mechanics/1987 - Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics, Solution Manual - D. Wu, D. Chandler.pdf 10.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Statistical Mechanics/1996 - Statistical Mechanics 2nd ed. - R.K. Pathria.pdf 22.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Statistical Mechanics/2001 - Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics - Robert Zwanzig.djvu 1.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Statistical Mechanics/2010 - Introduction to Statistical Field Theory - Edouard Brezin.pdf 1.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__String Theory/2003 - The Mathematical Theory Of Cosmic Strings - Malcom R. Anderson.pdf 2.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__String Theory/2005 - V 1, String Theory, An Introduction to the Bosonic String - Joseph Polchinski.pdf 2.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__String Theory/2005 - V 2, String Theory, Superstring Theory and Beyond - Joseph Polchinski.pdf 2.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__String Theory/2007 - String Theory and M-Theory, A Modern Introduction - K. Becker, M. Becker, J.H. Schwarz.pdf 4.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__String Theory/2007 - String Theory in a Nutshell - Elias Kiritsis.djvu 7.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__String Theory/2009 - A First Course in String Theory - Barton Zweibach.pdf 4.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Thermal Physics/1936 - Thermodynamics - Enrico Fermi.djvu 13.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Thermal Physics/1960 - An Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics - Terrell L. Hill.djvu 10.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Thermal Physics/1980 - Thermal Physics 2nd ed. - C. Kittel, H. Kroemer.djvu 5.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Thermal Physics/1983 - Understanding Thermodynamics - H.C. Van Ness.pdf 1.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Thermal Physics/1985 - Thermodynamics and an Introduction to Thermostatistics 2nd ed. - Herbert B. Callen.djvu 5.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Thermal Physics/1998 - Entropy and Its Physical Meaning - J.S. Dugdale.pdf 16.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Thermal Physics/2000 - An Introduction to Thermal Physics - Daniel V. Schroeder.djvu 5.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Thermal Physics/2003 - Kinetic Theory ~ Classical, Quantum, and Relativistic Descriptions 3rd ed. - Richard L. Liboff.pdf 3.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Thermal Physics/2005 - Thermodynamics, An Engineering Approach 5th ed. - Y.A. Cengel, M.A. Boles.pdf 21.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Thermal Physics/2008 - A Farewell To Entropy, Statistical Thermodynamics Based on Information - Arieh Ben-Naim.pdf 3.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Thermal Physics/2010 - The Laws of Thermodynamics, A Very Short Introduction - Peter Atkins.pdf 851 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Thermal Physics/2011 - Introduction to Heat Transfer 6th ed. - T.L. Bergman, A.S. Lavine, F.P. Incropera, D.P. DeWitt.pdf 38.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Thermal Physics/2011 - Thermodynamics, An Engineering Approach 7th ed., Solutions - Y.A. Cengel, M.A. Boles.pdf 19.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Unification Theory/2005 - The Universe of Fluctuations, The Architecture of Spacetime and the Universe - B.G. Sidharth.pdf 2.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Unification Theory/2006 - Isodual Theory of Antimatter, with applications to Antigravity, Grand Unification and Cosmology - Ruggero Maria Santilli.pdf 2.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Unification Theory/2010 - Unification and Supersymmetry, The Frontiers of Quark-Lepton Physics 3rd ed. - R.N. Mohapatra.pdf 1.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/__Unification Theory/_Also see the, Theories of Everything, folder.txt 0 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/1998 - Understanding the Universe, An Introduction to Physics and Astrophysics - James. B. Seaborn.djvu 3.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/2000 - Physics 2000 (2 vols.) - E.R. Huggins.pdf 19.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/2005 - Physics, Principles with Applications (6th ed.) - Douglas Giancoli.pdf 294.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/2005 - Physics, Principles with Applications (6th ed.) Solutions - Douglas Giancoli.pdf 11.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/2005 - Relativity, Gravitation, and Cosmology ~ A Basic Introduction - Ta-Pei Cheng.pdf 2.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/2006 - Conceptual Physics (10th ed.) - Paul G. Hewitt.pdf 470.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/2008 - Physics for Scientists & Engineers with Modern Physics (4th ed.) - Douglas Giancoli.djvu 66.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/2008 - Physics for Scientists & Engineers with Modern Physics (6th ed.) - P. Tipler, G. Mosca.pdf 55 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/2008 - Physics of the Life Sciences - Jay Newman.pdf 12.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/2009 - The Physics of Everyday Phenomena, A Conceptual Introduction to Physics (6th ed.) - W.T. Griffith, J.W. Brosing.pdf 15.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/2011 - Fundamentals of Physics (9th ed.) - D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker.pdf 68.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/2011 - Fundamentals of Physics (9th ed.) Solutions - D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker.pdf 18.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/2011 - University Physics with Modern Physics (12th ed.) Solutions - H.D. Young, R.A. Freedman, A.L. Ford.pdf 17.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/2011 - University Physics with Modern Physics (13th ed.) - H.D. Young, R.A. Freedman, A.L. Ford.pdf 50.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Physics and Cosmology/_README_.txt 7 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory/V 1, 2001, Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory - Harry L. Van Trees.pdf 17.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory/V 3, 2001, Radar-Sonar Signal Processing and Gaussian Signals in Noise - Harry L. Van Trees.pdf 25.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory/V 4, 2002, Optimum Array Processing - Harry L. Van Trees.pdf 20 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__Data Fusion/2001 - Multisensor Data Fusion (2 vols.) - eds. D.L. Hall, J. Llinas.pdf 8.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__Data Fusion/2004 - Mathematical Techniques in Multisensor Data Fusion 2nd ed. - D.L. Hall, S.A.H. McMullen.pdf 52.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__Data Fusion/2007 - Multi-Sensor Data Fusion, An Introduction - H.B. Mitchell.pdf 5.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__Data Fusion/2008 - Handbook of Multisensor Data Fusion, Theory and Practice 2nd ed. - eds. M.E. Liggins, D.L. Hall, J. Llinas.pdf 20.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__Data Fusion/2010 - Multi-Sensor Data Fusion with MATLAB - R.R. Jitendra.pdf 8.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__General and History/1999 - A Radar History of World War II, Technical and Military Imperatives - Louis Brown.chm 2.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__General and History/2004 - The Cassini-Huygens Mission, Orbiter Remote Sensing Investigations - ed. C.T. Russell.pdf 9.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__General and History/2008 - History of Russian Underwater Acoustics - O.A. Godin, D.R. Palmer.pdf 48.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__Image Processing and Fusion/2004 - Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation (5th ed.) - T.M. Lillesand R.W. Kiefer, J.W. Chipman.pdf 88 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__Image Processing and Fusion/2005 - Remote Sensing Image Analysis, Including the Spatial Domain - eds. S.M. de Jong, F.D. van der Meer.pdf 12.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__Image Processing and Fusion/2006 - Multi-Sensor Image Fusion and Its Applications - eds. R.S. Blum, Z. Liu.pdf 10.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__Image Processing and Fusion/2006 - Remote Sensing of Landscapes with Spectral Images, A Physical Modeling Approach - J.B. Adams, A.R. Gillespie.pdf 31.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__Image Processing and Fusion/2007 - Remote Sensing, Models and Methods for Image Processing (3rd ed.) - Robert Schowengerdt.pdf 31.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__Image Processing and Fusion/2008 - Image Fusion, Algorithms and Applications - ed. Tania Stathaki.pdf 10.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__Image Processing and Fusion/2010 - Image Fusion ~ Theories, Techniques and Applications - H.B. Mitchell.pdf 1.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__Image Processing and Fusion/2011 - Computer Processing of Remotely Sensed Images, An Introduction (4th ed.) - P.M. Mather, M. Koch.pdf 19 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__Image Processing and Fusion/2011 - Image Fusion - ed. Osamu Ukimura.pdf 54.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__Image Processing and Fusion/2011 - Image Fusion and its Applications - ed. Yufeng Zheng.pdf 39.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__Image Processing and Fusion/2012 - Remote Sensing Image Processing - G. Camps-Valls, D. Tuia, L. Gomez-Chova, S. Jimenez, J. Malo.pdf 10.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__LIDAR/1992 - Laser Remote Sensing, Fundamentals and Applications - Raymond Measures.djvu 10.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__LIDAR/2005 - Laser Remote Sensing - ed. T. Fujii, T. Fukuchi.pdf 19.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__LIDAR/2005 - Lidar, Range Resolved Optical Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere - ed. C. Weitkamp.pdf 9.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__LIDAR/2008 - Panoramic Imaging, Sensor-Line Cameras and Laser Range-Finders - F. Huang, R. Klette, K. Scheibe.pdf 11.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__LIDAR/2010 - Applied Aspects of Optical Communication and LIDAR - N. Blaunstein, S. Arnon, A. Zilberman, N. Kopeika.pdf 3.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__RADAR/1981 - Introduction to Radar Systems 3e IE - Merrill Skolnik.pdf 43.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__RADAR/1990 - Radar Handbook 2nd ed. - Merrill Skolnik.pdf 39.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__RADAR/1999 - Radar Design Principles 2nd ed. - F.E. Nathanson, J.P. Reilly, M.N. Cohen.pdf 32.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__RADAR/2000 - Radar Systems Analysis and Design Using MatLab - Bassem R Mahafza.pdf 6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__RADAR/2000 - Ultra-wideband Radar Technology - James D. Taylor.pdf 29.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__RADAR/2001 - Air and Spaceborne Radar Systems, An Introduction - P. Lacomme, J.-P. Hardange, J.-C. Marchais, E. Normant.pdf 15.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__RADAR/2001 - Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar, Principles and Applications - V.N. Bringi, V. Chandrasekar.pdf 12.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__RADAR/2001 - Radar Interferometry, Data Interpretation and Error Analysis - Ramon F. Hanssen.pdf 16.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__RADAR/2003 - Fourier Transforms in Radar and Signal Processing - David Brandwood.pdf 2.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__RADAR/2003 - Microwave Devices and Radar, Naval Postgraduate School - David Jenn.pdf 3.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__RADAR/2004 - MATLAB Simulations for Radar Systems Design - Bassem R. Mahafza, Atef Z. Elsherbeni.pdf 33.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__RADAR/2005 - Introduction to Radar Target Recognition - Peter Tait.pdf 2.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__RADAR/2005 - Radar Imaging and Holography - A. Pasmurov, S. Zinovjev.pdf 1.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__RADAR/2008 - Knowledge Based Radar Detection, Tracking and Classification - Fulvio Gini, Muralidhar Rangaswamy.pdf 5.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__RADAR/2008 - Radar Handbook 3rd ed. - Merrill Skolnik.pdf 15.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__RADAR/2009 - Polarimetric Radar Imaging, From Basics to Applications - J.-S. Lee, E. Pottier.pdf 17.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__RADAR/2010 - Radar Remote Sensing of Urban Areas, Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing (V 15) - ed. Uwe Soergel.pdf 7.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__Satellite/1994 - Civilian Satellite Remote Sensing, A Strategic Approach - US Office of Technology Assessment.pdf 4.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__Satellite/2006 - Earth Science Satellite Remote Sensing, V 1 - eds. J. Qu, W. Gao, M. Kafatos, R. Murphy, V. Salomonson.pdf 13.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__Satellite/2008 - Small Satellites for Earth Observation - eds. R. Sandau, H.-P. Roser, A. Valenzula.pdf 18.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__Satellite/2009 - Satellite Aerosol Remote Sensing Over Land - eds. A.A. Kokhanovsky, G. de Leeuw.pdf 7.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/__Satellite/2011 - Multispectral Satellite Image Understanding, From Land Classification to Building and Road Detection - C. Unsalan, K.L. Boyer.pdf 7.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/1996 - Introduction to the Mathematics of Inversion in Remote Sensing and Indirect Measurements - S. Twomey.djvu 1.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/2001 - Physical Principles of Remote Sensing (2nd ed.) - W.G. Rees.pdf 186.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/2002 - Introduction To GPS, The Global Positioning System - Ahmed El-Rabbany.pdf 2.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/2003 - Exploration of the Solar System by Infrared Remote Sensing - R.A. Hanel, B.J. Conrath, D.E. Jennings, R.E. Samuelson.pdf 3.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/2003 - Geoinformation ~ Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry, and Geographic Information Systems - Gottfried Konecny.pdf 10.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/2003 - Signal Theory Methods in Multispectral Remote Sensing - David Landgrebe.pdf 18 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/2004 - Optical Remote Sensing, Science and Technology - Walter G. Egan.pdf 5.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/2006 - Introduction To The Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing (2nd ed.) - C. Elachi, J. Zyl.pdf 42.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/2006 - Remote Sensing of Snow and Ice - W. Gareth Rees.pdf 14.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/2006 - Sensor Network Operations - eds. S. Phoha, T. LaPorta, C. Griffin.pdf 7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/2006 - Thermal Microwave Radiation, Applications for Remote Sensing - ed. Christian Matzler.pdf 3.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/2007 - Advances in Mobile Mapping Technology - ed. C.V. Tao, J. Li.pdf 4.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/2007 - Basics of Interferometry 2nd ed. - P. Hariharan.pdf 2.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/2007 - Bayesian Bounds for Parameter Estimation and Nonlinear Filtering-Tracking - eds. H.L.V. Trees, K.L. Bell.pdf 235.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/2007 - High-Operating-Temperature Infrared Photodetectors - J. Piotrowski, A. Rogalski.pdf 3.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/2007 - Mapping Hazardous Terrain using Remote Sensing - ed. R.M. Teeuw.pdf 7.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/2007 - Precision Landmark Location for Machine Vision and Photogrammetry - J.A. Gutierrez, B.S.R. Armstrong.pdf 4.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/2007 - Remote Sensing from Air And Space - R.C. Olsen.pdf 108 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/2008 - Advances in Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - eds. Z. Li, J. Chen, E. Baltsavias.pdf 17.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/2008 - Open Source GIS, A GRASS GIS Approach (2nd ed.) - M. Neteler, H. Mitasova.pdf 39.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/2008 - Remote Sensing of Impervious Surfaces - ed. Qihao Weng.pdf 12.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/2008 - Remote Sensing of the European Seas - eds. V. Barale, M. Gade.pdf 16.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/2009 - Advances in Sonar Technology - ed. Sergio Rui Silva.pdf 9.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/2009 - Basics of Geomatics - Mario A. Gomarasca.pdf 16.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/2009 - Innovations in Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry - eds. S. Jones, K. Reinke.pdf 22.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/2009 - The Handbook of Sidescan Sonar - Philippe Blondel.pdf 12.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/2010 - Aerial Photography and Image Interpretation - D.P. Paine, J.D. Kiser.pdf 12.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/2010 - Digital Airborne Camera, Introduction and Technology - ed. Rainer Sandau.pdf 13.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/2010 - Remote Sensing of Urban and Suburban Areas, Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing - eds. T. Rashed, C. Jurgens.pdf 10.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/2010 - The Art of Radiometry - J.M. Palmer, B.G. Grant.pdf 9.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Remote Sensing/2011 - Near-Space Remote Sensing, Potential and Challenges - Wen-Qin Wang.pdf 1.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/__General and History/2004 - Robot (DK Eyewitness Books) - Roger Bridgman.pdf 19.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/__General and History/2008 - BigDog, the Rough-Terrain Quaduped Robot - M. Raibert, K. Blankespoor, G. Nelson, R. Playter.pdf 398 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/__General and History/2008 - The Robot, The Life Story of a Technology - Lisa Nocks.url 149 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/__General and History/2009 - Killer Robots, Legality and Ethicality of Autonomous Weapons - Armin Krishnan.pdf 2.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/__General and History/2011 - Human-Robot Personal Relationships - eds. M.H. Lamers, F.J. Verbeek.pdf 2.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/__Programming Suites/2008 - Professional Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio - K. Johns, T. Taylor.pdf 11.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/__Programming Suites/2008 - Robot Programmer's Bonanza - J. Blankenship, S. Mishal.pdf 3.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/__Programming Suites/2010 - The Art of LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT-G Programming - Terry Griffin.pdf 14.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/1966 - Theory of Self Reproducing Automata - John von Neumann.djvu 4.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/1990 - Introduction to Theoretical Kinematics - J. M. McCarthy.djvu 2.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/1998 - Robot Motion Planning and Control - ed. J.-P. Laumond.pdf 21.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/2000 - An Introduction to AI Robotics - Robin R. Murphy.pdf 13.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/2003 - Absolute Beginner's Guide to Building Robots - Gareth Branwyn.epub 4.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/2003 - Technology and Applications of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles - Gwyn Griffiths.pdf 6.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/2004 - Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots - R. Siegwart, I.R. Nourbakhsh.pdf 7.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/2005 - Introduction to Robotics, Mechanics and Control 3rd ed. - John J. Craig.pdf 4.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/2005 - Multi-Robot Systems, From Swarms to Intelligent Automata (3rd IWMRS Proceedings) - eds. L.E. Parker, F.E. Schneider, A.C. Schultz.pdf 7.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/2005 - Open-Source Robotics and Process Control Cookbook ~ Designing and Building Robust, Dependable Real-time Systems - Lewin A.R.W. Edwards.pdf 2.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/2005 - Robot Modeling and Control - M.W. Spong, S. Hutchinson, M. Vidyasagar.pdf 6.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/2006 - Embedded Robotics, Mobile Robot Design and Applications with Embedded Systems 2nd ed. - Thomas Braunl.pdf 5.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/2007 - Advances in Climbing and Walking Robots Proceedings of the 10th International Conference - eds. M. Xie, S. Dubowsky, J. Fontaine, M.O. Tokhi, G.S. Virk.pdf 59.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/2007 - Feedback Control of Dynamic Bipedal Robot Locomotion - ed. E.R. Westervelt, J.W. Grizzle, C. Chevallereau, J.H. Choi, B. Morris.pdf 5.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/2008 - 3D-Position Tracking and Control for All-Terrain Robots - Pierre Lamon.pdf 21.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/2008 - Active Sensor Planning for Multiview Vision Tasks - S. Chen, Y. Li, J. Zhang, W. Wang.pdf 37 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/2008 - Advances in Robot Kinematics, Analysis and Design - eds. J. Lenarcic, P. Wenger.pdf 6.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/2009 - RoboCup 2008 Robot Soccer World Cup XII - eds. L. Iocchi, H. Matsubara, A. Weitzenfeld, C. Zhou.pdf 16.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/2009 - Robot Building for Beginners 2nd ed. - David Cook.pdf 19.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/2009 - Robot Vision ~ Strategies, Algorithms and Motion Planning - ed. Daiki Ito.pdf 11.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/2010 - Intermediate Robot Building 2nd ed. - David Cook.pdf 42.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/2010 - Robotics for Electronics Manufacturing, Principles and Applications in Cleanroom Automation - Karl Mathia.pdf 3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/2010 - Robotics, Science and Systems V - eds. J. Trinkle. Y. Matsuoka, J.A. Castellanos.pdf 15.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/2010 - Theory of Applied Robotics ~ Kinematics, Dynamics, and Control 2nd ed. - Reza N. Jazar.pdf 7.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/2010 - Winning Design, LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Design Patterns for Fun and Competition - James J. Trobaugh.pdf 24.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/2011 - Lego Mindstorms NXT 2.0 for Teens - Jerry Lee Ford Jr.pdf 7.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Robotics/_README_.txt 10 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/Robotic Exploration of the Solar System/V 1, 2007, The Golden Age 1957-1982 - P. Ulivi, D.M. Harland.pdf 16.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/Robotic Exploration of the Solar System/V 2, 2009, Hiatus and Renewal 1983-1996 - P. Ulivi, D.M. Harland.pdf 17 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Celestial and Orbital, Tracking and Mechanics/1993 - A Tapestry of Orbits - Desmond King-Hele.pdf 13.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Celestial and Orbital, Tracking and Mechanics/2000 - Radiometric Tracking Techniques for Deep-Space Navigation - C.L. Thornton, J.S. Border.pdf 2.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Celestial and Orbital, Tracking and Mechanics/2002 - Modern Celestial Mechanics, Aspects of Solar System Dynamics - Alessandro Morbidelli.pdf 13.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Celestial and Orbital, Tracking and Mechanics/2005 - Satellites, Orbits and Mission - M. Capderou, trans. S. Lyle.pdf 55.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Celestial and Orbital, Tracking and Mechanics/2007 - Celestial Mechanics, The Waltz of the Planets - A. Celletti, E. Perozzi.pdf 15.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Celestial and Orbital, Tracking and Mechanics/2008 - Read You Loud and Clear, The Story of NASA's Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network - Sunny Tsiao.pdf 18 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Celestial and Orbital, Tracking and Mechanics/2009 - Theory of Orbit Determination - A. Milani, G.F. Gronchi.pdf 3.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Deep Space Network/2000 - Formulation for Observed and Computed Values of Deep Space Network Data Types for Navigation - Theodore D. Moyer.pdf 3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Deep Space Network/2003 - Antenna Arraying Techniques in the Deep Space Network - D.H. Rogstad, A. Mileant, T.T. Pham.pdf 1.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Deep Space Network/2003 - Large Antennas of the Deep Space Network - William A. Imbriale.djvu 3.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Deep Space Network/2006 - Deep Space Optical Communications - ed. Hamid Hemmati.pdf 37 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Deep Space Network/2006 - Spaceborne Antennas for Planetary Exploration - ed. William A. Imbriale.pdf 26.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Deep Space Network/2008 - Low-Noise Systems in the Deep Space Network - ed. Macgregor S. Reid.pdf 12.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Deep Space Network/2008 - Noise Temperature Theory and Applications for Deep Space Communications Antenna Systems - Tom Y. Otoshi.pdf 6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__General and History/1959 - The Sleep Walkers - Arthur Koestler.djvu 7.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__General and History/1995 - The Soviet Reach for the Moon 2nd ed. - Nicholas L. Johnson.pdf 25.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__General and History/2000 - A Thin Cosmic Rain, Particles From Outer Space - Michael W. Friedlander.pdf 7.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__General and History/2000 - The Dream of Spaceflight, Essays on the Near Edge of Infinity - Wyn Wachhorst.pdf 12.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__General and History/2002 - Don't Know Much About the Universe, Everything You Need to Know About Outer Space but Never Learned - Kenneth C. Davis.pdf 2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__General and History/2006 - Space Invaders, How Robotic Spacecraft Explore the Solar System - Michel van Pelt.pdf 15.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__General and History/2007 - Manned Spaceflight Log 1961-2006 - T. Furniss, D.J. Shayler, M.D. Shayler.pdf.pdf 20.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__General and History/2008 - A History of Physical Theories of Comets, From Aristotle to Whipple - Tofigh Heidarzadeh.pdf 5.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__General and History/2008 - Incredible Space Missions - G. Jeffrey, M. Lacey.pdf 8.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__General and History/2008 - Tourists in Space - Erik Seedhouse.pdf 8.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__General and History/_Essential Reading in the History of Human Spaceflight.url 238 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Meteors and Impact Structures/1983 - Chondrules and their Origins - Elbert A. King.url 123 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Meteors and Impact Structures/1998 - Traces of Catastrophe, A Handbook of Shock-Metamorphic Effects in Terrestrial Meteorite Impact Structures - Bevan M. French.pdf 19.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Meteors and Impact Structures/2005 - Modern Meteor Science, An Interdisciplinary View - eds. R. Hawkes, I. Mann, P. Brown.pdf 8.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Meteors and Impact Structures/2007 - Guidebook to the Geology of Barringer Meteorite Crater - David A. Kring.pdf 30.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Planetary Science and Exploration/__Lunar/1970 - Guide to Lunar Orbiter Photographs - Thomas P. Hansen.pdf 37.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Planetary Science and Exploration/__Lunar/1976 - Lunar Stratigraphy and Sedimentology - John F. Lindsay.pdf 39.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Planetary Science and Exploration/__Lunar/1984 - Origin of the Moon - eds. W.K. Hartmann, R.J. Phillips, G.J. Taylor.url 123 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Planetary Science and Exploration/__Lunar/1985 - Lunar Bases and Space Activities of the 21st Century - ed. W.W. Mendell.pdf 40.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Planetary Science and Exploration/__Lunar/1989 - Moon Trip - Bert King.pdf 18.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Planetary Science and Exploration/__Lunar/1991 - Lunar Sourcebook, A User's Guide to the Moon - eds. G.H. Heiken, D.T. Vaniman, B.M. French.pdf 57.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Planetary Science and Exploration/__Lunar/1993 - To a Rocky Moon, A Geologist's History of Lunar Exploration - Don E. Wilhelms.pdf 118 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Planetary Science and Exploration/__Lunar/2008 - Exploring the Moon, The Apollo Expeditions 2nd ed. - David M. Harland.pdf 48.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Planetary Science and Exploration/__Mars/1997 - Human Exploration of Mars, The Reference Mission of the NASA Mars Exploration Study Team - eds. S.J. Hoffman, D.I. Kaplan.pdf 3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Planetary Science and Exploration/__Mars/2001 - Mars Odyssey Data - Google.url 116 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Planetary Science and Exploration/__Mars/2003 - Assessment of Mars Science and Mission Priorities - NRC.pdf 20.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Planetary Science and Exploration/__Mars/2004 - Mars (DK Eyewitness Books) - Stuart Murray.pdf 23.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Planetary Science and Exploration/__Mars/2005 - Water on Mars and Life - ed. Tetsuya Tokano.pdf 11 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Planetary Science and Exploration/__Mars/2008 - Mars ~ An Introduction to its Interior, Surface, and Atmosphere - Nadine G. Barlow.pdf 6.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Planetary Science and Exploration/__Mars/2009 - Mars, Prospective Energy and Material Resources - ed. Viorel Badescu.pdf 19.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Planetary Science and Exploration/__Mars/2011 - Geographies of Mars - K. Maria D. Lane.pdf 2.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Planetary Science and Exploration/__Mars/2011 - Reaching High Altitudes on Mars With an Inflatable Hypersonic Drag Balloon - Hannes Stephan Griebel.pdf 120.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Planetary Science and Exploration/1981 - Basaltic Volcanism on the Terrestrial Planets - LPI.url 123 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Planetary Science and Exploration/1982 - Planetary Science, A Lunar Perspective - Stuart Ross Taylor.pdf 65.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Planetary Science and Exploration/1984 - The Geology of the Terrestrial Planets - M.H. Carr, R.S. Saunders, R.G. Strom, D.E. Wilhelms.pdf 61.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Planetary Science and Exploration/1991 - Voyager, Exploring the Outer Planets - Joan Marie 345 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Planetary Science and Exploration/2001 - Planetary Sciences - I. de Pater, J.J. Lissauer.pdf 83.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Planetary Science and Exploration/2002 - Planetary Science, The Science of Planets Around Stars - G.H.A. Cole, M.M. Woolfson.pdf 8.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Planetary Science and Exploration/2006 - Jupiter and Saturn - Linda T. Elkins-Tanton.pdf 12.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Planetary Science and Exploration/2007 - Distant Worlds, Milestones in Planetary Exploration - Peter Bonds.pdf 39.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Planetary Science and Exploration/2007 - Introduction to Planetary Science, The Geological Perspective - G. Faure, T.M. Mensing.pdf 16.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Planetary Science and Exploration/2008 - Planetary Atmospheric Electricity - eds. F. Leblanc, K.L. Aplin, Y. Yair, R.G. Harrison, J.P. Lebreton, M. Blanc.pdf 21.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Planetary Science and Exploration/2011 - Drifting on Alien Wind, Exploring the Skies and Weather of Other Worlds - Michael Carroll.pdf 28.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/__Planetary Science and Exploration/2012 - Exoplanets ~ Finding, Exploring, and Understanding Alien Worlds - Chris Kitchin.pdf 5.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/2001 - Cataclysmic Variable Stars, How and Why they Vary - Coel Hellier.djvu 2.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/2003 - Encyclopedia of Space Science and Technology (2 vols.) - ed. Hans Mark.pdf 39 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/2003 - The Complete Book of Spaceflight, From Apollo 1 to Zero Gravity - David Darling.pdf 10 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/2004 - Essential Spaceflight Dynamics and Magnetospherics - B.V. Rauschenbakh, M.Y. Ovchinnikov, S. McKenna-Lawlor.pdf 13.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/2004 - High Energy Cosmic Rays 2nd ed. - Todor Stanev.pdf 2.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/2004 - Solar and Space Physics and Its Role in Space Exploration - NRC.pdf 1.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/2005 - Gravitational Radiation, Luminous Black Holes and Gamma-Ray Burst Supernovae - Maurice H.P.M. van Putten.pdf 5.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/2006 - Evolutionary Processes in Binary and Multiple Stars - Peter Eggleton.pdf 8.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/2006 - Manufacturing Technology for Aerospace Structural Materials - F.C. Campbell.pdf 16 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/2006 - SETI Scientist - Mary Firestone.pdf 1.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/2007 - Coronal Mass Ejections - eds. H. Kunow, N.U. Crooker, J.A. Linker, R. Schwenn, R. von Steiger.pdf 8.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/2007 - Life in the Universe - Joseph A. Angelo Jr.pdf 4.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/2007 - The Limits of Organic Life in Planetary Systems - NRC.pdf 1.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/2007 - The Road to Galaxy Formation 2nd ed. - William C. Keel.pdf 15.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/2008 - Galaxies in the Local Volume - eds. B.S. Koribalski, H. Jerjen.pdf 22.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/2008 - Mapping the Galaxy and Nearby Galaxies - ed. K. Wada, F. Combes.pdf 11.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/2009 - Cosmic Rays in Magnetospheres of the Earth and other Planets - Lev Dorman.pdf 46.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/2010 - Water in the Universe - Arnold Hanslmeier.pdf 11.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/2011 - From Dying Stars to the Birth of Life, The New Science of Astrobiology and the Search for Life in the Universe - Jerry L. Cranford.pdf 19.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/2011 - High-Energy Emission from Pulsars and their Systems - eds. N. Rea, D.F. Torres.pdf 19.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/2011 - Star Clusters in the Era of Large Surveys - eds. A. Moitinho, J. Alves.pdf 7.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/2011 - The Science of Astrobiology 2nd ed. - Julian Chela-Flores.pdf 85.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/2011 - The Transient Radio Sky - Evan F. Keane.pdf 2.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Space Science and Technology/2012 - Interplanetary Outpost, The Human and Technological Challenges of Exploring the Outer Planets - Erik Seedhouse.pdf 150.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Spectroscopy and Imaging/__Magnetic Resonance Imaging/1999 - Magnetic Resonance Imaging Physical Principles and Sequence Design - E.Mark Haacke, R.W. Brown, M.R. Thompson, R. Venkatesan.djvu 22.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Spectroscopy and Imaging/__Magnetic Resonance Imaging/2003 - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy ~ An Introduction to Principles, Applications, and Experimental Methods - J.B. Lambert, E.P. Mazzola.pdf 17.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Spectroscopy and Imaging/__Magnetic Resonance Imaging/2005 - Advanced Image Processing in Magnetic Resonance Imaging - eds. L. Landini, V. Positano, M.F. Santarelli.pdf 20.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Spectroscopy and Imaging/__Magnetic Resonance Imaging/2008 - Spin Dynamics, Basics of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 2nd ed. - Malcom H. Levitt.djvu 8.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Spectroscopy and Imaging/__Near-Infrared Spectroscopy/2007 - Handbook of Near-Infrared Analysis (3rd ed.) - eds. D.A. Burns, E.W. Ciurczak.pdf 11.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Spectroscopy and Imaging/__Near-Infrared Spectroscopy/2008 - Practical Guide to Interpretive Near Infrared Spectroscopy - J. Workman Jr., L. Weyer.pdf 24.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Spectroscopy and Imaging/1994 - Scanning Force Microscopy, With Applications to Electric, Magnetic, and Atomic Forces - Dror Sarid.pdf 11.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Spectroscopy and Imaging/2001 - Fundamentals of Light Microscopy and Electronic Imaging - Douglas B. Murphy.pdf 5.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Spectroscopy and Imaging/2002 - Ultraviolet Spectroscopy and UV Lasers - eds. P. Misra, M.A. Dubinskii.pdf 8.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Spectroscopy and Imaging/2003 - Handbook of Spectroscopy (2 vols.) - eds. G. Gauglitz, T. Vo-Dinh.pdf 18.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Spectroscopy and Imaging/2003 - Introductory Raman Spectroscopy 2nd ed. - J.R. Ferraro, K. Nakamoto, C.W. Brown.pdf 8.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Spectroscopy and Imaging/2003 - Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis 3rd ed. - J.I. Goldstein, D.E. Newbury, P. Echlin, D.C. Joy, C.E. Lyman, E. Lifshin, L. Sawyer, J.R. Michael.pdf 166.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Spectroscopy and Imaging/2008 - Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy - M.E. Orazem, B. Tribollet.pdf 23.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Spectroscopy and Imaging/2009 - Solid-State Spectroscopy, An Introduction 2nd ed. - Hans Kuzmany.pdf 6.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Spectroscopy and Imaging/2010 - Introduction to Optical Microscopy - Jerome Mertz.url 195 B
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Spectroscopy and Imaging/2011 - Learning Radiology, Recognizing the Basics 2nd ed. - William Herring.chm 23 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Spectroscopy and Imaging/2011 - Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy, Imaging and Analysis - S.J. Pennycook, P.D. Nellist.pdf 30.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/__Spectroscopy and Imaging/_README_.txt 5 KB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/1935 - The Logic of Scientific Discovery - Karl Popper.pdf 4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/1996 - Intro to Space Sciences - B. Campbells, S. McCandless Jr.pdf 5.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/1999 - Language Proof and Logic - J. Barwise, J. Etchemendy.pdf 3.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/1999 - Principles of Naval Weapons Systems 4AH - Joseph Hall.pdf 3.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2000 - An Introduction to the Theory of Stellar Structure and Evolution - Dina Prialnik.djvu 4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2000 - Space Elevators, An Advanced Earth-space Infrastructure for the New Millennium - ed. D.V. Smitherman Jr.pdf 4.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2000 - The Art of Systems Architecting 2nd ed. - M.W. Maier, E. Rechtin.pdf 1.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2001 - Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics (4 vols.) - ed. Paul Murdin.pdf 143.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2001 - Measurement and Instrumentation Principles 3rd ed. - Alan S. Morris.pdf 3.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2002 - Nearest Star, The Surprising Science of Our Sun - L. Golub, J.M. Pasachoff.pdf 6.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2004 - Cosmochemistry, The Melting Pot of the Elements - eds. C. Esteban, R.G. Lopez, A. Herrero, F. Sanchez.pdf 6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2005 - Comets ~ Nature, Dynamics, Origin, and their Cosmogonical Relevance - Julio A. Fernandez.pdf 10.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2005 - Encyclopedia of Analytical Science 2nd ed. (10 vols.) - eds. P.J. Worsfold, A. Townshend, C.F. Poole.pdf 115.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2005 - Encyclopedia of Nonlinear Science - ed. Alwyn Scott.pdf 25 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2005 - Multiscale Coupling of Sun-Earth Processes - A. Lui, Y. Kamide, G. Consolini.pdf 92.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2005 - Space Systems Failures ~ Disasters and Rescues of Satellites, Rockets and Space Probes - D.M. Harland, R.D. Lorenz.pdf 29.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2006 - Academic Press Encyclopedia of the Solar System (2nd ed.) - L. McFadden, P. Weissman, T. Johnson.pdf 65.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2006 - Astrobiology, A Brief Introduction - K. Plaxco, M. Gross.pdf 4.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2006 - Encyclopedia of Space And Astronomy - Joseph A. Angelo Jr.pdf 10.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2006 - Fundamental Processes in Ecology, An Earth Systems Approach - David M. Wilkinson.pdf 4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2006 - Priorities in Space Science Enabled by Nuclear Power and Propulsion - National Research Council.pdf 5.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2006 - Spinning Flight ~ Dynamics of Frisbees, Boomerangs, Samaras, and Skipping Stones - Ralph D. Lorenz.djvu 3.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2007 - Lights in the Sky, Identifying and Understanding Astronomical and Meterological Phenomena - Michael Maunder.pdf 8.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2007 - McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology 10th ed. (19 vols.) - ed. E. Geller, J. Weil.pdf 354.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2007 - Spectroscopy, The Key to the Stars - Keith Robinson.pdf 3.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2007 - The Formation of the Solar System, Theories Old and New - Michael Woolfson.pdf 12 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2007 - The Gale Encyclopedia of Science 4th ed. (6 vols.) - eds. K.L. Lerner, B.W. Lerner.pdf 148.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2008 - Britannica Illustrated Science Library (16 vols.) - Britannica.pdf 291.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2008 - Building Electro-Optical Systems, Making It all Work 2nd ed. - Philip C.D. Hobbs.pdf 5.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2008 - Environmental Science ~ Problems, Connections, and Solutions 12th ed. - G.T. Miller, S. Spoolman.pdf 30.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2008 - Field Guide to Meteors and Meteorites - O. Norton, L. Chitwood.pdf 332.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2009 - Drilling in Extreme Environments, Penetration and Sampling on Earth and Other Planets - eds. Y. Bar-Cohen, K. Zacny.pdf 18.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2009 - From Quantum to Cosmos, Fundamental Physics Research in Space - Slava G. Turyshev.pdf 36.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2009 - Martian Outpost, The Challenges of Establishing a Human Settlement on Mars - Erik Seedhouse.pdf 17.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2009 - Planetary Systems ~ Detection, Formation and Habitability of Extrasolar Planets - M. Ollivier, T. Encrenaz, F. Roques, F. Selsis, F. Casoli.pdf 8.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2009 - Starlight, An Introduction to Stellar Physics for Amateurs - Keith Robinson.pdf 5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2009 - Technology Guide ~ Principles, Applications, Trends - ed. Hans-Jorg Bullinger.pdf 34 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2010 - Instrumentation 5th ed. - F.W. Kirk, T.A. Weedon, P. Kirk.pdf 49.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2010 - New Worlds, New Horizons in Astronomy and Astrophysics - NRC.pdf 9.7 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2010 - Satellite Systems for Personal Applications, Concepts and Technology - M. Richharia, L.D. Westbrook.pdf 5.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2010 - The Earth and the Moon, Revised Edition - Linda T. Elkins-Tanton.pdf 17.5 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2010 - The Solar System (3 vols.) - D.G. Fisher, R.R. Erickson.pdf 19.3 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2010 - Unmanned Space Missions - Erik Gregersen.pdf 6.4 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2010 - Water and Life, The Unique Properties of H20 - eds. R.M. Lynden-Bell, S.C. Morris, J.D. Barrow, J.L. Finney, C.L. Harper Jr.pdf 29.1 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2011 - Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, 4th ed. - D.G. Alciatore, M.B. Histand.pdf 37.2 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2011 - Statistics for Spatio-Temporal Data - N. Cressie, C.K. 9.9 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2011 - Thinking Like an Engineer, An Active Learning Approach 2nd ed. - E.A. Stephan, D.R. Bowman, W.J. Park, B.L. Sill, M.W. Ohland.pdf 15.6 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/2012 - Stardust, Supernovae and the Molecules of Life ~ Might We All Be Aliens - Richard N. Boyd.pdf 2.8 MB
Literature/Books/__Science and Engineering Disciplines/_An Introduction to Physical Sciences 12th ed. - J. Shipman, J.D. Wilson, A. Todd - 2009.pdf 60.8 MB
Literature/1968 - House Committee on Science and Astronautics, Statement on Unidentified Flying Objects - James E. McDonald.pdf 769 KB
Literature/1995 - The Rockefeller UFO Briefing Document - D. Berliner, M. Galbraith, A. Huneeus.pdf 1.4 MB
Literature/2002 - Science and the Failure to Investigate Unidentified Aerial Phenomena - Leslie Kean.pdf 67 KB
Literature/_README_.txt 99 KB
Literature/Torrent downloaded from 45 B
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[Purpleh31] Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club) [AI Generated].zip Application 349.4 MB 34
Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! [FitGirl Repack] Application 459.8 MB 28
20 Literature & Fiction Books Collection - 07 January 2025 Ebook 49.3 MB 21
Ernaux, Annie - Nobel Prize in Literature, 2022 (16 books) Ebook 38.1 MB 18
Private.22.07.15.Ivi.Rein.And.Jayla.De.Angelis.From.Literature.To.Anal.XXX.720p.HEVC.x265.PRT[XvX] Video 390 MB 7
literature.stackexchange.com_en_all_2024-05.zim 53.2 MB 7
[ ] Beastly Modernisms - The Figure of the Animal in Modernist Literature and Culture Application 7.9 MB 6
Childish Literature Audio 149.9 MB 5
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hysterical literature Video 473.5 MB 2
Shakespeare, W. (1594). Titus Andromicus. Folger Shakespeare Library. [-lit-, english literature, tragedy] Application 669 KB 2
Doki Doki Literature Club Plus by Igruha Application 1 GB 55
Doki.Doki.Literature.Club.Plus.Build.20220622.7z Application 994.9 MB 27
Doki Doki Literature Club Plus [NSZ] 1.1 GB 26
[Purpleh31] Natsuki (Doki Doki Literature Club) [AI Generated].zip Application 343.5 MB 8
[Mizumizuni] Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club!) [Decensored].zip Application 54.6 MB 7
[non-fiction] English Literature in Context by Paul Poplawski PDF Application 98.6 MB 7
Мелвилл Г.-Моби Дик,или Белый кит.Книга для чтения на английском языке-(Classical literature)-2020 Application 119.5 MB 7
Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! Application 2.6 GB 5
Lovecraft - The Literature of Lovecraft, Vol. I Audio 2.7 GB 5
