Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs

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Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/mp3tag.txt 12 KB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/81cSud2FX7L._SL1500_ - Copy.jpg 89 KB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-01_ Cantatas BWV 198, 110/14 - Kantate, BWV 110 _Unser Mund sei voll Lachens__ III. Recitativo (Basso) _Dir, Herr, ist niemand gleich._.mp3 1 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-02_ Cantatas BWV 73, 125, 157/03 - Kantate, BWV 73 _Herr, wie du willt, so schick's mit mir__ III. Recitativo (Basso) _Ach, unser Wille bleibt verkehrt_.mp3 1.1 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-06_ Cantatas BWV 140, 88, 79/20 - Gott der Herr ist Sonn und Schild, BWV 79_ VI - Choral (Coro) - Erhalt uns in der Wahrheit - Keep us in the truth.mp3 1.3 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-01_ Cantatas BWV 198, 110/10 - Kantate, BWV 198 _Laß, Fürstin, lass noch einen Strahl__ Teil II, X. Arioso (Basso) _Dein Torgau_.mp3 1.3 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-01_ Cantatas BWV 198, 110/18 - Kantate, BWV 110 _Unser Mund sei voll Lachens__ VII. Choral _Alleluja! Gelobt sei Gott_.mp3 1.3 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-05_ Cantatas BWV 36, 184, 129/08 - Cantata, BWV 36 _Schwingt freudig dich empor__ VIII. Choral (Coro) _Lob sei Gott, dem Vater, g‘ton_.mp3 1.4 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-02_ Cantatas BWV 73, 125, 157/10 - Kantate, BWV 125 _Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin__ V. Recitativo (Alto) _O unerschöpfter Schatz der Güte_.mp3 1.4 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-04_ Cantatas BWV 9, 91, 47/18 - Cantata, BWV 47 _Wer sich selbst erhöhet, der soll erniedriget werden__ V. Coro _Der zeitlichen Ehrn will ich gern_.mp3 1.4 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-02_ Cantatas BWV 73, 125, 157/11 - Kantate, BWV 125 _Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin__ VI. Choral _Er ist das Heil und selig Licht_.mp3 1.5 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-04_ Cantatas BWV 9, 91, 47/13 - Cantata, BWV 91 _Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ__ VI. Coro _Das hat er alles uns getan_.mp3 1.5 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-01_ Cantatas BWV 198, 110/04 - Kantate, BWV 198 _Laß, Fürstin, lass noch einen Strahl__ Teil I, IV. Recitativo (Alto) _Der Glocken bebendes Getön_.mp3 1.6 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-06_ Cantatas BWV 140, 88, 79/09 - Siehe, Ich Will Viel Fischer Aussenden, BWV 88_ II - Recitativo (Tenore) - Wie leichtlich könnte doch - How easily, though, could the Highest.mp3 1.7 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-03_ Cantatas BWV 152, 121, 166/16 - Kantate, BWV 166 _Wo gehest du hin___ IV. Recitative (Basso) _Gleichwie die Regenwasser_.mp3 1.7 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-03_ Cantatas BWV 152, 121, 166/11 - Kantate, BWV 121 _Christum wir sollen loben schon__ V. Recitativo (Soprano) _Doch wie erblickt es dich in deiner Krippen_.mp3 1.8 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-02_ Cantatas BWV 73, 125, 157/05 - Kantate, BWV 73 _Herr, wie du willt, so schick's mit mir__ V. Choral _Das ist des Vaters Wille_.mp3 1.9 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-02_ Cantatas BWV 73, 125, 157/16 - Kantate, BWV 157 _Ich lasse dich nicht, du segnest mich denn!__ V. Choral _Meinen Jesum lass ich nicht_.mp3 1.9 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-03_ Cantatas BWV 152, 121, 166/18 - Kantate, BWV 166 _Wo gehest du hin___ VI. Choral (Coro).mp3 1.9 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-03_ Cantatas BWV 152, 121, 166/12 - Kantate, BWV 121 _Christum wir sollen loben schon__ VI. Coro _Lob, Ehr und Dank sei dir gesagt_.mp3 1.9 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-06_ Cantatas BWV 140, 88, 79/14 - Siehe, Ich Will Viel Fischer Aussenden, BWV 88_ VII - Choral (Coro) - Sing, bet und get - Sing, pray, and walk.mp3 2 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-06_ Cantatas BWV 140, 88, 79/02 - Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 140_ II. Recitativo (Tenore) - Er kommt - He comes.mp3 2 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-06_ Cantatas BWV 140, 88, 79/18 - Gott der Herr ist Sonn und Schild, BWV 79_ IV - Recitativo (Basso) - Gottlob! Wir wissen - God be praised, we know.mp3 2 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-05_ Cantatas BWV 36, 184, 129/04 - Cantata, BWV 36 _Schwingt freudig dich empor__ IV. Choral (Coro) _Zwingt die Saiten in Cythara_.mp3 2 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-01_ Cantatas BWV 198, 110/06 - Kantate, BWV 198 _Laß, Fürstin, lass noch einen Strahl__ Teil I, VI. Recitativo (Tenore) _Ihr Leben ließ die Kunst zu sterben_.mp3 2 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-04_ Cantatas BWV 9, 91, 47/07 - Cantata, BWV 9 _Es ist das Heil uns kommen her__ VII. Coro _Ob sichs anließ, als wollt er nicht_.mp3 2.1 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-05_ Cantatas BWV 36, 184, 129/13 - Cantata, BWV 184 _Erwünschtes Freudenlicht__ V. Choral (Coro) _Herr, ich hoff je_.mp3 2.1 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-03_ Cantatas BWV 152, 121, 166/09 - Kantate, BWV 121 _Christum wir sollen loben schon__ III. Recitativo (Alto) _Der Gnade unermeßlichs Wesen_.mp3 2.2 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-04_ Cantatas BWV 9, 91, 47/11 - Cantata, BWV 91 _Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ__ IV. Recitativo (Basso) _O Christenheit, wohlan_.mp3 2.4 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-04_ Cantatas BWV 9, 91, 47/04 - Cantata, BWV 9 _Es ist das Heil uns kommen her__ IV. Recitativo (Basso) _Doch mußte das Gesetz_.mp3 2.4 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-04_ Cantatas BWV 9, 91, 47/02 - Cantata, BWV 9 _Es ist das Heil uns kommen her__ II. Recitativo (Basso) _Gott gab uns ein Gesetz_.mp3 2.5 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-01_ Cantatas BWV 198, 110/02 - Kantate, BWV 198 _Laß, Fürstin, lass noch einen Strahl__ Teil I, II. Recitativo (Soprano) _Dein Sachsen, dein bestürztes Meißen_.mp3 2.6 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-06_ Cantatas BWV 140, 88, 79/05 - Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 140_ V. Recitativo (Basso) - So geh herein zu mir - So come in with me.mp3 2.6 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-06_ Cantatas BWV 140, 88, 79/13 - Siehe, Ich Will Viel Fischer Aussenden, BWV 88_ VI - Recitativo (Soprano) - Was kann dich denn - What can then thee in all thy dealings frighten.mp3 2.6 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-04_ Cantatas BWV 9, 91, 47/06 - Cantata, BWV 9 _Es ist das Heil uns kommen her__ VI. Recitativo (Basso) _Wenn wir die Sünd_.mp3 2.6 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-02_ Cantatas BWV 73, 125, 157/14 - Kantate, BWV 157 _Ich lasse dich nicht, du segnest mich denn!__ III. Recitativo (Tenore) _Mein lieber Jesu du_.mp3 2.7 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-03_ Cantatas BWV 152, 121, 166/05 - Kantate, BWV 152 _Tritt auf die Glaubensbahn__ V. Recitativo (Basso) _Er ärgre sich die kluge Welt_.mp3 2.7 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-06_ Cantatas BWV 140, 88, 79/07 - Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 140_ VII. Choral (Coro) - Gloria sei dir gesungen - May Gloria be sung to you.mp3 3 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-01_ Cantatas BWV 198, 110/09 - Kantate, BWV 198 _Laß, Fürstin, lass noch einen Strahl__ Teil II, IX. Recitativo (Basso) _Was Wunder ists__.mp3 3 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-04_ Cantatas BWV 9, 91, 47/09 - Cantata, BWV 91 _Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ__ II. Recitativo (Soprano, Chorus) _Der Glanz der höchsten Herrlichkeit_.mp3 3.2 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-03_ Cantatas BWV 152, 121, 166/13 - Kantate, BWV 166 _Wo gehest du hin___ I. Aria (Basso) _Wo gehest du hin__.mp3 3.2 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-04_ Cantatas BWV 9, 91, 47/16 - Cantata, BWV 47 _Wer sich selbst erhöhet, der soll erniedriget werden__ III. Recitative (Basso) _Der Mensch ist Kot, Stank_.mp3 3.3 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-05_ Cantatas BWV 36, 184, 129/06 - Cantata, BWV 36 _Schwingt freudig dich empor__ VI. Choral (Tenore)_ _Der du bist dem Vater gleich_.mp3 3.6 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-05_ Cantatas BWV 36, 184, 129/11 - Cantata, BWV 184 _Erwünschtes Freudenlicht__ III. Recitativo (Tenore) _So freuet euch_.mp3 3.6 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-06_ Cantatas BWV 140, 88, 79/17 - Gott der Herr ist Sonn und Schild, BWV 79_ III - Choral (Coro) - Nun danket alle Gott - Now all thank God.mp3 3.8 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-06_ Cantatas BWV 140, 88, 79/11 - Siehe, Ich Will Viel Fischer Aussenden, BWV 88_ IV - Recitativo-Aria (Tenore, Basso) - Jesus sprach su Simon - Jesus spake to Simon.mp3 3.8 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-03_ Cantatas BWV 152, 121, 166/03 - Kantate, BWV 152 _Tritt auf die Glaubensbahn__ III. Recitativo (Basso) _Der Heiland ist gesetzt_.mp3 3.8 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-01_ Cantatas BWV 198, 110/07 - Kantate, BWV 198 _Laß, Fürstin, lass noch einen Strahl__ Teil I, VII. Coro _An dir, du Fürbild großer Frauen_.mp3 4.1 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-02_ Cantatas BWV 73, 125, 157/08 - Kantate, BWV 125 _Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin__ III. Recitativo e Choral (Basso) _O Wunder, dass ein Herz_.mp3 4.1 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-03_ Cantatas BWV 152, 121, 166/15 - Kantate, BWV 166 _Wo gehest du hin___ III. Choral (Soprano) _Ich bitte dich, Herr Jesu Christ_.mp3 5.1 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-04_ Cantatas BWV 9, 91, 47/10 - Cantata, BWV 91 _Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ__ III. Aria (Tenore) _Gott, dem der Erdenkreis zu klein_.mp3 5.2 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-03_ Cantatas BWV 152, 121, 166/02 - Kantate, BWV 152 _Tritt auf die Glaubensbahn__ II. Aria (Basso) _Tritt auf die Glaubensbahn_.mp3 5.2 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-04_ Cantatas BWV 9, 91, 47/08 - Cantata, BWV 91 _Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ__ I. Coro _Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ_.mp3 5.3 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-05_ Cantatas BWV 36, 184, 129/14 - Cantata, BWV 184 _Erwünschtes Freudenlicht__ VI. Coro_ (Soprano, Basso) _Guter Hirte, Trost der Deinen_.mp3 5.5 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-06_ Cantatas BWV 140, 88, 79/19 - Gott der Herr ist Sonn und Schild, BWV 79_ V - Aria (Duetto_ Soprano, Basso) - Gott, ach Gott - God, ah God.mp3 5.6 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-03_ Cantatas BWV 152, 121, 166/07 - Kantate, BWV 121 _Christum wir sollen loben schon__ I. Coro _Christum wir sollen loben schon_.mp3 5.7 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-03_ Cantatas BWV 152, 121, 166/01 - Kantate, BWV 152 _Tritt auf die Glaubensbahn__ I. Concerto.mp3 6.1 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-05_ Cantatas BWV 36, 184, 129/09 - Cantata, BWV 184 _Erwünschtes Freudenlicht__ I. Recitativo (Tenore) _Erwünschtes Freudenlicht_.mp3 6.2 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-01_ Cantatas BWV 198, 110/03 - Kantate, BWV 198 _Laß, Fürstin, lass noch einen Strahl__ Teil I, III. Aria (Soprano) _Verstummt, verstummt, ihr holden Saiten!_.mp3 6.4 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-06_ Cantatas BWV 140, 88, 79/16 - Gott der Herr ist Sonn und Schild, BWV 79_ II - Aria (Alto) - Gott ist unser Sonn und Schild - God is our sun and shield.mp3 6.4 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-02_ Cantatas BWV 73, 125, 157/04 - Kantate, BWV 73 _Herr, wie du willt, so schick's mit mir__ IV. Aria (Basso) _Herr, so du willt_.mp3 6.5 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-03_ Cantatas BWV 152, 121, 166/17 - Kantate, BWV 166 _Wo gehest du hin___ V. Aria (Alto) _Man nehme sich in acht_.mp3 6.6 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-06_ Cantatas BWV 140, 88, 79/10 - Siehe, Ich Will Viel Fischer Aussenden, BWV 88_ III - Aria (Tenore) - Nein, Gott ist allezeit geflissen - No, God is all the time intending.mp3 6.7 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-02_ Cantatas BWV 73, 125, 157/02 - Kantate, BWV 73 _Herr, wie du willt, so schick's mit mir__ II. Aria (Tenore) _Ach senke doch den Geist der Freuden_.mp3 6.9 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-05_ Cantatas BWV 36, 184, 129/02 - Cantata, BWV 36 _Schwingt freudig dich empor__ II. Choral (Soprano, Alto) _Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland_.mp3 7 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-05_ Cantatas BWV 36, 184, 129/17 - Cantata, BWV 129 _Gelobet sei der Herr, mein Gott__ III. Aria (Soprano)_ _Gelobet sei der Herr, mein Gott_.mp3 7.1 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-05_ Cantatas BWV 36, 184, 129/05 - Cantata, BWV 36 _Schwingt freudig dich empor__ V. Aria (Basso) _Willkommen, werter Schatz_.mp3 7.1 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-06_ Cantatas BWV 140, 88, 79/12 - Siehe, Ich Will Viel Fischer Aussenden, BWV 88_ V - Duetto (Soprano, Alto) - Beruft Gott selbst, so muss der Segen - If God commands, then must his blessing.mp3 7.2 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-05_ Cantatas BWV 36, 184, 129/16 - Cantata, BWV 129 _Gelobet sei der Herr, mein Gott__ II. Aria (Basso)_ _Gelobet sei der Herr, mein Gott_.mp3 7.2 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-01_ Cantatas BWV 198, 110/16 - Kantate, BWV 110 _Unser Mund sei voll Lachens__ V. Aria (Duetto_ Soprano, Tenore) _Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe_.mp3 7.3 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-01_ Cantatas BWV 198, 110/17 - Kantate, BWV 110 _Unser Mund sei voll Lachens__ VI. Aria (Basso) _Wacht auf, ihr Adern und ihr Glieder_.mp3 7.4 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-02_ Cantatas BWV 73, 125, 157/12 - Kantate, BWV 157 _Ich lasse dich nicht, du segnest mich denn!__ I. Aria (Duetto_ Tenore, Basso) _Ich lasse dich nicht, du segnest mich denn!_.mp3 7.5 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-05_ Cantatas BWV 36, 184, 129/01 - Cantata, BWV 36 _Schwingt freudig dich empor__ I. Coro _Schwingt freudig dich empor_.mp3 7.5 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-01_ Cantatas BWV 198, 110/15 - Kantate, BWV 110 _Unser Mund sei voll Lachens__ IV. Aria (Alto) _Ach Herr, was ist ein Menschenkind_.mp3 7.5 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-01_ Cantatas BWV 198, 110/08 - Kantate, BWV 198 _Laß, Fürstin, lass noch einen Strahl__ Teil II, VIII. Aria (Tenore) _Der Ewigkeit saphirnes Haus_.mp3 7.6 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-03_ Cantatas BWV 152, 121, 166/04 - Kantate, BWV 152 _Tritt auf die Glaubensbahn__ IV. Aria (Soprano) _Stein, der über alle Schätze_.mp3 7.7 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-03_ Cantatas BWV 152, 121, 166/06 - Kantate, BWV 152 _Tritt auf die Glaubensbahn__ VI. Duetto (Soprano, Basso) _Wie soll ich dich, Liebster der Seelen, umfassen__.mp3 7.7 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-06_ Cantatas BWV 140, 88, 79/04 - Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 140_ IV. Choral (Tenore) - Zion hört die Wächter singen - Zion hears the watchmen singing.mp3 7.7 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-02_ Cantatas BWV 73, 125, 157/01 - Kantate, BWV 73 _Herr, wie du willt, so schicks mit mir__ I. Coro e Recitativo (Soprano, Tenore, Basso) _Herr, wie du willt, so schicks mit mir_.mp3 8 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-05_ Cantatas BWV 36, 184, 129/15 - Cantata, BWV 129 _Gelobet sei der Herr, mein Gott__ I. Coro _Gelobet sei der Herr, mein Gott_.mp3 8 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-03_ Cantatas BWV 152, 121, 166/08 - Kantate, BWV 121 _Christum wir sollen loben schon__ II. Aria (Tenore) _O du von Gotte erhöhte Kreatur_.mp3 8.1 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-04_ Cantatas BWV 9, 91, 47/03 - Cantata, BWV 9 _Es ist das Heil uns kommen her__ III. Aria (Tenore) _Wir waren schon zu tief gesunken_.mp3 8.2 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-05_ Cantatas BWV 36, 184, 129/12 - Cantata, BWV 184 _Erwünschtes Freudenlicht__ IV. Aria (Tenore) _Glück und Segen sind bereit_.mp3 8.3 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-01_ Cantatas BWV 198, 110/13 - Kantate, BWV 110 _Unser Mund sei voll Lachens__ II. Aria (Tenore) _Ihr Gedanken und ihr Sinnen_.mp3 8.4 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-06_ Cantatas BWV 140, 88, 79/15 - Gott der Herr ist Sonn und Schild, BWV 79_ I - Coro - Gott der Herr ist Sonn und Schild - The Lord God is sun and shield.mp3 8.9 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-04_ Cantatas BWV 9, 91, 47/17 - Cantata, BWV 47 _Wer sich selbst erhöhet, der soll erniedriget werden__ IV. Aria (Basso) _Jesu, beuge doch mein Herze_.mp3 8.9 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-01_ Cantatas BWV 198, 110/11 - Kantate, BWV 198 _Laß, Fürstin, lass noch einen Strahl__ Teil II, XI. Coro _Doch, Königin! du stirbest nicht_.mp3 9.1 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-02_ Cantatas BWV 73, 125, 157/09 - Kantate, BWV 125 _Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin__ IV. Aria (Duetto_ Tenore, Basso) _Ein unbegreiflich Licht erfüllt den ganzen Kreis der Erden._.mp3 9.3 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-02_ Cantatas BWV 73, 125, 157/06 - Kantate, BWV 125 _Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin__ I. Coro _Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin_.mp3 9.6 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-04_ Cantatas BWV 9, 91, 47/01 - Cantata, BWV 9 _Es ist das Heil uns kommen her__ I. Coro _Es ist das Heil uns kommen her_.mp3 9.7 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-01_ Cantatas BWV 198, 110/01 - Kantate, BWV 198 _Laß, Fürstin, lass noch einen Strahl__ Teil I, I. Coro _Laß, Fürstin, lass noch einen Strahl_.mp3 10.1 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-04_ Cantatas BWV 9, 91, 47/14 - Cantata, BWV 47 _Wer sich selbst erhöhet, der soll erniedriget werden__ I. Coro _Wer sich selbst erhöhet_.mp3 10.2 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-06_ Cantatas BWV 140, 88, 79/06 - Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 140_ VI. Aria (Duetto_ Soprano, Basso) - Mein Freund ist mein! - My friend is mine!.mp3 10.6 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-02_ Cantatas BWV 73, 125, 157/15 - Kantate, BWV 157 _Ich lasse dich nicht, du segnest mich denn!__ IV. Aria, Recitativo e Arioso (Basso) _Ja, ja, ich halte Jesum feste_.mp3 10.7 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-05_ Cantatas BWV 36, 184, 129/03 - Cantata, BWV 36 _Schwingt freudig dich empor__ III. Aria (Tenore) _Die liebe zieht mit sanften Schritten_.mp3 10.9 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-06_ Cantatas BWV 140, 88, 79/03 - Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 140_ III. Aria (Duetto_ Soprano, Basso) - Wann kommst du, mein Heil_ - When will you come, my salvation_.mp3 10.9 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-06_ Cantatas BWV 140, 88, 79/08 - Siehe, Ich Will Viel Fischer Aussenden, BWV 88_ I - Aria (Basso) - Siehe, ich will viel Fischer aussenden - See now, I will send out many fishers.mp3 10.9 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-01_ Cantatas BWV 198, 110/12 - Kantate, BWV 110 _Unser Mund sei voll Lachens__ I. Coro _Unser Mund sei voll Lachens_.mp3 11.8 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-04_ Cantatas BWV 9, 91, 47/05 - Cantata, BWV 9 _Es ist das Heil uns kommen her__ V. Aria (Soprano, Alto) _Herr, du siehst statt guter Werke_.mp3 12 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-01_ Cantatas BWV 198, 110/05 - Kantate, BWV 198 _Laß, Fürstin, lass noch einen Strahl__ Teil I, V. Aria (Alto) _Wie starb die Heldin so vergnügt!_.mp3 12.2 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-02_ Cantatas BWV 73, 125, 157/13 - Kantate, BWV 157 _Ich lasse dich nicht, du segnest mich denn!__ II. Aria (Tenore) _Ich halte meinen Jesum feste_.mp3 12.4 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-03_ Cantatas BWV 152, 121, 166/14 - Kantate, BWV 166 _Wo gehest du hin___ II. Aria (Tenore) _Ich will an den Himmel denken_.mp3 12.9 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-06_ Cantatas BWV 140, 88, 79/01 - Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 140_ I. Coro - Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme - Wake up, the voice calls to us.mp3 13 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-04_ Cantatas BWV 9, 91, 47/12 - Cantata, BWV 91 _Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ__ V. Aria (Soprano, Alto) _Die Armut, so Gott_.mp3 13.6 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-02_ Cantatas BWV 73, 125, 157/07 - Kantate, BWV 125 _Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin__ II. Aria (Alto) _Ich will auch mit gebrochnen Augen_.mp3 13.8 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-05_ Cantatas BWV 36, 184, 129/10 - Cantata, BWV 184 _Erwünschtes Freudenlicht__ II. Aria (Duetto_ Soprano, Alto) _Gesegnete Christen_.mp3 14.3 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-05_ Cantatas BWV 36, 184, 129/07 - Cantata, BWV 36 _Schwingt freudig dich empor__ VII. Aria (Soprano) _Auch mit gedämpften_.mp3 14.4 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-03_ Cantatas BWV 152, 121, 166/10 - Kantate, BWV 121 _Christum wir sollen loben schon__ IV. Aria (Basso) _Johannis freudenvolles Springen_.mp3 14.8 MB
Bach 06 Cantatas - BWV 198,110,73,125,157,152,121,166,9,91,47,36,184,129,140,88,79 6CDs/Bach 4-04_ Cantatas BWV 9, 91, 47/15 - Cantata, BWV 47 _Wer sich selbst erhöhet, der soll erniedriget werden__ II. Aria (Soprano) _Wer ein wahrer Christ will heißen_.mp3 16.7 MB
Name Size Peers
Gli Angeli Genève, Stephan MacLeod - J.S. Bach Cantatas for Bass BWV 56-82-158-203 (2022) [24-96] Audio 1.2 GB 5
Oxford Bach Soloists - J. S. Bach_ Cantatas - 2024 - FLAC (24bit-96kHz) Audio 1.1 GB 4
Münchener Bach-Orchester & Karl Richter - J.S. Bach - Cantatas - Sundays After Trinity, Vol.2 (2018) [24-96] Audio 6.7 GB 3
Oxford Bach Soloists - J. S. Bach Cantatas (2024) [24Bit-96kHz] FLAC Audio 1.1 GB 2
Christoph Prégardien - Bach & Telemann Cantatas for Baritone (2018) [24-48] Audio 729.1 MB 6
Bach - Ich habe genug. Cantatas BWV 32, 82 & 106 - Dunedin Consort (2021) [24-96] Audio 1.2 GB 6
Solo Cantatas for Alto, Solo Cantatas for Bass, German Cantatas before Bach - Philippe Herreweghe Audio 742.2 MB 5
La Chapelle Royale, Collegium Vocale Gent & Philippe Herreweghe - Bach Cantatas for Bass (Remastered) (2023) [24-48] Audio 575.4 MB 4
The RIAS Bach Cantatas Project - 2012 - WEB FLAC Audio 1.9 GB 3
Bach Collegium Japan Choir And Orchestra, Masaaki Suzuki - Bach - Cantatas, Vol.55 (2014) [24-96] Audio 887.4 MB 1
W.F.Bach - Cantatas - Rheinische Kantorei, Das Kleine Konzert, Hermann Max - 2011 Audio 464.6 MB 5
Bach - Cantata No. 140, No. 4 - Choir and Orchestra Of The Bach Guild, Felix Prohaska - Vinyl 1950ish Audio 214 MB 4
J.S. Bach - Sacred Masterpieces and Cantatas (Gardiner) - 2010 5.1 GB 4
[ ] Tears into Wine - J. S. Bach's Cantata 21 in its Musical and Theological Application 19 MB 1
Gloria in excelsis Deo - Bach's sacred cantatas - Bach Collegium Japan, Masaaki Suzuki - 2017 Video 6.2 GB 1
JS Bach - BWV0081-BWV0085 - Cantata - [FLAC] Audio 468.2 MB 1
Christoph Spering - Bach - Praise - Cantatas BWV 26, 41, 95, 115, 137, 140 (2020) [24-48] Audio 1.2 GB 15
J.S. Bach - Ich elender Mensch - Leipzig Cantatas (Collegium Vocale Gent, Philippe Herreweghe) [2013] [24-96] Audio 1.2 GB 14
BACH J.S. - Complete Cantatas (CC 72350) (2009) (320) Audio 10.1 GB 13
