VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]

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VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/#The History Of Classical Music - Part 1 - From Gregorian Chant To C.P.E. Bach.m3u8 29 KB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00101 - Léonin _ Pérotin_ Magnus Liber _ Feast Of St. Stephen _ Etenim sederunt principes (à 1) (Introit).flac 19.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00102 - Magnus Liber _ Feast Of St. Stephen _ Sederunt principes - Adiuva me, Domine (à 4) (Gradual).flac 77.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00103 - Léonin _ Pérotin_ Magnus Liber _ Feast Of St. Stephen _ Alleluya - Video celos apertos (à 2) (Alleluya).flac 30.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00104 - Léonin _ Pérotin_ Magnus Liber _ Feast Of St. Stephen _ Video celos apertos (Communion).flac 7.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00105 - Dreams In The Pleasure Garden - Chansons _ Tant doucement.flac 20.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00106 - Dreams In The Pleasure Garden - Chansons _ Je puis trop bien.flac 17.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00107 - Dreams In The Pleasure Garden - Chansons _ En amer a douce vie.flac 24.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00108 - Dreams In The Pleasure Garden - Chansons _ He! Dame de valour.flac 12.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00109 - Dreams In The Pleasure Garden - Chansons _ Ma fin est mon commencement.flac 25.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00110 - Dreams In The Pleasure Garden - Chansons _ De toutes flours.flac 29.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00201 - Nuper rosarum flores.flac 25.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00202 - Motets _ Alma redemptoris mater.flac 14.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00203 - Letabundus exsultet fidelis chorus.flac 24.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00204 - Ecclesie militantis.flac 27.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00205 - Inviolata, integra, et casta es Maria à 5.flac 21.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00206 - Ut Phoebi radiis à 4.flac 20.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00207 - De profundis clamavi à 5.flac 20.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00208 - O Virgo virginum à 6.flac 32.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00209 - La déploration de Johannes Ockeghem_ Nymphes des bois à 5.flac 17.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00210 - Huc me sydereo _ Plangent cum à 5.flac 27.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00211 - Motetti De La Corona _ Praeter rerum seriem.flac 29.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00301 - Piva.flac 11.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00302 - Music For Shawms And Sackbuts _ Palle, palle.flac 10.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00303 - Music For Shawms And Sackbuts _ Ne più bella di queste.flac 11.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00304 - Music For Shawms And Sackbuts _ La mi la sol.flac 11.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00305 - Music For Recorders _ Pass'e mezo ditto il Romano.flac 4.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00306 - Music for Recorders _ Moschetta.flac 3.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00307 - Music For Recorders _ Bandera.flac 4.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00308 - Music For Flutes, Harp, Lute And Bagpipes _ La Parma.flac 15.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00309 - Music For Flutes, Harp, Lute And Bagpipes _ Un sonar de piva un fachinesco (Lirum bililirum).flac 14.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00310 - Regem Archangelorum.flac 9.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00311 - Alma, Che Scarca Dal Corporeo Velo.flac 7.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00312 - Music For Crumhorns, Cittern And Percussion _ Aldì, dolce ben mio.flac 7.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00313 - Music For Crumhorns, Cittern And Percussion _ Bona via faccia barca (Venetiana).flac 7.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00314 - Music For Crumhorns, Cittern And Percussion _ Gentil madonna, del mio cor padrona.flac 7.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00315 - Donna, Quando Pietosa.flac 9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00316 - El Travagliato.flac 7.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00317 - La Gamba In Basso E Soprano.flac 5.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00318 - Amor E Foco E Ghiaccio.flac 11.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00319 - Putta nera ballo furlano.flac 22.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00320 - All'arm' All'arm.flac 7.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00321 - Com'al Primo Apparir.flac 16.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00322 - Sonata _La Facca_.flac 9.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00323 - Canzone _Istrina_.flac 7.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00324 - Sonata _La Fontana_.flac 7.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00325 - Canzona _Licori_.flac 6.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00326 - Suite Of Dances _ La morte de la ragione (Pavane) - La traditora (Gagliarda).flac 16.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00327 - Suite of Dances _ Bel fiore.flac 6.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00328 - Suite Of Dances _ La rocha el fuso (Gagliarda) - El desperato (Saltarello) - La lavandara (Gagliarda).flac 23.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00401 - Spem in alium.flac 40.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00402 - Mass For Three Voices _ Kyrie.flac 2.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00403 - Mass For Three Voices _ Gloria.flac 21.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00404 - Mass For Three Voices _ Credo.flac 35.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00405 - Mass For Three Voices _ Sanctus - Benedictus.flac 12.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00406 - Mass For Three Voices _ Agnus Dei.flac 12.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00407 - Gardanum _ O magnum mysterium.flac 15.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00408 - Missa Papae Marcelli _ Kyrie.flac 18.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00409 - Missa Papae Marcelli _ Gloria.flac 25.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00410 - Missa Papae Marcelli _ Credo.flac 37.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00411 - Missa Papae Marcelli _ Sanctus.flac 13.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00412 - Missa Papae Marcelli _ Benedictus - Hosanna.flac 11.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00413 - Missa Papae Marcelli _ Agnus Dei I - II.flac 27.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00414 - Miserere.flac 41 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00501 - Il quarto libro de madrigali (1603) _ Sfogava con le stelle.flac 18 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00502 - Il quarto libro de madrigali (1603) _ Si ch'io vorrei morire.flac 13 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00503 - Lamento d'Arianna.flac 67.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00504 - Dolcissimo uscignuolo.flac 14.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00505 - Ecco mormorar l'onde.flac 12.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00506 - Quinto Libro dei Madrigali (1605) _ 9. Ch'io t'ami.flac 37.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00507 - Il quarto libro de madrigali (1603) _ Non piu guerra pietate.flac 11.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00508 - S'andasse amor a caccia.flac 8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00509 - Vespro della Beata Vergine _ Duo seraphim a 3.flac 23.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00510 - Magnificat _ 1. Magnificat anima mea.flac 4.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00511 - Magnificat _ 2. Et exultavit.flac 6.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00512 - Magnificat _ 3. Quia respexit.flac 6.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00513 - Magnificat _ 4. Quia fecit mihi magna.flac 6.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00514 - Magnificat _ 5. Et misericordia.flac 7.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00515 - Magnificat _ 6. Fecit potentiam.flac 4.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00516 - Magnificat _ 7. Deposuit potentes de sede.flac 9.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00517 - Magnificat _ 8. Esurientes implevit bonis.flac 4.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00518 - Magnificat _ 9. Suscepit Israel.flac 6.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00519 - Magnificat _ 10. Sicut locutus est.flac 5.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00520 - Magnificat _ 11. Gloria Patri.flac 9.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00521 - Magnificat _ 12. Sicut erat in principio.flac 9.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00601 - O bone Jesu, fili Mariae (SWV 471).flac 26.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00602 - Sonata In G Major BuxWV 271.flac 39.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00603 - Sonata In B Flat Major BuxWV 273 _ 1. (Sonata_) Ciaccona - Adagio - Allegro_Adagio_Allegro.flac 40.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00604 - Sonata In B Flat Major BuxWV 273 _ Allemande.flac 14.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00605 - Sonata In B Flat Major BuxWV 273 _ Courante.flac 5.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00606 - Sonata In B Flat Major BuxWV 273 _ 4. Sarabande.flac 8.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00607 - Sonata In B Flat Major BuxWV 273 _ 5. Gigue.flac 6.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00608 - Sonata In C Major BuxWV 266.flac 44.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00609 - Partie (Suite) In G Major _ 1. Sonatina (Adagio).flac 5.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00610 - Partie (Suite) in G major _ 2. Allemande.flac 14 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00611 - Partie (Suite) In G Major _ 3. Gavotte.flac 4.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00612 - Partie (Suite) In G Major _ 4. Courante.flac 4.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00613 - Partie (Suite) In G Major _ 5. Aria.flac 3.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00614 - Partie (Suite) In G Major, P 450 _ 6. Sarabande.flac 8.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00615 - Partie (Suite) In G Major, P 450 _ 7. Gigue.flac 7.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00616 - Partie (Suite) In G Major _ 8. Finale. Adagio.flac 3.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00617 - Partie (Suite) In E Minor _ Sonata. Adagio - Aria.flac 23.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00618 - Partie (Suite) In E Minor _ Courante.flac 5.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00619 - Partie (Suite) In E Minor _ Aria.flac 4.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00620 - Partie (Suite) In E Minor _ Ciaccona.flac 12.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00621 - Aria con variazioni In A Major.flac 52.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00622 - Canon And Gigue In D Major _ 1. Canon.flac 18.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00623 - Canon And Gigue In D Major _ 2. Gigue.flac 8.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00701 - Dido And Aeneas, Z.626 _ Overture.flac 13.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00702 - Dido And Aeneas, Z.626 _ Act 1 _ _Ah! Belinda___Grief increases___When monarchs unite_.flac 25.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00703 - Dido And Aeneas, Z.626 _ Act 1 _ _See, your royal guest appears___Cupid only throws.._.flac 7.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00704 - Dido And Aeneas _ _If not for mine___Pursue thy conquest, Love_.flac 6.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00705 - Dido And Aeneas, Z.626 _ Act 2 _ _Prelude for...___Harms our...___The Queen___Ho,ho,ho_.flac 13.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00706 - Dido And Aeneas _ _Ruinnd ere___Ho,ho,ho___But ere...___In our deep..._.flac 13.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00707 - Dido And Aeneas, Z.626 _ Act 2 _ _Behold, upon my bending spear___Haste, haste to town_.flac 7.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00708 - Dido And Aeneas, Z.626 _ Act 3 _ _Thy hand, Belinda___When I am laid in earth_.flac 24.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00709 - The Fairy Queen _ Act 1 _ Overture.flac 10.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00710 - The Fairy Queen _ Act 1 _ Scene Of The Drunken Poet_ _Fill up the Bowl_.flac 29.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00711 - The Fairy Queen _ Act 2 _ No.17 _Hush, no more_.flac 9.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00712 - The Fairy Queen _ Act 3 _ Dialog_ _Now the Maids and the Men_.flac 15.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00713 - The Fairy Queen _ Act 5 _ The Plaint.flac 27.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00714 - The Fairy Queen _ Act 5 _ Monkey's Dance.flac 4.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00715 - The Fairy Queen _ Act 5 _ Hark! The Ech'ing Air.flac 12.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00716 - Te Deum Laudamus And Jubilate Deo in D Z.232 _ Te Deum Laudamus.flac 59.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00717 - Te Deum Laudamus And Jubilate Deo in D Z232 _ Jubilate Deo.flac 36.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00801 - Te Deum For Soloists, Chorus And Orchestra, H. 146 _ 1. Prélude. Rondeau.flac 7.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00802 - Te Deum For Soloists, Chorus And Orchestra, H 146 _ Te Deum laudamus (Bass).flac 5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00803 - Te Deum For Soloists, Chorus And Orchestra, H 146 _ Te aeternum Patrem (Chorus, Soprano I_II, Mezzo-Soprano, Tenor).flac 19 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00804 - Te Deum For Soloists, Chorus And Orchestra, H 146 _ Te per orbem terrarum (Mezzo-Soprano, Tenor, Bass).flac 13.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00805 - Te Deum For Soloists, Chorus And Orchestra, H 146 _ Tu devicto mortis aculeo (Chorus, Bass).flac 7.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00806 - Te Deum For Soloists, Chorus And Orchestra, H 146 _ Te ergo quaesumus (Soprano I).flac 7.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00807 - Te Deum For Soloists, Chorus And Orchestra, H 146 _ Aeterna fac cum Sanctis tuis (Chorus, Mezzo-Soprano, Tenor, Bass, Soprano II).flac 11 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00808 - Te Deum For Soloists, Chorus And Orchestra, H 146 _ Dignare, Domine, die isto (Soprano I, Bass, Soprano II).flac 6.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00809 - Te Deum For Soloists, Chorus And Orchestra, H 146 _ Fiat misericordia tua, Domine, super nos (Soprano I, Bass).flac 6.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00810 - Te Deum For Soloists, Chorus And Orchestra, H 146 _ In te, Domine, speravi (Chorus, Mezzo-Soprano, Tenor, Bass).flac 11.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00811 - Zaïs _ Overture.flac 28.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00812 - Castor et Pollux _ Scène funèbre.flac 12.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00813 - Les fêtes d'Hébé _ Act 2 _ Air tendre.flac 7.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00814 - Dardanus _ Prologue _ 15. Premier Tambourin _ Deuxième Tambourin.flac 9.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00815 - Le temple de la gloire _ Air tendre pour les Muses.flac 17 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00816 - Les Boréades _ Act 1 _ Contredanse.flac 15.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00817 - La Naissance d'Osiris _ Air gracieux.flac 9.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00818 - Les Boréades _ Act 4 _ Gavottes pour les Heures et les Zéphirs.flac 11.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00819 - Platée [ou Junon jalouse] _ Orage.flac 14.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00820 - Les Boréades _ Act 5 _ Prélude.flac 4.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00821 - 6 Concerts transcrits en sextuor _ 6e concert _ 1. La poule.flac 23.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00822 - Les fêtes d'Hébé _ Act 3 _ Musette tendre en rondeau, Tambourin en rondeau.flac 15.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00823 - Hippolyte et Aricie _ Act 3 _ Ritournelle.flac 10.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00824 - Naïs _ Prologue _ Rigaudons.flac 13.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00825 - Les indes galantes _ Act 9 _ 4.14 Danse des Sauvages.flac 12.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00826 - Les Boréades _ Act 4 _ Entrée de Polymnie.flac 29.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00827 - Les indes galantes _ Act 9 _ Chaconne.flac 33.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00901 - Concerto In A Major For Two Violins In Scordatura And Continuo _ 1. Affetuoso.flac 12.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00902 - Concerto In A Major For Two Violins In Scordatura And Continuo _ 2. Vivace.flac 8.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00903 - Concerto In A Major For Two Violins In Scordatura And Continuo _ 3. Aria.flac 10.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00904 - Concerto In A Major For Two Violins In Scordatura And Continuo _ 4. Bourrée.flac 14.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00905 - Concerto In D (For 4 Solo Violins) _ 1. Adagio.flac 4.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00906 - Concerto In D (For 4 Solo Violins) _ 2. Allegro.flac 11.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00907 - Concerto In D (For 4 Solo Violins) _ 3. Grave.flac 11.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00908 - Concerto In D (For 4 Solo Violins) _ 4. Allegro.flac 7.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00909 - Concerto In A Minor For Recorder And Viola Da Gamba _ Grave.flac 22.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00910 - Concerto In A Minor For Recorder And Viola Da Gamba _ Allegro.flac 23.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00911 - Concerto In A Minor For Recorder And Viola Da Gamba _ Dolce.flac 16.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00912 - Concerto In A Minor For Recorder And Viola Da Gamba _ Allegro.flac 20.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00913 - Concerto In G Minor For Recorder, Violins And Basso Continuo _ 1. (Allegro).flac 20.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00914 - Concerto In G Minor For Recorder, Violins And Basso Continuo _ 2. Siciliana.flac 29.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00915 - Concerto In G Minor For Recorder, Violins And Basso Continuo _ 3. Bourrée.flac 5.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00916 - Concerto In G Minor For Recorder, Violins And Basso Continuo _ 4. Menuett.flac 19.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00917 - Sonata (Concerto) In C Major For 4 Violins Without Basso Continuo _ 1. Grave.flac 6.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00918 - Sonata (Concerto) In C Major For 4 Violins Without Basso Continuo _ 2. Allegro.flac 17.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00919 - Sonata (Concerto) In C Major For 4 Violins Without Basso Continuo _ 3. Largo e staccato.flac 8.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00920 - Sonata (Concerto) In C Major For 4 Violins Without Basso Continuo _ 4. Allegro.flac 8.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00921 - Concerto For Recorder, Flute, Strings And Continuo In E Minor _ 1. Largo.flac 16.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00922 - Concerto For Recorder, Flute, Strings And Continuo In E Minor _ 2. Allegro.flac 20 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00923 - Concerto For Recorder, Flute, Strings And Continuo In E Minor, TWV 52_e1 _ 3. Largo.flac 13.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/00924 - Concerto For Recorder, Flute, Strings And Continuo In E Minor, TWV 52_e1 _ 4. Presto.flac 13.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01001 - Concerto for Violin and Strings in E Major, Op. 8, No. 1, RV 269 _La Primavera_ _ 1. Allegro.flac 17.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01002 - Concerto for Violin and Strings in E Major, Op. 8, No. 1, RV 269 _La Primavera_ _ 2. Largo.flac 12.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01003 - Concerto for Violin and Strings in E Major, Op. 8, No. 1, RV 269 _La Primavera_ _ 3. Allegro (Danza pastorale).flac 20 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01004 - Concerto For Violin And Strings In G Minor, Op.8, No.2, R.315 _L'estate_ _ 1. Allegro non molto - Allegro.flac 22.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01005 - Concerto For Violin And Strings In G Minor, Op.8, No.2, RV 315 _L'estate_ _ 2. Adagio - Presto - Adagio.flac 10.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01006 - Concerto For Violin And Strings In G Minor, Op.8, No.2, RV 315 _L'estate_ _ 3. Presto (Tempo impetuoso d'estate).flac 16.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01007 - Concerto For Violin And Strings In F, Op.8, No.3, RV 293 _L'autunno_ _ 1. Allegro (Ballo, e canto de' villanelli).flac 23.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01008 - Concerto For Violin And Strings In F, Op.8, No.3, RV 293 _L'autunno_ _ 2. Adagio molto (Ubriachi dormienti).flac 11.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01009 - Concerto For Violin And Strings In F Major, Op.8, No.3, RV 293 _L'autunno_ _ 3. Allegro (La caccia).flac 15.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01010 - Concerto For Violin And Strings In F Minor, Op.8, No.4, RV 297 _L'inverno_ _ 1. Allegro non molto.flac 15.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01011 - Concerto For Violin And Strings In F Minor, Op.8, No.4, RV 297 _L'inverno_ _ 2. Largo.flac 8.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01012 - Concerto For Violin And Strings In F Minor, Op.8, No.4, RV 297 _L'inverno_ _ 3. Allegro.flac 13.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01013 - Gloria In D Major, RV 589 _ 1. Gloria in excelsis Deo.flac 12.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01014 - Gloria In D, R.589 - G.Ricordi 1970, Ed. Malipiero _ 2. Et in terra pax hominibus.flac 21.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01015 - Gloria In D, R.589 - G.Ricordi 1970, Ed. Malipiero _ 3. Laudamus te.flac 10.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01016 - Gloria In D, R.589 - G.Ricordi 1970, Ed. Malipiero _ 4. Gratias agimus tibi.flac 2.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01017 - Gloria In D, R.589 - G.Ricordi 1970, Ed. Malipiero _ 5. Propter magnam gloriam.flac 4.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01018 - Gloria In D, R.589 - G.Ricordi 1970, Ed. Malipiero _ 6. Domine Deus.flac 14 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01019 - Gloria In D, R.589 - G.Ricordi 1970, Ed. Malipiero _ 7. Domine Fili Unigenite.flac 11.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01020 - Gloria In D, R.589 - G.Ricordi 1970, Ed. Malipiero _ 8. Domine Deus, Agnus Dei.flac 17.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01021 - Gloria In D, R.589 - G.Ricordi 1970, Ed. Malipiero _ 9. Qui tollis peccata mundi.flac 7.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01022 - Gloria In D, R.589 - G.Ricordi 1970, Ed. Malipiero _ 10. Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris.flac 12.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01023 - Gloria In D, R.589 - G.Ricordi 1970, Ed. Malipiero _ 11. Quoniam tu solus Sanctus.flac 4.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01024 - Gloria In D, R.589 - G.Ricordi 1970, Ed. Malipiero _ 12. Cum Sancto Spiritu.flac 14.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01101 - Brandenburg Concerto No.2 In F Major, BWV 1047 _ 1. (Allegro).flac 25.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01102 - Brandenburg Concerto No.2 In F Major, BWV 1047 _ 2. Andante.flac 15.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01103 - Brandenburg Concerto No.2 In F Major, BWV 1047 _ 3. Allegro assai.flac 14.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01104 - Brandenburg Concerto No.5 In D Major, BWV 1050 _ 1. Allegro.flac 56.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01105 - Brandenburg Concerto No.5 In D Major, BWV 1050 _ 2. Affettuoso.flac 26 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01106 - Brandenburg Concerto No.5 In D Major, BWV 1050 _ 3. Allegro.flac 29.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01107 - Orchestral Suite No.2 In B Minor, BWV 1067 _ 1. Ouverture.flac 54.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01108 - Orchestral Suite No.2 In B Minor, BWV 1067 _ 2. Rondeau.flac 10.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01109 - Orchestral Suite No.2 In B Minor, BWV 1067 _ 3. Sarabande.flac 17.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01110 - Orchestral Suite No.2 In B Minor, BWV 1067 _ 4. Bourrée I alternativement - 5. (Bourrée) II.flac 8.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01111 - Orchestral Suite No.2 In B Minor, BWV 1067 _ 6. Polonaise - 6a. Double.flac 14.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01112 - Orchestral Suite No.2 In B Minor, BWV 1067 _ 7. Menuet.flac 6.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01113 - Orchestral Suite No.2 In B Minor, BWV 1067 _ 8. Badinerie.flac 7.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01201 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Aria.flac 11.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01202 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Var. 1 a 1 Clav..flac 7.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01203 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Var. 2 a 1 Clav..flac 7.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01204 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Var. 3 Canone all'Unisono a 1 Clav..flac 11.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01205 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Var. 4 a 1 Clav..flac 4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01206 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Var. 5 a 1 ovvero 2 Clav..flac 4.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01207 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Var. 6 Canone alla Seconda a 1 Clav..flac 5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01208 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Var. 7 a 1 ovvero 2 Clav..flac 7.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01209 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Var. 8 a 2 Clav..flac 7.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01210 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Var. 9 Canone alla Terza a 1 Clav..flac 7.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01211 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Var. 10 Fughetta a 1 Clav..flac 5.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01212 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Var. 11 a 2 Clav..flac 5.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01213 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Var. 12 Canone alla Quarta.flac 8.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01214 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Var. 13 a 2 Clav..flac 13.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01215 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Var. 14 a 2 Clav..flac 7.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01216 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Var. 15 Canone alla Quinta in moto contrario.flac 13.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01217 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Var. 16 Ouverture a 1 Clav..flac 10.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01218 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Var. 17 a 2 Clav..flac 5.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01219 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Var. 18 Canone alla Sesta a 1 Clav..flac 5.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01220 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Var. 19 a 1 Clav..flac 3.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01221 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Var. 20 a 2 Clav..flac 6.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01222 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Var. 21 Canone alla Settima.flac 6.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01223 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Var. 22 Alla breve a 1 Clav..flac 5.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01224 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Var. 23 a 2 Clav..flac 6.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01225 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Var. 24 Canone all'Ottava a 1 Clav..flac 10.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01226 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Var. 25 a 2 Clav..flac 21.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01227 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Var. 26 a 2 Clav..flac 7.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01228 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Var. 27 Canone alla Nona.flac 5.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01229 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Var. 28 a 2 Clav..flac 7.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01230 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Var. 29 a 1 ovvero 2 Clav..flac 7.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01231 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Var. 30 Quodlibet a 1 Clav..flac 6.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01232 - Aria mit 30 Veränderungen, BWV 988 _Goldberg Variations_ _ Aria.flac 12.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01233 - Fantasia In C Minor, BWV 906.flac 32.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01234 - Italian Concerto In F, BWV 971 _ 1. (Allegro).flac 28.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01235 - Italian Concerto In F, BWV 971 _ 2. Andante.flac 26.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01236 - Italian Concerto In F, BWV 971 _ 3. Presto.flac 27.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01237 - Fantasia And Fugue In A Minor, BWV 904 _ Fantasia.flac 19.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01238 - Fantasia And Fugue In A Minor, BWV 904 _ Fuga.flac 30.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01301 - Toccata And Fugue In D Minor, BWV 565 _ (Toccata) Adagio.flac 12.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01302 - Toccata And Fugue In D Minor, BWV 565 _ Fuga.flac 28 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01303 - Pièce d’orgue in G Major, BWV 572.flac 40 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01304 - Canzona In D Minor, BWV 588.flac 22.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01305 - Toccata (Prelude) And Fugue In F, BWV 540 _ 1. (Toccata).flac 39.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01306 - Toccata (Prelude) And Fugue In F, BWV 540 _ 2. Fugue.flac 27.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01307 - _ Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 645 ('Sleepers, Awake').flac 20.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01308 - Wo soll ich fliehen hin, BWV 646.flac 7.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01309 - Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten, BWV 647.flac 14.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01310 - Meine Seele erhebet den Herren, BWV 648.flac 13.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01311 - Ach bleib bei uns, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV 649.flac 9.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01312 - _ Kommst du nun, Jesu, vom Himmel herunter, BWV 650.flac 14.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01313 - Passacaglia In C Minor, BWV 582 _ Passacaglia.flac 41.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01314 - Passacaglia In C Minor, BWV 582 _ Thema fugatum.flac 28.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01401 - Matthäus-Passion, BWV 244 _ Erster Teil _ 1. _Kommt, ihr Töchter, helft mir klagen_.flac 33.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01402 - Matthäus-Passion, BWV 244 _ Erster Teil _ 3. _Herzliebster Jesu, was hast du verbrochen_.flac 3.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01403 - Matthäus-Passion, BWV 244 _ Erster Teil _ 6. _Buß und Reu_.flac 13.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01404 - Matthäus-Passion, BWV 244 _ Erster Teil _ 8. _Blute nur, du liebes Herz_.flac 17.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01405 - Matthäus-Passion, BWV 244 _ Erster Teil _ 17. _Ich will hier bei dir stehen_.flac 3.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01406 - Matthäus-Passion, BWV 244 _ Erster Teil _ 20. _Ich will bei meinem Jesu wachen_.flac 17.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01407 - Matthäus-Passion, BWV 244 _ Erster Teil _ 22. _Der Heiland fällt vor seinem Vater nieder_.flac 3.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01408 - Matthäus-Passion, BWV 244 _ Erster Teil _ 23. _Gerne will ich mich bequemen_.flac 14.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01409 - Matthäus-Passion, BWV 244 _ Erster Teil _ 25. _Was mein Gott will, das g'scheh allzeit_.flac 5.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01410 - Matthäus-Passion, BWV 244 _ Zweiter Teil _ 39. _Erbarme dich_.flac 25.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01411 - Matthäus-Passion, BWV 244 _ Zweiter Teil _ 42. _Gebt mir meinen Jesum wieder_.flac 12.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01412 - Matthäus-Passion, BWV 244 _ Zweiter Teil _ 46. _Wie wunderbarlich ist doch diese Strafe_.flac 3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01413 - Matthäus-Passion, BWV 244 _ Zweiter Teil _ 52. _Können Tränen meiner Wangen_.flac 22.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01414 - Matthäus-Passion, BWV 244 _ Zweiter Teil _ 65. _Mache dich, mein Herze, rein_.flac 23.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01415 - Matthäus-Passion, BWV 244 _ Zweiter Teil _ 67. _Nun ist der Herr zur Ruh gebracht_ - _Mein Jesu, gute Nacht_.flac 5.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01416 - Matthäus-Passion, BWV 244 _ Zweiter Teil _ 68. _Wir setzen uns mit Tränen nieder_.flac 23.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01501 - Magnificat In D Major, BWV 243 _ 1. Chorus_ _Magnificat_.flac 15.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01502 - Magnificat In D Major, BWV 243 _ 2. Aria_ _Et exsultavit spiritus meus_.flac 12.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01503 - Magnificat In D Major, BWV 243 _ 3. Quia respexit...4. Omnes generationes.flac 21.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01504 - Magnificat In D Major, BWV 243 _ 5. Aria_ _Quia fecit mihi magna_ (bass).flac 9.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01505 - Magnificat In D Major, BWV 243 _ 6. Aria (Duet)_ _Et misericordia_ (alto, tenor).flac 16.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01506 - Magnificat In D Major, BWV 243 _ 7. Chorus_ _Fecit potentiam_.flac 13.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01507 - Magnificat in D Major, BWV 243 _ 8. Aria_ _Deposuit potentes_.flac 10.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01508 - Magnificat In D Major, BWV 243 _ 9. Aria_ _Esurientes implevit bonis_ (alto).flac 11.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01509 - Magnificat In D Major, BWV 243 _ 10. Chorus_ _Suscepit Israel_.flac 8.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01510 - Magnificat In D Major, BWV 243 _ 11. Chorus_ _Sicut locutus est_.flac 9.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01511 - Magnificat In D Major, BWV 243 _ 12. Chorus_ _Gloria Patri_.flac 12.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01512 - Christen, ätzet diesen Tag, Cantata BWV 63 _ 1. _Christen, ätzet diesen Tag_.flac 29.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01513 - Christen, ätzet diesen Tag, Cantata BWV 63 _ 2. _O sel'ger Tag_.flac 15.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01514 - Christen, ätzet diesen Tag, Cantata BWV 63 _ 3. _Gott, Du hast es wohl gefüget_.flac 32.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01515 - Christen, ätzet diesen Tag, Cantata BWV 63 _ 4. _So kehret sich nun heut das bange Leid_.flac 4.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01516 - Christen, ätzet diesen Tag, Cantata BWV 63 _ 5. _Ruft und fleht den Himmel an_.flac 20.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01517 - Christen, ätzet diesen Tag, Cantata BWV 63 _ 6. _Verdoppelt euch demnach, ihr heißen Andachtsflammen_.flac 5.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01518 - Christen, ätzet diesen Tag, Cantata BWV 63 _ 7. _Höchster, schau in Gnaden an_.flac 34.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01519 - Sie werden aus Saba alle kommen, Cantata BWV 65 _ 1. _Sie werden aus Saba alle kommen_.flac 17.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01520 - Sie werden aus Saba alle kommen, Cantata BWV 65 _ 2. _Die Könige aus Saba kamen dar_.flac 3.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01521 - Sie werden aus Saba alle kommen, Cantata BWV 65 _ 3. _Was dort Jesaias vorhergesehn_.flac 9.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01522 - Sie werden aus Saba alle kommen, Cantata BWV 65 _ 4. _Gold aus Ophir ist zu schlecht_.flac 11.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01523 - Sie werden aus Saba alle kommen, Cantata BWV 65 _ 5. _Verschmähe nicht, du, meiner Seele Licht_.flac 6.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01524 - Sie werden aus Saba alle kommen, Cantata BWV 65 _ 6. _Nimm mich dir zu eigen hin_.flac 15.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01525 - Sie werden aus Saba alle kommen, Cantata BWV 65 _ 7. _Ei nun, mein Gott, so fall ich dir getrost_.flac 8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01601 - Music For The Royal Fireworks_ Suite HWV 351 _ 1. Ouverture.flac 39.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01602 - Music For The Royal Fireworks_ Suite HWV 351 _ 2. Bourrée.flac 7.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01603 - Music For The Royal Fireworks_ Suite HWV 351 _ 3. La Paix.flac 19 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01604 - Music For The Royal Fireworks_ Suite HWV 351 _ 4. La Réjouissance.flac 11.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01605 - Music For The Royal Fireworks_ Suite HWV 351 _ 5. Menuet I.flac 6.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01606 - Music For The Royal Fireworks_ Suite HWV 351 _ 6. Menuet II.flac 8.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01607 - Concerto grosso In C, HWV 318 _Alexander's Feast_ _ 1. Allegro.flac 19 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01608 - Concerto grosso In C, HWV 318 _Alexander's Feast_ _ 2. Largo - Adagio.flac 9.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01609 - Concerto grosso In C, HWV 318 _Alexander's Feast_ _ 3. Allegro - Adagio.flac 18.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01610 - Concerto grosso In C, HWV 318 _Alexander's Feast_ _ 4. Andante non presto.flac 19.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01611 - Solomon, HWV 67 _ Arrival Of The Queen Of Sheba.flac 16.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01612 - Belshazzar, HWV 61 _ Overture.flac 24.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01613 - Alceste, HWV 45 _ Act 1_ Grand Entrée _ Maestoso.flac 15.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01614 - From Saul_ Sinfonia, HWV 53 _ 1. Allegro.flac 20.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01615 - From Saul_ Sinfonia, HWV 53 _ 2. Larghetto - Adagio.flac 13.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01616 - From Saul_ Sinfonia, HWV 53 _ 3. Allegro.flac 13.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01617 - From Saul_ Sinfonia, HWV 53 _ 4. Andante larghetto.flac 13.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01618 - From Samson (Act I)_ Sinfonia, HWV 57 _ 1. Andante - Adagio.flac 21.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01619 - From Samson (Act I)_ Sinfonia, HWV 57 _ 2. Allegro.flac 9.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01620 - From Samson (Act I)_ Sinfonia, HWV 57 _ 3. Menuetto.flac 10.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01701 - Organ Concerto No. 6 in B Flat, Op. 4, HWV 294 - Arr. for Harp _ 1. Andante Allegro.flac 23.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01702 - Organ Concerto No.6 In B Flat, Op.4 No.6 HWV 294 - Version For Harp _ 2. Larghetto.flac 15.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01703 - Organ Concerto No.6 In B Flat, Op.4 No.6 HWV 294 - Version For Harp _ 3. Allegro moderato.flac 10.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01704 - Organ Concerto No.13 In F -_Cuckoo And The Nightingale_ HWV 295 _ Larghetto.flac 12.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01705 - Organ Concerto No.13 In F -_Cuckoo And The Nightingale_ HWV 295 _ Allegro.flac 16.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01706 - Organ Concerto No.13 In F -_Cuckoo And The Nightingale_ HWV 295 _ Larghetto.flac 13.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01707 - Organ Concerto No.13 In F -_Cuckoo And The Nightingale_ HWV 295 _ Allegro.flac 15.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01708 - Oboe Concerto No.3 In G Minor, HWV 287 _ 1. Grave.flac 11.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01709 - Oboe Concerto No.3 In G Minor, HWV 287 _ 2. Allegro.flac 8.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01710 - Oboe Concerto No.3 In G Minor, HWV 287 _ 3. Sarabande (Largo).flac 9.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01711 - Oboe Concerto No.3 In G Minor, HWV 287 _ 4. Allegro.flac 9.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01712 - Concerto a due cori No.2, HWV 333 _ 1. Pomposo.flac 8.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01713 - Concerto a due cori No.2, HWV 333 _ 2. Allegro.flac 11.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01714 - Concerto a due cori No.2, HWV 333 _ 3. A tempo giusto.flac 14.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01715 - Concerto a due cori No.2, HWV 333 _ 4. Largo.flac 10.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01716 - Concerto a due cori No.2, HWV 333 _ 5. Allegro ma non troppo - Adagio.flac 20.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01717 - Concerto a due cori No.2, HWV 333 _ 6. A tempo ordinario.flac 17 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01801 - Messiah, HWV 56 _ Pt. 1 _ 1.Symphony.flac 16.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01802 - Messiah, HWV 56 _ Pt. 1 _ 3. _Ev'ry Valley shall be exalted_.flac 15.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01803 - Messiah, HWV 56 _ Pt. 1 _ 4. _And The Glory Of The Lord_.flac 13.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01804 - Messiah, HWV 56 _ Pt. 1 _ 6. _But who may abide the day of his coming_.flac 20.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01805 - Messiah, HWV 56 _ Pt. 1 _ 7. _And He shall purify the sons of Levi_.flac 10.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01806 - Messiah, HWV 56 _ Pt. 1 _ 9. _O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion_.flac 24.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01807 - Messiah, HWV 56 _ Pt. 1 _ 13. _Pifa (Pastoral Symphony)_.flac 4.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01808 - Messiah, HWV 56 _ Pt. 1 _ 16. _Rejoice greatly, o daughter of Zion_.flac 21 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01809 - Messiah, HWV 56 _ Pt. 2 _ 22. _Surely He hath borne our griefs_.flac 11.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01810 - Messiah, HWV 56 _ Pt. 2 _ 23. _And with His stripes we are healed_.flac 8.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01811 - Messiah, HWV 56 _ Pt. 2 _ 24. _All we like sheep have gone astray_.flac 16.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01812 - Messiah, HWV 56 _ Pt. 2 _ 27. _Thy rebuke hath broken His heart_.flac 5.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01813 - Messiah, HWV 56 _ Pt. 2 _ 28. _Behold and see_.flac 6.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01814 - Messiah, HWV 56 _ Pt. 2 _ 33. _Let all the angels of God_.flac 7.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01815 - Messiah, HWV 56 _ Pt. 2 _ 35. _The Lord gave the word_.flac 5.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01816 - Messiah, HWV 56 _ Pt. 2 _ 38. _Why do the nations so furiously rage together__.flac 15.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01817 - Messiah, HWV 56 _ Pt. 2 _ 41. _Thou shalt break them_.flac 9.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01818 - Messiah, HWV 56 _ Pt. 2 _ 42. _Hallelujah_.flac 20.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01819 - Messiah, HWV 56 _ Pt. 3 _ 43. _I know that my Redeemer liveth_.flac 26.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01820 - Messiah, HWV 56 _ Pt. 3 _ 50. _If God Be For Us_.flac 20 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01821 - Messiah, HWV 56 _ Pt. 3 _ 51. _Worthy is the Lamb... Amen_.flac 36.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01901 - Sonata In C Major, K.502.flac 26.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01902 - Sonata In C, K.460.flac 40 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01903 - Sonata In C, K.461.flac 25.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01904 - Sonata In D Minor, K.516.flac 18.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01905 - Sonata In D Minor, K.517.flac 23.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01906 - Sonata In D Major, K.478.flac 22.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01907 - Sonata In D Major, K.479.flac 31.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01908 - Sonata In F Major, K.518.flac 29.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01909 - Sonata In F Minor, K.519.flac 22.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01910 - Sonata In G Minor, K.546.flac 33.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01911 - Sonata In G Major, K.547.flac 28.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01912 - Sonata In B Flat Major, K.529.flac 17.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01913 - Sonata In B Flat Major, K.544.flac 30.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/01914 - Sonata In B Flat Major, K.545.flac 22.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/02001 - Sinfonia In G, Wq 182 No.1 _ 1. Allegro di molto.flac 19.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/02002 - Sinfonia In G, Wq 182 No.1 _ 2. Poco adagio.flac 18.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/02003 - Sinfonia In G, Wq 182 No.1 _ 3. Presto.flac 20.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/02004 - Sinfonia In B Flat, Wq 182 No.2 _ 1. Allegro di molto.flac 17.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/02005 - Sinfonia In B Flat, Wq 182 No.2 _ 2. Poco adagio.flac 16.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/02006 - Sinfonia In B Flat, Wq 182 No.2 _ 3. Presto.flac 28.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/02007 - Sinfonia In C, Wq 182 No.3 _ 1. Allegro assai.flac 15.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/02008 - Sinfonia In C, Wq 182 No.3 _ 2. Adagio.flac 16.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/02009 - Sinfonia In C, Wq 182 No.3 _ 3. Allegretto.flac 18.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/02010 - Sinfonia In A, Wq 182 No.4 _ 1. Allegro ma non troppo.flac 23.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/02011 - Sinfonia In A, Wq 182 No.4 _ 2. Largo ma inocentemente.flac 16.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/02012 - Sinfonia In A, Wq 182 No.4 _ 3. Allegro assai.flac 22.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/02013 - Sinfonia In B Minor Wq 182 No.5 _ 1. Allegretto.flac 23 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/02014 - Sinfonia In B Minor Wq 182 No.5 _ 2. Larghetto.flac 12.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/02015 - Sinfonia In B Minor Wq 182 No.5 _ 3. Presto.flac 22 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/02016 - Sinfonia In E Major Wq 182 No.6 _ 1. Allegro di molto.flac 13.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/02017 - Sinfonia In E Major Wq 182 No.6 _ 2. Poco andante.flac 16.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/02018 - Sinfonia In E Major Wq 182 No.6 _ 3. Allegro spiritoso.flac 17.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/02019 - Quintet In D For Flute,Oboe,Violin,Viola & Continuo, Op.11, No.6 _ 1. Allegro.flac 32.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/02020 - Quintet In D For Flute,Oboe,Violin,Viola & Continuo, Op.11, No.6 _ 2. Andantino.flac 16.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/02021 - Quintet In D For Flute,Oboe,Violin,Viola & Continuo, Op.11, No.6 _ 3. Allegro assai.flac 12.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 1/folder.jpg 219 KB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/#The History Of Classical Music - Part 2 - From Haydn To Paganini.m3u8 18 KB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02101 - Symphony In F Sharp Minor, H.I No.45 -_Farewell_ _ 1. Allegro assai.flac 28 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02102 - Symphony In F Sharp Minor, H.I No.45 -_Farewell_ _ 2. Adagio.flac 28.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02103 - Symphony In F Sharp Minor, H.I No.45 -_Farewell_ _ 3. Menuet (Allegretto).flac 16.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02104 - Symphony In F Sharp Minor, H.I No.45 -_Farewell_ _ 4. Finale (Presto - Adagio).flac 33.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02105 - Symphony No.88 In G Major, Hob.I_88 _ 1. Adagio - Allegro.flac 31.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02106 - Symphony No.88 In G Major, Hob.I_88 _ 2. Largo.flac 28.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02107 - Symphony No.88 In G Major, Hob.I_88 _ 3. Menuetto (Allegretto).flac 21.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02108 - Symphony No.88 In G Major, Hob.I_88 _ 4. Finale (Allegro con spirito).flac 18.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02109 - Symphony No.104 In D Major, Hob.I_104 - _London_ _ 1. Adagio - Allegro.flac 42 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02110 - Symphony No.104 In D Major, Hob.I_104 - _London_ _ 2. Andante.flac 34.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02111 - Symphony No.104 In D Major, Hob.I_104 - _London_ _ 3. Menuet (Allegro).flac 23.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02112 - Symphony No.104 In D Major, Hob.I_104 - _London_ _ 4. Finale (Spiritoso).flac 32.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02201 - String Quartet In D Major, Op.64, No.5 _The Lark_ (Hob.III_63) _ 1. Allegro moderato.flac 28.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02202 - String Quartet In D Major, Op.64, No.5 _The Lark_ (Hob.III_63) _ 2. Adagio. Cantabile.flac 26.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02203 - String Quartet In D Major, Op.64, No.5 _The Lark_ (Hob.III_63) _ 3. Menuet. Allegretto.flac 14.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02204 - String Quartet In D Major, Op.64, No.5 _The Lark_ (Hob.III_63) _ 4. Finale. Vivace.flac 10.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02205 - String Quartet In G Minor, HIII No.74, Op.74 No.3 _The Horseman_ _ 1. Allegro.flac 25.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02206 - String Quartet In G Minor, HIII No.74, Op.74 No.3 _The Horseman_ _ 2. Largo assai.flac 31.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02207 - String Quartet In G Minor, HIII No.74, Op.74 No.3 _The Horseman_ _ 3. Menuetto. Allegretto. Trio.flac 17.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02208 - String Quartet In G Minor, HIII No.74, Op.74 No.3 _The Horseman_ _ 4. Finale. Allegro con brio.flac 29.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02209 - String Quartet In C, H.lll, Op.76, No.3 - _Emperor_ _ 1. Allegro.flac 23.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02210 - String Quartet In C, Op.76, No.3 _Emperor_, Hob.lll_77 _ 2. Poco adagio, cantabile.flac 33.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02211 - String Quartet In C, H.lll, Op.76, No.3 - _Emperor_ _ 3. Menuetto (Allegro).flac 20.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02212 - String Quartet In C, H.lll, Op.76, No.3 - _Emperor_ _ 4. Finale (Presto).flac 18.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02301 - Die Schöpfung Hob. XXI_2 _ Erster Teil _ 1A. Einleitung_ _Die Vorstellung des Chaos_.flac 33.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02302 - Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI_2 _ Erster Teil _ 1B. Rezitativ mit Chor_ _Im Anfange schuf Gott Himmel und Erde_.flac 12.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02303 - Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI_2 _ Erster Teil _ 2. Arie mit Chor_ _Nun schwanden vor dem heiligen Strahle_.flac 19.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02304 - Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI_2 _ Erster Teil _ 6. Arie_ _Rollend in schäumenden Wellen_.flac 19.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02305 - Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI_2 _ Erster Teil _ 8. Arie_ _Nun beut die Flur das frische Grün_.flac 25.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02306 - Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI_2 _ Erster Teil _ 12. Rezitativ_ _Im vollen Glanze steiget jetzt_.flac 14.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02307 - Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI_2 _ Erster Teil _ 13. Chor mit Soli_ _Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes_.flac 21.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02308 - Die Schöpfung Hob. XXI_2 _ Zweiter Teil _ 18. Terzett_ In holder Anmut stehn - 19. Chor mit Soli Der Herr ist groß in seiner Macht.flac 37.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02309 - Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI_2 _ Zweiter Teil _ 21. Rezitativ_ _Gleich öffnet sich der Erde Schoß_.flac 13.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02310 - Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI_2 _ Zweiter Teil _ 22. Arie_ _Nun scheint in vollem Glanze der Himmel_.flac 18.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02311 - Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI_2 _ Zweiter Teil _ 24. Arie_ _Mit Würd' und Hoheit angetan_.flac 18.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02312 - Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI_2 _ Zweiter Teil _ 26. Chor_ _Vollendet ist das große Werk_ - 27. Terzett_ _Zu dir, o Herr_ - 28. Chor_ _Vollendet ist das große Werk_.flac 46 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02313 - Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI_2 _ Dritter Teil _ 32. Duett_ _Holde Gattin, dir zur Seite - Der tauende Morgen_.flac 32.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02314 - Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI_2 _ Dritter Teil _ 34. Schlußchor mit Soli_ _Singt dem Herren alle Stimmen_.flac 21.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02401 - Serenade in G Major, K. 525 _Eine kleine Nachtmusik_ _ 1. Allegro.flac 28.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02402 - Serenade In G, K.525 _Eine kleine Nachtmusik_ _ 2. Romance (Andante).flac 24.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02403 - Serenade In G, K.525 _Eine kleine Nachtmusik_ _ 3. Menuetto (Allegretto).flac 11 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02404 - Serenade In G, K.525 _Eine kleine Nachtmusik_ _ 4. Rondo (Allegro).flac 22 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02405 - Symphony No. 40 in G Minor, K. 550 _ 1. Molto allegro.flac 42 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02406 - Symphony No. 40 in G Minor, K. 550 _ 2. Andante.flac 35.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02407 - Symphony No. 40 in G Minor, K. 550 _ 3. Menuetto (Allegretto) - Trio.flac 22.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02408 - Symphony No. 40 in G Minor, K. 550 _ 4. Finale (Allegro assai).flac 25.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02409 - Symphony No. 41 in C Major, K. 551 - _Jupiter_ _ 1. Allegro vivace.flac 37.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02410 - Symphony No. 41 in C Major, K. 551 - _Jupiter_ _ 2. Andante cantabile.flac 34.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02411 - Symphony No. 41 in C Major, K. 551 - _Jupiter_ _ 3. Menuetto (Allegretto).flac 26.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02412 - Symphony No. 41 in C Major, K. 551 - _Jupiter_ _ 4. Molto allegro.flac 34.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02501 - Piano Concerto No.20 In D Minor, K.466 - Cadenza_ Géza Anda _ 1. Allegro.flac 61.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02502 - Piano Concerto No.20 In D Minor, K.466 _ 2. Romance.flac 34.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02503 - Piano Concerto No.20 In D Minor, K.466 _ 3. Rondo (Allegro assai).flac 30.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02504 - Fantasia In D Minor, K.397 _ Andante.flac 21.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02505 - Piano Concerto No.21 In C Major, K.467 _ 1. Allegro Maestoso.flac 62.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02506 - Piano Concerto No.21 In C Major, K.467 _ 2. Andante.flac 30.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02507 - Piano Concerto No.21 In C Major, K.467 _ 3. Allegro Vivace Assai.flac 28.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02601 - Clarinet Quintet In A, K.581 _ 1. Allegro.flac 43.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02602 - Clarinet Quintet In A, K.581 _ 2. Larghetto.flac 30 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02603 - Clarinet Quintet In A, K.581 _ 3. Menuetto.flac 34.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02604 - Clarinet Quintet In A, K.581 _ 4. Allegretto con variazioni.flac 42.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02605 - String Quintet No.4 In G Minor, K.516 _ 1. Allegro.flac 54.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02606 - String Quintet No.4 In G Minor, K.516 _ 2. Menuetto (Allegretto).flac 26.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02607 - String Quintet No.4 In G Minor, K.516 _ 3. Adagio ma non troppo.flac 40.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02608 - String Quintet No.4 In G Minor, K.516 _ 4. Adagio - Allegro.flac 54.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02701 - Le nozze di Figaro, K.492 _ Overture.flac 21.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02702 - Le nozze di Figaro, K.492 _ Act 1 _ _Se a caso Madama la notte ti chiama_.flac 11.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02703 - Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492 _ Act 1 _ _Se vuol ballare, signor Contino_.flac 11.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02704 - Le nozze di Figaro, K.492 _ Act 1 _ _La vendetta, oh, la vendetta_.flac 15.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02705 - Le nozze di Figaro, K.492 _ Act 1 _ _Non so più cosa son, cosa faccio_.flac 14.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02706 - Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492 _ Act 1 _ _Non più andrai_.flac 18.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02707 - Le nozze di Figaro, K.492 _ Act 2 _ _Porgi amor_.flac 17.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02708 - Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492 _ Act 2 _ _Voi che sapete_.flac 13.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02709 - Le nozze di Figaro, K.492 _ Act 2 _ _Venite... inginocchiatevi..._.flac 14.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02710 - Le nozze di Figaro, K.492 _ Act 3 _ _Vedro mentr'io sospiro_.flac 16.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02711 - Le nozze di Figaro, K.492 _ Act 3 _ _E Susanna non vien!_.flac 7.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02712 - Le nozze di Figaro, K.492 _ Act 3 _ _Dove sono i bei momenti_.flac 21.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02713 - Le nozze di Figaro, K.492 _ Act 3 _ _Sull’aria ... Che soave zeffiretto_.flac 14.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02714 - Le nozze di Figaro, K.492 _ Act 4 _ _L'ho perduta... me meschina!_.flac 7.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02715 - Le nozze di Figaro, K.492 _ Act 4 _ _Aprite un po' quegli occhi_.flac 12.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02716 - Le nozze di Figaro, K.492 _ Act 4 _ _Giunse alfin il momento_.flac 5.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02717 - Le nozze di Figaro, K.492 _ Act 4 _ _Deh vieni, non tardar_.flac 16.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02718 - Le nozze di Figaro, K.492 _ Act 4 _ _Gente, gente, all'armi_.flac 24.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02801 - Requiem In D Minor, K.626 _ 1. Introitus_ Requiem.flac 28.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02802 - Requiem In D Minor, K.626 _ 2. Kyrie.flac 15 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02803 - Requiem In D Minor, K.626 _ 3. Sequentia_ Dies irae.flac 10.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02804 - Requiem In D Minor, K.626 _ 3. Sequentia_ Tuba mirum.flac 18.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02805 - Requiem In D Minor, K.626 _ 3. Sequentia_ Rex tremendae.flac 13 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02806 - Requiem In D Minor, K.626 _ 3. Sequentia_ Recordare.flac 23.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02807 - Requiem In D Minor, K.626 _ 3. Sequentia_ Confutatis.flac 11 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02808 - Requiem In D Minor, K.626 _ 3. Sequentia_ Lacrimosa.flac 16.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02809 - Requiem In D Minor, K.626 _ 4. Offertorium_ Domine Jesu.flac 21.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02810 - Requiem In D Minor, K.626 _ 4. Offertorium_ Hostias.flac 24.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02811 - Requiem In D Minor, K.626 _ 5. Sanctus.flac 9.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02812 - Requiem In D Minor, K.626 _ 6. Benedictus.flac 23.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02813 - Requiem In D Minor, K.626 _ 7. Agnus Dei.flac 17.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02814 - Requiem In D Minor, K.626 _ 8.Communio_ Lux aeterna.flac 31.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02815 - Vesperae solennes de confessore in C, K.339 _ 5. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes (Ps. 116_117).flac 22.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02816 - Exsultate, jubilate, K.165 _ 1. Exsultate, jubilate.flac 23.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02817 - Exsultate, jubilate, K.165 _ 2. Fulget amica dies.flac 4.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02818 - Exsultate, jubilate, K.165 _ 3. Tu virginum corona.flac 28.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02819 - Exsultate, jubilate, K.165 _ 4. Alleluia.flac 12.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02901 - Symphony No.5 In C Minor, Op.67 _ 1. Allegro con brio.flac 38.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02902 - Symphony No.5 In C Minor, Op.67 _ 2. Andante con moto.flac 46 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02903 - Symphony No.5 In C Minor, Op.67 _ 3. Allegro.flac 22.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02904 - Symphony No.5 In C Minor, Op.67 _ 4. Allegro.flac 49.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02905 - Symphony No.6 In F, Op.68 -_Pastoral_ _ 1. Erwachen heiterer Empfindungen bei der Ankunft auf dem Lande_ Allegro ma non troppo.flac 44.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02906 - Symphony No.6 In F, Op.68 -_Pastoral_ _ 2. Szene am Bach_ (Andante molto mosso).flac 53.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02907 - Symphony No.6 In F, Op.68 -_Pastoral_ _ 3. Lustiges Zusammensein der Landleute (Allegro).flac 15 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02908 - Symphony No.6 In F, Op.68 -_Pastoral_ _ 4. Gewitter, Sturm (Allegro).flac 17.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/02909 - Symphony No.6 In F, Op.68 -_Pastoral_ _ 5. Hirtengesang. Frohe und dankbare Gefühle nach dem Sturm_ Allegretto.flac 45.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03001 - Symphony No.9 In D Minor, Op.125 - _Choral_ _ 1. Allegro ma non troppo, un poco maestoso.flac 68.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03002 - Symphony No.9 In D Minor, Op.125 - _Choral_ _ 2. Molto vivace.flac 47 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03003 - Symphony No.9 In D Minor, Op.125 - _Choral_ _ 3. Adagio molto e cantabile.flac 64.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03004 - Symphony No.9 In D Minor, Op.125 - _Choral_ _ 4. Presto.flac 30.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03005 - Symphony No.9 In D Minor, Op.125 - _Choral_ _ 4. _ 4. Presto - _O Freunde, nicht diese Töne!_ - Allegro assai.flac 91.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03101 - Piano Concerto No.5 In E Flat Major Op.73 -_Emperor_ _ 1. Allegro.flac 84.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03102 - Piano Concerto No.5 In E Flat Major Op.73 -_Emperor_ _ 2. Adagio un poco mosso.flac 26.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03103 - Piano Concerto No.5 In E Flat Major Op.73 -_Emperor_ _ 3. Rondo (Allegro).flac 45.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03104 - Piano Concerto No. 4 in G, Op. 58 _ 1. Allegro moderato.flac 66 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03105 - Piano Concerto No. 4 in G, Op. 58 _ 2. Andante con moto.flac 15.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03106 - Piano Concerto No. 4 in G, Op. 58 _ 3. Rondo (Vivace).flac 39.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03201 - Sonata For Violin And Piano No.9 In A, Op.47 - _Kreutzer_ _ 1. Adagio sostenuto - Presto.flac 68.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03202 - Sonata For Violin And Piano No.9 In A, Op.47 - _Kreutzer_ _ 2. Andante con variazioni.flac 69.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03203 - Sonata For Violin And Piano No.9 In A, Op.47 - _Kreutzer_ _ 3. Finale (Presto).flac 45.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03204 - String Quartet No.7 In F, Op.59 No.1 - _Rasumovsky No.1_ _ 1. Allegro.flac 48.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03205 - String Quartet No.7 In F, Op.59 No.1 - _Rasumovsky No.1_ _ 2. Allegretto vivace e sempre scherzando.flac 40.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03206 - String Quartet No.7 In F, Op.59 No.1 - _Rasumovsky No.1_ _ 3. Adagio molto e mesto.flac 55.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03207 - String Quartet No.7 In F, Op.59 No.1 - _Rasumovsky No.1_ _ 4. Thème russe (Allegro).flac 33 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03301 - Piano Sonata No.8 In C Minor, Op.13 -_Pathétique_ _ 1. Grave - Allegro di molto e con brio.flac 31.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03302 - Piano Sonata No.8 In C Minor, Op.13 -_Pathétique_ _ 2. Adagio cantabile.flac 16.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03303 - Piano Sonata No.8 In C Minor, Op.13 -_Pathétique_ _ 3. Rondo (Allegro).flac 17 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03304 - Piano Sonata No. 23 in F Minor, Op. 57 _Appassionata_ _ 1. Allegro assai.flac 36.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03305 - Piano Sonata No. 23 in F Minor, Op. 57 _Appassionata_ _ 2. Andante con moto.flac 18.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03306 - Piano Sonata No. 23 in F Minor, Op. 57 _Appassionata_ _ 3. Allegro ma non troppo.flac 29.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03307 - Piano Sonata No.31 In A Flat, Op.110 _ 1. Moderato cantabile molto espressivo.flac 20.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03308 - Piano Sonata No.31 In A Flat, Op.110 _ 2. Allegro molto.flac 7.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03309 - Piano Sonata No.31 In A Flat, Op.110 _ 3. Adagio ma non troppo - Fuga (Allegro ma non troppo).flac 33.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03401 - Der Freischütz, J. 277 _ Overture.flac 38 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03402 - Der Freischütz, J. 277 _ Act 1 _ _Viktoria! Viktoria! ..._ - Bauern-Marsch - _Schau der Herr mich an als König!_.flac 21.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03403 - Der Freischütz, J. 277 _ Act 1 _ Walzer.flac 5.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03404 - Der Freischütz, J. 277 _ Act 1 _ _Nein, länger trag' ich nicht die Qualen_ - _Durch die Wälder, durch die Auen_.flac 24.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03405 - Der Freischütz, J. 277 _ Act 1 _ _Schweig - damit dich niemand warnt!_.flac 13.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03406 - Der Freischütz, J. 277 _ Act 2 _ _Schelm! Halt fest!_.flac 18.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03407 - Der Freischütz, J. 277 _ Act 2 _ _Kommt ein schlanker Bursch gegangen_.flac 13.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03408 - Der Freischütz, J. 277 _ Act 2 _ _Wie nahte mir der Schlummer_ - _Leise, leise, fromme Weise!_.flac 28 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03409 - Der Freischütz, J. 277 _ Act 2 _ _Milch des Mondes fiel aufs Kraut_ - _Samiel! Samiel! Erschein!_ - _Ha!-Furchtbar gähnt der düstre Abgrund_.flac 61.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03410 - Der Freischütz, J. 277 _ Act 3 _ _Und ob die Wolke sie verhülle_.flac 16 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03411 - Der Freischütz, J. 277 _ Act 3 _ _Wir winden dir den Jungfernkranz_.flac 16.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03412 - Der Freischütz, J. 277 _ Act 3 _ _Was gleicht wohl auf Erden dem Jägervergnügen__.flac 11.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03501 - Il barbiere di Siviglia _ Overture (Sinfonia).flac 30.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03502 - Il barbiere di Siviglia _ Act 1 _ _Ecco, ridente in cielo_ - _Ehi, Fiorello__ - _Gente indiscreta!_.flac 30.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03503 - Il barbiere di Siviglia _ Act 1 _ _Largo al factotum_.flac 20.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03504 - Il barbiere di Siviglia _ Act 1 _ Una voce poco fa.flac 21.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03505 - Il barbiere di Siviglia _ Act 1 _ No.6 Aria_ _La calunnia è un venticello_.flac 18.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03506 - Il barbiere di Siviglia _ Act 1 _ No.7 Duetto_ _Dunque io son... tu non m'inganni__.flac 20.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03507 - Il barbiere di Siviglia _ Act 1 _ No.8 Aria_ _A un dottor della mia sorte_.flac 27 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03508 - Il barbiere di Siviglia _ Act 2 _ No.10 Duetto_ _Pace e gioia sia con voi_.flac 11.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03509 - Il barbiere di Siviglia _ Act 2 _ No.11 Aria_ _Contro un cor che accende amore_.flac 18.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03510 - Il barbiere di Siviglia _ Act 2 _ No.13 Quintetto_ _Don Basilio!_ _Cosa veggo!_.flac 44.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03511 - Il barbiere di Siviglia _ Act 2 _ No.15 Temporale (Thunderstorm).flac 11.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03512 - Il barbiere di Siviglia _ Act 2 _ No.16 Terzetto_ _Ah! qual colpo inaspettato!_.flac 25.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03513 - Il barbiere di Siviglia _ Act 2 _ No.19 Finaletto II_ _Di sì felice innesto_.flac 11.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03601 - Symphony No.8 In B Minor, D.759 - _Unfinished_ _ 1. Allegro moderato.flac 50.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03602 - Symphony No.8 In B Minor, D.759 - _Unfinished_ _ 2. Andante con moto.flac 47.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03603 - Symphony No.9 In C, D.944 - _The Great_ _ 1. Andante - Allegro ma non troppo.flac 67.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03604 - Symphony No.9 In C, D.944 - _The Great_ _ 2. Andante con moto.flac 60.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03605 - Symphony No.9 In C, D.944 - _The Great_ _ 3. Scherzo (Allegro vivace).flac 52.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03606 - Symphony No.9 In C, D.944 - _The Great_ _ 4. Allegro vivace.flac 57.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03701 - Piano Quintet In A, D.667 - _The Trout_ _ 1. Allegro vivace.flac 42.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03702 - Piano Quintet In A, D.667 - _The Trout_ _ 2. Andante.flac 30.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03703 - Piano Quintet In A, D.667 - _The Trout_ _ 3. Scherzo (Presto).flac 19.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03704 - Piano Quintet In A, D.667 - _The Trout_ _ 4. Thema - Andantino - Variazioni I-V - Allegretto.flac 33.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03705 - Piano Quintet in A, D.667 - _The Trout_ _ 5. Finale (Allegro giusto).flac 29.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03706 - String Quartet No.14 In D Minor, D.810 -_Death And The Maiden_ _ 1. Allegro.flac 53.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03707 - String Quartet No.14 In D Minor, D.810 -_Death And The Maiden_ _ 2. Andante con moto.flac 62.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03708 - String Quartet No.14 In D Minor, D.810 -_Death And The Maiden_ _ 3. Scherzo (Allegro molto).flac 18 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03709 - String Quartet No.14 In D Minor, D.810 -_Death And The Maiden_ _ 4. Presto.flac 44.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03801 - Piano Sonata No.21 In B Flat, D.960 _ 1. Molto moderato.flac 80.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03802 - Piano Sonata No.21 In B Flat, D.960 _ 2. Andante sostenuto.flac 34.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03803 - Piano Sonata No.21 In B Flat, D.960 _ 3. Scherzo (Allegro vivace con delicatezza).flac 18 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03804 - Piano Sonata No.21 In B Flat, D.960 _ 4. Allegro ma non troppo.flac 31.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03805 - 4 Impromptus, Op. 90, D. 899 _ No. 3 in G-Flat Major (Andante).flac 26.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03806 - 4 Impromptus, Op. 90, D. 899 _ No. 2 in E-Flat Major (Allegro).flac 19.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03807 - 6 Moments musicaux, Op. 94, D. 780 _ 2. Andantino.flac 16.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03808 - 6 Moments musicaux, Op. 94, D. 780 _ 5. Allegro vivace.flac 10.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03809 - 4 Impromptus, Op. 142, D. 935 _ No. 3 in B-Flat Major_ Theme (Andante) with Variations.flac 28.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03901 - Winterreise, D.911 _ 1. Gute Nacht.flac 17.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03902 - Winterreise, D.911 _ 2. Die Wetterfahne.flac 7.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03903 - Winterreise, D.911 _ 3. Gefrorne Tränen.flac 8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03904 - Winterreise, D.911 _ 4. Erstarrung.flac 11.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03905 - Winterreise, D.911 _ 5. Der Lindenbaum.flac 15.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03906 - Winterreise, D.911 _ 6. Wasserflut.flac 14.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03907 - Winterreise, D.911 _ 7. Auf dem Flusse.flac 12 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03908 - Winterreise, D.911 _ 8. Rückblick.flac 8.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03909 - Winterreise, D.911 _ 9. Irrlicht.flac 8.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03910 - Winterreise, D.911 _ 10. Rast.flac 9.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03911 - Winterreise, D.911 _ 11. Frühlingstraum.flac 13.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03912 - Winterreise, D.911 _ 12. Einsamkeit.flac 9.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03913 - Winterreise, D.911 _ 13. Die Post.flac 8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03914 - Winterreise, D.911 _ 14. Der greise Kopf.flac 10 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03915 - Winterreise, D.911 _ 15. Die Krähe.flac 7.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03916 - Winterreise, D.911 _ 16. Letzte Hoffnung.flac 6.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03917 - Winterreise, D.911 _ 17. Im Dorfe.flac 11.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03918 - Winterreise, D.911 _ 18. Der stürmische Morgen.flac 4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03919 - Winterreise, D.911 _ 19. Täuschung.flac 5.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03920 - Winterreise, D.911 _ 20. Der Wegweiser.flac 13.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03921 - Winterreise, D.911 _ 21. Das Wirtshaus.flac 14.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03922 - Winterreise, D.911 _ 22. Mut.flac 6.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03923 - Winterreise, D.911 _ 23. Die Nebensonnen.flac 8.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/03924 - Winterreise, D.911 _ 24. Der Leiermann.flac 10.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/04001 - Violin Concerto No.1 In D Major, Op.6, MS.21 _ 1. Allegro maestoso.flac 95.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/04002 - Violin Concerto No.1 In D Major, Op.6, MS.21 _ 2. Adagio.flac 23.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/04003 - Violin Concerto No.1 In D Major, Op.6, MS.21 _ 3. Rondo (Allegro spirituoso).flac 43.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/04004 - 24 Caprices For Violin, Op.1, MS. 25 _ No. 1 In E Major.flac 8.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/04005 - 24 Caprices For Violin, Op.1, MS. 25 _ No. 3 In E Minor.flac 11.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/04006 - 24 Caprices For Violin, Op.1, MS. 25 _ No. 4 In C Minor.flac 32.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/04007 - 24 Caprices For Violin, Op.1, MS. 25 _ No. 9 In E Major.flac 16.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/04008 - 24 Caprices For Violin, Op.1, MS. 25 _ No. 10 In G Minor.flac 11.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/04009 - 24 Caprices For Violin, Op.1, MS. 25 _ No. 11 In C Major.flac 22.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/04010 - 24 Caprices For Violin, Op.1, MS. 25 _ No. 14 In E-Flat Major.flac 6.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/04011 - 24 Caprices For Violin, Op.1, MS. 25 _ No. 16 In G Minor.flac 7.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/04012 - 24 Caprices For Violin, Op.1, MS. 25 _ No. 17 In E-Flat Major.flac 16 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/04013 - 24 Caprices For Violin, Op.1, MS. 25 _ No. 24 In A Minor.flac 21 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 2/folder.jpg 214 KB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/#The History Of Classical Music - Part 3 - From Berlioz To Tchaikovsky.m3u8 18 KB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04101 - Symphonie fantastique, Op.14 _ 1. Rêveries. Passions (Largo - Allegro agitato ed appassionato assai).flac 55.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04102 - Symphonie Fantastique, Op.14, H 48 _ 2. Un bal (Valse_ Allegro non troppo).flac 23.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04103 - Symphonie fantastique, Op.14 _ 3. Scène aux champs (Adagio).flac 47.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04104 - Symphonie fantastique, Op.14 _ 4. Marche au supplice (Allegretto non troppo).flac 19.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04105 - Symphonie fantastique, Op.14 _ 5. Songe d'une nuit du Sabbat (Larghetto - Allegro - Ronde du Sabbat_ Poco meno mosso).flac 37.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04106 - Benvenuto Cellini _ Ouverture.flac 40.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04107 - Overture _Le corsaire_, Op.21.flac 38.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04108 - Les Troyens _ Act 4 _ No.29 Chasse royale et orage - Pantomime.flac 40.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04201 - Piano Concerto No.1 In E Minor, Op.11 _ 1. Allegro maestoso.flac 77.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04202 - Piano Concerto No.1 In E Minor, Op.11 _ 2. Romance (Larghetto).flac 35.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04203 - Piano Concerto No.1 In E Minor, Op.11 _ 3. Rondo (Vivace).flac 37.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04204 - 24 Préludes, Op.28 _ 1. In C Major.flac 1.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04205 - 24 Préludes, Op.28 _ 3. In G Major.flac 2.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04206 - 24 Préludes, Op.28 _ 6. In B Minor.flac 4.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04207 - 24 Préludes, Op.28 _ 10. In C Sharp Minor.flac 1.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04208 - 24 Préludes, Op.28 _ 15. In D Flat Major.flac 13.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04209 - 24 Préludes, Op.28 _ 16. In B Flat Minor.flac 3.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04210 - 24 Préludes, Op.28 _ 17. Allegretto in A-Flat Major.flac 8.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04211 - 24 Préludes, Op.28 _ 20. In C Minor.flac 4.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04212 - 24 Préludes, Op.28 _ 21. In B Flat Major.flac 4.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04213 - 24 Préludes, Op.28 _ 24. In D Minor.flac 9.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04214 - _ Barcarolle In F Sharp, Op.60.flac 30.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04215 - Scherzo No. 3 in C-Sharp Minor, Op. 39.flac 23.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04301 - _ Nocturne No.1 In B Flat Minor, Op.9 No.1.flac 15 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04302 - Nocturne No.2 In E Flat, Op.9 No.2.flac 11 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04303 - _ Nocturne No.3 In B, Op.9 No.3.flac 19.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04304 - _ Nocturne No.4 In F, Op.15 No.1.flac 11.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04305 - _ Nocturne No.7 In C Sharp Minor, Op.27 No.1.flac 13.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04306 - _ Nocturne No.8 In D Flat, Op.27 No.2.flac 16.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04307 - _ Nocturne No.9 In B, Op.32 No.1.flac 12.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04308 - _ Nocturne No.10 In A Flat, Op.32 No.2.flac 15.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04309 - _ Nocturne No.12 In G, Op.37 No.2.flac 14 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04310 - _ Nocturne No.13 In C Minor, Op.48 No.1.flac 17.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04311 - _ Nocturne No.15 In F Minor, Op.55 No.1.flac 13 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04312 - _ Nocturne No.18 In E, Op.62 No.2.flac 17.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04313 - _ Nocturne No.19 In E Minor, Op.72 No.1.flac 11.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04401 - Ballade No.1 In G Minor, Op.23.flac 38.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04402 - Berceuse In D Flat, Op.57 _ Andante.flac 20.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04403 - Waltz No.14 In E Minor, Op.Posth. _ Vivace.flac 12.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04404 - Waltz No.3 In A Minor, Op.34 No.2 _ Lento.flac 21.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04405 - Impromptu No.1 In A Flat, Op.29.flac 16.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04406 - 12 Etudes, Op.10 _ No.1 In C.flac 11.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04407 - 12 Etudes, Op.10 _ No. 6 In E Flat Minor.flac 12.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04408 - 12 Etudes, Op.10 _ No. 5 In G Flat _Black Keys_.flac 8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04409 - 12 Etudes, Op.10 _ No. 12 In C Minor _Revolutionary_.flac 13.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04410 - Scherzo No.4 In E, Op.54.flac 48.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04411 - Scherzo No.3 In C Sharp Minor, Op.39.flac 32.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04412 - Mazurka No.5 In B Flat, Op.7 No.1 _ Vivace.flac 10.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04413 - Mazurka No.49 In A Minor, Op.68 No.2 _ Lento.flac 10.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04414 - Mazurka No.58 In A Flat _ Poco mosso.flac 5.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04415 - Mazurka No.46 In C, Op.67 No.3 _ Allegretto.flac 6.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04416 - Polonaise No.6 In A Flat, Op.53 -_Heroic_ _ Maestoso.flac 32.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04501 - Piano Concerto No.1 In E Flat, S.124 _ 1. Allegro maestoso.flac 20.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04502 - Piano Concerto No.1 In E Flat, S.124 _ 2. Quasi adagio - Allegretto vivace - Allegro animato.flac 32.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04503 - Piano Concerto No.1 In E Flat, S.124 _ 3. Allegro marziale animato.flac 18.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04504 - Piano Sonata In B Minor, S.178 _ Lento assai - Allegro energico.flac 12.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04505 - Piano Sonata In B Minor, S.178 _ Grandioso.flac 7.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04506 - Piano Sonata In B Minor, S.178 _ Cantando espressivo.flac 14.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04507 - Piano Sonata In B Minor, S.178 _ Pesante - Recitativo.flac 7.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04508 - Piano Sonata In B Minor, S.178 _ Andante sostenuto.flac 2.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04509 - Piano Sonata In B Minor, S.178 _ Quasi Adagio.flac 15.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04510 - Piano Sonata In B Minor, S.178 _ Allegro energico.flac 10.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04511 - Piano Sonata In B Minor, S.178 _ Più mosso.flac 7.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04512 - Piano Sonata In B Minor, S.178 _ Cantando espressivo senza slentare.flac 4.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04513 - Piano Sonata In B Minor, S.178 _ Stretta quasi Presto - Presto - Prestissimo.flac 5.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04514 - Piano Sonata In B Minor, S.178 _ Andante sostenuto - Allegro moderato - Lento assai.flac 9.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04515 - Hungarian Rhapsody No.6 In D-Flat Major, S.244.flac 25.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04516 - Années de pèlerinage_ Première année_ Suisse, S.160 _ 6. Vallée d'Obermann.flac 40.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04517 - Années de pèlerinage_ Troisième année, S.163 _ 4. Les jeux d'eau à la Villa d'Este.flac 21.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04601 - Symphony No. 4 In A Major, Op. 90, MWV N 16 - _Italian_ _ 1. Allegro vivace.flac 50.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04602 - Symphony No. 4 In A Major, Op. 90, MWV N 16 - _Italian_ _ 2. Andante con moto.flac 24.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04603 - Symphony No. 4 In A Major, Op. 90, MWV N 16 - _Italian_ _ 3. Con moto moderato.flac 27.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04604 - Symphony No. 4 in A Major, Op. 90, MWV N 16 - _Italian_ _ 4. Saltarello.flac 27.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04605 - The Hebrides (Fingal's Cave), Op.26, MWV P7.flac 42.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04606 - A Midsummer Night's Dream, Incidental Music, Op.61, MWV M 13 _ Overture.flac 54 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04607 - A Midsummer Night's Dream, Incidental Music, Op.61, MWV M 13 _ No.1 Scherzo.flac 21 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04608 - A Midsummer Night's Dream, Incidental Music, Op.61, MWV M 13 _ No. 7 Notturno.flac 23.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04609 - A Midsummer Night's Dream, Incidental Music, Op.61, MWV M 13 _ No. 9 Wedding March.flac 25.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04701 - Symphony No.2 In C, Op.61 _ 1. Sostenuto assai - Un poco più vivace - Allegro ma non troppo - Con fuoco.flac 59.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04702 - Symphony No.2 In C, Op.61 _ 2. Scherzo (Allegro vivace).flac 31.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04703 - Symphony No.2 In C, Op.61 _ 3. Adagio espresssivo.flac 42.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04704 - Symphony No.2 In C, Op.61 _ 4. Allegro molto vivace.flac 40.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04705 - Symphony No.3 In E Flat, Op.97 - _Rhenish_ _ 1. Lebhaft.flac 47.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04706 - Symphony No.3 In E Flat, Op.97 - _Rhenish_ _ 2. Scherzo (Sehr mäßig).flac 28.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04707 - Symphony No.3 In E Flat, Op.97 - _Rhenish_ _ 3. Nicht schnell.flac 20.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04708 - Symphony No.3 In E Flat, Op.97 - _Rhenish_ _ 4. Feierlich.flac 31.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04709 - Symphony No.3 In E Flat, Op.97 - _Rhenish_ _ 5. Lebhaft.flac 29.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04801 - Piano Concerto In A Minor, Op.54 _ 1. Allegro affettuoso.flac 58.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04802 - Piano Concerto In A Minor, Op.54 _ 2. Intermezzo (Andantino grazioso).flac 19.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04803 - Piano Concerto In A Minor, Op.54 _ 3. Allegro vivace.flac 48 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04804 - Kinderszenen, Op.15 _ 1. Von fremden Ländern und Menschen.flac 5.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04805 - Kinderszenen, Op.15 _ 2. Kuriose Geschichte.flac 3.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04806 - Kinderszenen, Op.15 _ 3. Hasche-Mann.flac 2.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04807 - Kinderszenen, Op.15 _ 4. Bittendes Kind.flac 3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04808 - Kinderszenen, Op.15 _ 5. Glückes genug.flac 2.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04809 - Kinderszenen, Op.15 _ 6. Wichtige Begebenheit.flac 3.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04810 - Kinderszenen, Op.15 _ 7. Träumerei.flac 8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04811 - Kinderszenen, Op.15 _ 8. Am Kamin.flac 4.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04812 - Kinderszenen, Op.15 _ 9. Ritter vom Steckenpferd.flac 3.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04813 - Kinderszenen, Op.15 _ 10. Fast zu ernst.flac 5.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04814 - Kinderszenen, Op.15 _ 11. Fürchtenmachen.flac 6.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04815 - Kinderszenen, Op.15 _ 12. Kind im Einschlummern.flac 6.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04816 - Kinderszenen, Op.15 _ 13. Der Dichter spricht.flac 6.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04817 - Carnaval, Op.9 _ 1. Préambule.flac 9.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04818 - Carnaval, Op.9 _ 2. Pierrot.flac 3.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04819 - Carnaval, Op.9 _ 3. Arlequin.flac 2.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04820 - Carnaval, Op.9 _ 4. Valse noble.flac 4.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04821 - Carnaval, Op.9 _ 5. Eusebius.flac 5.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04822 - Carnaval, Op.9 _ 6. Florestan.flac 4.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04823 - Carnaval, Op.9 _ 7. Coquette.flac 4.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04824 - Carnaval, Op.9 _ 8. Réplique - Sphinxes.flac 2.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04825 - Carnaval, Op.9 _ 9. Papillons.flac 3.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04826 - Carnaval, Op.9 _ 10. A.S.C.H.-S.C.H.A. (Lettres dansantes).flac 3.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04827 - Carnaval, Op.9 _ 11. Chiarina.flac 3.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04828 - Carnaval, Op.9 _ 12. Chopin.flac 4.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04829 - Carnaval, Op.9 _ 13. Estrella.flac 2.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04830 - Carnaval, Op.9 _ 14. Reconnaissance.flac 6.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04831 - Carnaval, Op.9 _ 15. Pantalon et Colombine.flac 4.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04832 - Carnaval, Op.9 _ 16a. Valse Allemande.flac 3.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04833 - Carnaval, Op.9 _ 16b. Intermezzo_ Paganini.flac 5.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04834 - Carnaval, Op.9 _ 18. Aveu. Passionato.flac 3.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04835 - Carnaval, Op.9 _ 19. Promenade. Comodo.flac 6.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04836 - Carnaval, Op.9 _ 20. Pause. Vivo.flac 1.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04837 - Carnaval, Op.9 _ 21. Marche des _Davidsbündler_ contre les Philistins.flac 18 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04901 - Dichterliebe, Op.48 _ 1. Im wunderschönen Monat Mai.flac 5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04902 - Dichterliebe, Op.48 _ 2. Aus meinen Tränen sprießen.flac 3.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04903 - Dichterliebe, Op.48 _ 3. Die Rose, die Lilie, die Taube, die Sonne.flac 2.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04904 - Dichterliebe, Op.48 _ 4. Wenn ich in deine Augen seh'.flac 5.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04905 - Dichterliebe, Op.48 _ 5. Ich will meine Seele tauchen.flac 3.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04906 - Dichterliebe, Op.48 _ 6. Im Rhein, im heiligen Strome.flac 9.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04907 - Dichterliebe, Op.48 _ 7. Ich grolle nicht.flac 6.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04908 - Dichterliebe, Op.48 _ 8. Und wüßten's die Blumen, die kleinen.flac 5.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04909 - Dichterliebe, Op.48 _ 9. Das ist ein Flöten und Geigen.flac 6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04910 - Dichterliebe, Op.48 _ 10. Hör' ich das Liedchen klingen.flac 5.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04911 - Dichterliebe, Op.48 _ 11. Ein Jüngling liebt ein Mädchen.flac 4.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04912 - Dichterliebe, Op.48 _ 12. Am leuchtenden Sommermorgen.flac 7.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04913 - Dichterliebe, Op.48 _ 13. Ich hab' im Traum geweinet.flac 6.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04914 - Dichterliebe, Op.48 _ 14. Allnächtlich im Traume seh' ich dich.flac 5.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04915 - Dichterliebe, Op.48 _ 15. Aus alten Märchen winkt es.flac 9.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04916 - Dichterliebe, Op.48 _ 16. Die alten, bösen Lieder.flac 15.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04917 - Zwölf Gedichte, Op.35 _ Erstes Grün.flac 6.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04918 - Abends am Strand op.45, No.3.flac 11 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04919 - _Die beiden Grenadiere_ Op.49, No.1.flac 15 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04920 - Die feindlichen Brüder op.49, No.2.flac 8.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04921 - Tragödie, Op.64, No.3 _ 1. Entflieh mit mir und sei mein Weib.flac 6.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04922 - Tragödie, Op.64, No.3 _ 2. Es flel ein Reif in der Frühlingsnacht.flac 5.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04923 - Spanisches Liederspiel, Op.74 (Geibel, after Spanish poets) _ 10. Der Kontrabandiste.flac 6.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04924 - Lieder-Album für die Jugend, Op.79 _ 7a. Zigeunerliedchen Nr. 1.flac 3.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04925 - Lieder-Album für die Jugend, Op.79 _ 7b. Zigeunerliedchen Nr. 2.flac 4.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04926 - Vier Gesänge op.142 _ 4. _Mein Wagen rollet langsam_.flac 8.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04927 - Frauenliebe und -leben Op.42 _ 1. Seit ich ihn gesehen.flac 7.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04928 - Frauenliebe und -leben Op.42 _ 2. Er, der Herrlichste von allen.flac 11.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04929 - Frauenliebe und -leben Op.42 _ 3. Ich kann's nicht fassen, nicht glauben.flac 6.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04930 - Frauenliebe und -leben Op.42 _ 4. Du Ring an meinem Finger.flac 10 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04931 - Frauenliebe und -leben Op.42 _ 5. Helft mir, ihr Schwestern.flac 8.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04932 - Frauenliebe und -leben Op.42 _ 6. Süsser Freund, du blickest mich verwundert an.flac 14.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04933 - Frauenliebe und -leben Op.42 _ 7. An meinem Herzen, an meiner Brust.flac 5.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/04934 - Frauenliebe und -leben Op.42 _ 8. Nun hast du mir den ersten Schmerz getan.flac 12.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05001 - Carmen, WD 31 _ Overture (Prelude).flac 18 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05002 - Carmen, WD 31 _ Act 1 _ La cloche a sonné (Les Jeunes Gens, Les Soldats, Les Cigarières).flac 20 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05003 - Carmen, WD 31 _ Act 1 _ Mais nous ne voyons pas la Carmencita (Les Soldats, Les Jeunes Gens).flac 4.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05004 - Carmen _ Act 1 _ _L'amour est un oiseau rebelle_ (Havanaise).flac 15.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05005 - Carmen _ Act 1 _ _Monsieur le brigadier__ _ Duo__Parle-moi de ma mère!_.flac 37.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05006 - Carmen, WD 31 _ Act 1 _ Chanson et Duo_ _Près des remparts de Séville_.flac 15.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05007 - Carmen, WD 31 _ Act 2 _ Les tringles des sistres tintaient (Carmen, Mercédès, Frasquita).flac 20.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05008 - Carmen _ Act 2 _ Couplets_ _Votre toast, je peux vous le rendre_.flac 22.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05009 - Carmen, WD 31 _ Act 2 _ La fleur que tu m'avais jetée (Don José).flac 15.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05010 - Carmen, WD 31 _ Act 3 _ Je dis que rien ne m'épouvante (Micaela).flac 16.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05011 - Carmen _ Act 3 _ _Je suis Escamillo_.flac 14.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05012 - Carmen, WD 31 _ Act 3 _ Les voici! voici le quadrille! (Choeur).flac 18.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05013 - Carmen, WD 31 _ Act 3 _ Si tu m'aimes, Carmen (Escamillo, Carmen, Frasquita, Mercédès).flac 10.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05014 - Carmen, WD 31 _ Act 3 _ _C'est toi!_ _C'est-moi!_.flac 37.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05101 - Symphony No.1 In C Minor, Op.68 _ 1. Un poco sostenuto - Allegro - Meno allegro.flac 61.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05102 - Symphony No.1 In C Minor, Op.68 _ 2. Andante sostenuto.flac 37.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05103 - Symphony No.1 In C Minor, Op.68 _ 3. Un poco allegretto e grazioso.flac 20.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05104 - Symphony No.1 In C Minor, Op.68 _ 4. Adagio - Piu andante - Allegro non troppo, ma con brio - Piu allegro.flac 83.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05105 - Symphony No.4 In E Minor, Op.98 _ 1. Allegro non troppo.flac 53.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05106 - Symphony No.4 In E Minor, Op.98 _ 2. Andante moderato.flac 40.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05107 - Symphony No.4 In E Minor, Op.98 _ 3. Allegro giocoso - Poco meno presto - Tempo I.flac 30.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05108 - Symphony No.4 In E Minor, Op.98 _ 4. Allegro energico e passionato - Più allegro.flac 43.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05201 - Piano Concerto No.2 In B-Flat Major, Op. 83 _ 1. Allegro non troppo.flac 76.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05202 - Piano Concerto No.2 In B-Flat Major, Op. 83 _ 2. Allegro appassionato.flac 40.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05203 - Piano Concerto No.2 In B-Flat Major, Op. 83 _ 3. Andante - Più adagio.flac 49.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05204 - Piano Concerto No.2 In B-Flat Major, Op. 83 _ 4. Allegretto grazioso - Un poco più presto.flac 41.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05205 - Fantasias (7 Piano Pieces), Op.116 _ 1. Capriccio In D Minor.flac 7.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05206 - Fantasias (7 Piano Pieces), Op.116 _ 2. Intermezzo In A Minor.flac 10.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05207 - Fantasias (7 Piano Pieces), Op.116 _ 3. Capriccio In G Minor.flac 10.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05208 - Fantasias (7 Piano Pieces), Op.116 _ 4. Intermezzo In E Major.flac 12 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05209 - Fantasias (7 Piano Pieces), Op.116 _ 5. Intermezzo In E Minor.flac 8.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05210 - Fantasias (7 Piano Pieces), Op.116 _ 6. Intermezzo In E Major.flac 9.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05211 - Fantasias (7 Piano Pieces), Op.116 _ 7. Capriccio In D Minor.flac 7.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05301 - Violin Concerto In D, Op.77 _ 1. Allegro non troppo.flac 98.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05302 - Violin Concerto In D, Op.77 _ 2. Adagio.flac 36.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05303 - Violin Concerto In D, Op.77 _ 3. Allegro giocoso, ma non troppo vivace - Poco più presto.flac 37.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05304 - Sonata For Violin And Piano No.1 In G, Op.78 _ 1. Vivace ma non troppo.flac 42.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05305 - Sonata For Violin And Piano No.1 In G, Op.78 _ 2. Adagio.flac 27.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05306 - Sonata For Violin And Piano No.1 In G, Op.78 _ 3. Allegro molto moderato.flac 32.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05401 - Symphony No.4 In E Flat Major - _Romantic_ - Haas Edition _ 1. Bewegt, nicht zu schnell.flac 86 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05402 - Symphony No.4 In E Flat Major - _Romantic_ - Haas Edition _ 2. Andante quasi Allegretto.flac 61.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05403 - Symphony No.4 In E Flat Major - _Romantic_ - Haas Edition _ 3. Scherzo_ Bewegt.flac 42 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05404 - Symphony No.4 In E Flat Major - _Romantic_ - Haas Edition _ 4. Finale_ Bewegt, doch nicht zu schnell.flac 94.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05405 - Psalm 150, For Soprano, Chorus And Orchestra.flac 40.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05501 - Die Fledermaus _ Overture.flac 37.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05502 - Voices Of Spring, Op.410 (Frühlingsstimmen).flac 27.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05503 - Egyptischer Marsch, Op.335.flac 20 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05504 - Freikugeln - polka schnell, Op.326.flac 12.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05505 - Kaiserwalzer, Op.437.flac 46.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05506 - Pizzicato Polka (1870).flac 9.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05507 - _ Unter Donner und Blitz, Polka, Op.324.flac 16.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05508 - Rosen aus dem Süden, Op.388.flac 38.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05509 - Overture Indigo und die 40 Räuber.flac 31 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05510 - Eljen a Magyar, Op.332.flac 14.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05511 - Der Zigeunerbaron, Operetta In 3 Acts _ Act 3 _ Einzugsmarsch (Entrance March).flac 16.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05512 - An der schönen blauen Donau, Op.314.flac 42.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05601 - Má Vlast, JB1_112 _ 2. Vltava.flac 56.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05602 - Má Vlast, JB1_112 _ 4. Z ceskych luhu a haju.flac 60.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05603 - Symphony No.9 In E Minor, Op.95, B.178 - _From The New World_ _ 1. Adagio - Allegro molto.flac 41.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05604 - Symphony No.9 In E Minor, Op.95, B.178 - _From The New World_ _ 2. Largo.flac 43.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05605 - Symphony No.9 In E Minor, Op.95, B.178 - _From The New World_ _ 3. Scherzo (Molto vivace).flac 33.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05606 - Symphony No.9 In E Minor, Op.95, B.178 - _From The New World_ _ 4. Allegro con fuoco.flac 54.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05701 - Cello Concerto In B Minor, Op.104, B.191 _ 1. Allegro.flac 71 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05702 - Cello Concerto In B Minor, Op.104, B.191 _ 2. Adagio ma non troppo.flac 50.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05703 - Cello Concerto In B Minor, Op.104, B.191 _ 3. Finale (Allegro moderato).flac 59.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05704 - Symphony No.8 In G, Op.88, B. 163 _ 1. Allegro con brio.flac 50.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05705 - Symphony No.8 In G, Op.88, B. 163 _ 2. Adagio.flac 47.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05706 - Symphony No.8 In G, Op.88, B. 163 _ 3. Allegretto grazioso - Molto vivace.flac 32.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05707 - Symphony No.8 In G, Op.88, B. 163 _ 4. Allegro ma non troppo.flac 45.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05801 - Piano Concerto in A Minor, Op. 16 _ 1. Allegro molto moderato.flac 55.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05802 - Piano Concerto in A Minor, Op. 16 _ 2. Adagio.flac 28.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05803 - Piano Concerto in A Minor, Op. 16 _ 3. Allegro moderato molto e marcato - Quasi presto - Andante maestoso.flac 48.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05804 - Peer Gynt Suite No.1, Op.46 _ 1. Morning Mood.flac 16 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05805 - Peer Gynt Suite No.1, Op.46 _ 2. The Death Of Aase.flac 19.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05806 - Peer Gynt Suite No.1, Op.46 _ 3. Anitra's Dance.flac 14.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05807 - Peer Gynt Suite No.1, Op.46 _ 4. In The Hall Of The Mountain King.flac 9.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05808 - Peer Gynt Suite No.2, Op.55 _ 1. The Abduction (Ingrid's Lament).flac 20.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05809 - Peer Gynt Suite No.2, Op.55 _ 2. Arabian Dance.flac 22.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05810 - Peer Gynt Suite No.2, Op.55 _ 3. Peer Gynt's Return.flac 11.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05811 - Peer Gynt Suite No.2, Op.55 _ 4. Solveig's Song.flac 23.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05901 - Symphony No. 6 in B Minor, Op. 74, TH 30 - _Pathétique_ _ 1. Adagio - Allegro non troppo.flac 80.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05902 - Symphony No. 6 in B Minor, Op. 74, TH 30 - _Pathétique_ _ 2. Allegro con grazia.flac 37.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05903 - Symphony No. 6 in B Minor, Op. 74, TH 30 - _Pathétique_ _ 3. Allegro molto vivace.flac 43.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05904 - Symphony No. 6 in B Minor, Op. 74, TH 30 - _Pathétique_ _ 4. Finale (Adagio lamentoso - Andante).flac 45.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05905 - Nutcracker Suite, Op.71a _ 1. Miniature Overture.flac 15.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05906 - Nutcracker Suite, Op.71a _ 2. Danses caractéristiques a. Marche (Tempo di marcia viva).flac 10.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05907 - Nutcracker Suite, Op.71a _ 2b. Danse de la fée-Dragée (Andante non troppo).flac 7.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05908 - Nutcracker Suite, Op.71a _ 2c. Danse russe Trépak (Tempo di Trépak, molto vivace).flac 6.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05909 - Nutcracker Suite, Op.71a _ 2d. Danse arabe (Allegretto).flac 12.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05910 - Nutcracker Suite, Op.71a _ 2e. Danse chinoise (Allegro moderato).flac 5.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05911 - Nutcracker Suite, Op.71a _ 2f. Danse des mirlitons (Moderato assai).flac 11 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/05912 - Nutcracker Suite, Op.71a, TH.35 _ 3. Valse des fleurs (Tempo di Valse).flac 33.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/06001 - Romeo and Juliet, Fantasy Overture - TH.42 _ Andante non tanto quasi Moderato - Allegro giusto - Moderato assai.flac 84.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/06002 - Serenade for Strings in C, Op.48 _ 1. Pezzo in forma di sonatina_ Andante non troppo - Allegro moderato.flac 40.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/06003 - Serenade For String Orchestra In C Major, Op.48, TH.48 _ 2. Walzer_ Moderato (Tempo di valse).flac 15.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/06004 - Serenade for Strings in C, Op.48 _ 3. Elégie_ Larghetto elegiaco.flac 31.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/06005 - Serenade for Strings in C, Op.48 _ 4. Finale (Tema russo)_ Andante - Allegro con spirito.flac 30 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/06006 - Overture 1812, Op.49, TH 49.flac 75 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 3/folder.jpg 208 KB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/#The History Of Classical Music - Part 4 - From Tchaikovsky To Rachmaninov.m3u8 17 KB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06101 - Piano Concerto No.1 In B Flat Minor, Op.23, TH.55 _ 1. Allegro non troppo e molto maestoso - Allegro con spirito.flac 102.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06102 - Piano Concerto No.1 In B Flat Minor, Op.23, TH.55 _ 2. Andantino semplice - Prestissimo - Tempo I.flac 32.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06103 - Piano Concerto No.1 In B Flat Minor, Op.23, TH.55 _ 3. Allegro con fuoco.flac 35.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06104 - Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 35, TH 59 _ 1. Allegro moderato.flac 74.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06105 - Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 35, TH 59 _ 2. Canzonetta (Andante).flac 22.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06106 - Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 35, TH 59 _ 3. Finale (Allegro vivacissimo).flac 36.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06201 - Der fliegende Holländer, WWV 63 _ Overture.flac 50 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06202 - Lohengrin, WWV 75 _ Prelude To Act I.flac 42.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06203 - Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, WWV 96 _ Prelude.flac 51.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06204 - Parsifal _ Prelude.flac 59.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06205 - Parsifal, WWV 111 - Concert version _ Act 3 _ Good Friday Spell.flac 51.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06206 - Tannhäuser, WWV 70 _ Overture.flac 59.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06301 - Das Rheingold - Vorabend des Bühnenfestspiels _Der Ring des Nibelungen_ _ Erste Szene _ _Lugt, Schwestern!_.flac 27.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06302 - Das Rheingold - Vorabend des Bühnenfestspiels _Der Ring des Nibelungen_ _ Vierte Szene _ Zur Burg führt die Brücke.flac 40.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06303 - Die Walküre - Erster Tag des Bühnenfestspiels _Der Ring des Nibelungen_ _ Erster Aufzug _ _Der Männer Sippe saß hier im Saal_.flac 19 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06304 - Die Walküre _ Dritter Aufzug _ The Ride Of The Valkyries.flac 35 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06305 - Die Walküre - Erster Tag des Bühnenfestspiels _Der Ring des Nibelungen_ _ Dritter Aufzug _ Der Augen leuchtendes Paar.flac 58.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06306 - Siegfried - Zweiter Tag des Bühnenfestspiels _Der Ring des Nibelungen_ _ Zweiter Aufzug _ _Aber wie sah meine Mutter wohl aus_.flac 30.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06307 - Siegfried, WWV 86C _ Zweiter Aufzug _ _Nun sing! Ich lausche dem Gesang_.flac 20.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06308 - Siegfried - Zweiter Tag des Bühnenfestspiels _Der Ring des Nibelungen_ _ Dritter Aufzug _ _Heil dir, Sonne!_ (Brünnhildes Erwachen).flac 38 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06309 - Götterdämmerung, WWV 86D _ Dritter Aufzug _ Orchesterzwischenspiel - Trauermarsch.flac 37.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06310 - Götterdämmerung - Dritter Tag des Bühnenfestspiels _Der Ring des Nibelungen_ Dritter Aufzug _Fliegt heim, ihr Raben!_ Zurück vom Ring!_.flac 48.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06401 - Tristan und Isolde, WWV 90 _ Prelude.flac 50.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06402 - Tristan und Isolde, WWV 90 _ Act 1 _ _Frisch weht der Wind der Heimat zu_.flac 41.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06403 - Tristan und Isolde _ Act 1 _ _Weh, ach wehe! Dies zu dulden_.flac 73.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06404 - Tristan und Isolde, WWV 90 _ Act 2 _ _O sink hernieder, Nacht der Liebe_.flac 22.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06405 - Tristan und Isolde, WWV 90 _ Act 2 _ _Einsam wachend in der Nacht_.flac 12.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06406 - Tristan und Isolde, WWV 90 _ Act 2 _ _Lausch, Geliebter!_.flac 19.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06407 - Tristan und Isolde, WWV 90 _ Act 2 _ _Doch unsre Liebe, heißt sie nicht Tristan und - Isolde_.flac 9.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06408 - Tristan und Isolde _ Act 2 _ _So starben wir, um ungetrennt_ - _Rette dich, Tristan!_.flac 43.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06409 - Tristan und Isolde _ Act 3 _ Prelude - Hirtenreigen.flac 28.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06410 - Tristan und Isolde _ Act 3 _ _O Wonne! Freude!_.flac 26.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06411 - Tristan und Isolde, WWV 90 _ Act 3 _ Mild und leise wie er lächelt.flac 30.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06501 - Aida _ Preludio.flac 13 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06502 - Aida _ Act 1 _ Se quel guerrier io fossi!..Celeste Aida.flac 16.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06503 - Aida _ Act 1 _ Or di Vulcano...Su! del Nilo al sacro lido.flac 25 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06504 - Aida _ Act 1 _ Ritorna vincitor.flac 19.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06505 - Aida _ Act 1 _ _Nume, custode e vindice_.flac 16 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06506 - Aida _ Act 2 _ _Gloria all'Egitto_.flac 14.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06507 - Aida _ Act 2 _ Grand March.flac 6.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06508 - Aida _ Act 2 _ Ballet Music.flac 17.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06509 - Aida _ Act 2 _ Quest'assisa ch'io vesto vi dica.flac 19.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06510 - Aida _ Act 3 _ Qui Radames verrà!...O Patria mia.flac 19.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06511 - Aida _ Act 3 _ _Ciel! mio padre! ... Rivedrai le foreste imbalsamate_.flac 28.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06512 - Aida _ Act 4 _ La fatal pietra sovra me si chiuse.flac 15.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06513 - Aida _ Act 4 _ Immenso Fthà ... O terra, addio.flac 17.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06601 - Rigoletto _ Preludio _ Preludio.flac 7.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06602 - Rigoletto _ Act 1 _ _Questa o quella_.flac 6.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06603 - Rigoletto _ Act 1 _ Pari siamo!... io la lingua.flac 11.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06604 - Rigoletto _ Act 1 _ _Figlia!_ _ _Mio padre!_.flac 40.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06605 - Rigoletto _ Act 1 _ Gualtier Maldè ... Caro nome... _ Miratela.flac 18.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06606 - Rigoletto _ Act 2 _ Ella mi fu rapita!.flac 8.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06607 - Rigoletto _ Act 2 _ _Parmi veder le lagrime_.flac 9.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06608 - Rigoletto _ Act 2 _ Povero Rigoletto!.flac 12.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06609 - Rigoletto _ Act 2 _ Cortigiani, vil razza dannata.flac 17.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06610 - Rigoletto _ Act 2 _ Tutte le feste al tempio.flac 27.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06611 - Rigoletto _ Act 2 _ Sì, vendetta, tremenda vendetta.flac 11.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06612 - Rigoletto _ Act 3 _ La donna è mobile.flac 11 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06613 - Rigoletto _ Act 3 _ Un dì, se ben rammentomi.flac 7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06614 - Rigoletto _ Act 3 _ Bella figlia dell'amore.flac 17.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06615 - Rigoletto _ Act 3 _ V'ho ingannato.flac 15.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06701 - La Traviata _ Act 1 _ Prelude.flac 11.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06702 - La Traviata _ Act 1 _ _Dell'invito trascorsa è già l'ora_.flac 19.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06703 - La Traviata _ Act 1 _ Libiamo ne'lieti calici.flac 13.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06704 - La traviata _ Act 1 _ _E strano! ... Ah, fors'è lui_.flac 13.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06705 - La Traviata _ Act 1 _ _Follie! Delirio vano è questo!... Sempre libera_.flac 18.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06706 - La Traviata _ Act 2 _ _Lunge da lei_ - _De' miei bollenti spiriti_.flac 14 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06707 - La traviata _ Act 2 _ Pura siccome un angelo.flac 6.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06708 - La Traviata _ Act 2 _ _Non sapete quale affetto_.flac 8.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06709 - La Traviata _ Act 2 _ _Un dì, quando le veneri_.flac 10.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06710 - La Traviata _ Act 2 _ _Ah! Dite alla giovine_.flac 16 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06711 - La Traviata _ Act 2 _ _Ah, vive sol quel core_.flac 8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06712 - La Traviata _ Act 2 _ _Di Provenza il mar, il suol_.flac 15.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06713 - La Traviata _ Act 2 _ _Avrem lieta di maschere la notte_.flac 4.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06714 - La Traviata _ Act 2 _ _Noi siamo zingarelle_.flac 11.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06715 - La Traviata _ Act 2 _ _Di Madride noi siam mattadori_.flac 12.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06716 - La Traviata _ Act 3 _ Prelude.flac 13.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06717 - La Traviata _ Act 3 _ _Annina__ - _Comandate__.flac 13.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06718 - La traviata _ Act 3 _ _Tenesta la promessa_ - _Attendo, né a me giungon mai_ - _Addio del passato_.flac 14.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06719 - La traviata _ Act 3 _ Signora...Che t'accadde_.flac 6.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06720 - La traviata _ Act 3 _ _Parigi, o cara, noi lasceremo_.flac 11.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06721 - La Traviata _ Act 3 _ _Ah, non più!... Ah! Gran Dio! Morir sì giovine_.flac 13.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06722 - La traviata _ Act 3 _ Ah, Violetta! - Voi_ Signor_.flac 6.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06723 - La Traviata _ Act 3 _ _Prendi, quest'è l'immagine_.flac 15 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06801 - Symphony No. 3 in C Minor, Op. 78, R. 176 - _Organ Symphony_ _ 1. Adagio - Allegro moderato - Poco adagio.flac 78.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06802 - Symphony No. 3 in C Minor, Op. 78, R. 176 - _Organ Symphony_ _ 2a. Allegro moderato - Presto - Allegro moderato.flac 34.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06803 - Symphony No. 3 in C Minor, Op. 78, R. 176 - _Organ Symphony_ _ 3. Maestoso - Allegro.flac 41.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06804 - Symphony In D Minor _ 1. Lento - Allegro ma non troppo - Allegro.flac 84.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06805 - Symphony In D minor _ 2. Allegretto.flac 36.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06806 - Symphony In D minor _ 3. Allegro non troppo.flac 50.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06901 - Ruslan And Lyudmila _ Act 1 _ Overture.flac 21.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06902 - Islamey _ Presto con fuoco (Live At Carnegie Hall, New York _ 2000).flac 26.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06903 - Prince Igor - Arranged by N. Rimsky-Korsakov (1844-1908) _ Act 2 _ Dance Of The Polovtsian Maidens.flac 12.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06904 - Polovtsian Dances From _Prince Igor_.flac 52.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06905 - Pictures At An Exhibition _ Promenade I.flac 8.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06906 - Pictures At An Exhibition _ Gnomus.flac 11 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06907 - Pictures At An Exhibition _ Promenade.flac 3.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06908 - Pictures At An Exhibition _ The Old Castle.flac 13.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06909 - Pictures At An Exhibition _ Promenade.flac 2.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06910 - Pictures At An Exhibition _ The Tuileries Gardens.flac 4.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06911 - Pictures At An Exhibition _ Bydlo.flac 10.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06912 - Pictures At An Exhibition _ Promenade.flac 3.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06913 - Pictures At An Exhibition _ Ballet Of The Chickens In Their Shells.flac 4.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06914 - Pictures At An Exhibition _ Samuel Goldenberg And Schmuyle.flac 10.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06915 - Pictures At An Exhibition _ The Market-place At Limoges.flac 7.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06916 - Pictures At An Exhibition _ The Catacombs (Sepulchrum romanum).flac 8.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06917 - Pictures At An Exhibition _ Cum mortuis in lingua mortua.flac 6.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06918 - Pictures At An Exhibition _ The Hut On Fowl's Legs (Baba-Yaga).flac 17.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/06919 - Pictures At An Exhibition _ The Great Gate Of Kiev.flac 30.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07001 - Scheherazade, Op.35 _ The Sea And Sinbad's Ship (Largo e maestoso - Lento - Allegro non troppo - Tranquillo).flac 45.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07002 - Scheherazade, Op.35 _ The Story Of The Calender Prince (Lento - Andantino - Allegro molto - Vivace scherzando - Moderato assai - Allegro molto ed animat.flac 50.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07003 - Scheherazade, Op.35 _ The Young Prince And The Young Princess (Andantino quasi allegretto - Pochissimo più mosso - Come prima - Pochissimo più animato).flac 41.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07004 - Scheherazade, Op.35 _ Festival At Bagdad. The Sea. The Shipwreck Against A Rock Surmounted By A Bronze Warrior (Allegro molto - Lento_.flac 57.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07005 - Capriccio Espagnol, Op.34 _ 1. Alborada.flac 5.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07006 - Capriccio Espagnol, Op.34 _ 2. Variazioni.flac 18.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07007 - Capriccio Espagnol, Op.34 _ 3. Alborada.flac 6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07008 - Capriccio Espagnol, Op.34 _ 4. Scena e canto gitano.flac 22.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07009 - Capriccio Espagnol, Op.34 _ 5. Fandango asturiano.flac 15.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07101 - Symphony No. 1 in D Major _ 1. Langsam. Schleppend.flac 63.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07102 - Symphony No. 1 in D Major _ 2. Kräftig bewegt.flac 33.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07103 - Symphony No. 1 in D Major _ 3. Feierlich und gemessen, ohne zu schleppen.flac 39.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07104 - Symphony No. 1 in D Major _ 4. Stürmisch bewegt.flac 91 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07105 - Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen _ 1. Wenn mein Schatz Hochzeit macht.flac 15.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07106 - Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen _ 2. Ging heut' morgen übers Feld.flac 16.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07107 - Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen _ 3. Ich hab' ein glühend Messer.flac 14.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07108 - Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen _ 4. Die zwei blauen Augen von meinem Schatz.flac 19.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07201 - Symphony No.5 In C Sharp Minor _ 1. Trauermarsch (In gemessenem Schritt. Streng - Plötzlich schneller. Leidenschaftlich. Wild - Tempo I).flac 54 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07202 - Symphony No.5 In C Sharp Minor _ 2. Stürmisch bewegt. Mit größter Vehemenz - Bedeutend langsamer - Tempo I subito.flac 65.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07203 - Symphony No.5 In C Sharp Minor _ 3. Scherzo (Kräftig, nicht zu schnell).flac 69 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07204 - Symphony No.5 In C Sharp Minor _ 4. Adagietto (Sehr langsam).flac 41.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07205 - Symphony No.5 In C Sharp Minor _ 5. Rondo-Finale (Allegro).flac 63.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07301 - Nocturnes, L. 91 _ 1. Nuages.flac 27 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07302 - Nocturnes, L. 91 _ 2. Fêtes.flac 28.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07303 - Nocturnes, L. 91 _ 3. Sirènes.flac 37.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07304 - _ Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune, L. 86.flac 34 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07305 - La mer, L. 109 _ 1. De l'aube à midi sur la mer.flac 36.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07306 - La mer, L. 109 _ 2. Jeux de vagues.flac 27.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07307 - La mer, L. 109 _ 3. Dialogue du vent et de la mer.flac 37.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07401 - Préludes _ Book 1, L.117 _ 3. Le vent dans la plaine.flac 7.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07402 - Préludes _ Book 1, L.117 _ 4. Les sons et les parfums tournent dans l'air du soir.flac 12.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07403 - Préludes _ Book 1, L.117 _ 5. Les collines d'Anacapri.flac 10.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07404 - Préludes _ Book 1, L.117 _ 7. Ce qu'a vu le vent d'ouest.flac 13.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07405 - Préludes _ Book 1, L.117 _ 8. La fille aux cheveux de lin.flac 8.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07406 - Préludes _ Book 1, L.117 _ 10. La cathédrale engloutie.flac 21.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07407 - Préludes _ Book 1, L.117 _ 12. Minstrels.flac 7.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07408 - Préludes - Book 2, L.123 _ 2. Feuilles mortes.flac 13 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07409 - Préludes - Book 2, L.123 _ 3. La puerta del vino.flac 12 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07410 - Préludes - Book 2, L.123 _ 6. _General Lavine_ - eccentric.flac 8.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07411 - Préludes - Book 2, L.123 _ 7. La terrasse des audiences du clair de lune.flac 16.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07412 - Préludes - Book 2, L.123 _ 12. Feux d'artifice.flac 14.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07413 - Suite bergamasque, L.75 _ 1. Prélude.flac 15.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07414 - Suite bergamasque, L.75 _ 2. Menuet.flac 13.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07415 - Suite bergamasque, L.75 _ 3. Clair de lune.flac 18.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07416 - Suite bergamasque, L.75 _ 4. Passepied.flac 13.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07501 - Also sprach Zarathustra, Op.30, TrV 176 _ Prelude (Sonnenaufgang).flac 9.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07502 - Also sprach Zarathustra, Op.30, TrV 176 _ Von den Hinterweltlern.flac 18.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07503 - Also sprach Zarathustra, Op.30, TrV 176 _ Von der großen Sehnsucht.flac 11 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07504 - Also sprach Zarathustra, Op.30, TrV 176 _ Von den Freuden und Leidenschaften.flac 10.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07505 - Also sprach Zarathustra, Op.30, TrV 176 _ Das Grablied.flac 11.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07506 - Also sprach Zarathustra, Op.30, TrV 176 _ Von der Wissenschaft.flac 21.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07507 - Also sprach Zarathustra, Op.30, TrV 176 _ Der Genesende.flac 28.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07508 - Also sprach Zarathustra, Op.30, TrV 176 _ Das Tanzlied.flac 43.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07509 - Also sprach Zarathustra, Op.30, TrV 176 _ Das Nachtwandlerlied.flac 22 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07510 - Don Juan, Op. 20, TrV 156.flac 87.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07511 - Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche, Op. 28, TrV 171.flac 72.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07601 - Tod und Verklärung, Op.24, TrV 158.flac 95.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07602 - Capriccio, Op.85, TrV 279 _ Letzte Szene _ Mondschein-Musik.flac 13.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07603 - Capriccio, Op.85, TrV 279 _ Letzte Szene _ _Wo ist mein Bruder__.flac 12.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07604 - Capriccio, Op.85, TrV 279 _ Letzte Szene _ _Kein andres, das mir so im Herzen loht_.flac 19.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07605 - Capriccio, Op.85, TrV 279 _ Letzte Szene _ _Ihre Liebe schlägt mir entgegen_.flac 20.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07606 - Capriccio, Op.85, TrV 279 _ Letzte Szene _ _Du Spiegelbild der verliebten Madeleine_.flac 23.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07607 - Vier letzte Lieder, TrV 296 _ 1. Frühling.flac 18.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07608 - Vier letzte Lieder, TrV 296 _ 2. September.flac 20.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07609 - Vier letzte Lieder, TrV 296 _ 3. Beim Schlafengehen.flac 26.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07610 - Vier letzte Lieder, TrV 296 _ 4. Im Abendrot.flac 30.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07701 - La Bohème _ Act 1 _ Questo Mar Rosso mi ammollisce e assidera - Pensier profondo (Live).flac 26.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07702 - La Bohème _ Act 1 _ _Io resto_ (Live).flac 4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07703 - La Bohème _ Act 1 _ Non sono in vena! (Live At Accademia di Santa Cecilia, Rome _ 1987).flac 6.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07704 - La Bohème _ Act 1 _ _Si sente meglio__ (Live At Accademia di Santa Cecilia, Rome _ 1987).flac 10.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07705 - La Bohème _ Act 1 _ _Che gelida manina_.flac 22.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07706 - La Bohème _ Act 1 _ _Sì. Mi chiamano Mimì_ (Live).flac 21.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07707 - La Bohème _ Act 1 _ _Ehi! Rodolfo!_ (Live).flac 2.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07708 - La Bohème _ Act 1 _ _O soave fanciulla_ (Live).flac 16.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07709 - La Bohème _ Act 2 _ _Arranci, datteri!_ (Live).flac 12.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07710 - La Bohème _ Act 2 _ La commedia è stupenda! (Live At Accademia di Santa Cecilia, Rome _ 1987).flac 5.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07711 - La Bohème _ Act 2 _ _Quando men vo_ (Live At Accademia di Santa Cecilia, Rome _ 1987).flac 24.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07712 - La Bohème _ Act 2 _ Il conto_! (Rodolfo, Schaunard, Colline, Coro, Musetta, Marcello, Mimì) (Live).flac 12.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07713 - La Bohème _ Act 3 _ _Mimì è una civetta_ (Live).flac 6.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07714 - La Bohème _ Act 3 _ _Mimì è tanto malata!_ (Live).flac 8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07715 - La Bohème _ Act 3 _ Mimì di serra è fiore (Live).flac 7.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07716 - La Bohème _ Act 3 _ _Donde lieta uscì_ (Live At Accademia di Santa Cecilia, Rome _ 1987).flac 12.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07717 - La Bohème _ Act 3 _ _Dunque è propio finita!_ (Live At Accademia di Santa Cecilia, Rome _ 1987).flac 25 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07718 - La Bohème _ Act 4 _ Sono andati_ Fingevo di dormire (Live).flac 23.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07719 - La Bohème _ Act 4 _ _Oh Dio! Mimì!_ (Live At Accademia di Santa Cecilia, Rome _ 1987).flac 9.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07720 - La Bohème _ Act 4 _ _Che ha detto il medico_.flac 11.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07801 - Tosca _ Act 1 _ _Ah! Finalmente!_.flac 19.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07802 - Tosca _ Act 1 _ _Recondita armonia_.flac 16.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07803 - Tosca _ Act 1 _ Mario! Mario! Mario!.flac 28.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07804 - Tosca _ Act 1 _ _Ah, quegli occhi..._ - _Qual occhio al mondo può star di paro_.flac 22.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07805 - Tosca _ Act 1 _ _Tre sbirri... Una carozza... Presto_ - Te Deum.flac 22.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07806 - Tosca _ Act 2 _ _Ed or fra noi parliam da buoni amici_.flac 16.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07807 - Tosca _ Act 2 _ Orsù, Tosca, parlate.flac 14.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07808 - Tosca _ Act 2 _ Nel pozzo, nel giardino!.flac 2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07809 - Tosca _ Act 2 _ _Vissi d'arte, vissi d'amore_.flac 13.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07810 - Tosca _ Act 2 _ _E qual via scegliete__.flac 22.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07811 - Tosca _ Act 3 _ _Mario Cavaradossi__ - _A voi_.flac 23.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07812 - Tosca _ Act 3 _ _E lucevan le stelle_.flac 13 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07813 - Tosca _ Act 3 _ _O dolci mani_.flac 22.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07814 - Tosca _ Act 3 _ E non giungono.flac 10.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07815 - Tosca _ Act 3 _ _Come è lunga l'attesta!_.flac 11.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07816 - Tosca _ Act 3 _ _Presto, su! Mario!_.flac 8.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07817 - Turandot _ Act 3 _ _Nessun dorma_.flac 15.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07901 - Variations On An Original Theme, Op.36 _Enigma_ _ Theme (Andante).flac 5.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07902 - Variations On An Original Theme, Op.36 _Enigma_ _ 1. C.A.E. (L'istesso tempo).flac 7.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07903 - Variations On An Original Theme, Op.36 _Enigma_ _ 2. H.D.S.-P. (Allegro).flac 3.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07904 - Variations On An Original Theme, Op.36 _Enigma_ _ 3. R.B.T. (Allegretto).flac 5.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07905 - Variations On An Original Theme, Op.36 _Enigma_ _ 4. W.M.B. (Allegro di molto).flac 2.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07906 - Variations On An Original Theme, Op.36 _Enigma_ _ 5. R.P.A. (Moderato).flac 7.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07907 - Variations On An Original Theme, Op.36 _Enigma_ _ 6. Ysobel (Andantino).flac 4.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07908 - Variations On An Original Theme, Op.36 _Enigma_ _ 7. Troyte (Presto).flac 5.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07909 - Variations On An Original Theme, Op.36 _Enigma_ _ 8. W.N. (Allegretto).flac 8.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07910 - Variations On An Original Theme, Op.36 _Enigma_ _ 9. Nimrod (Adagio).flac 21.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07911 - Variations On An Original Theme, Op.36 _Enigma_ _ 10. Intermezzo_ Dorabella (Allegretto).flac 8.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07912 - Variations On An Original Theme, Op.36 _Enigma_ _ 11. G.R.S. (Allegro di molto).flac 4.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07913 - Variations On An Original Theme, Op.36 _Enigma_ _ 12. B.G.N. (Andante).flac 9.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07914 - Variations On An Original Theme, Op.36 _Enigma_ _ 13. Romanza _ (Moderato).flac 9.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07915 - Variations On An Original Theme, Op.36 _Enigma_ _ 14. Finale_ E.D.U. (Allegro - Presto).flac 27.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07916 - The Planets, Op. 32 _ 1. Mars, The Bringer Of War.flac 36.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07917 - The Planets, Op. 32 _ 2. Venus, The Bringer Of Peace.flac 27.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07918 - The Planets, Op. 32 _ 3. Mercury, The Winged Messenger.flac 16.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07919 - The Planets, Op. 32 _ 4. Jupiter, The Bringer Of Jollity.flac 42.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07920 - The Planets, Op. 32 _ 5. Saturn, The Bringer Of Old Age.flac 29.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07921 - The Planets, Op. 32 _ 6. Uranus, The Magician.flac 25.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/07922 - The Planets, Op. 32 _ 7. Neptune, The Mystic.flac 23.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/08001 - Piano Concerto No.3 In D Minor, Op.30 _ 1. Allegro ma non tanto.flac 71.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/08002 - Piano Concerto No.3 In D Minor, Op.30 _ 2. Intermezzo (Adagio).flac 49.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/08003 - Piano Concerto No.3 In D Minor, Op.30 _ 3. Finale (Alla breve).flac 58.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/08004 - Symphony No.4 Opus 54 _Le Poeme De L'Extase_.flac 89.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 4/folder.jpg 222 KB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/#The History Of Classical Music - Part 5 - From Sibelius To Górecki.m3u8 21 KB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08101 - Symphony No.5 In E Flat, Op.82 _ 1. Tempo molto moderato - Largamente -.flac 44 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08102 - Symphony No.5 In E Flat, Op.82 _ 2. Allegro moderato - Presto.flac 22 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08103 - Symphony No.5 In E Flat, Op.82 _ 3. Andante mosso, quasi allegretto.flac 36.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08104 - Symphony No.5 In E Flat, Op.82 _ 4. Allegro molto.flac 45.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08105 - Valse triste, Op.44.flac 26.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08106 - Finlandia, Op.26, No.7 _ Andante sostenuto - Allegro moderato - Allegro.flac 49.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08107 - Tapiola, Op.112.flac 88.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08201 - Piano Sonata No.2 _Concord, Mass., 1840-1860_ _ 1. _Emerson_. Slowly - Slowly And Quietly.flac 46.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08202 - Piano Sonata No.2 _Concord, Mass., 1840-1860_ _ 2. _Hawthorne_. Very Fast.flac 44.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08203 - Piano Sonata No.2 _Concord, Mass., 1840-1860_ _ 3. _The Alcotts_.flac 16.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08204 - Piano Sonata No.2 _Concord, Mass., 1840-1860_ _ 4. _Thoreau_. Starting Slowly And Quietly.flac 29.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08205 - _ (1906) _ Central Park In The Dark.flac 28.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08206 - 3 Places In New England _ 1. The _St. Gaudens_ In Boston Common (Col. Shaw And His Colored Regiment).flac 30.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08207 - 3 Places In New England _ 2. Putnam's Camp, Redding, Connecticut.flac 28.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08208 - 3 Places In New England _ 3. From _The Housatonic At Stockbridge_ By Robert Underwood Johnson.flac 16 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08209 - Adagio For Strings, Op.11_2.flac 32.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08301 - Taras Bulba _ 1. The Death Of Andri.flac 40.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08302 - Taras Bulba _ 2. The Death Of Ostap.flac 25.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08303 - Taras Bulba _ 3. The Prophecy And The Death Of Taras Bulba.flac 47.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08304 - Concertino For Piano And Chamber Orchestra _ 1. Moderato.flac 21.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08305 - Concertino For Piano And Chamber Orchestra _ 2. Più mosso.flac 13.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08306 - Concertino For Piano And Chamber Orchestra _ 3. Con moto.flac 14.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08307 - Concertino For Piano And Chamber Orchestra _ 4. Allegro.flac 18.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08308 - Sinfonietta _ 1. Allegretto - Allegro - Maestoso.flac 12.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08309 - Sinfonietta _ 2. Andante - Allegretto - Maestoso - Tempo I - Allegretto.flac 26.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08310 - Sinfonietta _ 3. Moderato - Con moto - Prestissimo - Tempo I - Moderato.flac 22.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08311 - Sinfonietta _ 4. Allegretto - Adagio - Presto - Andante - Presto - Prestissimo.flac 12.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08312 - Sinfonietta _ 5. Andante con moto - Maestoso - Tempo I - Allegretto - Allegro - Maestoso - Adagio.flac 35.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08401 - Boléro, M. 81 _ Tempo di Bolero moderato assai.flac 59.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08402 - Piano Concerto in G Major, M. 83 _ 1. Allegramente.flac 29.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08403 - Piano Concerto In G Major, M.83 _ 2. Adagio assai.flac 27.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08404 - Piano Concerto in G Major, M. 83 _ 3. Presto.flac 16.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08405 - Pavane pour une infante défunte.flac 19.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08406 - Ma mère l'oye, M.60 _ Prélude.flac 10.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08407 - Ma mère l'oye, M.60 _ Danse du rouet et scène - Interlude.flac 11.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08408 - Ma mère l'oye, M.60 _ Pavane de la Belle au bois dormant.flac 7.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08409 - Ma mère l'oye, M.60 _ Les entretiens de la Belle et de la Bête.flac 16.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08410 - Ma mère l'oye, M.60 _ Petit Poucet.flac 14.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08411 - Ma mère l'oye, M.60 _ Laideronnette, Impératrice des Pagodes.flac 16.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08412 - Ma mère l'oye, M.60 _ Apothéose_ Le jardin féerique.flac 14.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08501 - Verklärte Nacht, Op.4 - Version For String Sextet _ 1. Sehr langsam (bar 1).flac 24.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08502 - Verklärte Nacht, Op.4 - Version For String Sextet _ 2. Breiter (bar 200).flac 23.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08503 - Verklärte Nacht, Op.4 - Version For String Sextet _ 3. Schwer betont (bar 201).flac 8.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08504 - Verklärte Nacht, Op.4 - Version For String Sextet _ 4. Sehr breit und langsam (bar 229).flac 39.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08505 - Verklärte Nacht, Op.4 - Version For String Sextet _ 5. Sehr ruhig (bar 370).flac 14.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08506 - Pierrot Lunaire, Op.21 (1912) _ Part 1 _ 1. Mondestrunken.flac 6.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08507 - Pierrot Lunaire, Op.21 (1912) _ Part 1 _ 2. Colombine.flac 6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08508 - Pierrot Lunaire, Op.21 (1912) _ Part 1 _ 3. Der Dandy.flac 5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08509 - Pierrot Lunaire, Op.21 (1912) _ Part 1 _ 4. Eine Blasse Wäscherin.flac 4.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08510 - Pierrot Lunaire, Op.21 (1912) _ Part 1 _ 5. Valse De Chopin.flac 4.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08511 - Pierrot Lunaire, Op.21 (1912) _ Part 1 _ 6. Madonna.flac 7.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08512 - Pierrot Lunaire, Op.21 (1912) _ Part 1 _ 7. Der Kranke Mond.flac 6.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08513 - Pierrot Lunaire, Op.21 (1912) _ Part 2 _ 8. Die Nacht.flac 6.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08514 - Pierrot Lunaire, Op.21 (1912) _ Part 2 _ 9. Gebet An Pierrot.flac 3.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08515 - Pierrot Lunaire, Op.21 (1912) _ Part 2 _ 10. Raub.flac 4.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08516 - Pierrot Lunaire, Op.21 (1912) _ Part 2 _ 11. Rote Messe.flac 7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08517 - Pierrot Lunaire, Op.21 (1912) _ Part 2 _ 12. Galgenlied.flac 1.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08518 - Pierrot Lunaire, Op.21 (1912) _ Part 2 _ 13. Enthauptung.flac 8.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08519 - Pierrot Lunaire, Op.21 (1912) _ Part 2 _ 14. Die Kreuze.flac 9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08520 - Pierrot Lunaire, Op.21 (1912) _ Part 3 _ 15. Heimweh.flac 8.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08521 - Pierrot Lunaire, Op.21 (1912) _ Part 3 _ 16. Gemeinheit!.flac 5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08522 - Pierrot Lunaire, Op.21 (1912) _ Part 3 _ 17. Parodie.flac 5.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08523 - Pierrot Lunaire, Op.21 (1912) _ Part 3 _ 18. Der Monfleck.flac 4.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08524 - Pierrot Lunaire, Op.21 (1912) _ Part 3 _ 19. Serenade.flac 8.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08525 - Pierrot Lunaire, Op.21 (1912) _ Part 3 _ 20. Heimfahrt.flac 6.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08526 - Pierrot Lunaire, Op.21 (1912) _ Part 3 _ 21. O Alter Duft.flac 5.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08527 - Six Pieces For Orchestra, Op.6 - Original Version (1909) _ 1. Etwas bewegt.flac 3.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08528 - Six Pieces For Orchestra, Op.6 - Original Version (1909) _ 2. Bewegt.flac 5.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08529 - Six Pieces For Orchestra, Op.6 - Original Version (1909) _ 3. Zart bewegt.flac 2.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08530 - Six Pieces For Orchestra, Op.6 - Original Version (1909) _ 4. Langsam (marcia funebre).flac 12.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08531 - Six Pieces For Orchestra, Op.6 - Original Version (1909) _ 5. Sehr langsam.flac 6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08532 - Six Pieces For Orchestra, Op.6 - Original Version (1909) _ 6. Zart bewegt.flac 3.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08533 - Symphony, Op.21 _ 1. Ruhig schreitend.flac 18 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08534 - Symphony, Op.21 _ 2. Variationen.flac 8.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08601 - 3 Pieces For Orchestra, Op.6 _ 1. Praeludium (Prelude).flac 21.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08602 - 3 Pieces For Orchestra, Op.6 _ 2. Reigen (Round Dance).flac 21.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08603 - 3 Pieces For Orchestra, Op.6 _ 3. Marsch (March).flac 46 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08604 - Violin Concerto _ 1. Andante - Allegretto.flac 48.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08605 - Violin Concerto _ 2. Allegro, ma sempre rubato, frei wie eine Kadenz - Adagio.flac 63.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08606 - Lyric Suite - 3 Pieces For String Orchestra _ 1. Andante amoroso.flac 28.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08607 - Lyric Suite - 3 Pieces For String Orchestra _ 2. Allegro misterioso.flac 15.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08608 - Lyric Suite - 3 Pieces For String Orchestra _ 3. Adagio appassionato.flac 32.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08701 - Petrouchka _ Scene 1 _ The Shrovetide Fair - The Crowds - The Conjuring-trick.flac 31.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08702 - Petrouchka _ Scene 1 _ Russian Dance.flac 12.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08703 - Petrouchka _ Scene 2 _ Petrouchka's Room.flac 16.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08704 - Petrouchka _ Scene 3 _ The Moor's Room - Dance Of The Ballerina.flac 13.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08705 - Petrouchka _ Scene 3 _ Waltz (The Ballerina And The Moor).flac 13.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08706 - Petrouchka _ Scene 4 _ The Shrovetide Fair (Evening).flac 6.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08707 - Petrouchka _ Scene 4 _ Dance Of The Wet-nurses.flac 11.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08708 - Petrouchka _ Scene 4 _ Dance Of The Peasant And The Bear.flac 5.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08709 - Petrouchka _ Scene 4 _ The Jovial Merchant With Two Gypsy Girls.flac 5.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08710 - Petrouchka _ Scene 4 _ Dance Of The Coachmen And The Grooms.flac 10.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08711 - Petrouchka _ Scene 4 _ The Masqueraders.flac 7.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08712 - Petrouchka _ Scene 4 _ The Scuffle.flac 3.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08713 - Petrouchka _ Scene 4 _ Death Of Petrouchka.flac 2.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08714 - Petrouchka _ Scene 4 _ The Police And The Charlatan.flac 3.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08715 - Petrouchka _ Scene 4 _ Apparition Of Petrouchka's Ghost.flac 3.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08716 - Apollon Musagète (1947 Version) _ Premier Tableau (Prologue) _ Naissance d'Apollon Largo - Allegretto - Tempo I.flac 18.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08717 - Apollon Musagète (1947 Version) _ Variation d'Apollon (Apollon et les Muses).flac 11.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08718 - Apollon Musagète (1947 Version) _ Second Tableau _ Pas d'action (Apollon et les trois Muses_, Polymnie et Terpsichore) Moderato.flac 18.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08719 - Apollon Musagète (1947 Version) _ Second Tableau _ Variation de Calliope (l'Alexandrin) Allegretto.flac 5.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08720 - Apollon Musagète (1947 Version) _ Second Tableau _ Variation de Polymnie Allegro.flac 5.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08721 - Apollon Musagète (1947 Version) _ Second Tableau _ Variation de Terpsichore Allegretto.flac 8.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08722 - Apollon Musagète (1947 Version) _ Second Tableau _ Variation d'Apollon Lento.flac 10.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08723 - Apollon musagète (1947 Version) _ Second Tableau _ Pas de deux (Apollon et Terpsichore) Adagio.flac 15.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08724 - Apollon Musagète (1947 Version) _ Second Tableau _ Coda (Apollon et les Muses) Vivo - Tempo sostenuto - Agitato.flac 15.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08725 - Apollon Musagète (1947 Version) _ Second Tableau _ Apothéose Largo e tranquilo.flac 15.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08726 - Circus Polka For A Young Elephant.flac 17.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08801 - Pulcinella Ballet In One Act - Revised Version Of 1947 _ 1. Overture_ Allegro moderato.flac 8.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08802 - Pulcinella Ballet In One Act - Revised Version Of 1947 _ 2. Serenata_ Larghetto _Mentre l'erbetta pasce l'agnella_.flac 10.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08803 - Pulcinella Ballet In One Act - Revised Version Of 1947 _ 3. Scherzino_ Allegro.flac 6.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08804 - Pulcinella Ballet In One Act - Revised Version Of 1947 _ Poco più vivo _Benedetto, maledetto_.flac 953 KB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08805 - Pulcinella Ballet In One Act - Revised Version Of 1947 _ 4. Allegro.flac 4.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08806 - Pulcinella Ballet In One Act - Revised Version Of 1947 _ 5. Andantino.flac 4.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08807 - Pulcinella Ballet In One Act - Revised Version Of 1947 _ 6. Allegro _Gnora crediteme ch'accossi è_.flac 6.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08808 - Pulcinella Ballet In One Act - Revised Version Of 1947 _ 7. Allegretto _Contento forse vivere_.flac 7.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08809 - Pulcinella Ballet In One Act - Revised Version Of 1947 _ 8. Allegro assai.flac 9.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08810 - Pulcinella Ballet In One Act - Revised Version Of 1947 _ 9. Allegro (alla breve) _Con queste paroline_.flac 8.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08811 - Pulcinella Ballet In One Act - Revised Version Of 1947 _ 10. Largo (Trio) _Sento dire no'ncè pace_ - Allegro ___ Presto___.flac 23.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08812 - Pulcinella Ballet In One Act - Revised Version Of 1947 _ 11. Allegro - alla breve.flac 5.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08813 - Pulcinella Ballet In One Act - Revised Version Of 1947 _ 12. Tarantella.flac 5.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08814 - Pulcinella Ballet In One Act - Revised Version Of 1947 _ 13. Andantino _Se tu m'ami_ (Arie antiche).flac 8.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08815 - Pulcinella Ballet In One Act - Revised Version Of 1947 _ 14. Allegro.flac 3.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08816 - Pulcinella Ballet In One Act - Revised Version Of 1947 _ 15. Gavotta con due variazioni.flac 13 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08817 - Pulcinella Ballet In One Act - Revised Version Of 1947 _ 16. Vivo.flac 6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08818 - Pulcinella Ballet In One Act - Revised Version Of 1947 _ 17. Tempo di minuetto _Pupillette, fiammette d'amore_.flac 8.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08819 - Pulcinella Ballet In One Act - Revised Version Of 1947 _ 18. Allegro assai.flac 9.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08820 - Le Sacre du Printemps - Revised Version For Orchestra (Published 1947) _ Part 1_ The Adoration Of The Earth _ Introduction.flac 11.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08821 - Le Sacre du Printemps - Revised Version For Orchestra (Published 1947) _ Part 1_ The Adoration Of The Earth _ The Augurs Of Spring_ Dances Of The Young Girls.flac 13.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08822 - Le Sacre du Printemps - Revised Version For Orchestra (Published 1947) _ Part 1_ The Adoration Of The Earth _ Ritual Of Abduction.flac 7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08823 - Le Sacre du Printemps - Revised Version For Orchestra (Published 1947) _ Part 1_ The Adoration Of The Earth _ Spring Rounds.flac 15.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08824 - Le Sacre du Printemps - Revised Version For Orchestra (Published 1947) _ Part 1_ The Adoration Of The Earth _ Games Of The Rival Tribes - Procession Of The Oldest___.flac 13.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08825 - Le Sacre du Printemps - Revised Version For Orchestra (Published 1947) _ Part 1_ The Adoration Of The Earth _ Dance Of The Earth.flac 5.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08826 - Le Sacre du Printemps - Revised Version For Orchestra (Published 1947) _ Part 2_ The Sacrifice _ Introduction (Largo).flac 15 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08827 - Le Sacre du Printemps - Revised Version For Orchestra (Published 1947) _ Part 2_ The Sacrifice _ Mystical Circles Of The Young Girls.flac 12.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08828 - Le Sacre du Printemps - Revised Version For Orchestra (Published 1947) _ Part 2_ The Sacrifice _ Glorification Of The Chosen Victim - Summoning Of The Elders.flac 10.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08829 - Le Sacre du Printemps - Revised Version For Orchestra (Published 1947) _ Part 2_ The Sacrifice _ Ritual Of The Elders.flac 12.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08830 - Le Sacre du Printemps - Revised Version For Orchestra (Published 1947) _ Part 2_ The Sacrifice _ Sacrificial Dance (The Chosen One).flac 22.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08901 - Violin Concerto No.1 In D, Op.19 _ 1. Andantino.flac 39.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08902 - Violin Concerto No.1 In D, Op.19 _ 2. Scherzo. Vivacissimo.flac 17.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08903 - Violin Concerto No.1 In D, Op.19 _ 3. Moderato.flac 35 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08904 - Piano Concerto No. 3 in C Major, Op. 26 _ 1. Andante - Allegro.flac 40.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08905 - Piano Concerto No. 3 in C Major, Op. 26 _ 2. Tema con variazioni.flac 38.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08906 - Piano Concerto No. 3 in C Major, Op. 26 _ 3. Allegro ma non troppo.flac 41.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08907 - Lieutenant Kijé, Symphonic Suite, Op.60 _ 1. Naissance de Kijé.flac 14.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08908 - Lieutenant Kijé, Symphonic Suite, Op.60 _ 2. Romance.flac 13 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08909 - Lieutenant Kijé, Symphonic Suite, Op.60 _ 3. Noces de Kijé.flac 10.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08910 - Lieutenant Kijé, Symphonic Suite, Op.60 _ 4. Troïka.flac 13.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/08911 - Lieutenant Kijé, Symphonic Suite, Op.60 _ 5. Enterrement de Kijé.flac 18.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09001 - Music For Strings, Percussion And Celesta, Sz. 106 _ 1. Andante tranquillo.flac 29.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09002 - Music For Strings, Percussion And Celesta, Sz. 106 _ 2. Allegro.flac 30.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09003 - Music For Strings, Percussion And Celesta, Sz. 106 _ 3. Adagio.flac 26.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09004 - Music For Strings, Percussion And Celesta, Sz.106 _ 4. Allegro molto.flac 32.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09005 - Concerto For Orchestra, Sz. 116 _ 1. Introduzione (Andante non troppo - Allegro vivace).flac 36.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09006 - Concerto For Orchestra, Sz. 116 _ 2. Giuoco della coppie (Allegretto scherzando).flac 21.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09007 - Concerto For Orchestra, Sz. 116 _ 3. Elegia (Andante, non troppo).flac 29.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09008 - Concerto For Orchestra, Sz. 116 _ 4. Intermezzo interrotto (Allegretto).flac 14 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09009 - Concerto For Orchestra, Sz. 116 _ 5. Finale (Pesante - Presto).flac 41.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09101 - Symphonie _Mathis der Maler_ _ 1. Engelkonzert.flac 37.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09102 - Symphonie _Mathis der Maler_ _ 2. Grablegung.flac 17.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09103 - Symphonie _Mathis der Maler_ _ 3. Versuchung des heiligen Antonius.flac 66.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09104 - Doktor Faust _ First Scene _ Symphonic Intermezzo.flac 28.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09105 - Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts _ Prelude to Act I. Ruhig (Andante).flac 31.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09106 - Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts _ Prelude to Act II. Mit Wucht und Wildheit.flac 34.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09107 - Palestrina - Musical Legend In Three Acts _ Prelude to Act III. Langsam, sehr getragen.flac 31.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09108 - Suite For Wind Orchestra From _The Threepenny Opera_ (1928) _ 1. Overture_ Maestoso.flac 8.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09109 - Suite For Wind Orchestra From _The Threepenny Opera_ (1928) _ 2. The Ballad Of Mack The Knife_ Moderato assai.flac 8.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09110 - Suite For Wind Orchestra From _The Threepenny Opera_ (1928) _ 3. Instead-Of Song_ Moderato.flac 7.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09111 - Suite For Wind Orchestra From _The Threepenny Opera_ (1928) _ 4. The Ballad Of Pleasant Living_ Foxtrott.flac 12.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09112 - Suite For Wind Orchestra From _The Threepenny Opera_ (1928) _ 5. Polly's Song_ Andante con moto.flac 8.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09113 - Suite For Wind Orchestra From _The Threepenny Opera_ (1928) _ 5a. Tango-Ballad.flac 12.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09114 - Suite For Wind Orchestra From _The Threepenny Opera_ (1928) _ 6. Cannon Song_ Charleston-Tempo.flac 12.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09115 - Suite For Wind Orchestra From _The Threepenny Opera_ (1928) _ 7. Dreigroschen-Finale.flac 21.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09201 - Cello Concerto No.2, Op.126 _ 1. Largo.flac 51.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09202 - Cello Concerto No.2, Op.126 _ 2. Allegretto.flac 20.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09203 - Cello Concerto No.2, Op.126 _ 3. Allegretto.flac 62.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09204 - Symphony No.5 In D Minor, Op.47 _ 1. Moderato.flac 62.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09205 - Symphony No.5 In D Minor, Op.47 _ 2. Allegretto.flac 23.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09206 - Symphony No.5 In D Minor, Op.47 _ 3. Largo.flac 46.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09207 - Symphony No.5 In D Minor, Op.47 _ 4. Allegro Non Troppo.flac 59.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09301 - Serenade For Tenor, Horn & Strings, Op.31 _ Prologue.flac 3.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09302 - Serenade For Tenor, Horn & Strings, Op.31 _ Pastoral - The Day's Grown Old.flac 11.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09303 - Serenade For Tenor, Horn & Strings, Op.31 _ Nocturne - The Splendour Falls On Castle Walls.flac 13 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09304 - Serenade For Tenor, Horn & Strings, Op.31 _ Elegy - O Rose, Thou Art Sick.flac 15.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09305 - Serenade For Tenor, Horn & Strings, Op.31 _ Dirge - This Ae Nighte.flac 13.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09306 - Serenade For Tenor, Horn & Strings, Op.31 _ Hymn - Queen And Huntress Chaste And Fair.flac 7.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09307 - Serenade For Tenor, Horn & Strings, Op.31 _ Sonnet - O Soft Embalmer Of The Still Midnight.flac 14.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09308 - Serenade For Tenor, Horn & Strings, Op.31 _ Epilogue.flac 3.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09309 - On Hearing The First Cuckoo In Spring.flac 32 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09310 - _ Summer Night On The River.flac 24.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09311 - Fantasia On _Greensleeves_.flac 19.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09312 - The Lark Ascending.flac 56.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09401 - Concierto de Aranjuez For Guitar And Orchestra _ 1. Allegro con spirito.flac 25.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09402 - Concierto de Aranjuez For Guitar And Orchestra _ 2. Adagio.flac 44.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09403 - Concierto de Aranjuez For Guitar And Orchestra _ 3. Allegro gentile.flac 20.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09404 - El amor brujo - Ballet By G. Martinez Sierra _ Introducción y escena.flac 2.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09405 - El amor brujo - Ballet By G. Martinez Sierra _ En la cueva. La noche.flac 8.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09406 - El amor brujo - Ballet By G. Martinez Sierra _ Canción del amor dolido.flac 6.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09407 - El amor brujo - Ballet By G. Martinez Sierra _ El aparecido.flac 1.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09408 - El amor brujo - Ballet By G. Martinez Sierra _ Danza del terror.flac 9.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09409 - El amor brujo - Ballet By G. Martinez Sierra _ El círculo mágico.flac 9.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09410 - El amor brujo - Ballet By G. Martinez Sierra _ A media noche. Los sortilegios.flac 1.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09411 - El amor brujo - Ballet By G. Martinez Sierra _ Danza ritual del fuego, para ahuyentar los malos espíritos.flac 17.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09412 - El amor brujo - Ballet By G. Martinez Sierra _ Escena.flac 4.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09413 - El amor brujo - Ballet By G. Martinez Sierra _ Canción del fuego fátuo.flac 6.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09414 - El amor brujo - Ballet By G. Martinez Sierra _ Pantomima.flac 18.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09415 - El amor brujo - Ballet By G. Martinez Sierra _ Danza del juego de amor.flac 12.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09416 - El amor brujo - Ballet By G. Martinez Sierra _ Final. Las campanas del amanecer.flac 6.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09417 - Nights In The Gardens Of Spain _ 1. En el generalife.flac 44.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09418 - Nights In The Gardens Of Spain _ 2. Danza lejana.flac 21.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09419 - Nights In The Gardens Of Spain _ 3. En los jardines de la Sierra de Cordoba.flac 38 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09501 - Rhapsody In Blue.flac 72.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09502 - An American In Paris.flac 90.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09503 - _ _Candide_ Overture.flac 23.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09504 - _West Side Story_ - Symphonic Dances _ 1. Prologue.flac 19.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09505 - _West Side Story_ - Symphonic Dances _ 2. Somewhere.flac 13.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09506 - _West Side Story_ - Symphonic Dances _ 3. Scherzo.flac 6.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09507 - _West Side Story_ - Symphonic Dances _ 4. Mambo.flac 14.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09508 - _West Side Story_ - Symphonic Dances _ 5. Cha-cha.flac 3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09509 - _West Side Story_ - Symphonic Dances _ 6. Meeting Scene.flac 2.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09510 - _West Side Story_ - Symphonic Dances _ 7. Cool Fugue.flac 16.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09511 - _West Side Story_ - Symphonic Dances _ 8. Rumble.flac 8.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09512 - _West Side Story_ - Symphonic Dances _ 9. Finale.flac 10 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09601 - Turangalîla Symphonie _ 1. Introduction.flac 32.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09602 - Turangalîla Symphonie _ 2. Chant d'amour 1.flac 38.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09603 - Turangalîla Symphonie _ 3. Turangalîla I.flac 22.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09604 - Turangalîla Symphonie _ 4. Chant d'amour 2.flac 43.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09605 - Turangalîla Symphonie _ 5. Joie du sang des étoiles.flac 36.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09606 - Turangalîla Symphonie _ 6. Jardin du sommeil d'amour.flac 37.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09607 - Turangalîla Symphonie _ 7. Turangalîla 2.flac 16.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09608 - Turangalîla Symphonie _ 8. Développement de l'amour.flac 55.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09609 - Turangalîla Symphonie _ 9. Turangalîla 3.flac 17 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09610 - Turangalîla Symphonie _ 10. Final.flac 43.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09701 - Le Marteau sans Maître _ Avant _l'Artisanat furieux_.flac 6.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09702 - Le Marteau sans Maître _ Commentaire I de _Bourreaux de solitude_.flac 14.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09703 - Le Marteau sans Maître _ _L'Artisanat furieux_.flac 9.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09704 - Le Marteau sans Maître _ Commentaire II de _Bourreaux de solitude_.flac 16.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09705 - Le Marteau sans Maître _ _Bel édifice et les pressentiments_ version première.flac 13.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09706 - Le Marteau sans Maître _ _Bourreaux de solitude_.flac 18.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09707 - Le Marteau sans Maître _ Après _L'Artisanat furieux_.flac 3.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09708 - Le Marteau sans Maître _ Commentaire III de _Bourreaux de solitude_.flac 21.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09709 - Le Marteau sans Maître _ _Bel édifice et les pressentiments_, double.flac 26.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09710 - Gruppen für drei Orchester - Werk Nr. 6.flac 86.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09801 - Chain 3 For Orchestra (1986) _ 1. Presto.flac 17.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09802 - Chain 3 For Orchestra (1986) _ 2. Presto.flac 25.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09803 - Chain 3 For Orchestra (1986) _ 3. 38.flac 7.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09804 - Concerto grosso no.1 (1976-77) _ 1. Preludio_ Andante.flac 15.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09805 - Concerto grosso no.1 (1976-77) _ 2. Toccata_ Allegro.flac 21.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09806 - Concerto grosso no.1 (1976-77) _ 3. Recitativo_ Lento.flac 29.2 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09807 - Concerto grosso no.1 (1976-77) _ 4. Cadenza (without tempo marking).flac 10 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09808 - Concerto grosso no.1 (1976-77) _ 5. Rondo_ Agitato.flac 34.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09809 - Concerto grosso no.1 (1976-77) _ 6. Postludio_ Andante - Allegro - Andante.flac 6.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09810 - Chamber Concerto For 13 Instrumentalists _ 1. Corrente (Fliessend).flac 16.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09811 - Chamber Concerto For 13 Instrumentalists _ 2. Calmo, sostenuto.flac 20 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09812 - Chamber Concerto For 13 Instrumentalists _ 3. Movimento preciso e meccanico.flac 16.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09813 - Chamber Concerto For 13 Instrumentalists _ 4. Presto.flac 12.8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09814 - Novelette For Orchestra (1979) _ 1. Announcement.flac 6.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09815 - Novelette For Orchestra (1979) _ 2. First Event.flac 11.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09816 - Novelette For Orchestra (1979) _ 3. Second Event.flac 11.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09817 - Novelette For Orchestra (1979) _ 4. Third Event.flac 8 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09818 - Novelette For Orchestra (1979) _ 5. Conclusion.flac 29.6 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09901 - Symphony No.3 _Symphony Of Sorrowful Songs_ _ 1. Lento (Sostenuto tranquillo ma cantabile).flac 129.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09902 - Symphony No.3 _Symphony Of Sorrowful Songs_ _ 2. Lento e largo.flac 35.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/09903 - Symphony No.3 _Symphony Of Sorrowful Songs_ _ 3. Lento (Cantabile semplice).flac 75.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/10001 - Six Pianos.flac 102.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/10002 - Shaker Loops _ 1. Shaking and Trembling.flac 36.7 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/10003 - Shaker Loops _ 2. Hymning Slews.flac 22.9 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/10004 - Shaker Loops _ 3. Loops and Verses.flac 35.3 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/10005 - Shaker Loops _ 4. A Final Shaking.flac 16.4 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/10006 - Concerto For Violin And Orchestra _ 1. = 104 - = 120.flac 28 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/10007 - Concerto For Violin And Orchestra _ 2. = Ca. 108.flac 29.5 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/10008 - Concerto For Violin And Orchestra _ 3. = Ca. 150 - Coda_ Poco meno = 104.flac 44.1 MB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/Part 5/folder.jpg 215 KB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/#The History Of Classical Music.m3u8 112 KB
VA-The History of Classical Music [flac]/folder.jpg 197 KB
Name Size Peers
Orb.On.the.Movements.of.the.Earth.S01E22.Neither.Of.You.Will.Be.Known.To.History.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264-VARYG.mkv Video 918.6 MB 665
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