Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks

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Name Size
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/AI/artificial general intelligence (2007).pdf 5.7 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/AI/artificial intelligence (luger, 6th, 2008).pdf 4 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/AI/artificial intelligence - a modern approach (3rd, 2009).pdf 14.9 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/AI/artificial intelligence for games (2nd, 2009).pdf 4.1 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/AI/evo bio/a field guide to genetic programming (2008).pdf 3.6 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/AI/evo bio/ant colony optimization (2004).pdf 1.9 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/AI/evo bio/bio-inspired artificial intelligence (2008).pdf 14.9 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/AI/evo bio/evolving connectionist systems - the knowledge engineering approach (2007).pdf 16.6 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/AI/evo bio/introduction to evolutionary computing (2003).pdf 44.9 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/AI/evo bio/swarm intelligence (2001).pdf 9 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/AI/evo bio/the art of artificial evolution - a handbook on evolutionary art and music (2007).pdf 14.8 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/AI/knowledge representation and reasoning (2004).pdf 2.3 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/AI/prediction, learning, and games (2006).pdf 5.5 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/AI/reinforcement learning - an introduction (1998).pdf 4 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/AI/the quest for AI - a history of ideas and achievements (2010).pdf 15.3 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/AI/universal artificial intelligence (2005).pdf 17.5 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/analysis/calculus (spivak, 3rd, 1994).pdf 48.4 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/analysis/calculus (strang, 1991).pdf 33.5 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/analysis/introduction to analysis (1985).pdf 14.1 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/analysis/mathematical analysis (2nd, 1981).djvu 10 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/how to prove it - a structured approach (2nd, 2006).pdf 2.6 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/matrix fu/fundamentals of matrix computations (2nd, 2002).pdf 25.6 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/matrix fu/introduction to linear algebra (4th, 2009).pdf 89.9 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/matrix fu/linear algebra (1977).djvu 14.1 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/matrix fu/matrix algebra - theory, computations, and applications in statistics (2007).pdf 3.8 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/matrix fu/matrix computations (3rd, 1996).pdf 11.6 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/matrix fu/matrix cookbook.pdf 522 KB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/optimization/convex optimization (2004).pdf 6.3 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/optimization/introduction to linear optimization (1997).pdf 13.5 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/optimization/introduction to stochastic search and optimization (2003).djvu 5.2 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/optimization/numerical optimization (2nd, 2006).pdf 3.3 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/optimization/optimization for machine learning (2011).pdf 3 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/optimization/practical methods for optimization (2nd, 1987).pdf 15 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/probability/a course in probability theory (3rd, 2000).pdf 20.5 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/probability/a first look at rigorous probability theory (2nd, 2006).pdf 3.1 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/probability/an introduction to probability theory and applications (vol1, 3rd, 1968).pdf 35.1 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/probability/an introduction to probability theory and applications (vol2, 1971).pdf 42.1 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/probability/introduction to probability (bertsekas, 2nd, 2008).pdf 17.4 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/probability/introduction to probability (grinstead and snell, 2006).pdf 2.9 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/probability/probability theory - the logic of science (2003).pdf 5.8 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/probability/schaum's outline of probability, random variables and random processes (1997).pdf 4.4 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/statistics/all of nonparametric statistics (2010).pdf 2.2 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/statistics/all of statistics - a concise course in statistical inference (2010).pdf 44.9 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/statistics/an introduction to generalized linear models (2nd, 2001).pdf 2.1 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/statistics/applied linear statistical models (5th, 2004).pdf 49.8 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/statistics/introduction to bayesian statistics (2nd, 2007).pdf 21.8 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/statistics/modern multivariate statistical techniques - regression, classification and manifold learning (2008).pdf 11.8 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/statistics/multivariate data analysis (7th, 2009).pdf 11.1 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/statistics/robust statistics (2nd, 2009).pdf 13.8 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/statistics/statistics - the exploration and analysis of data (7th, 2010).pdf 12.1 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/math/statistics/statistics in plain english (3rd, 2010).pdf 2.5 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/ML/a probabilistic theory of pattern recognition (1996).pdf 10.8 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/ML/an introduction to information retrieval (2009).pdf 6.6 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/ML/an introduction to pattern recognition - a matlab approach (2010).pdf 3.3 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/ML/bayesian reasoning and machine learning (2012).pdf 13.6 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/ML/data analysis with open source tools (2010).pdf 10.2 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/ML/data mining - concepts and techniques (3rd, 2011).pdf 12.5 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/ML/data mining - practical machine learning tools and techniques (2011).pdf 6.9 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/ML/doing bayesian data analysis - a tutorial with R and BUGS (2010).pdf 9.9 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/ML/elements of statistical learning (2008).pdf 12.3 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/ML/ensemble methods in data mining (2010).pdf 2.6 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/ML/gaussian processes for machine learning (2005).pdf 3.9 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/ML/information theory, inference and learning algorithms (2003).pdf 7.1 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/ML/introduction to machine learning (alpaydin, 2009).pdf 3.5 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/ML/introduction to machine learning (smola, 2010).pdf 10.3 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/ML/kernel methods for pattern analysis (2004).pdf 3 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/ML/large-scale inference - empirical bayes methods for estimation, testing, and prediction (2010).pdf 3.6 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/ML/learning deep architectures for AI (2009).pdf 1.1 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/ML/learning with kernels (2002).pdf 9.8 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/ML/machine learning (1997).pdf 37 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/ML/machine learning - an algorithmic perspective (2009).pdf 41.9 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/ML/machine learning for hackers (2012).pdf 23.1 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/ML/mining the social web - analyzing data from facebook, twitter, linkedin and other social media sites (2011).pdf 4.8 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/ML/neural networks for applied sciences and engineering (2006).pdf 5.9 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/ML/pattern recognition (4th, 2008).pdf 13.2 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/ML/pattern recognition and machine learning (2007).pdf 4.5 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/ML/probabilistic graphical models - principles and techniques (2009).pdf 66.2 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/ML/programming collective intelligence - building smart web 2.0 applications (2007).pdf 3.3 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/ML/statistical learning theory (1998).pdf 29.8 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/other/foundations of statistical language processing (1999).pdf 6.3 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/other/godel, escher, bach - an eternal golden braid (1999).pdf 31.3 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/other/probabilistic robotics (2005).pdf 15 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/other/solutions/answer book for calculus 3rd (spivak, 1994).pdf 21.5 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/other/solutions/elements of statistical learning sol1.pdf 142 KB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/other/solutions/elements of statistical learning sol2.pdf 68 KB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/other/solutions/introduction to linear algebra solution manual.pdf 590 KB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/other/solutions/pattern recognition and machine learning solutions.pdf 883 KB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/other/speech and language processing (2nd, 2007).pdf 18.9 MB
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics eBooks/other/the algorithm design manual (2nd, 2008).pdf 5.9 MB
Name Size Peers
Heesen B. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with R...2024 Application 14 MB 9
Ramana T. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Smart Community 2024 Application 9.1 MB 5
[ ] Explainable Artificial Intelligence - An Introduction to Interpretable Machine Learning Ebook 66.1 MB 2
The Era of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Science in the Pharmaceutical Industry Application 5.3 MB 17
[ ] MACHINE LEARNING FOR ALGORITHMIC TRADING - Master as a pro applied artificial intelligence and Python to predict Application 39.6 MB 8
[ ] Handbook Of Machine Learning, Volume 1 - Foundation Of Artificial Intelligence Application 26.9 MB 6
Business Intelligence - The Ultimate Guide to BI, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data, Cybersecurity, Data Science, and Predictive Analytics - Jan 2020.rar Application 6.6 MB 1
Campesato O. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning,...2020 Application 3.3 MB 44
Hands-On Artificial Intelligence for Banking A practical guide to building intelligent financial apps using machine learning Ebook 23.6 MB 30
[ ] Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Digital Pathology - State-of-the-Art and Future Challenges (Lecture Application 115.1 MB 17
[ ] Udemy - Artificial Neural Network and Machine Learning using Application 1.7 GB 17
[ ] Python for Beginners - Master Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with this Smart Python Application 2.3 MB 16
Joshi A. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence 2019 Application 6.2 MB 12
inteligencia-artificial-e-machine-learning [FreeTutorials.Us].zip Application 7.8 GB 7
[ ] Artificial Intelligence By Example- Acquire Advanced AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning design skills, 2nd Application 114 MB 5
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning 101 - No Coding Application 348.6 MB 5
[ ] Life Of AI - A Complete Guide 2020 (Beginner + Advanced), Data Science, Machine Learning,Artificial Intelligence with Application 8.5 MB 4
Big Data A Guide to Big Data Trends, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Predictive Analytics.epub Ebook 996 KB 4
[ ] Hands-On Artificial Intelligence for Banking - A practical guide to building intelligent financial apps using machine Application 57.5 MB 4
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2016 Part I.pdf Application 42.5 MB 1
