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Python/A Byte of Python 1.92 [Swaroop C. H.] (2009)/A.Byte.of.Python.1.92.Swaroop.C.H.2009.pdf 604 KB
Python/A Byte of Python 1.92 [Swaroop C. H.] (2009)/folder.jpg 44 KB
Python/A Byte of Python 1.92 [Swaroop C. H.] (2009)/info.yml 2 KB
Python/A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python [Hans Petter Langtangen] (2009)/A.Primer.on.Scientific.Programming.with.Python.Hans.Petter.Langtangen.2009.pdf 6.2 MB
Python/A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python [Hans Petter Langtangen] (2009)/folder.jpg 158 KB
Python/A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python [Hans Petter Langtangen] (2009)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Beginning Game Development with Python and Pygame - From Novice to Professional [Will McGugan] (2007)/Source Code/ 4.8 MB
Python/Beginning Game Development with Python and Pygame - From Novice to Professional [Will McGugan] (2007)/ 7.6 MB
Python/Beginning Game Development with Python and Pygame - From Novice to Professional [Will McGugan] (2007)/folder.jpg 154 KB
Python/Beginning Game Development with Python and Pygame - From Novice to Professional [Will McGugan] (2007)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Beginning Python - From Novice to Professional [Magnus Lie Hetland] (2005)/Source Code/ 128 KB
Python/Beginning Python - From Novice to Professional [Magnus Lie Hetland] (2005)/ 12.8 MB
Python/Beginning Python - From Novice to Professional [Magnus Lie Hetland] (2005)/folder.jpg 41 KB
Python/Beginning Python - From Novice to Professional [Magnus Lie Hetland] (2005)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Beginning Python - From Novice to Professional, 2nd Edition [Magnus Lie Hetland] (2008)/Source Code/ 65 KB
Python/Beginning Python - From Novice to Professional, 2nd Edition [Magnus Lie Hetland] (2008)/ 3.9 MB
Python/Beginning Python - From Novice to Professional, 2nd Edition [Magnus Lie Hetland] (2008)/folder.jpg 36 KB
Python/Beginning Python - From Novice to Professional, 2nd Edition [Magnus Lie Hetland] (2008)/info.yml 2 KB
Python/Beginning Python - Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1 [James Payne] (2010)/Source Code/ 59 KB
Python/Beginning Python - Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1 [James Payne] (2010)/Beginning.Python.Using.Python.2.6.and.Python.3.1.James.Payne.2010.pdf 4.4 MB
Python/Beginning Python - Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1 [James Payne] (2010)/folder.jpg 109 KB
Python/Beginning Python - Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1 [James Payne] (2010)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Beginning Python Visualization - Crafting Visual Transformation Scripts [Shai Vaingast] (2009)/Source Code/ 72 KB
Python/Beginning Python Visualization - Crafting Visual Transformation Scripts [Shai Vaingast] (2009)/Beginning.Python.Visualization.Crafting.Visual.Transformation.Scripts.Shai.Vaingast.2009.pdf 2.8 MB
Python/Beginning Python Visualization - Crafting Visual Transformation Scripts [Shai Vaingast] (2009)/folder.jpg 100 KB
Python/Beginning Python Visualization - Crafting Visual Transformation Scripts [Shai Vaingast] (2009)/info.yml 2 KB
Python/Bioinformatics Programming Using Python [Mitchell L Model] (2009)/Bioinformatics.Programming.Using.Python.Mitchell.L.Model.2009.pdf 3.1 MB
Python/Bioinformatics Programming Using Python [Mitchell L Model] (2009)/folder.jpg 109 KB
Python/Bioinformatics Programming Using Python [Mitchell L Model] (2009)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Building Skills in Object-Oriented Design [Steven F. Lott] (2009)/ 1.1 MB
Python/Building Skills in Object-Oriented Design [Steven F. Lott] (2009)/folder.jpg 19 KB
Python/Building Skills in Object-Oriented Design [Steven F. Lott] (2009)/info.yml 2 KB
Python/Building Skills in Python [Steven F. Lott] (2010)/ 2.2 MB
Python/Building Skills in Python [Steven F. Lott] (2010)/folder.jpg 16 KB
Python/Building Skills in Python [Steven F. Lott] (2010)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/CherryPy Essentials - Rapid Python Web Application Development [Sylvain Hellegouarch] (2007)/Source Code/ 144 KB
Python/CherryPy Essentials - Rapid Python Web Application Development [Sylvain Hellegouarch] (2007)/CherryPy.Essentials.Rapid.Python.Web.Application.Development.Sylvain.Hellegouarch.2007.pdf 3.6 MB
Python/CherryPy Essentials - Rapid Python Web Application Development [Sylvain Hellegouarch] (2007)/folder.jpg 250 KB
Python/CherryPy Essentials - Rapid Python Web Application Development [Sylvain Hellegouarch] (2007)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Core Python Programming [Wesley Chun] (2000)/Source Code/ 83 KB
Python/Core Python Programming [Wesley Chun] (2000)/Core.Python.Programming.Wesley.Chun.2000.pdf 5.3 MB
Python/Core Python Programming [Wesley Chun] (2000)/folder.jpg 63 KB
Python/Core Python Programming [Wesley Chun] (2000)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Core Python Programming, 2nd Edition [Wesley Chun] (2006)/Source Code/ 100 KB
Python/Core Python Programming, 2nd Edition [Wesley Chun] (2006)/Core.Python.Programming.2nd.Edition.Wesley.Chun.2006.pdf 5.7 MB
Python/Core Python Programming, 2nd Edition [Wesley Chun] (2006)/folder.jpg 73 KB
Python/Core Python Programming, 2nd Edition [Wesley Chun] (2006)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Dive Into Python 3 [Mark Pilgrim] (2009)/Source Code/ 63 KB
Python/Dive Into Python 3 [Mark Pilgrim] (2009)/Dive.Into.Python.3.Mark.Pilgrim.2009.pdf 2.4 MB
Python/Dive Into Python 3 [Mark Pilgrim] (2009)/folder.jpg 39 KB
Python/Dive Into Python 3 [Mark Pilgrim] (2009)/info.yml 2 KB
Python/Expert Python Programming [Tarek Ziade] (2008)/Source Code/ 55 KB
Python/Expert Python Programming [Tarek Ziade] (2008)/Expert.Python.Programming.Tarek.Ziade.2008.pdf 5 MB
Python/Expert Python Programming [Tarek Ziade] (2008)/folder.jpg 149 KB
Python/Expert Python Programming [Tarek Ziade] (2008)/info.yml 2 KB
Python/Foundations of Agile Python Development [Jeff Younker] (2008)/Source Code/ 29.5 MB
Python/Foundations of Agile Python Development [Jeff Younker] (2008)/Foundations.of.Agile.Python.Development.Jeff.Younker.2008.pdf 5.9 MB
Python/Foundations of Agile Python Development [Jeff Younker] (2008)/folder.jpg 138 KB
Python/Foundations of Agile Python Development [Jeff Younker] (2008)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Foundations of Python Network Programming [John Goerzen] (2004)/Source Code/ 168 KB
Python/Foundations of Python Network Programming [John Goerzen] (2004)/Foundations.of.Python.Network.Programming.John.Goerzen.2004.djvu 2.9 MB
Python/Foundations of Python Network Programming [John Goerzen] (2004)/folder.jpg 22 KB
Python/Foundations of Python Network Programming [John Goerzen] (2004)/info.yml 2 KB
Python/Foundations of Python Network Programming, 2nd Edition [Brandon Rhodes] (2010)/Source Code/ 995 KB
Python/Foundations of Python Network Programming, 2nd Edition [Brandon Rhodes] (2010)/Foundations.of.Python.Network.Programming.2nd.Edition.Brandon.Rhodes.2010.pdf 2.6 MB
Python/Foundations of Python Network Programming, 2nd Edition [Brandon Rhodes] (2010)/folder.jpg 195 KB
Python/Foundations of Python Network Programming, 2nd Edition [Brandon Rhodes] (2010)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Gray Hat Python - Python Programming for Hackers and Reverse Engineers [Justin Seitz] (2009)/Source Code/ 607 KB
Python/Gray Hat Python - Python Programming for Hackers and Reverse Engineers [Justin Seitz] (2009)/Gray.Hat.Python.Python.Programming.for.Hackers.and.Reverse.Engineers.Justin.Seitz.2009.pdf 3 MB
Python/Gray Hat Python - Python Programming for Hackers and Reverse Engineers [Justin Seitz] (2009)/folder.jpg 265 KB
Python/Gray Hat Python - Python Programming for Hackers and Reverse Engineers [Justin Seitz] (2009)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Hands-on Python Tutorial [Andrew N. Harrington] (2009)/Source Code/ 110 KB
Python/Hands-on Python Tutorial [Andrew N. Harrington] (2009)/Source Code/ 103 KB
Python/Hands-on Python Tutorial [Andrew N. Harrington] (2009)/Hands-on.Python.Tutorial.Python.3.Andrew.N.Harrington.2009.pdf 859 KB
Python/Hands-on Python Tutorial [Andrew N. Harrington] (2009)/Hands-on.Python.Tutorial.Python.2.Andrew.N.Harrington.2009.pdf 854 KB
Python/Hands-on Python Tutorial [Andrew N. Harrington] (2009)/folder.jpg 94 KB
Python/Hands-on Python Tutorial [Andrew N. Harrington] (2009)/info.yml 2 KB
Python/Head First Programming - A learner's guide to programming using the Python language [David Griffiths] (2009)/Source Code/A.learner' 19.6 MB
Python/Head First Programming - A learner's guide to programming using the Python language [David Griffiths] (2009)/A.learner' 12 MB
Python/Head First Programming - A learner's guide to programming using the Python language [David Griffiths] (2009)/folder.jpg 126 KB
Python/Head First Programming - A learner's guide to programming using the Python language [David Griffiths] (2009)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Head First Python [Paul Barry] (2010)/Source Code/ 373 KB
Python/Head First Python [Paul Barry] (2010)/Head.First.Python.Paul.Barry.2010.pdf 36.2 MB
Python/Head First Python [Paul Barry] (2010)/folder.jpg 303 KB
Python/Head First Python [Paul Barry] (2010)/info.yml 2 KB
Python/Hello World - Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners [Warren Sande] (2009)/Source Code/ 6 MB
Python/Hello World - Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners [Warren Sande] (2009)/Hello.World.Computer.Programming.for.Kids.and.Other.Beginners.Warren.Sande.2009.pdf 14.1 MB
Python/Hello World - Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners [Warren Sande] (2009)/folder.jpg 45 KB
Python/Hello World - Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners [Warren Sande] (2009)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python [Albert Sweigart] (2008)/Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python (2008).pdf 2.4 MB
Python/Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python [Albert Sweigart] (2008)/folder.jpg 151 KB
Python/Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python [Albert Sweigart] (2008)/info.yml 2 KB
Python/Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python, 2nd Edition [Albert Sweigart] (2009)/Source Code/ 262 KB
Python/Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python, 2nd Edition [Albert Sweigart] (2009)/Invent.Your.Own.Computer.Games.with.Python.Albert.Sweigart.2009.pdf 3.4 MB
Python/Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python, 2nd Edition [Albert Sweigart] (2009)/folder.png 333 KB
Python/Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python, 2nd Edition [Albert Sweigart] (2009)/info.yml 2 KB
Python/IronPython in Action [Michael Foord] (2009)/Source Code/ 33.3 MB
Python/IronPython in Action [Michael Foord] (2009)/ 7.9 MB
Python/IronPython in Action [Michael Foord] (2009)/folder.jpg 393 KB
Python/IronPython in Action [Michael Foord] (2009)/info.yml 4 KB
Python/Learn Python The Hard Way [Zed A. Shaw] (2010)/Learn.Python.The.Hard.Way.Zed.A.Shaw.2010.pdf 458 KB
Python/Learn Python The Hard Way [Zed A. Shaw] (2010)/folder.jpg 63 KB
Python/Learn Python The Hard Way [Zed A. Shaw] (2010)/info.yml 2 KB
Python/Learning Python, 3rd Edition [Mark Lutz] (2008)/Source Code/ 70 KB
Python/Learning Python, 3rd Edition [Mark Lutz] (2008)/Learning.Python.3rd.Edition.Mark.Lutz.2008.pdf 3.4 MB
Python/Learning Python, 3rd Edition [Mark Lutz] (2008)/folder.jpg 104 KB
Python/Learning Python, 3rd Edition [Mark Lutz] (2008)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Learning Python, 4th Edition [Mark Lutz] (2009)/Source Code/ 137 KB
Python/Learning Python, 4th Edition [Mark Lutz] (2009)/Learning.Python.4th.Edition.Mark.Lutz.2009.pdf 5.2 MB
Python/Learning Python, 4th Edition [Mark Lutz] (2009)/folder.jpg 104 KB
Python/Learning Python, 4th Edition [Mark Lutz] (2009)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Making Use of Python [Rashi Gupta] (2002)/Source Code/ 24 KB
Python/Making Use of Python [Rashi Gupta] (2002)/Making.Use.of.Python.Rashi.Gupta.2002.pdf 3.5 MB
Python/Making Use of Python [Rashi Gupta] (2002)/folder.jpg 50 KB
Python/Making Use of Python [Rashi Gupta] (2002)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Matplotlib for Python Developers [Sandro Tosi] (2009)/Source Code/ 90 KB
Python/Matplotlib for Python Developers [Sandro Tosi] (2009)/Matplotlib.for.Python.Developers.Sandro.Tosi.2009.pdf 7.6 MB
Python/Matplotlib for Python Developers [Sandro Tosi] (2009)/folder.jpg 64 KB
Python/Matplotlib for Python Developers [Sandro Tosi] (2009)/info.yml 4 KB
Python/Mobile Python - Rapid prototyping of applications on the mobile platform [Jurgen Scheible] (2007)/Source Code/ 41 KB
Python/Mobile Python - Rapid prototyping of applications on the mobile platform [Jurgen Scheible] (2007)/ 2.9 MB
Python/Mobile Python - Rapid prototyping of applications on the mobile platform [Jurgen Scheible] (2007)/folder.jpg 44 KB
Python/Mobile Python - Rapid prototyping of applications on the mobile platform [Jurgen Scheible] (2007)/info.yml 2 KB
Python/MySQL for Python [Albert Lukaszewski] (2010)/Source Code/ 32 KB
Python/MySQL for Python [Albert Lukaszewski] (2010)/MySQL.for.Python.Albert.Lukaszewski.2010.pdf 2.9 MB
Python/MySQL for Python [Albert Lukaszewski] (2010)/folder.jpg 104 KB
Python/MySQL for Python [Albert Lukaszewski] (2010)/info.yml 4 KB
Python/Natural Language Processing with Python [Steven Bird] (2009)/Natural.Language.Processing.with.Python.Steven.Bird.2009.pdf 4.1 MB
Python/Natural Language Processing with Python [Steven Bird] (2009)/folder.jpg 118 KB
Python/Natural Language Processing with Python [Steven Bird] (2009)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python [Jaan Kiusalaas] (2005)/Source Code/ 52 KB
Python/Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python [Jaan Kiusalaas] (2005)/ 4 MB
Python/Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python [Jaan Kiusalaas] (2005)/folder.jpg 159 KB
Python/Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python [Jaan Kiusalaas] (2005)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python, 2nd Edition [Jaan Kiusalaas] (2010)/ 4.3 MB
Python/Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python, 2nd Edition [Jaan Kiusalaas] (2010)/folder.png 305 KB
Python/Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python, 2nd Edition [Jaan Kiusalaas] (2010)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Plone 3 Products Development Cookbook [Juan Pablo Gimenez] (2010)/Source Code/ 3.9 MB
Python/Plone 3 Products Development Cookbook [Juan Pablo Gimenez] (2010)/Plone.3.Products.Development.Cookbook.Juan.Pablo.Gimenez.2010.pdf 6 MB
Python/Plone 3 Products Development Cookbook [Juan Pablo Gimenez] (2010)/folder.jpg 297 KB
Python/Plone 3 Products Development Cookbook [Juan Pablo Gimenez] (2010)/info.yml 4 KB
Python/Practical Programming - An Introduction to Computer Science Using Python [Jennifer Campbell] (2009)/Source Code/ 437 KB
Python/Practical Programming - An Introduction to Computer Science Using Python [Jennifer Campbell] (2009)/ 5.2 MB
Python/Practical Programming - An Introduction to Computer Science Using Python [Jennifer Campbell] (2009)/folder.jpg 332 KB
Python/Practical Programming - An Introduction to Computer Science Using Python [Jennifer Campbell] (2009)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Pro IronPython [Alan Harris] (2009)/Source Code/ 5.1 MB
Python/Pro IronPython [Alan Harris] (2009)/Pro.IronPython.Alan.Harris.2009.pdf 14.3 MB
Python/Pro IronPython [Alan Harris] (2009)/folder.jpg 334 KB
Python/Pro IronPython [Alan Harris] (2009)/info.yml 2 KB
Python/Pro Python System Administration [Rytis Sileika] (2010)/Source Code/ 4.2 MB
Python/Pro Python System Administration [Rytis Sileika] (2010)/Pro.Python.System.Administration.Rytis.Sileika.2010.pdf 4.7 MB
Python/Pro Python System Administration [Rytis Sileika] (2010)/folder.jpg 189 KB
Python/Pro Python System Administration [Rytis Sileika] (2010)/info.yml 2 KB
Python/Pro Python [Marty Alchin] (2010)/Pro.Python.Marty.Alchin.2010.pdf 2.9 MB
Python/Pro Python [Marty Alchin] (2010)/folder.jpg 166 KB
Python/Pro Python [Marty Alchin] (2010)/info.yml 2 KB
Python/Professional IronPython [John Paul Mueller] (2010)/Source Code/ 9.6 MB
Python/Professional IronPython [John Paul Mueller] (2010)/Professional.IronPython.John.Paul.Mueller.2010.pdf 19.4 MB
Python/Professional IronPython [John Paul Mueller] (2010)/folder.jpg 79 KB
Python/Professional IronPython [John Paul Mueller] (2010)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Programming Collective Intelligence [Toby Segaran] (2008)/Source Code/ 226 KB
Python/Programming Collective Intelligence [Toby Segaran] (2008)/Programming.Collective.Intelligence.Toby.Segaran.2008.pdf 2.9 MB
Python/Programming Collective Intelligence [Toby Segaran] (2008)/folder.jpg 136 KB
Python/Programming Collective Intelligence [Toby Segaran] (2008)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Programming for Non-Programmers - How to Write Your Own Software Using Python [Steven F. Lott] (2009)/ 2.5 MB
Python/Programming for Non-Programmers - How to Write Your Own Software Using Python [Steven F. Lott] (2009)/folder.jpg 21 KB
Python/Programming for Non-Programmers - How to Write Your Own Software Using Python [Steven F. Lott] (2009)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Programming in Python 3 - A Complete Introduction to the Python Language [Mark Summerfield] (2008)/Source Code/ 380 KB
Python/Programming in Python 3 - A Complete Introduction to the Python Language [Mark Summerfield] (2008)/ 1.9 MB
Python/Programming in Python 3 - A Complete Introduction to the Python Language [Mark Summerfield] (2008)/folder.jpg 77 KB
Python/Programming in Python 3 - A Complete Introduction to the Python Language [Mark Summerfield] (2008)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Programming in Python 3 - A Complete Introduction to the Python Language, 2nd Edition [Mark Summerfield] (2009)/Source Code/ 401 KB
Python/Programming in Python 3 - A Complete Introduction to the Python Language, 2nd Edition [Mark Summerfield] (2009)/Source Code/ 401 KB
Python/Programming in Python 3 - A Complete Introduction to the Python Language, 2nd Edition [Mark Summerfield] (2009)/Source Code/py3book31.tar.gz 291 KB
Python/Programming in Python 3 - A Complete Introduction to the Python Language, 2nd Edition [Mark Summerfield] (2009)/Source Code/py3book30.tar.gz 291 KB
Python/Programming in Python 3 - A Complete Introduction to the Python Language, 2nd Edition [Mark Summerfield] (2009)/ 2.2 MB
Python/Programming in Python 3 - A Complete Introduction to the Python Language, 2nd Edition [Mark Summerfield] (2009)/folder.jpg 60 KB
Python/Programming in Python 3 - A Complete Introduction to the Python Language, 2nd Edition [Mark Summerfield] (2009)/info.yml 2 KB
Python/Programming Python, 3rd Edition [Mark Lutz] (2009)/Source Code/ 13 MB
Python/Programming Python, 3rd Edition [Mark Lutz] (2009)/Programming.Python.3rd.Edition.Mark.Lutz.2009.chm 9.7 MB
Python/Programming Python, 3rd Edition [Mark Lutz] (2009)/folder.jpg 113 KB
Python/Programming Python, 3rd Edition [Mark Lutz] (2009)/info.yml 2 KB
Python/Programming Python, 4th Edition [Mark Lutz] (2010)/Source Code/ 24.9 MB
Python/Programming Python, 4th Edition [Mark Lutz] (2010)/Programming.Python.4th.Edition.Mark.Lutz.2010.pdf 26.1 MB
Python/Programming Python, 4th Edition [Mark Lutz] (2010)/folder.jpg 118 KB
Python/Programming Python, 4th Edition [Mark Lutz] (2010)/info.yml 2 KB
Python/Python & XML [Christopher A. Jones] (2002)/Source Code/ 126 KB
Python/Python & XML [Christopher A. Jones] (2002)/Python.XML.Christopher.A.Jones.2002.pdf 1.9 MB
Python/Python & XML [Christopher A. Jones] (2002)/folder.jpg 112 KB
Python/Python & XML [Christopher A. Jones] (2002)/info.yml 2 KB
Python/Python - Create-Modify-Reuse [James O. Knowlton] (2008)/Source Code/ 43 KB
Python/Python - Create-Modify-Reuse [James O. Knowlton] (2008)/Python.Create.Modify.Reuse.James.O.Knowlton.2008.pdf 6.1 MB
Python/Python - Create-Modify-Reuse [James O. Knowlton] (2008)/folder.jpg 49 KB
Python/Python - Create-Modify-Reuse [James O. Knowlton] (2008)/info.yml 4 KB
Python/Python 2.1 Bible [Dave Brueck] (2001)/Python.2.1.Bible.Dave.Brueck.2001.pdf 3.5 MB
Python/Python 2.1 Bible [Dave Brueck] (2001)/folder.jpg 161 KB
Python/Python 2.1 Bible [Dave Brueck] (2001)/info.yml 2 KB
Python/Python 2.6 Graphics Cookbook [Mike Ohlson de Fine] (2010)/Source Code/ 4.3 MB
Python/Python 2.6 Graphics Cookbook [Mike Ohlson de Fine] (2010)/ 4 MB
Python/Python 2.6 Graphics Cookbook [Mike Ohlson de Fine] (2010)/folder.jpg 292 KB
Python/Python 2.6 Graphics Cookbook [Mike Ohlson de Fine] (2010)/info.yml 4 KB
Python/Python 2.6 Text Processing [Jeff McNeil] (2010)/Python.2.6.Text.Processing.Jeff.McNeil.2010.pdf 5.8 MB
Python/Python 2.6 Text Processing [Jeff McNeil] (2010)/folder.jpg 219 KB
Python/Python 2.6 Text Processing [Jeff McNeil] (2010)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Python 3 for Absolute Beginners [Tim Hall] (2009)/Python.3.for.Absolute.Beginners.Tim.Hall.2009.pdf 7.7 MB
Python/Python 3 for Absolute Beginners [Tim Hall] (2009)/folder.jpg 178 KB
Python/Python 3 for Absolute Beginners [Tim Hall] (2009)/info.yml 2 KB
Python/Python 3 Object Oriented Programming [Dusty Phillips] (2010)/Source Code/ 124 KB
Python/Python 3 Object Oriented Programming [Dusty Phillips] (2010)/Python.3.Object.Oriented.Programming.Dusty.Phillips.2010.pdf 2.6 MB
Python/Python 3 Object Oriented Programming [Dusty Phillips] (2010)/folder.jpg 143 KB
Python/Python 3 Object Oriented Programming [Dusty Phillips] (2010)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Python Algorithms [Magnus Lie Hetland] (2010)/Source Code/ 28 KB
Python/Python Algorithms [Magnus Lie Hetland] (2010)/Python.Algorithms.Magnus.Lie.Hetland.2010.pdf 3.3 MB
Python/Python Algorithms [Magnus Lie Hetland] (2010)/folder.jpg 147 KB
Python/Python Algorithms [Magnus Lie Hetland] (2010)/info.yml 2 KB
Python/Python and Tkinter Programming [John E. Grayson] (2000)/Source Code/ 14.4 MB
Python/Python and Tkinter Programming [John E. Grayson] (2000)/Python.and.Tkinter.Programming.John.E.Grayson.2000.pdf 6 MB
Python/Python and Tkinter Programming [John E. Grayson] (2000)/folder.jpg 268 KB
Python/Python and Tkinter Programming [John E. Grayson] (2000)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Python Essential Reference, 3rd Edition [David M. Beazley] (2006)/Python.Essential.Reference.3rd.Edition.David.M.Beazley.2006.pdf 2.3 MB
Python/Python Essential Reference, 3rd Edition [David M. Beazley] (2006)/folder.jpg 62 KB
Python/Python Essential Reference, 3rd Edition [David M. Beazley] (2006)/info.yml 2 KB
Python/Python Essential Reference, 4th Edition [David M. Beazley] (2009)/Python.Essential.Reference.4th.Edition.David.M.Beazley.2009.pdf 3.5 MB
Python/Python Essential Reference, 4th Edition [David M. Beazley] (2009)/folder.jpg 52 KB
Python/Python Essential Reference, 4th Edition [David M. Beazley] (2009)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Python for Software Design - How to Think Like a Computer Scientist [Allen Downey] (2009)/ 1.1 MB
Python/Python for Software Design - How to Think Like a Computer Scientist [Allen Downey] (2009)/folder.jpg 135 KB
Python/Python for Software Design - How to Think Like a Computer Scientist [Allen Downey] (2009)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Python for Unix and Linux System Administration [Noah Gift] (2009)/Source Code/ 4.1 MB
Python/Python for Unix and Linux System Administration [Noah Gift] (2009)/Python.for.Unix.and.Linux.System.Administration.Noah.Gift.2009.pdf 2.9 MB
Python/Python for Unix and Linux System Administration [Noah Gift] (2009)/folder.jpg 126 KB
Python/Python for Unix and Linux System Administration [Noah Gift] (2009)/info.yml 2 KB
Python/Python Geospatial Development [Erik Westra] (2010)/Source Code/ 5.6 MB
Python/Python Geospatial Development [Erik Westra] (2010)/Python.Geospatial.Development.Erik.Westra.2010.pdf 12.2 MB
Python/Python Geospatial Development [Erik Westra] (2010)/folder.jpg 602 KB
Python/Python Geospatial Development [Erik Westra] (2010)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Python Phrasebook [Brad Dayley] (2006)/Source Code/ 40 KB
Python/Python Phrasebook [Brad Dayley] (2006)/Python.Phrasebook.Brad.Dayley.2006.chm 767 KB
Python/Python Phrasebook [Brad Dayley] (2006)/folder.jpg 50 KB
Python/Python Phrasebook [Brad Dayley] (2006)/info.yml 2 KB
Python/Python Pocket Reference, 4th Edition [Mark Lutz] (2009)/Python.Pocket.Reference.4th.Edition.Mark.Lutz.2009.pdf 1 MB
Python/Python Pocket Reference, 4th Edition [Mark Lutz] (2009)/folder.jpg 134 KB
Python/Python Pocket Reference, 4th Edition [Mark Lutz] (2009)/info.yml 2 KB
Python/Python Power! - The Comprehensive Guide [Matt Telles] (2007)/Python.Power.The.Comprehensive.Guide.Matt.Telles.2007.pdf 4.4 MB
Python/Python Power! - The Comprehensive Guide [Matt Telles] (2007)/folder.jpg 25 KB
Python/Python Power! - The Comprehensive Guide [Matt Telles] (2007)/info.yml 2 KB
Python/Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner [Michael Dawson] (2003)/Python.Programming.for.the.Absolute.Beginner.Michael.Dawson.2003.chm 5.5 MB
Python/Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner [Michael Dawson] (2003)/folder.jpg 46 KB
Python/Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner [Michael Dawson] (2003)/info.yml 2 KB
Python/Python Programming Fundamentals [Kent D. Lee] (2010)/Source Code/ 2 KB
Python/Python Programming Fundamentals [Kent D. Lee] (2010)/Python.Programming.Fundamentals.Kent.D.Lee.2010.pdf 3.8 MB
Python/Python Programming Fundamentals [Kent D. Lee] (2010)/folder.jpg 45 KB
Python/Python Programming Fundamentals [Kent D. Lee] (2010)/info.yml 2 KB
Python/Python Scripting for Computational Science [Hans Petter Langtangen] (2004)/Python.Scripting.for.Computational.Science.Hans.Petter.Langtangen.2004.pdf 4.2 MB
Python/Python Scripting for Computational Science [Hans Petter Langtangen] (2004)/folder.jpg 23 KB
Python/Python Scripting for Computational Science [Hans Petter Langtangen] (2004)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Python Scripting for Computational Science, 2nd Edition [Hans Petter Langtangen] (2005)/Python.Scripting.for.Computational.Science.2nd.Edition.Hans.Petter.Langtangen.2005.pdf 4.2 MB
Python/Python Scripting for Computational Science, 2nd Edition [Hans Petter Langtangen] (2005)/folder.jpg 22 KB
Python/Python Scripting for Computational Science, 2nd Edition [Hans Petter Langtangen] (2005)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Python Scripting for Computational Science, 3rd Edition [Hans Petter Langtangen] (2009)/Python.Scripting.for.Computational.Science.3rd.Edition.Hans.Petter.Langtangen.2009.pdf 6 MB
Python/Python Scripting for Computational Science, 3rd Edition [Hans Petter Langtangen] (2009)/folder.jpg 182 KB
Python/Python Scripting for Computational Science, 3rd Edition [Hans Petter Langtangen] (2009)/info.yml 3 KB
Python/Python Testing - Beginner's Guide [Daniel Arbuckle] (2010)/Source Code/Python.Testing.Beginner' 66 KB
Python/Python Testing - Beginner's Guide [Daniel Arbuckle] (2010)/Python.Testing.Beginner's.Guide.Daniel.Arbuckle.2010.pdf 2.9 MB
Python/Python Testing - Beginner's Guide [Daniel Arbuckle] (2010)/folder.jpg 63 KB
Python/Python Testing - Beginner's Guide [Daniel Arbuckle] (2010)/info.yml 3 KB
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Юэнс-Кларк Кен - Python для начинающих (Библиотека программиста) - 2025.pdf Application 35.3 MB 67
Python Programming Handbook For Robotics Development Ebook 1.6 MB 55
Картер Джейд - Библиотеки Python Часть 2. Практическое применение - 2025 Application 8.5 MB 55
Python Programming For Beginners - Practical Lessons for Building Real-World Applications Ebook 1.1 MB 50
Рохас-Галеано С. - ChatGPT; ваш наставник по Python. Овладение основами за 100 запросов -2023.pdf Application 14.7 MB 42
Mastering Data Serialization in Python-PeroAp- Ebook 647 KB 42
Сборник Библиотека программирования на Python Application 3 GB 40
Меле А. - Django 4 в примерах. Разрабатывайте мощные и надежные веб-приложения на Python с нуля - 2023.pdf Application 59.9 MB 39
Джон Пол Мюллер, Лука Массарон - Python и наука о данных для чайников (Для чайников) - 2020.djvu Image 8.4 MB 38
[computer-internet] Mastering Data Science_ From Data Collection to Machine Learning with Python by Thompson Carter EPUB Ebook 342 KB 37
Парсинг с помощью Python. Веб-скрапинг в действии. 3-е межд. изд. (2025).pdf Application 35.1 MB 37
[computer-internet] Learn Python Programming by Fabrizio Romano PDF Application 10 MB 35
Python Полныи Курс по Python Video 17.1 GB 34
Learn Python Programming, 4th Edition - A comprehensive, up-to-date, and definitive guide to learning Python Ebook 9.7 MB 32
Essentials of Python for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning by Pramod Gupta PDF Application 18.2 MB 31
[ ] Udemy - Mastering Python Basics - A Beginner's Guide Video 394 MB 31
Hetland Magnus Lie, Nelli Fabio - Beginning Python, 4th Edition - 2024.pdf Application 16.6 MB 29
Kofler Michael - Scripting. Automation with Bash, PowerShell, and Python - 2024 Ebook 14.1 MB 28
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