Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]

Size: 375.7 MB
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Name Size
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/4. Collection Creation and Documents Insertion/4 - Insert Sample Documents into the Collection.mp4 31.9 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/1. MongoDB Overview/2 - Relational vs Document Databases.mp4 4.7 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/1. MongoDB Overview/3 - MongoDB Structure.mp4 4.1 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/1. MongoDB Overview/4 - MongoDB Shell and MongoDB Server.mp4 6.4 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/2. MongoDB Installation/1 - Installation of the MongoDB on the local computer.mp4 7.5 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/2. MongoDB Installation/2 - Launch MongoDB Server and connect to it from the MongoDB Shell.mp4 9.2 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/2. MongoDB Installation/3 - MongoDB database in the Cloud.mp4 20 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/2. MongoDB Installation/4 - Exploring MongoDB Shell.mp4 11.1 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/2. MongoDB Installation/5 - Installing and Exploring Robo 3T (previously Robomongo).mp4 12.2 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/3. Data Formats in MongoDB/1 - JSON Overview.mp4 10.4 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/3. Data Formats in MongoDB/2 - Difference between JSON and JavaScript Object.mp4 6 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/3. Data Formats in MongoDB/3 - How Documents are stored in the Database - BSON Format.mp4 11.4 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/3. Data Formats in MongoDB/4 - What is Extended JSON.mp4 4.8 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/3. Data Formats in MongoDB/5 - Data Types representation in Extended JSON.mp4 11.2 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/3. Data Formats in MongoDB/6 - How types are stored in BSON.mp4 12.1 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/4. Collection Creation and Documents Insertion/1 - Creation of the new Collection.mp4 7 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/4. Collection Creation and Documents Insertion/2 - Insert Methods insertOne() and insertMany().mp4 4.9 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/4. Collection Creation and Documents Insertion/3 - Sample Data Overview.mp4 9.4 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/1. MongoDB Overview/1 - Where MongoDB is used.mp4 6.7 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/5. Finding Documents/1 - Find Methods find() and findOne().mp4 4.8 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/5. Finding Documents/2 - Practice Finding Documents.mp4 24.8 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/5. Finding Documents/3 - Query Operators Overview.mp4 2.9 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/5. Finding Documents/4 - Practice Finding Documents with Query Operators.mp4 26.4 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/5. Finding Documents/5 - Sort, Limit and Skip helper methods.mp4 2.5 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/5. Finding Documents/6 - Practice Sort, Limit and Skip.mp4 18.5 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/6. Updating Documents/1 - Update Methods updateOne() and updateMany().mp4 4.2 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/6. Updating Documents/2 - Update Operators.mp4 3 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/6. Updating Documents/3 - Practice Updating Documents using Update Operators.mp4 25.4 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/7. Deleting Documents/1 - Delete Methods deleteOne() and deleteMany().mp4 1.1 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/7. Deleting Documents/2 - Practice deleting Documents.mp4 13.3 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/8. Advanced MongoDB Features/1 - MongoDB Aggregation Framework.mp4 2.4 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/8. Advanced MongoDB Features/2 - Practice aggregating Documents.mp4 7.2 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/8. Advanced MongoDB Features/3 - MongoDB Indexes.mp4 8.2 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/8. Advanced MongoDB Features/4 - MongoDB Utilities.mp4 25 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/8. Advanced MongoDB Features/5 - What is MongoDB Replica Set.mp4 11.2 MB
Introduction to the MongoDB [Video]/8. Advanced MongoDB Features/6 - MongoDB Drivers.mp4 3.8 MB
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