Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016

Size: 4.3 GB
Magnet link

Name Size
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/01 - Windows Server 70-741 - Introduction.mp4 37.5 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/02 - Learning objectives.mp4 11.9 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/03 - 1.1 Implement IPv4 addressing - part one.mp4 94.4 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/04 - 1.2 Implement IPv4 addressing - part two.mp4 30.1 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/05 - 1.3 Implement IPv6 addressing - part one.mp4 48.7 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/06 - 1.4 Implement IPv6 addressing - part two.mp4 32.3 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/07 - 1.5 Configure IPv4 and IPv6.mp4 104.1 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/08 - 1.6 Configure interoperability between IPv4 and IPv6.mp4 45.9 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/09 - 1.7 Configure IPv4 and IPv6 routing.mp4 109.4 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/10 - 1.8 Implement NAT.mp4 49.8 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/11 - Learning objectives.mp4 8.2 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/12 - 2.1 Introduce DHCP.mp4 27.7 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/13 - 2.2 Install and authorize DHCP.mp4 43.2 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/14 - 2.3 Create and manage DHCP scopes.mp4 73 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/15 - 2.4 Configure DHCP options.mp4 78.4 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/16 - 2.5 Configure DHCP relay agent and PXE boot.mp4 45.8 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/17 - 2.6 Export, import and migrate a DHCP server.mp4 10.7 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/18 - Learning objectives.mp4 6.1 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/19 - 3.1 Implement DHCP high availability.mp4 57.2 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/20 - 3.2 Enable DHCP failover.mp4 45 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/21 - 3.3 Backup and restore the DHCP database.mp4 25.5 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/22 - 3.4 Troubleshoot DHCP.mp4 69.4 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/23 - Learning objectives.mp4 9 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/24 - 4.1 Implement name resolution.mp4 50.6 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/25 - 4.2 Configure DNS resolution between zones - part one.mp4 68.2 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/26 - 4.3 Configure DNS resolution between zones - part two.mp4 80 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/27 - 4.4 Implement advanced DNS settings.mp4 73.4 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/28 - 4.5 Enable DNS policies.mp4 54.1 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/29 - Learning objectives.mp4 8.6 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/30 - 5.1 Implement DNS zones.mp4 64.1 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/31 - 5.2 Configure DNS zones.mp4 90 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/32 - 5.3 Configure DNS records.mp4 96.8 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/33 - 5.4 Monitor DNS.mp4 62.2 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/34 - Learning objectives.mp4 16.1 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/35 - 6.1 Select remote connectivity options.mp4 66.8 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/36 - 6.2 Compare RADIUS and the NPS role.mp4 45.3 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/37 - 6.3 Deploy NPS.mp4 76 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/38 - 6.4 Configure NPS templates.mp4 53.5 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/39 - 6.5 Configure NPS policies.mp4 135.9 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/40 - 6.6 Implement a VPN connection.mp4 139.4 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/41 - 6.7 Configure connection profiles.mp4 73.9 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/42 - 6.8 Configure a site to site VPN.mp4 63.1 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/43 - 6.9 Implement DirectAccess.mp4 65.8 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/44 - 6.10 Implement and troubleshoot DirectAccess.mp4 109.9 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/45 - Learning objectives.mp4 8.8 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/46 - 7.1 Examine the IPAM architecture.mp4 50 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/47 - 7.2 Deploy an IPAM server.mp4 24.7 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/48 - 7.3 Provision the server.mp4 52.9 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/49 - 7.4 Configure server discovery.mp4 62.9 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/50 - 7.5 Create and manage IP blocks and ranges.mp4 71 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/51 - 7.6 Monitor utilization of IP address space.mp4 26.1 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/52 - Learning objectives.mp4 11.3 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/53 - 8.1 Manage DHCP with IPAM.mp4 168.4 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/54 - 8.2 Manage DNS with IPAM.mp4 87.6 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/55 - 8.3 Delegate administration for DNS and DHCP using RBAC.mp4 83.7 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/56 - 8.4 Audit with IPAM.mp4 126.3 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/57 - Learning objectives.mp4 11.4 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/58 - 9.1 Implement DFS.mp4 51.8 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/59 - 9.2 Install and configure a DFS namespace.mp4 51.2 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/60 - 9.3 Configure DFS replication.mp4 139.1 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/61 - 9.4 Optimize DFS.mp4 55.8 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/62 - 9.5 Implement BranchCache - part one.mp4 141.3 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/63 - 9.6 Implement BranchCache - part two.mp4 77.8 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/64 - Learning objectives.mp4 10.6 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/65 - 10.1 List the advanced network options.mp4 16.2 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/66 - 10.2 Implement NIC teaming or the SET solution.mp4 70.9 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/67 - 10.3 Configure RSS, VMMQ, DCB, SMB Direct, and SR-IOV.mp4 140.1 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/68 - 10.4 Implement Software Defined Networking.mp4 75.1 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/69 - 10.5 Understand the requirements and scenarios for implementing HNV.mp4 44.4 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/70 - 10.6 Deploy Network Controller.mp4 103 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/71 - 10.7 Implement Network Controller.mp4 79.5 MB
Windows Server 70-741 - Networking with Windows Server 2016/72 - Windows Server 70-741 - Summary.mp4 32.8 MB
Name Size Peers
Windows Server 2025 LTSC [10.0.26100.1742], Version 24H2 - Оригинальные образы от Microsoft MSDN-VLSC [Ru-En] Application 22.3 GB 158
Windows Server 2019 Standard en-US ESD MAY 2022 {Gen2} Application 4.4 GB 109
Windows Server 2022 LTSC, Version 21H2 Build 20348.1487 (Updated January 2023) - Оригинальные образы от Microsoft MSDN [Ru-En] Application 9.7 GB 95
Windows Server 2022-21H2.20348.1249 Application 9.7 GB 94
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Windows Server [10.0.25398.1251], version 23H2 (Updated November 2024) - Оригинальные образы от Microsoft MSDN [En] Application 4.2 GB 34
Windows Server 2022 LTSC [10.0.20348.2159], Version 21H2 (Updated December 2023) - Оригинальные образы от Microsoft MSDN [Ru_En] Application 10 GB 26
[] - Microsoft Windows Server 2022 LTSC 21H2 Build 20348.1249 MSDN (x64) November 2022 Application 4.9 GB 23
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