Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)

Size: 5.4 GB
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Name Size
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/23 Fragments/157 Converting the Appointment Application to use Static Fragments.mp4 146.3 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/152 Firebase Tic-Tac-Toe App (Part 3 The Game Screen).mp4 101.1 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/21 Location and Maps/137 Adding Maps to the Google Directions Application.mp4 95.8 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/10 Activity Communication/055 Appointment Reminder Application (Part 1 The User Interface).mp4 90.7 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/19 Networking and Threads/116 Reading and Writing XML Part 1.mp4 81.5 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/151 Firebase Tic-Tac-Toe App (Part 2 Choose Player Screen).mp4 79.3 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/19 Networking and Threads/121 Google Directions Application (Part 2).mp4 74.9 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/18 Notifications/111 Adding Notifications to the Logging Service Application.mp4 74.8 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/15 Content Providers/093 Creating Your Own Content Provider Application (Part 1).mp4 74 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/21 Location and Maps/134 Obtaining the Google API V3 Key.mp4 72.7 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/10 Activity Communication/056 Appointment Reminder Application (Part 2 Java source code).mp4 72.4 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/144 An application that uses Firebase Auth SDK (Email).mp4 69.4 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/14 Databases using sqlite/086 A Database Application (Part I).mp4 67.8 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/19 Networking and Threads/120 Google Directions Application (Part 1).mp4 67.2 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/21 Location and Maps/131 An application that displays the current location (Part 1).mp4 66.7 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/15 Content Providers/090 Displaying your phones contact data application.mp4 65.2 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/148 An app that uses a Firebase Realtime Database.mp4 63.3 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/24 Conclusion/160 Publishing your application in the Android Market.mp4 63.1 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/14 Databases using sqlite/087 A Database Application (Part II).mp4 56.6 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/23 Fragments/158 Converting the Appointment Application to use Dynamic Fragments.mp4 56.6 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/150 Firebase Tic-Tac-Toe App (Part 1 The User Interface).mp4 56.1 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/13 Storing data and Saving state/077 Saving Activity State Using Bundle (Appointment Reminder).mp4 53.6 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/10 Activity Communication/052 Passing data between activities.mp4 53.2 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/050 Calculator Application.mp4 52.7 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/16 Services/100 A Logging Service Application (Bound Service).mp4 52.4 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/13 Storing data and Saving state/074 Internal Storage ReadingWriting application.mp4 51.6 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/20 Google Play Services/126 Running a sample app that connects to the Google APIs.mp4 51.1 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/07 The User Interface Part 1 - Layouts/026 Constraint Layout.mp4 51 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/19 Networking and Threads/115 Performing Network Operations.mp4 50.5 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/21 Location and Maps/132 An application that displays the current location (Part 2).mp4 48.8 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/08 The User Interface Part 2 - Adapter Views Image and Search View/030 List View with Custom Adapter.mp4 47.8 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/140 Adding Firebase to your app.mp4 47.1 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/18 Notifications/106 Notification Channels.mp4 46.3 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/17 Broadcast Receivers/104 Receiving System Broadcasts in the Logging Service Application.mp4 46 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/24 Conclusion/159 In-App Purchases.mp4 45.4 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/14 Databases using sqlite/078 Relational Database Management Systems and Sqlite.mp4 43.7 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/17 Broadcast Receivers/101 Overview.mp4 43.5 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/21 Location and Maps/133 Creating a Map.mp4 43 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/13 Storing data and Saving state/075 External Storage ReadingWriting Application.mp4 42.6 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/08 The User Interface Part 2 - Adapter Views Image and Search View/029 List View with Basic Adapter.mp4 42 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/07 The User Interface Part 1 - Layouts/022 Linear Layout.mp4 41.2 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/19 Networking and Threads/117 Reading and Writing XML Part 2.mp4 41.2 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/23 Fragments/154 Creating and using fragments.mp4 41 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/21 Location and Maps/135 Camera and View.mp4 40.5 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/08 The User Interface Part 2 - Adapter Views Image and Search View/032 Grid View.mp4 40.5 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/147 Realtime Database.mp4 40.2 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/10 Activity Communication/053 Passing an Object to Another Activity.mp4 39.9 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/11 Debugging (When you encounter errors in your program)/060 The Android Studio Debugger.mp4 39.6 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/19 Networking and Threads/114 HTTP Networking.mp4 38.9 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/06 Application Resources/019 Creating an application that utilizes resources.mp4 38.7 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/07 The User Interface Part 1 - Layouts/025 Relative Layout.mp4 38.7 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/24 Conclusion/161 Course Summary.mp4 38.4 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/041 Menus.mp4 38.4 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/11 Debugging (When you encounter errors in your program)/061 Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS).mp4 37.7 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/11 Debugging (When you encounter errors in your program)/057 Overview.mp4 37.3 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/15 Content Providers/094 Creating Your Own Content Provider Application (Part 2).mp4 37.2 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/04 Starting to Write Code/011 Compiling and Running your first application (Hello World).mp4 36.7 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/16 Services/098 Bound Services.mp4 36.7 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/17 Broadcast Receivers/102 Receiving Broadcasts.mp4 34.7 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/18 Notifications/108 Managing Notifications.mp4 34.1 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/15 Content Providers/089 System Content Providers (Built-In).mp4 33.4 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/19 Networking and Threads/112 Background Processing with Threads.mp4 33.3 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/043 DatePicker.mp4 33.2 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/23 Fragments/153 Overview.mp4 31.4 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/049 Event Listeners (onClick onKey onTouch).mp4 30.8 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/12 Permissions/067 Adding permissions to an application.mp4 30.7 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/15 Content Providers/092 Creating your own content provider.mp4 30.6 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/038 CheckBoxes.mp4 30.4 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/13 Storing data and Saving state/071 Simple Shared Preferences Project.mp4 30.4 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/20 Google Play Services/124 Accessing the APIs.mp4 30.4 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/08 The User Interface Part 2 - Adapter Views Image and Search View/031 Spinners.mp4 29.9 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/19 Networking and Threads/113 The AsyncTask class.mp4 29.8 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/139 Features.mp4 29.7 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/04 Starting to Write Code/007 Creating an Android Project.mp4 29.4 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/07 The User Interface Part 1 - Layouts/023 Table Layout.mp4 29.4 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/15 Content Providers/088 Overview.mp4 29.2 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/12 Permissions/064 Overview and Declaring Permissions.mp4 29.2 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/20 Google Play Services/123 Installing Adding to a Project and Testing.mp4 29 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/14 Databases using sqlite/085 Simple Cursor Adapter and Loaders.mp4 29 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/04 Starting to Write Code/010 Android Emulator (Creating an Android Virtual Device).mp4 29 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/11 Debugging (When you encounter errors in your program)/062 The Android Debug Bridge Tool (ADB).mp4 28.9 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/045 TimePicker.mp4 28.6 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/19 Networking and Threads/118 Open Source Libraries.mp4 28.4 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/17 Broadcast Receivers/103 Custom Broadcasts.mp4 28.3 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/13 Storing data and Saving state/073 External and Internal Storage.mp4 27.9 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/18 Notifications/107 Creating Notifications.mp4 27.9 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/05 Android Basics/013 The Activity Lifecycle.mp4 27.8 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/21 Location and Maps/136 Drawing on a Map (Markers Info Windows Polylines and Overlays).mp4 27.6 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/14 Databases using sqlite/081 Querying for data and Cursors.mp4 27.6 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/11 Debugging (When you encounter errors in your program)/063 Common Android Mistakes.mp4 27 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/21 Location and Maps/129 Getting Location Updates.mp4 26.6 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/040 Progress Bar.mp4 26.6 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/037 Radio Buttons.mp4 26.6 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/08 The User Interface Part 2 - Adapter Views Image and Search View/034 Search View.mp4 26.4 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/039 Buttons.mp4 25.8 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/142 Adding FirebaseUI Auth to an app.mp4 25.7 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/10 Activity Communication/054 Getting a result from an activity.mp4 25.5 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/145 Signing in using Facebook.mp4 25.4 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/16 Services/097 Background and Foreground Services.mp4 25 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/21 Location and Maps/130 Geocoding.mp4 24.9 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/042 Alert Dialog.mp4 24 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/01 Introduction/001 Welcome to Class.mp4 23.9 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/11 Debugging (When you encounter errors in your program)/058 LogCat.mp4 23.8 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/047 Shape and Selector.mp4 23.8 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/23 Fragments/156 Supporting Different Screens and Platform versions.mp4 23.7 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/21 Location and Maps/127 Overview.mp4 23.6 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/10 Activity Communication/051 Starting another activity.mp4 23.2 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/07 The User Interface Part 1 - Layouts/021 The Layout Editor.mp4 22.6 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/16 Services/095 Services.mp4 22.4 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/08 The User Interface Part 2 - Adapter Views Image and Search View/028 Adapter Views and Adaptors.mp4 22.4 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/18 Notifications/110 Notification Badges.mp4 22.4 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/138 Overview.mp4 22 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/23 Fragments/155 Fragment Communication.mp4 21.8 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/12 Permissions/065 Requesting Permissions at Runtime.mp4 21.7 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/16 Services/096 Started Services.mp4 21.7 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/06 Application Resources/016 Creating Resources and Resource Types.mp4 21.6 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/14 Databases using sqlite/080 Creating Tables.mp4 21.5 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/141 Authentication Overview.mp4 21.1 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/08 The User Interface Part 2 - Adapter Views Image and Search View/033 Image View.mp4 21 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/02 Installing the Required Software/004 Installing the JDK (Java Development Kit).mp4 21 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/146 Signing in using Google.mp4 20.3 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/06 Application Resources/018 Localization.mp4 20.2 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/11 Debugging (When you encounter errors in your program)/059 Understanding the Call Stack.mp4 20.2 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/21 Location and Maps/128 Obtaining User Location.mp4 19.6 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/044 DatePicker Dialog with Fragments.mp4 19.4 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/14 Databases using sqlite/079 The SQLiteOpenHelper Class.mp4 19.3 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/143 Adding Firebase SDK Auth (Email) to an app.mp4 18.8 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/05 Android Basics/012 Android Terms and XML.mp4 18.7 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/19 Networking and Threads/119 Google Directions Application (Overview).mp4 18.4 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/01 Introduction/003 The Android Platform.mp4 17.7 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/15 Content Providers/091 Modifying a Content Providers Data.mp4 17.7 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/13 Storing data and Saving state/076 Saving and Restoring Activity State.mp4 17.6 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/13 Storing data and Saving state/068 Overview.mp4 17.5 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/07 The User Interface Part 1 - Layouts/027 Scroll View.mp4 17.4 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/04 Starting to Write Code/008 Exploring the Android Studio Environment.mp4 17 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/20 Google Play Services/122 Overview.mp4 16.9 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/16 Services/099 Job Scheduler.mp4 16.6 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/046 TimePicker Dialog with Fragments.mp4 16.5 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/18 Notifications/109 Custom Notifications.mp4 15.7 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/07 The User Interface Part 1 - Layouts/020 View and View Groups.mp4 15.3 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/149 Firebase Tic Tac Toe (Overview).mp4 15.3 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/13 Storing data and Saving state/069 Shared Preferences.mp4 14.8 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/06 Application Resources/015 Overview.mp4 14.7 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/035 Edit Texts.mp4 14.5 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/18 Notifications/105 Overview.mp4 14.4 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/13 Storing data and Saving state/070 Reading and Writing Shared Preferences.mp4 14.1 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/07 The User Interface Part 1 - Layouts/024 Grid Layout.mp4 14 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/02 Installing the Required Software/005 Installing the Android Studio IDE (Integrated Development Environment).mp4 13.9 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/048 Styles and Color.mp4 13.3 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/13 Storing data and Saving state/072 Files and Directories in Android.mp4 12.8 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/14 Databases using sqlite/082 Inserting data.mp4 12.7 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/05 Android Basics/014 The Android Manifest File.mp4 12.6 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/14 Databases using sqlite/083 Updating data.mp4 12.1 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/06 Application Resources/017 Accessing Resources.mp4 12 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/036 Text Views.mp4 11.6 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/12 Permissions/066 Custom Permissions.mp4 11.5 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/01 Introduction/002 Class Organization.mp4 10.6 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/04 Starting to Write Code/009 Android SDK (Software Development Kit) Manager Tools.mp4 10.1 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/14 Databases using sqlite/084 Deleting data.mp4 8.7 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/20 Google Play Services/125 Verifying that Google Play Services is Installed.mp4 7.3 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/10 Activity Communication/054 1.9 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/15 Content Providers/094 1.1 MB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/10 Activity Communication/053 980 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/10 Activity Communication/052 494 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/18 Notifications/111 432 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/17 Broadcast Receivers/104 412 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/08 The User Interface Part 2 - Adapter Views Image and Search View/032 379 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/23 Fragments/158 265 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/08 The User Interface Part 2 - Adapter Views Image and Search View/030 253 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/046 253 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/040 250 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/16 Services/100 214 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/06 Application Resources/019 207 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/152 203 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/148 193 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/144 191 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/21 Location and Maps/137 185 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/19 Networking and Threads/117 185 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/19 Networking and Threads/121 184 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/20 Google Play Services/126 184 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/21 Location and Maps/132 184 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/14 Databases using sqlite/087 140 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/23 Fragments/157 138 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/15 Content Providers/090 137 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/13 Storing data and Saving state/077 136 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/10 Activity Communication/056 135 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/047 132 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/13 Storing data and Saving state/075 132 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/08 The User Interface Part 2 - Adapter Views Image and Search View/034 131 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/13 Storing data and Saving state/071 131 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/042 130 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/050 130 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/044 130 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/043 130 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/045 130 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/08 The User Interface Part 2 - Adapter Views Image and Search View/029 130 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/08 The User Interface Part 2 - Adapter Views Image and Search View/031 129 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/04 Starting to Write Code/011 128 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/23 Fragments/157 Converting the Appointment Application to use Static 60 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/152 Firebase Tic-Tac-Toe App (Part 3 The Game Screen) 50 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/10 Activity Communication/055 Appointment Reminder Application (Part 1 The User Interface) 47 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/19 Networking and Threads/116 Reading and Writing XML Part 46 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/19 Networking and Threads/115 Performing Network 45 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/10 Activity Communication/056 Appointment Reminder Application (Part 2 Java source code) 40 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/15 Content Providers/093 Creating Your Own Content Provider Application (Part 1) 39 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/151 Firebase Tic-Tac-Toe App (Part 2 Choose Player Screen) 39 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/18 Notifications/106 Notification 38 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/19 Networking and Threads/121 Google Directions Application (Part 2) 38 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/21 Location and Maps/137 Adding Maps to the Google Directions 37 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/19 Networking and Threads/120 Google Directions Application (Part 1) 36 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/18 Notifications/111 Adding Notifications to the Logging Service 36 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/14 Databases using sqlite/086 A Database Application (Part I) 36 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/21 Location and Maps/131 An application that displays the current location (Part 1) 36 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/11 Debugging (When you encounter errors in your program)/057 35 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/21 Location and Maps/133 Creating a 35 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/144 An application that uses Firebase Auth SDK (Email) 34 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/23 Fragments/154 Creating and using 33 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/19 Networking and Threads/114 HTTP 33 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/147 Realtime 32 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/17 Broadcast Receivers/101 32 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/15 Content Providers/090 Displaying your phones contact data 31 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/14 Databases using sqlite/078 Relational Database Management Systems and 31 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/21 Location and Maps/135 Camera and 31 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/21 Location and Maps/134 Obtaining the Google API V3 30 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/16 Services/098 Bound 30 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/14 Databases using sqlite/087 A Database Application (Part II) 29 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/19 Networking and Threads/112 Background Processing with 28 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/07 The User Interface Part 1 - Layouts/026 Constraint 27 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/17 Broadcast Receivers/102 Receiving 27 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/15 Content Providers/092 Creating your own content 27 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/148 An app that uses a Firebase Realtime 26 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/16 Services/100 A Logging Service Application (Bound Service) 26 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/13 Storing data and Saving state/077 Saving Activity State Using Bundle (Appointment Reminder) 26 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/23 Fragments/153 26 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/11 Debugging (When you encounter errors in your program)/060 The Android Studio 26 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/140 Adding Firebase to your 25 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/04 Starting to Write Code/011 Compiling and Running your first application (Hello World) 25 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/23 Fragments/158 Converting the Appointment Application to use Dynamic 25 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/18 Notifications/108 Managing 25 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/13 Storing data and Saving state/074 Internal Storage ReadingWriting 25 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/19 Networking and Threads/113 The AsyncTask 25 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/14 Databases using sqlite/085 Simple Cursor Adapter and 24 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/20 Google Play Services/124 Accessing the 24 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/15 Content Providers/088 24 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/150 Firebase Tic-Tac-Toe App (Part 1 The User Interface) 24 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/139 24 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/20 Google Play Services/126 Running a sample app that connects to the Google 24 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/01 Introduction/001 Welcome to 23 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/19 Networking and Threads/118 Open Source 23 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/13 Storing data and Saving state/073 External and Internal 23 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/17 Broadcast Receivers/104 Receiving System Broadcasts in the Logging Service 23 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/18 Notifications/107 Creating 23 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/21 Location and Maps/129 Getting Location 23 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/17 Broadcast Receivers/103 Custom 23 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/15 Content Providers/089 System Content Providers (Built-In) 22 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/050 Calculator 22 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/10 Activity Communication/052 Passing data between 22 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/08 The User Interface Part 2 - Adapter Views Image and Search View/029 List View with Basic 22 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/14 Databases using sqlite/081 Querying for data and 21 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/16 Services/097 Background and Foreground 21 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/11 Debugging (When you encounter errors in your program)/061 Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS) 21 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/07 The User Interface Part 1 - Layouts/022 Linear 21 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/21 Location and Maps/132 An application that displays the current location (Part 2) 21 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/21 Location and Maps/136 Drawing on a Map (Markers Info Windows Polylines and Overlays) 21 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/21 Location and Maps/130 20 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/23 Fragments/156 Supporting Different Screens and Platform 20 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/04 Starting to Write Code/007 Creating an Android 20 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/041 20 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/138 20 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/04 Starting to Write Code/010 Android Emulator (Creating an Android Virtual Device) 19 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/12 Permissions/065 Requesting Permissions at 19 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/21 Location and Maps/127 19 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/19 Networking and Threads/117 Reading and Writing XML Part 19 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/16 Services/095 19 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/08 The User Interface Part 2 - Adapter Views Image and Search View/028 Adapter Views and 18 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/11 Debugging (When you encounter errors in your program)/063 Common Android 18 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/16 Services/096 Started 18 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/06 Application Resources/019 Creating an application that utilizes 18 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/10 Activity Communication/053 Passing an Object to Another 18 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/08 The User Interface Part 2 - Adapter Views Image and Search View/032 Grid 18 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/18 Notifications/110 Notification 18 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/142 Adding FirebaseUI Auth to an 18 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/07 The User Interface Part 1 - Layouts/025 Relative 17 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/23 Fragments/155 Fragment 17 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/15 Content Providers/094 Creating Your Own Content Provider Application (Part 2) 17 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/05 Android Basics/013 The Activity 17 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/049 Event Listeners (onClick onKey onTouch) 17 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/12 Permissions/064 Overview and Declaring 17 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/13 Storing data and Saving state/075 External Storage ReadingWriting 17 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/24 Conclusion/161 Course 17 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/043 17 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/145 Signing in using 16 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/15 Content Providers/091 Modifying a Content Providers 16 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/14 Databases using sqlite/079 The SQLiteOpenHelper 16 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/21 Location and Maps/128 Obtaining User 16 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/13 Storing data and Saving state/068 16 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/141 Authentication 16 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/06 Application Resources/016 Creating Resources and Resource 16 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/08 The User Interface Part 2 - Adapter Views Image and Search View/030 List View with Custom 16 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/20 Google Play Services/123 Installing Adding to a Project and 15 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/12 Permissions/067 Adding permissions to an 15 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/01 Introduction/003 The Android 15 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/045 15 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/20 Google Play Services/122 15 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/11 Debugging (When you encounter errors in your program)/062 The Android Debug Bridge Tool (ADB) 14 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/146 Signing in using 14 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/143 Adding Firebase SDK Auth (Email) to an 14 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/14 Databases using sqlite/080 Creating 14 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/040 Progress 14 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/22 Firebase/149 Firebase Tic Tac Toe (Overview) 14 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/042 Alert 14 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/19 Networking and Threads/119 Google Directions Application (Overview) 14 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/13 Storing data and Saving state/076 Saving and Restoring Activity 14 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/16 Services/099 Job 13 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/06 Application Resources/018 13 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/11 Debugging (When you encounter errors in your program)/058 13 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/10 Activity Communication/051 Starting another 13 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/13 Storing data and Saving state/071 Simple Shared Preferences 13 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/05 Android Basics/012 Android Terms and 13 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/08 The User Interface Part 2 - Adapter Views Image and Search View/034 Search 12 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/10 Activity Communication/054 Getting a result from an 12 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/07 The User Interface Part 1 - Layouts/021 The Layout 12 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/11 Debugging (When you encounter errors in your program)/059 Understanding the Call 12 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/08 The User Interface Part 2 - Adapter Views Image and Search View/031 12 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/18 Notifications/105 12 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/24 Conclusion/159 In-App 12 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/047 Shape and 11 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/039 11 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/13 Storing data and Saving state/070 Reading and Writing Shared 11 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/044 DatePicker Dialog with 11 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/04 Starting to Write Code/008 Exploring the Android Studio 11 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/13 Storing data and Saving state/069 Shared 11 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/18 Notifications/109 Custom 11 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/06 Application Resources/015 11 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/037 Radio 11 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/07 The User Interface Part 1 - Layouts/023 Table 10 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/08 The User Interface Part 2 - Adapter Views Image and Search View/033 Image 10 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/14 Databases using sqlite/083 Updating 10 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/02 Installing the Required Software/004 Installing the JDK (Java Development Kit) 10 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/038 10 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/12 Permissions/066 Custom 10 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/07 The User Interface Part 1 - Layouts/020 View and View 10 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/14 Databases using sqlite/082 Inserting 10 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/01 Introduction/002 Class 9 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/046 TimePicker Dialog with 9 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/13 Storing data and Saving state/072 Files and Directories in 8 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/05 Android Basics/014 The Android Manifest 8 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/06 Application Resources/017 Accessing 8 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/04 Starting to Write Code/009 Android SDK (Software Development Kit) Manager 7 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/02 Installing the Required Software/005 Installing the Android Studio IDE (Integrated Development Environment) 7 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/035 Edit 7 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/048 Styles and 7 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/14 Databases using sqlite/084 Deleting 7 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/07 The User Interface Part 1 - Layouts/027 Scroll 6 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/20 Google Play Services/125 Verifying that Google Play Services is 6 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/07 The User Interface Part 1 - Layouts/024 Grid 6 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/09 The User Interface Part 3 - Widgets Common Screen Controls/036 Text 6 KB
Udemy - The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java)/03 Java Essential Training- Java For Android (Free)/006 Complete Java Course (free).html 1 KB
Name Size Peers
[ ] Udemy - Magnetic Resonance (Medical Imaging) - The Essentials - Part1 Video 2.1 GB 4
[ ] Udemy - The Essential Menopause Guide - Your Tool Kit to Thrive Video 994.5 MB 3
[ ] Udemy - RXJS - Covering The Essential Topics With Practical Examples Video 662.6 MB 3
[ ] Udemy - Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020 - The Essentials of Video Application 1.8 GB 1
[] Udemy - The Python Developer Essentials 2021 Immersive Bootcamp Video 1.7 GB 7
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Akka Essentials with Scala Rock the JVM Video 5.9 GB 2
[ ] Udemy - ePLAN Electric P8 - The Essentials - For Beginners Video 1.5 GB 12
[ ] Udemy - Microsoft Planner - Planner Essentials for the Application 458.9 MB 5
[] Udemy - Akka Essentials with Scala Rock the JVM Video 5.9 GB 2
[ ] Udemy - The Guitar - Music Theory Application 985 MB 56
[ ] Udemy - Power BI Beginner - Learn the Essentials of Power BI Fast!.zip Application 952.6 MB 24
[ ] Udemy - Online Teaching - The Essential Application 1.3 GB 17
[ ] Udemy - The Essentials of Blog Writing&Content Creating in Application 1.2 GB 11
[ ] Udemy - Online Teaching Tools - The Essential Application 729.9 MB 10
Udemy - Adobe Photoshop CC - The Essential Guide Video 800.1 MB 9
[ ] Udemy - Git Essentials - The step-by-step guide to Git Application 2.4 GB 9
[DesireCourse.Com] Udemy - Excel Essentials The Complete Excel Series - Level 1, 2 & 3 Video 5.2 GB 8
[ ] Udemy - Crash Course - the Essentials to Successful Blockchain Application 450.1 MB 8
[ ] Udemy - AWS Business Essentials - The Business Value of Amazon Application 1.6 GB 8
[Udemy] Inside Excel - Learn 23 Essential Excel Skills the Pros Know Video 1.6 GB 7
