Electronics 1

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Electronics 1/0023084227 Experiments in Electronic Devices (3rd ed.) [Berlin 1992-06-01] {9805D88C}.pdf 3.1 MB
Electronics 1/0028005945 Digital Computer Electronics (3rd ed.) [Malvino & Brown 1992-07-01] {17E177EE}.pdf 23.9 MB
Electronics 1/0070110778, 007011076X Encyclopedia of Electronic Circuits (vol. 5) [Graf & Sheets 1994-08-01] {A555827B}.pdf 15.8 MB
Electronics 1/0070112754, 0070112762 Encyclopedia of Electronic Circuits (vol. 6) [Graf & Sheets 1996-04-01] {3342827C}.pdf 16.1 MB
Electronics 1/0070158096 Consumer Electronics Troubleshooting and Repair Handbook [Davidson 1999-03-01] {E6560C22}.pdf 104.7 MB
Electronics 1/0070163332 Synthesis and Optimization of Digital Circuits [de Micheli 1994-01-01] {0CF63EAF}.pdf 23.8 MB
Electronics 1/0070165009 Logic Synthesis [Devadas, Ghosh & Keutzer 1994-06-01] {B302BC26}.pdf 177.8 MB
Electronics 1/0070212341 Electromagnetics (2nd ed.) [Edminister 1994-10-01] {5DA08465}.pdf 30.6 MB
Electronics 1/0070212910 Handbook of Transformer Design & Applications (2nd ed.) [Flanagan 1993-01-22] (duplex) {AD6BC163}.pdf 17.5 MB
Electronics 1/0070252408 Basic Electricity [Gussow 1983-05-01] {1B3BAB86}.pdf 7.8 MB
Electronics 1/0070404437 Sourcebook of Electronic Circuits [Markus 1967-06-01] {E3ABB336}.pdf 39 MB
Electronics 1/0070404445 Electronic Circuits Manual [Markus 1971-01-01] {6D373777}.pdf 34.5 MB
Electronics 1/0070423156 Integrated Electronics; Analog and Digital Circuits and Systems [Millman & Halkias 1972-06-01] (unverified) {0A5C378B}.pdf 38.7 MB
Electronics 1/0070423806 Electronic Devices and Circuits [Millman & Halkias 1967-01-01] (duplex) {BD67F48B}.pdf 114.7 MB
Electronics 1/0070459177 Electric Power Systems [Nasar 1989-11-22] {3D3D6A39}.pdf 10.8 MB
Electronics 1/0070459363 3000 Solved Problems in Electric Circuits [Nasar 1988-01-01] {6B6845EA}.pdf 20.6 MB
Electronics 1/0070459940 Electric Machines and Electromechanics (2nd ed.) [Nasar 1997-07-22] {47D3CFA9}.pdf 14 MB
Electronics 1/0070474850 Electricity and Electronics for Aerospace Vehicles (2nd ed.) [McKinley & Bent 1971-01-01] (unverified) {81DF2078}.pdf 43.4 MB
Electronics 1/0070478244 Basic Circuit Analysis (2nd ed.) [O'Malley 1992-01-01] {3CB486F9}.pdf 20.2 MB
Electronics 1/0070501696 Electronic Circuit & System Simulation Methods [Pillage, Rohrer & Visweswariah 1994-12-01] {611DCE66}.pdf 11.1 MB
Electronics 1/0070580782 Practical Electronics for Inventors [Scherz 2000-04-15] {0000C8E7}.pdf 11.6 MB
Electronics 1/0070637458 Designing with TTL Integrated Circuits [Morris & Miller 1971-01-01] {F321D0A1}.pdf 48.3 MB
Electronics 1/0070650500 Digital Principles (3rd ed.) [Tokheim 1994-01-22] {FE4D35C8}.pdf 21.2 MB
Electronics 1/0070660492 Electronic Devices and Circuits (2nd ed.) [Salivahanan, Kumar & Vallavaraj 2007-01-01] {AA7897BF}.pdf 14.8 MB
Electronics 1/0070669112 Modern Digital Electronics (4th ed.) [Jain 2009-07-27] {6D5B7C37}.pdf 51.3 MB
Electronics 1/007118452X Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering (3rd ed.) [Rizzoni 2001-03-01] (unverified) {C36C439E}.pdf 9.7 MB
Electronics 1/0071341196 High-Power Audio Amplifier Construction Manual [Slone 1999-05-22] {60BC26C4}.pdf 13.6 MB
Electronics 1/0071350160 Coombs' Printed Circuits Handbook (5th ed.) [Coombs 2001-08-27] {41BFDD83}.pdf 29.6 MB
Electronics 1/0071360573 Tab Electronics Guide to Understanding Electricity and Electronics (2nd ed.) [Slone 2000-08-11] {59DEA03B}.pdf 3.9 MB
Electronics 1/0071362703 Electronic Devices and Circuits (2nd ed.) [Cathey 2002-06-26] {311D3270}.pdf 6.7 MB
Electronics 1/0071370161 Complete Wireless Design [Sayre 2001-01-22] {0BE12ED4}.pdf 3.4 MB
Electronics 1/0071370676 Secrets of RF Circuit Design (3rd ed.) [Carr 2000-12-11] {F0D19D7B}.pdf 15.7 MB
Electronics 1/0071372369 The Illustrated Dictionary of Electronics (8th ed.) [Gibilisco 2001-05-07] {A201A107}.pdf 5.6 MB
Electronics 1/0071377301 Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics (3rd ed.) [Gibilisco 2001-08-24] {52619C2E}.pdf 7 MB
Electronics 1/0071384219 Standard Handbook of Electronic Engineering (5th ed.) [Christiansen & Alexander 2004-12-20] {07353A96}.pdf 59.3 MB
Electronics 1/007138622X Electrical Power Systems Quality (2nd ed.) [Dugan, McGranaghan, Santoso & Beaty 2002-11-26] {760660AD}.pdf 4.4 MB
Electronics 1/0071387455 How Electronic Things Work... and What to Do When They Don't (2nd ed.) [Goodman 2002-11-19] {FFD4DC73}.pdf 3.9 MB
Electronics 1/0071393072 Electric Circuits (4th ed.) [Nahvi & Edminister 2002-12-20] {5C5F2856}.pdf 5.8 MB
Electronics 1/0071402284 Analog and Digital Communcations (2nd ed.) [Hsu 2002-12-10] {15E07E95}.pdf 18.8 MB
Electronics 1/0071409270 Complete Digital Design; A Comprehensive Guide to Digital Electronics and Computer System Architecture [Balch 2003-06-18] {AE39A5E4}.pdf 4.6 MB
Electronics 1/007141200X Robot Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Illustrated [Sandin 2003-06-27] {CFE9AF03}.pdf 4.2 MB
Electronics 1/0071413588 123 Robotics Experiments for the Evil Genius [Predko 2004-02-13] {FAD267A5}.pdf 40.9 MB
Electronics 1/0071416390 Portable Electronics Product Design and Development [Haskell 2004-01-26] {91279388}.pdf 37.1 MB
Electronics 1/0071418202 Electrical Engineer's Portable Handbook (2nd ed.) [Hickey 2003-10-10] {E77795B7}.pdf 13 MB
Electronics 1/0071421815 Troubleshooting and Repairing Consumer Electronics Without a Schematic (3rd ed.) [Davidson 2004-02-05] {DF50F9D8}.pdf 13.8 MB
Electronics 1/0071426094 Electronic Gadgets for the Evil Genius [Iannini 2004-03-12] {D7E7B338}.pdf 66.7 MB
Electronics 1/0071434933 Electronics Demystified [Gibilisco 2004-08-19] {22663FCA}.pdf 4 MB
Electronics 1/0071439250 Electricity Demystified [Gibilisco 2005-01-21] {08B84ED3}.pdf 4.7 MB
Electronics 1/0071441417 Digital Electronics Demystified [Predko 2005-01-11] {581C55A1}.pdf 12.1 MB
Electronics 1/0071448810 Electronic Circuits for the Evil Genius [Cutcher 2004-11-24] {4B7E7B13}.pdf 12.3 MB
Electronics 1/0071457356 Fundamentals of Industrial Instrumentation and Process Control [Dunn 2005-04-21] {2F49B42E}.pdf 4.1 MB
Electronics 1/0071457593 Mechatronics for the Evil Genius [Braga 2005-10-06] {1A0A59BC}.pdf 16.6 MB
Electronics 1/0071458239 50 Awesome Auto Projects for the Evil Genius [Harper 2005-12-13] {10355DBF}.pdf 14.1 MB
Electronics 1/0071459057 More Electronic Gadgets for the Evil Genius [Iannini 2006-01-10] {269359F3}.pdf 69.1 MB
Electronics 1/0071459251 Bionics for the Evil Genius [Braga 2006-01-12] {D3C725FB}.pdf 18.7 MB
Electronics 1/0071459332 Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics (4th ed.) [Gibilisco 2006-03-15] {BF8DFC36}.pdf 7.1 MB
Electronics 1/0071459510 Microprocessor Design; A Practical Guide from Design Planning to Manufacturing [McFarland 2006-04-22] {B3EEBA1C}.pdf 6.1 MB
Electronics 1/0071468943 101 Spy Gadgets for the Evil Genius [Graham & McGowan 2006-06-19] {0BB60A77}.pdf 41.9 MB
Electronics 1/0071469842 50 Model Rocket Projects for the Evil Genius [Harper 2006-09-20] {A47D83AB}.pdf 21.5 MB
Electronics 1/0071470360 Electronic Sensors for the Evil Genius [Petruzzellis 2006-01-20] {1AA831FF}.pdf 55 MB
Electronics 1/0071471715 Electronic Filter Design Handbook (4th ed.) [William & Taylor 2006-07-31] {101AF5B9}.pdf 14.6 MB
Electronics 1/0071475567 Electronic Games for the Evil Genius [Petruzzellis 2006-10-20] {1122EF26}.pdf 33.6 MB
Electronics 1/0071477721 Solar Energy Projects for the Evil Genius [Harper 2007-07-13] {1C2A4ACF}.pdf 7.2 MB
Electronics 1/0071484701, 0071474811 Embedded Core Design with FPGAs [Navabi 2006-09-13] {4DC4C814}.pdf 22.9 MB
Electronics 1/0071485481 101 Outer Space Projects for the Evil Genius [Prochnow 2007-05-11] {1CF31F27}.pdf 87.6 MB
Electronics 1/0071488987 Circuit Analysis Demystified [McMahon 2007-11-26] {E3749E50}.pdf 2.1 MB
Electronics 1/0071489290 22 Radio and Receiver Projects for the Evil Genius [Petruzzellis 2007-09-24] {9AAAD58F}.pdf 7.9 MB
Electronics 1/0071494944 51 High-Tech Practical Jokes for the Evil Genius [Graham & McGowan 2007-10-10] {D383AF35}.pdf 11.2 MB
Electronics 1/0071496599 Fuel Cell Projects for the Evil Genius [Harper 2008-05-16] {24DA4909}.pdf 10.3 MB
Electronics 1/0071496688 Electricity and Electronics for HVAC [Miller & Miller 2007-08-30] {B67E7359}.pdf 5.9 MB
Electronics 1/0071497021 VLIW Microprocessor Hardware Design; For ASICs and FPGA [Lee 2007-09-18] {BA5738CB}.pdf 2.7 MB
Electronics 1/0071543732 Build Your Own Electric Vehicle (2nd ed.) [Leitman & Brant 2008-09-23] {F7D5320D}.pdf 14.9 MB
Electronics 1/0071544526 Complete Wireless Design (2nd ed.) [Sayre 2008-07-15] {02A08E13}.pdf 10.1 MB
Electronics 1/0071548440 Telephone Projects for the Evil Genius [Petruzzellis 2008-10-08] {529463D0}.pdf 3.6 MB
Electronics 1/0071596755 Organic Electronics in Sensors and Biotechnology [Shinar & Shinar 2009-07-09] {2B792685}.pdf 6.7 MB
Electronics 1/0071621644 Electricity Experiments You Can Do at Home [Gibilisco 2010-06-07] {EE273C44}.pdf 6 MB
Electronics 1/0071622934 Build Your Own Electric Motorcycle [Vogel 2009-07-13] {89EB156D}.pdf 9.4 MB
Electronics 1/0071713344 Teardowns; Learn How Electronics Work by Taking Them Apart [Bergeron 2010-08-03] {24ABBF57}.pdf 11.1 MB
Electronics 1/0071744126 Electronic Circuits for the Evil Genius (2nd ed.) [Cutcher 2010-10-15] {35EC5ADE}.pdf 16 MB
Electronics 1/0071744223 How to Diagnose and Fix Everything Electronic [Geier 2011-01-01] {362F6496}.pdf 6.4 MB
Electronics 1/0071755675 15 Dangerously Mad Projects for the Evil Genius [Monk 2011-05-24] {A7D469BC}.pdf 17.1 MB
Electronics 1/0071790594 Electronic Gadgets for the Evil Genius (2nd ed.) [Iannini 2013-09-04] {39928496}.pdf 10 MB
Electronics 1/0071797955 Microsoft .NET Gadgeteer; Electronics Projects for Hobbyists and Inventors [Taylor 2012-12-12] {E756193C}.pdf 35.9 MB
Electronics 1/0071799702 Build Your Own Transistor Radios; A Hobbyist's Guide to High-Performance and Low-Powered Radio Circuits [Quan 2012-12-11] {3FFC3FC7}.pdf 16.6 MB
Electronics 1/0071802363 Hacking Electronics; An Illustrated DIY Guide for Makers and Hobbyists [Monk 2013-04-02] {54DCC241}.pdf 16 MB
Electronics 1/0071810455 Programmable Logic Controllers; Industrial Control [Kamel & Kamel 2013-09-04] {C9342182}.pdf 25.7 MB
Electronics 1/0071819908 Electronic Troubleshooting (4th ed.) [Tomal & Agajanian 2014-06-17] {5F1444CD}.pdf 15.1 MB
Electronics 1/0071831479 Electromagnetics (4th ed.) [Edminister & Nahvi 2013-12-09] {49A6A09A}.pdf 4.3 MB
Electronics 1/0071843809 Electronics Workshop Companion for Hobbyists [Gibilisco 2015-05-18] {8FA72846}.pdf 5.4 MB
Electronics 1/0071848290 How to Diagnose and Fix Everything Electronic (2nd ed.) [Geier 2015-10-22] {CEB3AAFB}.pdf 12.3 MB
Electronics 1/0072321075, 0071198628 Semiconductor Physics and Devices; Basic Principles (3rd ed.) [Neamen 2002-10-01] {046D49EB}.pdf 28.4 MB
Electronics 1/0072380322 Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits [Razavi 2000-08-15] {85E47402}.pdf 17.3 MB
Electronics 1/0072451920 Engineering Electromagnetics (6th ed.) [Hayt & Buck 2001-04-01] {9FDBB248}.pdf 14.2 MB
Electronics 1/0072524936 Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits (2nd ed.) [Razavi 2016-01-20] {9634839D}.pdf 9.1 MB
Electronics 1/007286611X Engineering Circuit Analysis (7th ed.) [Hayt, Kemmerly & Durbin 2006-03-03] {FF47BB55}.pdf 97.7 MB
Electronics 1/0072977183 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (3rd ed.) [Alexander & Sadiku 2005-01-01] {81CB58A9}.pdf 21.2 MB
Electronics 1/0073191647 Introduction to Logic Design (3rd ed.) [Marcovitz 2009-01-09] {778C7A3A}.pdf 10.8 MB
Electronics 1/0073222771 Electronic Principles (7th ed.) [Malvino & Bates 2006-03-28] {5D805BAC}.pdf 32.4 MB
Electronics 1/007337380X Contemporary Electronics; Fundamentals, Devices, Circuits, and Systems [Frenzel 2013-02-11] {51365129}.pdf 29 MB
Electronics 1/0073373818 Electric Motors and Control Systems (2nd ed.) [Petruzella 2015-02-09] {25B754FD}.pdf 50.7 MB
Electronics 1/0073373834 Electronics; Principles and Applications (9th ed.) [Schuler 2018-01-05] {A323987E}.pdf 22.7 MB
Electronics 1/0073373842 Programmable Logic Controllers (5th ed.) [Petruzella 2016-01-13] {7D468F55}.pdf 29.5 MB
Electronics 1/0073373877 Grob's Basic Electronics (12th ed.) [Schultz 2015-02-13] {AB9FDA60}.pdf 59.1 MB
Electronics 1/0073373885 Electronic Principles (8th ed.) [Malvino & Bates 2015-01-19] {8771C396}.pdf 27.3 MB
Electronics 1/0073380237 Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems (4th ed.) [Alciatore & Histand 2011-03-01] {D35975B7}.pdf 37.2 MB
Electronics 1/0073380377 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering [Rizzoni 2008-02-08] {CCFAE079}.pdf 13.1 MB
Electronics 1/0073380571 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (5th ed.) [Alexander & Sadiku 2012-01-12] {09605C2F}.pdf 21.8 MB
Electronics 1/0073380644 Microelectronics; Circuit Analysis and Design (4th ed.) [Neamen 2009-09-03] {5946D0A3}.pdf 11.5 MB
Electronics 1/0073380660 Engineering Electromagnetics (8th ed.) [Hayt & Buck 2011-01-28] {3267CE06}.pdf 12.2 MB
Electronics 1/0073380679 Power Electronics [Hart 2010-01-22] {0E672DBD}.pdf 5.1 MB
Electronics 1/0073510858 Grob's Basic Electronics (11th ed.) [Schultz 2010-05-07] {89264072}.pdf 56.4 MB
Electronics 1/0073510882 Programmable Logic Controllers (4th ed.) [Patruzella 2010-09-03] {F19811B0}.pdf 90.2 MB
Electronics 1/0073529540 Electric Machinery Fundamentals (5th ed.) [Chapman 2011-02-17] {72572594}.pdf 37.8 MB
Electronics 1/0073529559 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (4th ed.) [Alexander & Sadiku 2008-09-01] {32CB460A}.pdf 19.3 MB
Electronics 1/0073529575 Engineering Circuit Analysis (8th ed.) [Hayt, Kemmerly & Durbin 2011-08-24] {A04C4ADF}.pdf 52.2 MB
Electronics 1/0073529583 Semiconductor Physics and Devices; Basic Principles (4th ed.) [Neamen 2011-01-18] {45399147}.pdf 14 MB
Electronics 1/0073529605 Microelectronic Circuit Design (5th ed.) [Jaeger & Blalock 2015-02-23] {4E7D2D7C}.pdf 12.1 MB
Electronics 1/0073660094 Electric Machinery (6th ed.) [Fitzgerald, Kingsley & Umans 2002-01-01] {2E6480F1}.pdf 16.2 MB
Electronics 1/0074622455 Integrated Electronics; Analog and Digital Circuits and Systems [Millman & Halkias 2002-01-01] (unverified) {21465CD5}.pdf 16.1 MB
Electronics 1/0078028167 Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits (4th ed.) [Franco 2014-01-24] {3B7A9B06}.pdf 4.8 MB
Electronics 1/0078028183 Principles of Electronic Materials & Devices (4th ed.) [Kasap 2017-04-20] {29C1CEBA}.pdf 19.9 MB
Electronics 1/0078028191 Analog Circuit Design; Discrete & Integrated [Franco 2014-01-22] {757A852E}.pdf 7 MB
Electronics 1/0078028221 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (6th ed.) [Alexander & Sadiku 2016-01-13] {8CA0EC42}.pdf 11.2 MB
Electronics 1/0078298520 Programmable Logic Controllers (3rd ed.) [Petruzella 2004-03-02] {37646221}.pdf 59.8 MB
Electronics 1/0079111661 Digital Filter Designer's Handbook; Featuring C Routines [Rorabaugh 1993-06-01] {18B56EAB}.pdf 62 MB
Electronics 1/0080433391 Mechatronics '98 [Adolfsson & Karlsen 1998-09-11] {81722E9B}.pdf 85.4 MB
Electronics 1/0080449638 Mechatronics for Safety, Security and Dependability in a New Era [Arai & Arai 2007-01-01] {E28D7859}.pdf 50.8 MB
Electronics 1/0080890563 Electrical and Electronic Principles and Technology (4th ed.) [Bird 2010-06-23] {C3303BD7}.pdf 31.9 MB
Electronics 1/0080966349 Electronics; Circuits and Systems (4th ed.) [Bishop 2011-03-30] {55769069}.pdf 7.1 MB
Electronics 1/0080969070 Practical Guide to Inspection, Testing and Certification of Electrical Installations (3rd ed.) [Kitcher 2012-07-27] {0D68176E}.pdf 7 MB
Electronics 1/0080969925 Starting Electronics (4th ed.) [Brindley 2011-09-23] {1D41F449}.pdf 15.1 MB
Electronics 1/008097063X Electronics Simplified (3rd ed.) [Sinclair 2011-05-31] {E5953F3C}.pdf 8.5 MB
Electronics 1/0081000413 Rare Earth and Transition Metal Doping of Semiconductor Materials [Dierolf, Ferguson & Zavada 2016-03-08] {B2614E09}.pdf 18.3 MB
Electronics 1/0081001649 Magnetic Nano- and Microwires; Design, Synthesis, Properties and Applications [Vázquez 2015-06-11] {015B4CF5}.pdf 59.1 MB
Electronics 1/0081025327 Modeling, Analysis, Design, and Tests for Electronics Packaging Beyond Moore [Zhang, Che, Lin & Zhao 2019-11-15] {4503D8D2}.pdf 25.2 MB
Electronics 1/0120845903 Erbium-Dope Fiber Amplifiers; Fundamentals and Technology [Becker, Olsson & Simpson 1999-03-22] {CAA73191}.pdf 31.5 MB
Electronics 1/0120884798 Power Electronics Handbook (2nd ed.) [Rashid 2006-11-22] {2B148F48}.pdf 18.5 MB
Electronics 1/0120887576 Digital Power Electronics and Applications [Luo, Ye & Rashid 2005-10-11] {B2728295}.pdf 4.7 MB
Electronics 1/0121370305 Practical Switching Power Supply Design [Brown 1990-03-28] {82426B90}.pdf 10.4 MB
Electronics 1/0122252616 WDM Technologies; Active Optical Components [Dutta, Dutta & Fujiwara 2002-10-11] {8E4FC420}.pdf 18.2 MB
Electronics 1/0123704901 Computer Architecture; A Quantitative Approach (4th ed.) [Hennessy & Patterson 2006-09-27] {34C4F387}.pdf 5.6 MB
Electronics 1/0123705223 Reconfigurable Computing; The Theory and Practice of FPGA-Based Computing [Hauck & DeHon 2007-11-16] {0542355B}.pdf 8.7 MB
Electronics 1/0123743338 Embedded Systems Design with Platform FPGAs; Principles and Practices [Sass & Schmidt 2010-08-11] {6F905803}.pdf 8 MB
Electronics 1/0123743648 Electronic Design Automation; Synthesis, Verification, and Test [Wang, Chang & Cheng 2009-03-12] {F7128836}.pdf 19.4 MB
Electronics 1/0123744385 Low-Power Design of Nanometer FPGAs; Architecture and EDA [Hassan & Anis 2009-10-12] {181F6A99}.pdf 12 MB
Electronics 1/0123820367 Power Electronics Handbook (3rd ed.) [Rashid 2010-12-23] {7016089B}.pdf 34.1 MB
Electronics 1/012383872X Computer Architecture; A Quantitative Approach (5th ed.) [Hennessy & Patterson 2011-09-30] {4F438CB8}.pdf 12.5 MB
Electronics 1/0123914973 Sensors for Mechatronics [Regtien 2012-01-31] {EB24E600}.pdf 7.9 MB
Electronics 1/0123944244 Digital Design and Computer Architecture (2nd ed.) [Harris & Harris 2012-08-07] {A5F807F9}.pdf 24.7 MB
Electronics 1/0124167144 Alternative Energy in Power Electronics [Rashid 2014-10-13] {45BC08BC}.pdf 18.5 MB
Electronics 1/0125105819 ASIC and FPGA Verification; A Guide to Component Modeling [Munden 2004-10-13] {226EB5CA}.pdf 3.1 MB
Electronics 1/0125507119 Design of Medical Electronic Devices [Perez 2002-03-14] {A37376F8}.pdf 2.2 MB
Electronics 1/0125816502 Power Electronics Handbook [Rashid 2001-09-20] {1FCE2522}.pdf 24.5 MB
Electronics 1/0126912955 Engineering Digital Design (2nd ed.) [Tinder 2000-01-07] {8BAEC194}.pdf 48.3 MB
Electronics 1/0128002433 Electronic Noses and Tongues in Food Science [Méndez 2016-02-26] {4A662BA0}.pdf 25.3 MB
Electronics 1/0128093811 The Physics of Computing [Wolf 2016-11-16] {C612B600}.pdf 11.4 MB
Electronics 1/0128110910 Polymer Materials for Energy and Electronic Applications [Peng, Sun, Weng & Fang 2016-09-14] {E368F04B}.pdf 26.1 MB
Electronics 1/0128116412 Electronics Explained; Fundamentals for Engineers, Technicians, and Makers (2nd ed.) [Frenzel 2017-06-15] {72B5BD16}.pdf 2.4 MB
Electronics 1/0128117982 Power Electronics and Motor Drive Systems [Manias 2016-12-16] {18D6FEA3}.pdf 47.5 MB
Electronics 1/0128119055 Computer Architecture; A Quantitative Approach (6th ed.) [Hennessy & Patterson 2017-12-07] {5CB68ABF}.pdf 35 MB
Electronics 1/0128146435 Power Electronics (vol. 1; Switches and Converters) [Pollefliet 2017-09-26] {38AA4900}.pdf 75.8 MB
Electronics 1/0128173645 Simulation of Power Electronics Converters using PLECS [Asadi & Eguchi 2020-01-15] {087966C6}.pdf 29.3 MB
Electronics 1/0128188359 Functional Dielectrics for Electronics; Fundamentals of Conversion Properties [Poplavko & Yakymenko 2020-02-17] {97C5CA91}.pdf 18.5 MB
Electronics 1/0130149918 Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits (6th ed.) [Coughlin & Driscoll 2000-12-15] {67C29414}.pdf 33.6 MB
Electronics 1/0130493074 Computer Organization & Architecture; Designing for Performance (6th ed.) [Stallings] {67B0BA68}.pdf 75.4 MB
Electronics 1/0130606731 Fundamentals of Analog Circuits (2nd ed.) [Floyd & Buchla 2001-06-10] {C109A425}.pdf 238.1 MB
Electronics 1/0130607185 Programmable Logic Controllers; Programming Methods and Applications [Hackworth & Hackworth 2003-04-21] {0A9A64AD}.pdf 6 MB
Electronics 1/013061792X Advanced Semiconductor Fundamentals (2nd ed.) [Pierret 2002-08-19] {F7A9B509}.pdf 9.8 MB
Electronics 1/0130870617 The Art of Analog Layout [Hastings 2000-12-15] {836BF7ED}.pdf 7.9 MB
Electronics 1/0130909963 Digital Integrated Circuits (2nd ed.) [Rabaey, Chandrakasan & Nikolic 2003-01-03] (unverified) {35FADBE8}.pdf 10.5 MB
Electronics 1/0130922579 Instructor's Resource Manual to accompany Electronic Devices (6th ed.) and Electronic Devices; Electron Flow Version (4th ed.) [Floyd 2001-08-16] {6FA2EE77}.pdf 16.1 MB
Electronics 1/0130930466 Electrical & Electronic Systems [Storey 2004-01-14] {DA7A1F46}.pdf 46.1 MB
Electronics 1/013097417X Introductory Circuit Analysis (10th ed.) [Boylestad 2002-03-04] {4887E1D2}.pdf 13 MB
Electronics 1/0131110667 Electronics; A Complete Course (2nd ed.) [Cook 2003-08-09] {317C1E4D}.pdf 84.7 MB
Electronics 1/0131189050, 0131974084 Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory (9th ed.) [Boylestad & Nashelsky 2005-05-12] {D593F56C}.pdf 109.1 MB
Electronics 1/0131278274 Electronic Devices; Conventional Current Version (7th ed.) [Floyd] {30F0D42C}.pdf 44.2 MB
Electronics 1/013140539X Logic & Computer Design Fundamentals (3rd ed.) [Mano & Kime 2003-10-01] {9515F5FF}.pdf 66.9 MB
Electronics 1/0131497278 Instructor's Solutions Manual for Solid State Electronic Devices (6th ed.) [Streetman & Banerjee 2005-08-31] {853ED321}.pdf 5 MB
Electronics 1/0131725793 Digital Systems; Principles and Applications (10th ed.) [Tocci, Widmer & Moss 2006-02-10] {637D19CE}.pdf 54.7 MB
Electronics 1/0131730444 Introductory Circuit Analysis (11th ed.) [Boylestad 2006-05-11] {A2D57631}.pdf 28 MB
Electronics 1/0131739697 Digital Systems; Principles and Applications (10th ed.) [Tocci, Widmer & Moss 2007] {814C8136}.pdf 10.2 MB
Electronics 1/0131972553 Digital Fundamentals (9th ed.) [Floyd] {5AC72FA2}.pdf 469.2 MB
Electronics 1/0132060116 Hughes Electrical and Electronic Technology (10th ed.) [Hiley, Brown & Smith 2008-11-30] {5300EDB1}.pdf 11.3 MB
Electronics 1/0132067102 Modern Control Systems (11th ed.) [Dorf & Bishop 1970-01-01] {09F6E1F5}.pdf 301.6 MB
Electronics 1/0132112779 Digital Design Fundamentals (2nd ed.) [Breeding 1997-01-08] {7DB33D6A}.pdf 11.6 MB
Electronics 1/013212937X Digital Design (2nd ed.) [Mano 1995-09-01] (unverified) {5B785E08}.pdf 13.4 MB
Electronics 1/0132383519 Principles of Electric Circuits; Conventional Current Version (8th ed.) [Floyd 2007] {1AB5E644}.pdf 131.5 MB
Electronics 1/0132388839 Automotive Electrical and Electronic Systems; Classroom Manual (5th ed.) [Kershaw & Halderman 2007-02-11] {795F7344}.pdf 13.3 MB
Electronics 1/0132502666 Electronic Components, Instruments, and Troubleshooting [Metzger 1981-01-01] {E7C0BEE1}.pdf 34.6 MB
Electronics 1/0132549859 Electronic Devices; Electron Flow Version (9th ed.) [Floyd 2011-02-18] {4B96C4B2}.pdf 29.2 MB
Electronics 1/0132549867 Electronic Devices; Conventional Current Version (9th ed.) [Floyd 2011-01-09] {A03075B2}.pdf 26.1 MB
Electronics 1/0132551551 Diagnosis and Troubleshooting of Automotive Electrical, Electronic, and Computer Systems (6th ed.) [Halderman 2011-01-06] {B6AF9849}.pdf 41 MB
Electronics 1/0132622262 Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory (11th ed.) [Boylestad & Nashelsky 2012-04-30] {BA583263}.pdf 20.3 MB
Electronics 1/0132933942 Analog Fundamentals; A Systems Approach [Floyd & Buchla 2012-07-13] {FDC2EBE8}.pdf 12.4 MB
Electronics 1/013293633X Computer Organization and Architecture; Designing for Performance (9th ed.) [Stallings 2012-03-11] {BDBD7C64}.pdf 4.7 MB
Electronics 1/0133116646 Electrical Engineering; Principles and Applications (6th ed.) [Hambley 2013-01-17] {9853A2BF}.pdf 7.2 MB
Electronics 1/0133356035 Solid State Electronic Devices (7th ed.) [Streetman & Banerjee 2014-03-19] {B4B6547F}.pdf 7 MB
Electronics 1/0133356817 Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics (7th ed.) [Ulaby & Ravaioli 2014-10-11] {3CC349ED}.pdf 11.7 MB
Electronics 1/0133760030 Electric Circuits (10th ed.) [Nilsson & Riedel 2014-01-19] {EF58A84D}.pdf 6.3 MB
Electronics 1/0133760634 Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals (5th ed.) [Mano, Kime & Martin 2015-03-14] {00E1F2F1}.pdf 10.8 MB
Electronics 1/0134101618 Computer Organization and Architecture; Designing for Performance (10th ed.) [Stallings 2015-01-22] {19E06BDC}.pdf 10.8 MB
Electronics 1/0134638948 Digital Logic Circuit Analysis & Design [Nelson, Nagle, Irwin & Carroll 1995-03-18] {7C788F46}.pdf 15 MB
Electronics 1/0134746961 Electric Circuits (11th ed.) [Nilsson & Riedel 2018-01-19] {59DB0A8A}.pdf 76.7 MB
Electronics 1/0134888758 Introductory Robotics [Selig 1969-12-31] {1694837F}.pdf 5.2 MB
Electronics 1/0135038650 Instructor's Resource Manual to Accompany Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory (10th ed.) [Boylestad & Nashelsky 2009] {81E5E49A}.pdf 11.9 MB
Electronics 1/0135256437 The Essence of Power Electronics [Ross 1996-12-01] {995C9ABB}.pdf 8.6 MB
Electronics 1/0135366739 Linear Circuit Analysis [Madhu 1988-02-01] {801F8F3B}.pdf 51.4 MB
Electronics 1/0135931037 Lab Experiments for Modern Electronics; A First Course [Veley & Dulin 1983-06-01] {8BA46161}.pdf 2.5 MB
Electronics 1/0136073735 Computer Organization and Architecture; Designing for Performance (8th ed.) [Stallings 2009-04-13] {AC10D46C}.pdf 3 MB
Electronics 1/0136156738 Modern Control Engineering (5th ed.) [Ogata 2009-09-04] {7F85111A}.pdf 6.6 MB
Electronics 1/0137129602 Online Instructor's Manual to Accompany Digital Fundamentals (10th ed.) [Floyd 2009] {592C0F72}.pdf 4.9 MB
Electronics 1/0137371640 Experiments in Electronics Fundamentals and Electric Circuits (4th ed.) [Buchla 1999-06-01] {2D167DFC}.pdf 2.9 MB
Electronics 1/0137691912 Digital Design; Principles & Practices (3rd ed.) [Wakerly 1999-08-01] {E958D1D8}.pdf 8.1 MB
Electronics 1/013769282X Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory (7th ed.) [Boylestad & Nashelsky 1998-08-14] {AAA8FCE7}.pdf 20.7 MB
Electronics 1/0138875715 RF Microelectronics [Razavi 1997-11-16] {E0AC3C00}.pdf 37.7 MB
Electronics 1/0195117018 Elements of Power Electronics [Krein 1997-09-25] {39CCC815}.pdf 35.5 MB
Electronics 1/0195117719 KC's Problems and Solutions for Microelectronic Circuits (4th ed.) [Smith 1998-01-08] {1CDC3CB7}.pdf 42 MB
Electronics 1/0195142527 Microelectronic Circuits (5th ed.) [Sedra & Smith] {9EAD65A9}.pdf 265.3 MB
Electronics 1/0195163435 The Man Behind The Microchip; Robert Noyce and the Invention of Silicon Valley [Berlin 2005-06-10] {85EA43FA}.pdf 4.2 MB
Electronics 1/0195323033 Microelectronic Circuits (6th ed.) [Sedra & Smith 2009-12-15] {09B6153C}.pdf 51.5 MB
Electronics 1/0195687817 Introduction to Mechatronics [Kuttan 2007-10-11] {EECB0CFD}.pdf 17.7 MB
Electronics 1/0198061838 Digital Electronics [Kharate 2012-10-14] (crap quality) {7A1F6274}.pdf 100.4 MB
Electronics 1/0198084579 Solid State Electronic Devices (2nd ed.) [Bhattacharya & Sharma 2014-08-01] {DB515D13}.pdf 17.7 MB
Electronics 1/0198505949 Electrodynamics from Ampere to Einstein [Darrigol 2000-08-10] {3835843E}.pdf 21.9 MB
Electronics 1/0198530838 The Story of Semiconductors [Orton 2004-11-18] {25BDF1AF}.pdf 7 MB
Electronics 1/0198565933, 0199609152 Alan Turing's Electronic Brain; The Struggle to Build the ACE, the World's Fastest Computer [Copeland 2012-07-05] {1D18DF1A}.pdf 4.7 MB
Electronics 1/0199273138 Principles of Computer Hardware (4th ed.) [Clements 2006-03-30] {F49B26BB}.pdf 76.2 MB
Electronics 1/0199297789 Electrons in Molecules; From Basic Principles to Molecular Electronics [Launay & Verdaguer 2013-12-24] {B408C774}.pdf 19.7 MB
Electronics 1/0199339139 Microelectronic Circuits (7th ed.) [Sedra & Smith 2014-11-14] {D4AE81E2}.pdf 29.6 MB
Electronics 1/0199339252 Laboratory Explorations to Accompany Microelectronic Circuits (7th ed.) [Gaudet & Smith 2014-11-14] {611B903E}.pdf 5.1 MB
Electronics 1/0199765707 Instructor's Solution Manual for Microelectronic Circuits (6th ed.) [2010-07-07] {522E1FD0}.pdf 33.7 MB
Electronics 1/0201012391 Field and Wave Electromagnetics (2nd ed.) [Cheng 1983-01-01] {6790C00D}.pdf 38.9 MB
Electronics 1/0201308576 Contemporary Logic Design (2nd ed.) [Katz & Borriello 2004-12-25] {A0AE8521}.pdf 38.8 MB
Electronics 1/0201436647 Principles of Computer Architecture [Murdocca & Heuring 1999-11-29] {4E8D93D1}.pdf 2.8 MB
Electronics 1/0201565137 The Board Designer's Guide to Testable Logic Circuits [Maunder 1992-09-01] {6DAA9786}.pdf 1.8 MB
Electronics 1/0240513789 An Introduction to Digital Audio [Watkinson 1994-08-17] {C5B03307}.pdf 18 MB
Electronics 1/0240520815 Digital Television; Satellite, Cable, Terrestrial, IPTV, Mobile TV in the DVB Framework (3rd ed.) [Benoit 2008-02-08] (conflicting info in title page, may be 4th ed.) {741DB76D}.pdf 4.2 MB
Electronics 1/0240806840 Television Technology Demystified; A Non-Technical Guide [Todorović 2006-02-01] {6947006A}.pdf 4.1 MB
Electronics 1/0240807170 Basic TV Technology; Digital and Analog (4th ed.) [Hartwig 2005-04-04] {EA9949AA}.pdf 2.6 MB
Electronics 1/0240809335 How Video Works; From Analog to High Definition (2nd ed.) [Weise & Weynand 2007-04-13] {398B0C8F}.pdf 4.7 MB
Electronics 1/0240812670 Electroacoustic Devices; Microphones and Loudspeakers [Ballou 2009-08-24] {7B6D428F}.pdf 10.7 MB
Electronics 1/0262014246 Makers of the Microchip; A Documentary History of Fairchild Semiconductor [Lécuyer & Brock 2010-09-03] {6E0EFD9E}.pdf 12.8 MB
Electronics 1/026214087X The Elements of Computing Systems; Building a Modern Computer from First Principles [Nisan & Schocken 2005-06-01] {3C5A3F04}.pdf 11.8 MB
Electronics 1/0262181975 The First Computers; History and Architectures [Rojas & Hashagen 2000-07-07] {7E059E13}.pdf 12.6 MB
Electronics 1/0273755102 Hughes Electrical and Electronic Technology (11th ed.) [Hiley, Brown & Smith 2012-05-01] {91E6D24C}.pdf 12.4 MB
Electronics 1/027379325X Electrical Engineering; Principles and Applications (6th ed.) [Hambley 2013-01-01] {8A1426E1}.pdf 7.3 MB
Electronics 1/0306446790 A Guide to Physics Problems (part 1; Mechanics, Relativity, and Electrodynamics) [Cahn & Nadgorny 1994-08-31] {1613DB47}.pdf 6.7 MB
Electronics 1/0321547748 CMOS VLSI Design; A Circuits and Systems Perspective (4th ed.) [Weste & Harris 2010-03-11] {E9859A53}.pdf 13.8 MB
Electronics 1/0340614579 Introduction to Medical Electronics Applications [Jennings, Flint, Turton & Nokes 1995-03-31] {07E002E9}.pdf 8.8 MB
Electronics 1/0340645709 Introduction to Digital Electronics [Crowe & Hayes-Gill 1998-03-27] {9DA46B54}.pdf 14.4 MB
Electronics 1/0340662786 Modern Batteries; An Introduction to Electrochemical Power Sources (2nd ed.) [Vincent & Scrosati 1997-09-26] {A4094626}.pdf 24.7 MB
Electronics 1/0340740760 Computer Busses; Design and Application [Buchanan 2000-04-07] {F2B19229}.pdf 4.9 MB
Electronics 1/0385012276 Electronics Made Simple [Jacobowitz 1965-05-01] {5B143E3A}.pdf 28.4 MB
Electronics 1/0387007504 Handbook of Modern Sensors; Physics, Designs, and Applications (3rd ed.) [Fraden 2003-12-04] {5B1D06A9}.pdf 14.3 MB
Electronics 1/0387240195 Taxonomies for the Development and Verification of Digital Systems [Bailey, Martin & Anderson 2005-04-12] {B14936E2}.pdf 9.3 MB
Electronics 1/0387243860 Evolvable Hardware [Higuchi, Liu & Yao 2006-07-11] {74324992}.pdf 12 MB
Electronics 1/0387275843 Modeling and Simulation for RF System Design [Frevert, Haase, Jancke, Knöchel, Schwarz, Kakerow & Darianian 2005-12-19] {A930FF8F}.pdf 3.4 MB
Electronics 1/0387284850 FPGA Implementations of Neural Networks [Omondi & Rajapakse 2006-04-21] {DBCDACEF}.pdf 4.4 MB
Electronics 1/0387285938 Fundamentals of Switching Theory and Logic Design; A Hands On Approach [Astola & Stanković 2006-03-07] {19C90CCC}.pdf 3.1 MB
Electronics 1/0387764232 Advanced Batteries; Materials Science Aspects [Huggins 2008-12-10] {056101D5}.pdf 26.4 MB
Electronics 1/0387764712 Adaptive Techniques for Dynamic Processor Optimization; Theory and Practice [Wang & Naffziger 2008-06-11] {80103215}.pdf 11.5 MB
Electronics 1/038795144X Electronic Properties of Materials (3rd ed.) [Hummel 2000-12-21] {F2C20262}.pdf 13.8 MB
Electronics 1/038795211X Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Design [Dandamudi 2003-01-14] {E79DC5C2}.pdf 5 MB
Electronics 1/0415271193 The Analogue Alternative; The Electronic Analogue Computer in Britain and the USA, 1930-1975 [Small 2001-11-16] {963C6B61}.pdf 89 MB
Electronics 1/0415662850 Electrical and Electronic Principles and Technology (5th ed.) [Bird 2013-12-15] {0ED55F6C}.pdf 5.9 MB
Electronics 1/0415662869 Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology (5th ed.) [Bird 2013-12-16] {28C8A1F1}.pdf 6.4 MB
Electronics 1/0415828600 Aircraft Digital Electronic and Computer Systems (2nd ed.) [Tooley 2013-06-26] {8AE3FE97}.pdf 6.6 MB
Electronics 1/0415975913, 0415975921 Handmade Electronic Music; The Art of Hardware Hacking [Collins 2006-04-04] {F1923ECD}.pdf 4.6 MB
Electronics 1/0434912638 Operational Amplifier Circuits [Moore & Donaghy 1986] {40E6160E}.pdf 11.4 MB
Electronics 1/0470009683 Electronics Projects for Dummies [Boysen & Muir 2006-07-31] {77EDE7A6}.pdf 9.4 MB
Electronics 1/0470013079, 0470013087 Molecular Electronics; From Principles to Practice [Petty 2008-03-03] {B8587E50}.pdf 9.2 MB
Electronics 1/0470013605 Dielectric Films for Advanced Microelectronics [Baklanov, Green & Maex 2007-03-19] {591A4CF2}.pdf 10.2 MB
Electronics 1/047001542X Fundamentals of Liquid Crystal Devices [Yang & Wu 2006-09-11] {A4269EB6}.pdf 18.5 MB
Electronics 1/0470032146 Digital Electronics; Principles, Devices and Applications [Maini 2007-09-11] {D0F7E08A}.pdf 4.8 MB
Electronics 1/0470054379 Advanced FPGA Design; Architecture, Implementation, and Optimization [Kilts 2007-06-29] {40D7C5D1}.pdf 6.8 MB
Electronics 1/0470055367 Electromagnetic Shielding [Celozzi, Araneo & Lovat 2008-04-18] {A91293FA}.pdf 5.8 MB
Electronics 1/047006532X CVD Diamond for Electronic Devices and Sensors [Sussman 2009-03-02] {61807C13}.pdf 45.4 MB
Electronics 1/0470065516 Solar Cell Materials; Developing Technologies [Conibeer & Willoughby 2014-03-03] {C352A28E}.pdf 5.8 MB
Electronics 1/0470072962 Principles of Modern Digital Design [Lala 2007-07-16] {FD549A7B}.pdf 4.9 MB
Electronics 1/0470090324 Properties of Group-IV, III-V and II-VI Semiconductors [Adachi 2005-04-01] {33B32A6C}.pdf 3.7 MB
Electronics 1/0470091266 Thin Film Solar Cells; Fabrication, Characterization and Applications [Poortmans & Arkhipov 2006-10-16] {064467DD}.pdf 11.8 MB
Electronics 1/0470093617 Smart Material Systems and MEMS; Design and Development Methodologies [Varadan, Vinoy & Gopalakrishnan 2006-10-06] {60B572BC}.pdf 18.1 MB
Electronics 1/0470095040 Charge Transport in Disordered Solids with Applications in Electronics [Baranovski 2006-09-22] {A1B1FB7F}.pdf 7.2 MB
Electronics 1/0470127422 VLSI Circuit Design Methodology Demystified; A Conceptual Taxonomy [Xiu 2007-11-16] {925FCF6D}.pdf 4 MB
Electronics 1/0470147040 Electronics All-in-One for Dummies [Lowe 2012-02-01] {83DE8AFA}.pdf 71.3 MB
Electronics 1/0470180234 Electronic Structure and Properties of Transition Metal Compounds; Introduction to the Theory (2nd ed.) [Bersuker 2010-04-26] {17FC6438}.pdf 7.9 MB
Electronics 1/0470245999 Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits (5th ed.) [Gray, Hurst, Lewis & Meyer 2009-01-20] {3857BAC5}.pdf 8 MB
Electronics 1/0470286970 Electronics for Dummies (2nd ed.) [Shamieh & McComb 2009-09-22] {E6D81097}.pdf 3.7 MB
Electronics 1/0470289619 All New Electronics Self-Teaching Guide (3rd ed.) [Kybett & Boysen 2008-05-12] {D0FE038D}.pdf 12.7 MB
Electronics 1/0470510285 Antennas; From Theory to Practice [Huang & Boyle 2008-10-13] {F4254531}.pdf 11.3 MB
Electronics 1/0470519711 Zinc Oxide Materials for Electronic and Optoelectronic Device Applications [Litton, Reynolds & Collins 2011-06-07] {311E09EC}.pdf 42.1 MB
Electronics 1/0470575077 Radio Frequency Circuit Design (2nd ed.) [Davis 2010-12-28] {6F2A8D07}.pdf 3.6 MB
Electronics 1/0470589485 Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics (2nd ed.) [Balanis 2012-01-24] {7677FA17}.pdf 7 MB
Electronics 1/047059697X Computational Lithography [Ma & Arce 2010-09-07] {D6285B1C}.pdf 3.8 MB
Electronics 1/0470631554 Microwave Engineering (4th ed.) [Pozar 2011-11-22] {5E2BEA9A}.pdf 15.2 MB
Electronics 1/0470633220 Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis (10th ed.) [Irwin & Nelms 2010-10-26] {FD810CF6}.pdf 9.5 MB
Electronics 1/0470681780 Electronics for Dummies [Ross, Shamieh & McComb 2009] {0CCA2076}.pdf 8.3 MB
Electronics 1/0470686367 Electric Power Principles; Sources, Conversion, Distribution and Use [Kirtley 2010-09-07] {22BCAFF2}.pdf 3.6 MB
Electronics 1/0470725583 Power System Dynamics; Stability and Control (2nd ed.) [Machowski, Bialek & Bumby 2008-12-03] {AA67F82D}.pdf 9.3 MB
Electronics 1/0470743697 Properties of Semiconductor Alloys; Group-IV, III-V and II-VI Semiconductors [Adachi 2009-04-20] {1EA911B8}.pdf 10.2 MB
Electronics 1/047074376X Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications (3rd ed.) [Ross 2010-03-01] {FFFB5D9E}.pdf 3.3 MB
Electronics 1/047074555X Understanding Microelectronics; A Top-Down Approach [Maloberti 2011-12-12] {CA4434B3}.pdf 43.2 MB
Electronics 1/0470770104 Analog Integrated Circuit Design (2nd ed.) [Carusone, Johns & Martin 2011-12-13] {D965791B}.pdf 18.3 MB
Electronics 1/0470828498 Design for Embedded Image Processing on FPGAs [Bailey 2011-08-16] {1FCDEE9A}.pdf 9.5 MB
Electronics 1/0470849797 Mechatronic Systems; Modelling and Simulation with HDLs [Pelz 2003-06-02] {DC71D242}.pdf 3 MB
Electronics 1/0470850132 Digital Audio Broadcasting; Principles and Applications of Digital Radio (2nd ed.) [Hoeg & Lauterbach 2003-10-31] {58FD1AB9}.pdf 4.1 MB
Electronics 1/0470851295 Power System Harmonics (2nd ed.) [Arrillaga & Watson 2003-11-21] {91A13888}.pdf 3.9 MB
Electronics 1/0470851422 Bulk Crystal Growth in Electronic, Optical and Optoelectronic Materials [Capper 2005-04-01] {8E17098E}.pdf 63.6 MB
Electronics 1/0470852909 Liquid Phase Epitaxy of Electronic, Optical and Optoelectronic Materials [Capper & Mauk 2007-09-04] {25471377}.pdf 4.5 MB
Electronics 1/0470859318 Ultra-Wideband Radio Technology [Siwiak & McKeown 2004-06-07] {10418279}.pdf 2.6 MB
Electronics 1/0470871741 Broadband Planar Antennas; Design and Application [Chen & Chia 2006-02-03] {9923BD2E}.pdf 5.3 MB
Electronics 1/047088939X Smart Grid; Fundamentals of Design and Analysis [Momoh 2012-03-20] {FEF6188D}.pdf 6.3 MB
Electronics 1/0470889683 Electronics with Discrete Components [Galvez 2012-04-10] {340D29E8}.pdf 13.3 MB
Electronics 1/0470901810 RF-Microwave Circuit Design for Wireless Applications (2nd ed.) [Rohde & Rudolph 2012-12-17] {4E1B3CDE}.pdf 34.7 MB
Electronics 1/0470971827 Lead-Free Solders; Materials Reliability for Electronics [Subramanian 2012-04-02] {A22F0704}.pdf 7.1 MB
Electronics 1/0471022950 Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics (2nd ed.) [Sen 1996-12-31] {0E43FF41}.pdf 21.7 MB
Electronics 1/0471143235 Physics of Semiconductor Devices (3rd ed.) [Sze & Ng 2006-10-27] {652B6D8B}.pdf 36.6 MB
Electronics 1/0471161217 Coplanar Waveguide Circuits, Components, and Systems [Simons 2001-04-06] {1E2EEA21}.pdf 10.7 MB
Electronics 1/0471173606 Solutions Manual for Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics (2nd ed.) [Sen 1997-01-23] {5F85DD7C}.pdf 5.1 MB
Electronics 1/0471178594 Electric Power Systems; A Conceptual Introduction [von Meier 2006-07-11] {DE016E65}.pdf 3.3 MB
Electronics 1/0471213764 Fundamentals of Digital Television Transmission [Collins] {E9589779}.pdf 1.5 MB
Electronics 1/0471221112 Compact and Broadband Microstrip Antennas [Wong] {312FE5FC}.pdf 6.7 MB
Electronics 1/0471222909 The Fields of Electronics; Understanding Electronics using Basic Physics [Morrison 2002-03-15] {93BE9338}.pdf 1.9 MB
Electronics 1/0471226939, 0471429082 Power Electronics; Converters, Applications, and Design (3rd ed.) [Mohan, Undeland & Robbins 2002-10-10] {512611C5}.pdf 40.6 MB
Electronics 1/0471238457 The Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor; IGBT Theory and Design [Khanna 2003-08-19] {200BA033}.pdf 30.8 MB
Electronics 1/0471270539 Encyclopedia of RF and Microwave Engineering (vols. 1-6) [Chang 2005-03-14] {388B542F}.pdf 88.7 MB
Electronics 1/047131627X Electronic Properies of Engineering Materials [Livingston 1999-12-21] {CB0E6C4E}.pdf 97.2 MB
Electronics 1/0471321680 Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits (4th ed.) [Gray, Hurst, Lewis & Meyer 2001-03-27] {DACD9341}.pdf 28.5 MB
Electronics 1/0471351997 RF and Microwave Wireless Systems [Chang 2000-06-16] {70E884BF}.pdf 5.9 MB
Electronics 1/0471370487 USB Design by Example; A Practical Guide to Building I-O Devices [Hyde 1999-08-30] {AC28A10A}.pdf 19.3 MB
Electronics 1/0471386952 A First Lab in Circuits and Electronics [Tsividis 2001-05-23] {E008F8CF}.pdf 10.4 MB
Electronics 1/0471413755 Lab on the Web; Running Real Electronics Experiments via the Internet [Fjeldly & Shur 2003-09-25] {0B61E113}.pdf 6.1 MB
Electronics 1/0471415413 Theory of Modern Electronic Semiconductor Devices [Brennan & Brown 2002-03-07] {E1FA43D3}.pdf 6.8 MB
Electronics 1/0471431168 A Brief Introduction to Circuit Analysis [Irwin 2003-01-07] {9CCD4989}.pdf 38.1 MB
Electronics 1/0471439959 Digital Logic Testing and Simulation (2nd ed.) [Miczo 2003-07-22] {62B6F556}.pdf 2.7 MB
Electronics 1/0471446521 Understanding Electric Power Systems; An Overview of the Technology and the Marketplace [Casazza & Delea 2003-10-28] {0EF04AB5}.pdf 1.6 MB
Electronics 1/0471467405 Advanced Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing [El-Rewini & Abd-El-Barr 2005-01-18] {FCBC30CA}.pdf 4.7 MB
Electronics 1/0471467413 Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Architecture [Abd-El-Barr & El-Rewini 2004-12-03] {BA50849D}.pdf 3.4 MB
Electronics 1/0471478466 Fundamentals of Microelectronics [Razavi 2008-01-28] {DD5EC8F7}.pdf 8.1 MB
Electronics 1/0471520195 Microwave and Wireless Synthesizers; Theory and Design [Rohde 1997-08-25] {F3D8A79B}.pdf 71.6 MB
Electronics 1/0471584088 Power Electronics; Coverters, Applications, and Design (2nd ed.) [Mohan, Undeland & Robbins 1995-01-09] {B3851B9A}.pdf 10.4 MB
Electronics 1/0471593982 Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits (3rd ed.) [Muller, Kamins & Chan 2002-10-28] (duplex) {C80789DB}.pdf 23.1 MB
Electronics 1/0471605506 Introductory to Electromagnetics [Neff 1991-01-16] {7169E47F}.pdf 14.5 MB
Electronics 1/0471655961 Introduction to RF Propagation [Seybold 2005-09-20] {A26A5545}.pdf 4.4 MB
Electronics 1/0471687839 Synthesis of Arithmetic Circuits; FPGA, ASIC and Embedded Systems [Deschamps, Bioul & Sutter 2006-03-10] {11DE56EB}.pdf 7.7 MB
Electronics 1/047172341X Essentials of Mechatronics [Billingsley 2006-06-05] {19521325}.pdf 3.2 MB
Electronics 1/0471723428 The Design of Modern Microwave Oscillators for Wireless Applications; Theory and Optimization [Rohde, Poddar & Böck 2005-06-03] {5A542B13}.pdf 8.1 MB
Electronics 1/0471727849 Fundamentals of Digital Logic and Microcomputer Design (5th ed.) [Rafiquzzaman 2005-06-06] {69BBEE50}.pdf 38 MB
Electronics 1/0471731889 Spectral Logic and Its Applications for the Design of Digital Devices [Karpovsky, Stanković & Astola 2008-05-27] {BB5FA88E}.pdf 5.8 MB
Electronics 1/0471751537 Liquid Crystals (2nd ed.) [Khoo 2007-03-09] {3FC62A37}.pdf 21.7 MB
Electronics 1/0471784060 Fundamentals of Semiconductor Manufacturing and Process Control [May & Spanos 2006-05-22] {F8EF0A11}.pdf 5 MB
Electronics 1/0471828238 Electromagnetic Wave Theory [Kong 1986-01-01] {44101898}.pdf 17.2 MB
Electronics 1/0471850853 Basic Electricity; A Self-Teaching Guide (2nd ed.) [Ryan 1986-10-01] {4829AC2F}.pdf 2.8 MB
Electronics 1/047186109X Microsensors, MEMS, and Smart Devices [Gardner, Varadan & Awadelkarim 2001-12-15] {8F8243C1}.pdf 39.7 MB
Electronics 1/047191830X Wiring Your Digital Home for Dummies [Brewer & Brewer 2006-10-09] {71D689F7}.pdf 7.5 MB
Electronics 1/0471927600 Computer Analysis of Power Systems [Arrillaga & Arnold 1990-12-14] {5AEE1A69}.pdf 13.6 MB
Electronics 1/0472035371 Digital Rubbish; A Natural History of Electronics [Gabrys 2013-04-26] {F043361A}.pdf 3.7 MB
Electronics 1/0495667722 Microelectronic Circuits; Analysis and Design (2nd ed.) [Rashid 2010-04-19] {7B60F437}.pdf 12.5 MB
Electronics 1/0495668044, 0495471690 Fundamentals of Logic Design (6th ed.) [Roth & Kinney 2009-03-13] {8E907502}.pdf 5.9 MB
Electronics 1/0521177235 Learning the Art of Electronics; A Hands-On Lab Course [Hayes 2016-03-02] {80F3C41E}.pdf 53.2 MB
Electronics 1/0521319102, 0521264634 Analogue and Digital Electronics for Engineers; An Introduction (2nd ed.) [Ahmed & Spreadbury 1984-12-28] {7B0B2F32}.pdf 23.5 MB
Electronics 1/0521360463, 0521369134 Analogue Electronic Circuits and Systems [Basak 1991-11-29] {A3A13492}.pdf 8.4 MB
Electronics 1/0521370957 The Art of Electronics (2nd ed.) [Horowitz & Hill 1989-07-28] {DFF9CC8C}.pdf 27.5 MB
Electronics 1/0521416566, 0521426723 Simulation in the Design of Digital Electronic Systems [Gosling 1993-10-29] {7CEFB002}.pdf 8.6 MB
Electronics 1/0521498473 Student Manual for The Art of Electronics [Hayes & Horowitz 1995-04-06] {5E2021F1}.pdf 23.9 MB
Electronics 1/0521769701, 0521154308 Basic Electronics for Scientists and Engineers [Eggleston 2011-05-09] {595C447C}.pdf 1.9 MB
Electronics 1/0521798388 An Analog Electronics Companion; Basic Circuit Design for Engineers and Scientists [Hamilton 2003-07-21] {8121E69F}.pdf 4.8 MB
Electronics 1/0521809266 The Art of Electronics (3rd ed.) [Horowitz & Hill 2015-04-09] {8B2B1642}.pdf 16.8 MB
Electronics 1/0521815363, 0521893518 Hands-On Electronics; A Practical Introduction to Analog and Digital Circuits [Kaplan & White 2003-06-23] {A3CF83CE}.pdf 2.1 MB
Electronics 1/0521835399 The Design of CMOS Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuits (2nd ed.) [Lee 2003-12-22] (duplex) {B07DAFD6}.pdf 13 MB
Electronics 1/0521873347 High Performance ASIC Design; Using Synthesizable Domino Logic in an ASIC Flow [Hossain 2008-09-15] {435322F3}.pdf 5.6 MB
Electronics 1/0521882672 Digital Integrated Circuit Design; From VLSI Architectures to CMOS Fabrication [Kaeslin 2008-04-28] {255ADC23}.pdf 11.9 MB
Electronics 1/052188974X Radio-Frequency Electronics; Circuits and Applications (2nd ed.) [Hagen 2009-07-27] {26AB676C}.pdf 4.5 MB
Electronics 1/052594141X Inside Intel; Andrew Grove and the Rise of the World's Most Powerful Chip Company [Jackson 1997-10-01] {02BF1029}.pdf 234.4 MB
Electronics 1/0578053128 SolderSmoke; Global Adventures in Wireless Electronics [Meara 2014-11-16] {5593DB6A}.pdf 5.3 MB
Electronics 1/0596003145 Hardware Hacking Projects for Geeks [Fullam 2003-11-01] {2C933E0D}.pdf 15 MB
Electronics 1/0596153740 Make; Electronics [Platt 2009-12-20] {D94E5040}.pdf 13.8 MB
Electronics 1/0615156843 Basic Electrical Troubleshooting for Everyone [Kaiser 2008-08-18] {E2BA2DDC}.pdf 31 MB
Electronics 1/0632040750 Electric Cables Handbook (3rd ed.) [Moore 1997-12-08] {B6B8F780}.pdf 19.7 MB
Electronics 1/0632060026 Handbook of Electrical Installation Practice (4th ed.) [Stokes 2003-07-14] {4DDECE17}.pdf 4 MB
Electronics 1/0672206420 Transistor Fundamentals (vol. 2; Basic Transistor Circuits) [Pike 1968-06-01] {3C5D231E}.pdf 31.8 MB
Electronics 1/0672208482 Electric Guitar Amplifier Handbook [Darr 1971-01-01] {361456A0}.pdf 4.2 MB
Electronics 1/0672210355 TTL Cookbook [Lancaster 1974-03-11] {8045A519}.pdf 11.7 MB
Electronics 1/0672210983 99 Ways to Improve Your CB Radio [Buckwalter 1974-01-01] {05F37F34}.pdf 15 MB
Electronics 1/067221833X Electronic Music Circuits [Klein 1982-01-01] {366C7334}.pdf 6.2 MB
Electronics 1/0672224593, 0750699434 CMOS Cookbook (2nd ed.) [Lancaster & Berlin 1997-02-27] {5E8437A9}.pdf 12.3 MB
Electronics 1/0735611319 Code; The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software [Petzold 2000-10-21] {BF389270}.pdf 2.6 MB
Electronics 1/0748760423 Introduction to the Electronic Properties of Materials (2nd ed.) [Jiles 2001-10-26] {00CBD785}.pdf 20.5 MB
Electronics 1/0750306467 Handbook of Optoelectronics (vol. 1) [Dakin & Brown 2006-05-17] {F3929EF8}.pdf 32.6 MB
Electronics 1/0750310375 Electronics; Circuits, Amplifiers and Gates (2nd ed.) [Bugg 2006-03-10] {3102A9D2}.pdf 2.4 MB
Electronics 1/0750603364 Electrical and Electronic Principles 3 Checkbook (2nd ed.) [Bird & May 1989-01-01] {D9630ACD}.pdf 12 MB
Electronics 1/0750618620 SMT Soldering Handbook (2nd ed.) [Strauss 1994-12-01] {7AA83707}.pdf 2.6 MB
Electronics 1/0750623314 The Maplin Electronic Circuits Handbook (2nd ed.) [Tooley 1995-05-05] {334FA402}.pdf 5.6 MB
Electronics 1/0750626291 High Performance Audio Power Amplifiers for Music Performance and Reproduction [Duncan 1996-11-22] {93D39455}.pdf 5.4 MB
Electronics 1/0750629266 Power Electronics Handbook (3rd ed.) [Mazda 1998-01-29] {A070E21E}.pdf 15.6 MB
Electronics 1/0750636343 High Voltage Engineering; Fundamentals (2nd ed.) [Kuffel, Zaengl & Kuffel 2000-07-31] {1A214B24}.pdf 4.5 MB
Electronics 1/075063636X Audio and Hi-Fi Handbook (3rd ed.) [Sinclair 1998-07-13] {D1B7C756}.pdf 4.7 MB
Electronics 1/0750637420 Hickman's Analog & RF Circuits [1998-03-08] {90811DA0}.pdf 23.3 MB
Electronics 1/0750637684 Electrical Installations in Hazardous Areas [McMillan 1998-07-06] {39FE0254}.pdf 33.9 MB
Electronics 1/0750642343 Analog Circuits Cookbook (2nd ed.) [Hickman 1999-05-18] {BF1848BC}.pdf 2.1 MB
Electronics 1/0750643552 RF & Microwave Radiation Safety Handbook (2nd ed.) [Kitchen 2001-10-16] {602E7526}.pdf 4.9 MB
Electronics 1/0750644273 Principles of Transistor Circuits (9th ed.) [Amos & James 2000-04-18] {4ACD142F}.pdf 2.5 MB
Electronics 1/0750645822 Digital Logic Design (4th ed.) [Holdsworth & Woods 2002-12-17] {513688C6}.pdf 25.3 MB
Electronics 1/0750645830 Introduction to Digital Systems [Crisp 2000-04-03] {CDC961A5}.pdf 9.9 MB
Electronics 1/075064625X Battery Reference Book (3rd ed.) [Crompton 2000-05-25] {E5451136}.pdf 32.6 MB
Electronics 1/0750646373 Electrical Engineer's Reference Book (16th ed.) [Laughton & Warne 2002-10-15] {9163AE59}.pdf 30.3 MB
Electronics 1/0750647167 PC Based Instrumentation and Control (3rd ed.) [Tooley 2005-05-26] {8D90FAAF}.pdf 12.5 MB
Electronics 1/075064723X Microelectronics; Systems and Devices [Bishop 2000-07-25] {5C45EC8E}.pdf 3.7 MB
Electronics 1/0750648104 Newnes Guide to Television and Video Technology (3rd ed.) [Trundle 2001-03-27] {B3C4A442}.pdf 9 MB
Electronics 1/0750648449 RF Components and Circuits [Carr 2002-05-22] {EED70A9A}.pdf 2.5 MB
Electronics 1/0750648791 Newnes Electrical Engineer's Handbook [Warne 2000-10-24] {9EA7F715}.pdf 18.5 MB
Electronics 1/0750649321 Sensors and Transducers (3rd ed.) [Sinclair 2001-06-13] {F077F0F7}.pdf 1.5 MB
Electronics 1/075064947X Antenna Toolkit (2nd ed.) [Carr 2001-10-08] {54BA181E}.pdf 4.7 MB
Electronics 1/075065046X High Frequency and Microwave Engineering [da Silva 2001-04-10] {56730CE2}.pdf 14.7 MB
Electronics 1/0750650648 Embedded Systems & Computer Architecture [Wilson 2002-01-08] {D0160D09}.pdf 3 MB
Electronics 1/0750651261 Power Electronic Control in Electrical Systems [Acha, Agelidis, Anaya-Lara & Miller 2002-01-08] {986B4CA2}.pdf 6.9 MB
Electronics 1/0750651997 Electronic Surveillance Devices (2nd ed.) [Brooks 2001-04-17] {B917F384}.pdf 1.7 MB
Electronics 1/0750652144 Radio & Electronics Cookbook [Brown 2001-07-02] {612CD4BB}.pdf 4.5 MB
Electronics 1/0750653698 Practical Radio-Frequency Handbook (3rd ed.) [Hickman 2002-03-19] {7A24EEA0}.pdf 2.2 MB
Electronics 1/0750653949 Electronic Circuits; Fundamentals and Applications (2nd ed.) [Tooley 2001-12-31] {99AF3FE7}.pdf 7.5 MB
Electronics 1/0750654619 Control Systems [Bolton 2002-02-26] {8798412B}.pdf 8.1 MB
Electronics 1/0750655585 Neural and Fuzzy Logic Control of Drives and Power Systems [Cirstea, Dinu, Khor & McCormick 2002-10-08] {5037F3A4}.pdf 2.4 MB
Electronics 1/0750656085 Newnes Radio and RF Engineering Pocket Book (3rd ed.) [Winder & Carr 2002-10-08] {899BBFFC}.pdf 2.2 MB
Electronics 1/0750656360 Audio Power Amplifier Design Handbook (3rd ed.) [Self 2002-06-12] {BA02F8C3}.pdf 4.7 MB
Electronics 1/0750656948 Valve Amplifiers (3rd ed.) [Jones 2003-11-12] {D1ED3DFC}.pdf 5.6 MB
Electronics 1/0750657200 Newnes Interfacing Companion [Fischer-Cripps 2002-12-20] {69E5C34C}.pdf 4.1 MB
Electronics 1/075065757X Programmable Controllers; An Engineer's Guide (3rd ed.) [Parr 2003-09-24] {362A3764}.pdf 20 MB
Electronics 1/0750657782 Electrical and Electronic Principles and Technology (2nd ed.) [Bird 2003-05-21] {C2424658}.pdf 4.5 MB
Electronics 1/0750657847 Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology (rev. 2nd ed.) [Bird 2003-04-11] {BA2ECDCD}.pdf 6.5 MB
Electronics 1/0750658088 Practical Variable Speed Drives and Power Electronics [Barnes 2003-08-13] {64A60E78}.pdf 5.4 MB
Electronics 1/0750662190 Automobile Electrical and Electronic Systems (3rd ed.) [Denton 2004-01-01] {A4D20A0A}.pdf 8.5 MB
Electronics 1/0750662689 Newnes Electrical Power Engineer's Handbook (2nd ed.) [Warne 2005-06-30] {45187567}.pdf 7 MB
Electronics 1/0750663863 Starting Electronics (3rd ed.) [Brindley 2004-11-22] {21C141A1}.pdf 5.7 MB
Electronics 1/0750667362 Starting Electronics Construction; Techniques, Equipment and Projects [Brindley 2005-09-22] {DDDAF9FE}.pdf 28.9 MB
Electronics 1/0750668458 Design Recipes for FPGAs [Wilson 2007-07-17] {141585DA}.pdf 3.4 MB
Electronics 1/0750669233 Electronic Circuits; Fundamentals and Applications (3rd ed.) [Tooley 2006-08-01] {F57D3BDF}.pdf 21.5 MB
Electronics 1/0750669608 Electronics; A First Course (2nd ed.) [Bishop 2006-07-05] {4CEBAD05}.pdf 15.3 MB
Electronics 1/0750669888 Electronic and Electrical Servicing; Consumer and Commercial Electronics (2nd ed.) [Sinclair & Dunton 2007-11-30] {3A41215A}.pdf 12.6 MB
Electronics 1/0750670088 Understanding Automotive Electronics (5th ed.) [Ribbens 1998-05-18] {1552559A}.pdf 16.8 MB
Electronics 1/0750670622 The Art and Science of Analog Circuit Design [Williams 1998-07-23] {33E804DF}.pdf 26 MB
Electronics 1/0750670738 Power Electronics Design Handbook; Low-Power Components and Applications [Kularatna 1998-08-19] {63EDD4E0}.pdf 13.1 MB
Electronics 1/0750671750 Understanding Telephone Electronics (4th ed.) [Bigelow, Carr & Winder 2001-08-09] {B7F92227}.pdf 12.4 MB
Electronics 1/0750671947 CMOS IC Layout; Concepts, Methodologies, and Tools [Clein 1999-12-08] {C636A73E}.pdf 8.4 MB
Electronics 1/0750672188 Reflow Soldering Processes and Troubleshooting; SMT, BGA, CSP and Flip Chip Technologies [Lee 2002-01-11] {334AB623}.pdf 11.1 MB
Electronics 1/0750672447 Build Your Own Low-Power Transmitters; Projects for the Electronics Experimenter [Graf & Sheets 2001-08-03] {7DE146D9}.pdf 9 MB
Electronics 1/0750672811 Radio Frequency Transistors; Principles and Practical Applications (2nd ed.) [Dye & Granberg 2001-01-23] {F69CB7F8}.pdf 7.3 MB
Electronics 1/075067329X Power Supply Cookbook (2nd ed.) [Brown 2001-05-03] {F5F0C0DA}.pdf 2.8 MB
Electronics 1/0750673397 Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors; Real World Design [Ball 2001-03-07] {8277A308}.pdf 3.5 MB
Electronics 1/0750673516 Industrial Power Engineering and Applications Handbook [Agrawal 2001-11-22] {2AB1F5CA}.pdf 36.8 MB
Electronics 1/0750674032 Electromagnetics Explained; A Handbook for Wireless-RF, EMC, and High-Speed Electronics [Schmitt 2002-05-27] {5206F40F}.pdf 5.2 MB
Electronics 1/0750675438 Bebop to the Boolean Boogie; An Unconventional Guide to Electronics (2nd ed.) [Maxfield 2003-01-09] {63ACF832}.pdf 11.6 MB
Electronics 1/0750675470 Analog and Digital Filter Design (2nd ed.) [Winder 2002-10-11] {1176D3F3}.pdf 9.2 MB
Electronics 1/0750675993 Understanding Automotive Electronics (6th ed.) [Ribbens 2002-12-23] {11F3C562}.pdf 26.1 MB
Electronics 1/0750676043 The Design Warrior's Guide to FPGAs; Devices, Tools and Flows [Maxfield 2004-04-26] {58243254}.pdf 4.5 MB
Electronics 1/0750677236 Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors (or Microprocessor Systems); Real World Design (2nd ed.) [Ball 2003-10-31] {7B5BEE1C}.pdf 2.1 MB
Electronics 1/0750677562 Excel by Example; A Microsoft Excel Cookbook for Electronics Engineers [Kagan 2004-06-02] {089B0302}.pdf 27.9 MB
Electronics 1/0750678410 The Data Conversion Handbook [Kester 2004-12-16] {BF3AA556}.pdf 21.4 MB
Electronics 1/0750678445 Op Amp Applications Handbook [Jung 2004-12-13] {FA049993}.pdf 16.3 MB
Electronics 1/0750678666 Rapid System Prototyping with FPGAs; Accelerating the Design Process [Cofer & Harding 2005-10-04] {06A5F42F}.pdf 12 MB
Electronics 1/0750679271 Power Electronics Design; A Practitioner's Guide [Sueker 2005-08-23] {1E33F34C}.pdf 1.7 MB
Electronics 1/0750680717 Practical Electronics Handbook (6th ed.) [Sinclair & Dunton 2007-01-25] {248D71AA}.pdf 8 MB
Electronics 1/0750680725 Audio Power Amplifier Design Handbook (4th ed.) [Self 2006-09-05] {35B51936}.pdf 8.5 MB
Electronics 1/0750681128 Programmable Logic Controllers (4th ed.) [Bolton 2006-09-13] {495AE921}.pdf 2.6 MB
Electronics 1/0750681381 Aircraft Digital Electronic and Computer Systems; Principles, Operations and Maintenance [Tooley 2007-01-25] {511B6EB3}.pdf 9.5 MB
Electronics 1/0750681667 Self On Audio (2nd ed.) [Self 2006-09-11] {BD1E369D}.pdf 10.9 MB
Electronics 1/0750682140 Complete PCB Design using OrCAD Capture and Layout [Mitzner 2007-05-08] {BA4950B7}.pdf 48.8 MB
Electronics 1/0750682159 Practical Embedded Security; Building Secure Resource-Constrained Systems [Stapko 2007-08-31] {CD94D512}.pdf 9.5 MB
Electronics 1/075068397X Digital Systems Design with FPGAs and CPLDs [Grout 2008-03-26] {EC51307A}.pdf 9.4 MB
Electronics 1/0750684984 Electronics; Circuits and Systems (3rd ed.) [Bishop 2007-12-24] {D5DF57E0}.pdf 16.1 MB
Electronics 1/0750685182 RF Circuit Design (2nd ed.) [Bowick, Blyler & Ajluni 2007-11-02] {B6272A3F}.pdf 11.6 MB
Electronics 1/0750685840 Embedded Hardware Know it All [Ganssle et al. 2007-09-28] {4C0954AC}.pdf 10.3 MB
Electronics 1/0750686278 Analog Circuits; World Class Designs [Pease 2008-05-16] {590A31E6}.pdf 7.6 MB
Electronics 1/0750686952 Aircraft Electrical and Electronic Systems; Principles, Maintenance and Operation [Tooley & Wyatt 2008-12-24] {35E9EA85}.pdf 11.1 MB
Electronics 1/0750687371 Fundamental Electrical and Electronic Principles (3rd ed.) [Robertson 2008-08-05] {40364CA9}.pdf 3 MB
Electronics 1/0750689749 FPGAs; Instant Access [Maxfield 2008-08-11] {FCDFF7AF}.pdf 4 MB
Electronics 1/0750691662 Analog Circuit Design; Art, Science, and Personalities [Williams 1991-01-01] {3B95DBDA}.pdf 22.3 MB
Electronics 1/0750694998 Troubleshooting Analog Circuits [Pease 1991-06-19] {E7264DAC}.pdf 13.5 MB
Electronics 1/0750697024 Op Amps; Design, Application, and Troubleshooting (2nd ed.) [Terrell 1996-03-12] {DED67E31}.pdf 26.3 MB
Electronics 1/0750698667 Modern Dictionary of Electronics (7th ed.) [Graf 1999-06-30] {FAAA60BA}.pdf 37.1 MB
Electronics 1/0750698691 The Art of Designing Embedded Systems [Ganssle 1999-11-10] {1F8D4C2C}.pdf 12 MB
Electronics 1/0750699167 Electric Vehicle Battery Systems [Dhameja 2001-10-09] {E926FF32}.pdf 1.1 MB
Electronics 1/0750699469 RF Circuit Design [Bowick 1997-02-25] {73120C89}.pdf 17.5 MB
Electronics 1/0760320993 How to Diagnose and Repair Automotive Electrical Systems [Martin 2005-11-10] {2AEF66F6}.pdf 15.2 MB
Electronics 1/076370444X The Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture [Null & Lobur 2003-06-25] {0B2991F5}.pdf 14 MB
Electronics 1/0764559877 Ham Radio for Dummies [Silver 2004-04-23] {AC710E58}.pdf 8.7 MB
Electronics 1/0764576607 Electronics for Dummies [McComb & Boysen 2005-02-04] {83E240D8}.pdf 4.3 MB
Electronics 1/0764579568 Geek House; 10 Hardware Hacking Projects for Around Home [Press & Press 2005-05-06] {59833958}.pdf 7.9 MB
Electronics 1/0764588877 Circuit-Bending; Build Your Own Alien Instruments [Ghazala 2005-08-26] {840AF07F}.pdf 10.3 MB
Electronics 1/076680626X Circuit Analysis Theory and Practice (2nd ed.) [Robbins & Miller 1999-09-01] {7ECA47A6}.pdf 17.7 MB
Electronics 1/0780334965 Electronic and Photonic Circuits and Devices [Waynant & Lowell 1998-12-23] {D95A369D}.pdf 7.7 MB
Electronics 1/0786549386 The Complete Idiot's Guide to Electrical Repair [Meany] {690A95C0}.pdf 5.7 MB
Electronics 1/0792345762 Chaos in Electronics [van Wyk & Steeb 1997-05-31] {A01AE877}.pdf 17.3 MB
Electronics 1/0792372700 Fundamentals of Power Electronics (2nd ed.) [Erickson & Maksimović 2001-01-31] {87095F95}.pdf 51.6 MB
Electronics 1/0792376439 Feedback Amplifiers; Theory and Design [Palumbo & Pennisi 2002-01-31] {311B45A3}.pdf 7.1 MB
Electronics 1/0792380762 Logic Synthesis for Low Power VLSI Designs [Iman & Pedram 1997-11-30] {A785BCD0}.pdf 96.9 MB
Electronics 1/0792384520 CMOS Logic Circuit Design [Uyemura 1999-02-28] {E53B7D1F}.pdf 30.4 MB
Electronics 1/0815368194 Power Electronic Converters; Interactive Modelling using Simulink [Iyer 2018-03-15] {18A7E181}.pdf 76.9 MB
Electronics 1/0815514670 Industrial Electronics for Engineers, Chemists, and Technicians [Shanefield 2007-12-03] {AF7CCA75}.pdf 2.1 MB
Electronics 1/0824702263 Mechatronics in Engineering Design and Product Development [Popovic & Vlacic 1998-09-30] {2484C16E}.pdf 2 MB
Electronics 1/0824703685 Computer Design and Architecture (3rd ed.) [Shiva 2000-04-25] {56686250}.pdf 9.1 MB
Electronics 1/0824706595 Pattern Recognition and Image Preprocessing (2nd ed.) [Bow 2002-01-11] {231D9006}.pdf 37.2 MB
Electronics 1/0824707664 Power Transformers; Principles and Applications [Winders 2002-04-12] {1954B458}.pdf 1.8 MB
Electronics 1/0824708326 Practical Reliability of Electronic Equipment and Products [Hnatek 2002-10-25] {ABA31FC2}.pdf 4.3 MB
Electronics 1/0824723058 Microengineering, MEMs, and Interfacing; A Practical Guide [Banks 2006-03-23] {DC05F9E7}.pdf 8.6 MB
Electronics 1/0824723619 Handbook of Automotive Power Electronics and Motor Drives [Emadi 2005-05-25] {1A283E88}.pdf 15.9 MB
Electronics 1/0824724313 Microfabrication and Nanomanufacturing [Jackson 2005-11-10] {D83C919A}.pdf 25.8 MB
Electronics 1/0824726375 The MEMS and Microstructures in Aerospace Applications [Osiander, Darrin & Champion 2005-10-06] {1C4DE259}.pdf 12.3 MB
Electronics 1/0824741099 Micromechatronics [Uchino & Giniewicz 2003-04-25] {966F1655}.pdf 22.5 MB
Electronics 1/0824747119 Domain-Specific Processors; Systems, Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation [Bhattacharyya, Depretiere & Teich 2003-11-11] {E8D66D14}.pdf 6.4 MB
Electronics 1/0824758242 Micro Electro Mechanical System Design [Allen 2005-07-08] {E0DEC5A9}.pdf 18 MB
Electronics 1/0824759214 Microoptics Technology (2nd ed.) [Borreli 2004-11-30] {A7B679D2}.pdf 31.3 MB
Electronics 1/0825695023, 0711902704 Electronic Projects for Musicians [Anderton 1992-03-01] {4974613F}.pdf 31.9 MB
Electronics 1/0827346646 Experiments in Electronic Devices and Circuits [LaLond & Ross 1994-01-05] {79A13B2A}.pdf 3.6 MB
Electronics 1/0827365241 The Illustrated Guide to PSpice [Lamey 1994-08-29] {FCE7691C}.pdf 8.6 MB
Electronics 1/0830600787, 0830613676 The Giant Book of Electronics Projects [1982-03-01] {06C8ED5F}.pdf 50.9 MB
Electronics 1/083060524X, 0830695249 104 Easy Projects for the Electronics Gadgeteer [Brown 2000-01-01] {E55B2DE7}.pdf 23 MB
Electronics 1/0830609385, 0830619380 Encyclopedia of Electronic Circuits (vol. 1) [Graf 1985-01-01] {0D390850}.pdf 22.5 MB
Electronics 1/0830621008, 0830611002 Basic Math Course for Electronics [Jacobowitz 1962-01-01] {E251CEFC}.pdf 24 MB
Electronics 1/0830638954, 0830638962 Encyclopedia of Electronic Circuits (vol. 4) [Graf & Sheets 1992-06-01] {5B37AFE1}.pdf 16 MB
Electronics 1/0830641289, 030641270 How to Test Almost Everything Electronic (3rd ed.) [Horn 1993-01-01] {74D6BB84}.pdf 38.1 MB
Electronics 1/0830643141 The Alarm, Sensor & Security Circuit Cookbook [Petruzzellis 1993-11-01] {9D7AFAAE}.pdf 12.7 MB
Electronics 1/0830673482, 0830633480 Encyclopedia of Electronic Circuits (vol. 3) [Graf 1990-10-01] {F41C4E97}.pdf 17.3 MB
Electronics 1/0830691383, 0830631380 Encyclopedia of Electronic Circuits (vol. 2) [Graf 1988-10-01] {27EC6440}.pdf 13.5 MB
Electronics 1/0849300665 The Mechatronics Handbook [Bishop 2002-02-26] {8C631A5B}.pdf 49.4 MB
Electronics 1/0849300770 The MEMS Handbook [Gad-el-Hak 2001-09-27] {718E00A4}.pdf 66.9 MB
Electronics 1/0849304164 Computer Organization, Design, and Architecture (4th ed.) [Shiva 2007-11-30] {78689433}.pdf 10.2 MB
Electronics 1/0849308852 The Computer Engineering Handbook [Oklobdzija 2001-12-26] {D8EB3253}.pdf 37.8 MB
Electronics 1/0849310261 Computer Architecture; Software Aspects, Coding, and Hardware [Hsu 2001-01-18] {59837AE9}.pdf 17.6 MB
Electronics 1/0849311624 Opto-Mechatronic Systems Handbook; Techniques and Applications [Cho 2002-09-30] {21F9CAB8}.pdf 54.4 MB
Electronics 1/084931206X Smart Antennas [Godara 2004-01-27] {C368B95D}.pdf 4.1 MB
Electronics 1/0849314836 Contamination of Electronic Assemblies [Pecht, Bumiller, Douthit & Pecht 2002-11-15] {C518E41D}.pdf 5.6 MB
Electronics 1/0849317045 Electric Power Transformer Engineering [Harlow 2003-08-15] {0D139F77}.pdf 11.2 MB
Electronics 1/0849317371 Memory, Microprocessor, and ASIC [Chen 2003-03-26] {58A49C7E}.pdf 16.6 MB
Electronics 1/0849318769 VLSI Design [Vai 2000-09-19] {469D3EF2}.pdf 2.7 MB
Electronics 1/0849318890 The Electronics Handbook (2nd ed.) [Whitaker 2005-04-13] {B5D42764}.pdf 26.5 MB
Electronics 1/084931951X Digital Integrated Circuits; Analysis and Design [Ayers 2003-12-15] {B756B82E}.pdf 10.9 MB
Electronics 1/0849319986 Electronic Portable Instruments; Design and Applications [Eren 2003-10-16] {A39320A1}.pdf 9.4 MB
Electronics 1/0849321433 Analysis and Application of Analog Electronic Circuits to Biomedical Instrumentation [Northrop 2003-12-29] {96F21802}.pdf 4 MB
Electronics 1/084932145X The Measurement, Instrumentation and Sensors Handbook [Webster 1999-02-26] {54F6508F}.pdf 36.8 MB
Electronics 1/0849321913 Electrical Energy Systems [El-Hawary 2000-04-18] {1D803D13}.pdf 9.8 MB
Electronics 1/0849327660 Logic Design of NanoICs [Yanushkevich, Shmerko & Lyshevski 2004-10-28] {5948C570}.pdf 3.2 MB
Electronics 1/0849328381 Nano- and Micro Electromechanical Systems; Fundamentals of Nano- and Microengineering [Lyshevski 2005-01-11] {06D77E1D}.pdf 6.3 MB
Electronics 1/0849333911 Microelectronics (2nd ed.) [Whitaker 2005-11-09] {009C3625}.pdf 15.5 MB
Electronics 1/0849334187 SPICE for Power Electronics and Electric Power (2nd ed.) [Rashid & Rashid 2005-11-02] {66D628F1}.pdf 23.5 MB
Electronics 1/0849334233 Implementation and Applications of DSL Technology [Golden, Dedieu & Jacobsen 2007-10-26] {9D58F6EE}.pdf 16.9 MB
Electronics 1/0849335329 Bio-MEMS; Technologies and Applications [Wang & Soper 2006-12-15] {B3377C97}.pdf 8.8 MB
Electronics 1/084933747X Fuzzy Controller Design; Theory and Applications [Kovačić & Bogdan 2005-12-12] {A5C1157F}.pdf 10 MB
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Electronics 1/1138422452, 0849374979 Electronic Components and Technology (3rd ed.) [Sangwine 2017-09-20] {C32E1A8E}.pdf 8.4 MB
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Electronics 1/1259892344, 1260048705 Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems (5th ed.) [Alciatore 2018-01-19] {E75D64DC}.pdf 17.5 MB
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Electronics 1/1439841330, 1138112488 Applications of Field Programmable Gate Arrays in Scientific Research [Sadrozinski & Wu 2010-12-07] {E306A2B6}.pdf 1.9 MB
Electronics 1/1439866694, 1138073059 Analysis and Application of Analog Electronic Circuits to Biomedical Instrumentation (2nd ed.) [Northrop 2017-03-29] {EDDE614D}.pdf 6.5 MB
Electronics 1/1439896992 FPGAs; Fundamentals, Advanced Features, and Applications in Industrial Electronics [Andina, de la Torre Arnanz & Peña 2017-02-21] {944F83CD}.pdf 4.1 MB
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Electronics 1/1523374861 Electronics Practicals 1; Real World Circuits Applications [Ibrahim & Innocent 2014-12-24] {BFC97BBF}.pdf 15.7 MB
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Electronics 1/1574447270 Electrical Contacts; Fundamentals, Applications and Technology [Braunovic, Konchits & Myshkin 2006-12-15] {6D3AB877}.pdf 12.4 MB
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Electronics 1/1593271042 Inside the Machine; An Illustrated Introduction to Microprocessors and Computer Architecture [Stokes 2006-11-30] {5272FBDF}.pdf 9.8 MB
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Electronics 1/1593276672 The Maker's Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse; Defend Your Base with Simple Circuits, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi [Monk 2015-10-01] {95CFB172}.pdf 32.1 MB
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Electronics 1/1627055649 Fundamentals of Electronics (vol. 2; Amplifiers; Analysis and Design) [Schubert & Kim 2015-10-05] {7113CEF7}.pdf 7.2 MB
Electronics 1/1627055665 Fundamentals of Electronics (vol. 3; Active Filters and Amplifier Frequency Response) [Schubert & Kim 2016-03-24] {2594A5FB}.pdf 7.9 MB
Electronics 1/1627055681 Fundamentals of Electronics (vol. 4; Oscillators and Advanced Electronics Topics) [Schubert & Kim 2016-05-01] {84B6EF9C}.pdf 7.9 MB
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Electronics 1/168045384X Make; Getting Started with Soldering [de Vinck 2017-10-30] {E4C855D2}.pdf 8.8 MB
Electronics 1/168045448X Make; Easy Electronics [Platt 2017-12-01] {B42B9F31}.pdf 17.5 MB
Electronics 1/1683920333 Basic Electronics; Theory and Practice (2nd ed.) [Westcott & Westcott 2017-07-05] {EC4E0949}.pdf 6.6 MB
Electronics 1/1782420290 Superconductors in the Power Grid; Materials and Applications [Rey 2015-05-07] {1A1FF0D5}.pdf 29.7 MB
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Electronics 1/1782422285 Modeling, Characterization and Production of Nanomaterials; Electronics, Photonics and Energy Applications [Tewary & Zhang 2015-04-01] {7963B9EA}.pdf 50.5 MB
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Electronics 1/1845691865, 1420070851 Handbook of Advanced Dielectric, Piezoelectric and Ferroelectric Materials; Synthesis, Properties and Applications [Ye 2008-04-02] {4085BA5A}.pdf 42.7 MB
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Electronics 1/1845695763 Advanced Adhesives in Electronics; Materials, Properties and Applications [Alam & Bailey 2011-06-08] {285F0F6F}.pdf 11.7 MB
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Electronics 1/1845699882 Printed Films; Material Science and Applications in Sensors, Electronics and Photonics [Prudenziati & Hormadaly 2012-09-13] {B6DCAE80}.pdf 19.7 MB
Electronics 1/1845699890 Ultrasonic Transducers; Materials and Design for Sensors, Actuators and Medical Applications [Nakamura 2012-09-06] {CBAA7854}.pdf 30.5 MB
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Electronics 1/1848210620 Solid-State Physics for Electronics [Moliton 2009-06-29] {74D18129}.pdf 2.3 MB
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Electronics 1/1848211902 Micro, Nanosystems and Systems on Chips; Modeling, Control, and Estimation [Voda 2010-03-01] {86942CC3}.pdf 11.4 MB
Electronics 1/1848216262 New Sensors and Processing Chain [Thomas & Yaakoubi 2014-11-17] {7EDFB2E2}.pdf 5.7 MB
Electronics 1/1848219849 Digital Electronics (vol. 1; Combinational Logic Circuits) [Ndjountche 2016-06-20] {624C8A19}.pdf 2.9 MB
Electronics 1/1848219857 Digital Electronics (vol. 2; Sequential and Arithmetic Logic Circuits) [Ndjountche 2016-08-29] {988A2BB9}.pdf 6.6 MB
Electronics 1/1848219865 Digital Electronics (vol. 3; Finite-State Machines) [Ndjountche 2016-11-21] {8C880891}.pdf 4.4 MB
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Electronics 1/1856175278 Circuit Design Know It All [Ashby et al. 2008-09-08] {5205F3E2}.pdf 16.4 MB
Electronics 1/1856175286 Electrical Engineering Know It All [Maxfield et al.] {7A8FF795}.pdf 6.9 MB
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Electronics 1/1856176959 Electronics; A First Course (3rd ed.) [Bishop] {A1C75C51}.pdf 5.2 MB
Electronics 1/1856177009 Electronics Explained [Frenzel 2010-05-19] {982B9F0E}.pdf 2.2 MB
Electronics 1/1856177068 FPGAs 101; Everything You Need to Know to Get Started [Smith 2010-02-22] {E738C634}.pdf 7.5 MB
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Electronics 1/1872684106 Electrical and Electronic Principles II [Nicolaides] {1BC0814E}.pdf 8.7 MB
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Electronics 1/1878707566 Video Demystified; A Handbook for the Digital Engineer (3rd ed.) [Jack] {3A8E00D1}.pdf 6.5 MB
Electronics 1/1878707965 Fabricating Printed Circuit Boards [Varteresian 2002-03-19] {244ECA12}.pdf 1.6 MB
Electronics 1/1882580257 Practical Amplifier Diagrams; 45 Proven Circuits for the Technician and the Experimenter! [Robin & Lipman 2017-12-01] {FFE22A81}.pdf 5 MB
Electronics 1/1898563403 Circuit Analysis [Whitehouse 1998-01-13] {760BC2AA}.pdf 10.4 MB
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Electronics 1/1910242705 Practical Guide to Organic Field-Effect Transistor Circuit Design [Sou 2016-04-18] {B2A676C6}.pdf 2.7 MB
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Electronics 1/193144806X Serial Port Complete; COM Ports, USB Virtual COM Ports and Ports for Embedded Systems (2nd ed.) [Axelson 2007-12-01] {DC7A8EAC}.pdf 4 MB
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Electronics 1/1934015024 Robotics; Appin Knowledge Solutions [2008-10-16] {44155CBC}.pdf 14.6 MB
Electronics 1/1934015032 Digital Principles & Logic Design [Saha & Manna 2007-05-28] {8F56E49C}.pdf 8.1 MB
Electronics 1/1934404055 Digital Circuit Analysis and Design with Simulink Modeling and Introduction to CPLDs and FPGAs (2nd ed.) [Karris 2007-03-01] {26D4CC76}.pdf 12.8 MB
Electronics 1/193489110X Circuits (2nd ed.) [Ulaby & Maharbiz 2010-01-01] {5C044B2C}.pdf 165.2 MB
Electronics 1/1945612703 Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting; Methods, Progress, and Challenges [Ilyas 2018-03-22] {C7D6EA47}.pdf 5.5 MB
Electronics 1/3030252566 Integrated High-Vin Multi-MHz Converters [Wittmann 2019-09-04] {348D0EB2}.pdf 12.1 MB
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Electronics 1/3319047078 Synthesis and Optimization of FPGA-Based Systems [Sklyarov, Skliarova, Barkalov & Titarenko 2014-03-15] {23B9D2F2}.pdf 43.2 MB
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Electronics 1/331913874X Graphene-Based Polymer Nanocomposites in Electronics [Sadasivuni, Ponnamma, Kim & Thomas 2015-01-20] {9C6A83DD}.pdf 18.5 MB
Electronics 1/3319154060 FPGA Based Accelerators for Financial Applications [de Schryver 2015-07-31] {59C5912D}.pdf 8.8 MB
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Electronics 1/3319161350 Ultra-Low-Voltage Design of Energy-Efficient Digital Circuits [Reynders & Dehaene 2015-04-14] {7DBEA278}.pdf 5.5 MB
Electronics 1/3319179233 FPGA Design; Best Practices for Team-Based Reuse (2nd ed.) [Simpson 2015-05-21] {6A00544B}.pdf 8.7 MB
Electronics 1/3319181041 A Route to Chaos using FPGAs (vol. 1; Experimental Observations) [Muthuswamy & Bannerjee 2015-06-18] {EB9F81D2}.pdf 11.3 MB
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Electronics 1/3319266551 Fuzzy Logic Type 1 and Type 2 Based on LabVIEW FPGA [Ponce-Cruz, Molina & MacCleery 2017-06-16] {949118AF}.pdf 11.8 MB
Electronics 1/3319394371 Electronics for Embedded Systems [Bindal 2017-05-19] {DE1E7F08}.pdf 19.2 MB
Electronics 1/3319479121 Applications in Electronics Pervading Industry, Environment and Society [de Gloria 2017-01-20] {B7D35E10}.pdf 9.2 MB
Electronics 1/3319490877 The Electronics Revolution; Inventing the Future [Williams 2017-05-27] {D6855233}.pdf 5.5 MB
Electronics 1/3319513427 Handbook of Distributed Generation; Electric Power Technologies, Economics and Environmental Impacts [Bansal 2017-03-09] {7FAD9D2E}.pdf 28.4 MB
Electronics 1/3319629190 Languages, Design, Methods, and Tools for Electronic System Design [Fummi & Wille 2017-12-09] {FA2093C2}.pdf 4.9 MB
Electronics 1/3319639668 Antenna Fundamentals for Legacy Mobile Applications and Beyond [Elfergani, Hussaini, Rodriguez & Abd-Alhameed 2017-10-05] {7F25117A}.pdf 19.7 MB
Electronics 1/3319688901 Microwave Electronics [Grigoriev, Ivanov & Molokovsky 2018-02-18] {53F9E69E}.pdf 14.9 MB
Electronics 1/3319693948 Designing Electronic Product Enclosures [Serksnis 2018-07-25] {3B4A8A7F}.pdf 3.9 MB
Electronics 1/3319709925 Time-Delayed Chaotic Dynamical Systems; From Theory to Electronic Experiment [Biswas & Bannerjee 2017-12-07] {EEDA35B3}.pdf 5.9 MB
Electronics 1/3319716360 Simulation and Optimization of Digital Circuits; Considering and Mitigating Destabilizing Factors [Melikyan 2018-04-13] {6790A946}.pdf 19.5 MB
Electronics 1/331972729X Electrical Machines and Drives; Fundamentals and Advanced Modelling [Melkebeek 2018-01-21] {7D3D91BD}.pdf 25.2 MB
Electronics 1/3319769464 Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice 3 [Billingsley & Brett 2018-04-05] {12C9C7B0}.pdf 8.6 MB
Electronics 1/3319790803 Trusted Digital Circuits; Hardware Trojan Vulnerabilities, Prevention and Detection [Salmani 2018-04-20] {6100DF70}.pdf 6.8 MB
Electronics 1/3319909355 Exact Design of Digital Microfluidic Biochips [Keszocze, Wille & Drechsler 2018-06-12] {E38CB7FE}.pdf 4 MB
Electronics 1/3319910523 Application of FPGA to Real-Time Machine Learning; Hardware Reservoir Computers and Software Image Processing [Antonik 2018-05-19] {6CD1EA6E}.pdf 5.5 MB
Electronics 1/3319913069 Design Automation for Differential MOS Current-Mode Logic Circuits [Badel, Baltaci, Cevrero & Leblebici 2018-07-03] {39EDCF84}.pdf 9.4 MB
Electronics 1/3319922246 Acoustic Sensors for Biomedical Applications [Dey, Ashour, Mohamed & Nguyen 2018-07-21] {B3523E7C}.pdf 1.3 MB
Electronics 1/3319930818 LNEE 512; Applications in Electronics Pervading Industry, Environment and Society; APPLEPIES 2017 [de Gloria 2018-07-13] {D9DB5A49}.pdf 7.3 MB
Electronics 1/3527312641 Organic Electronics; Materials, Manufacturing, and Applications [Klauk 2006-07-21] {D408DD46}.pdf 15.2 MB
Electronics 1/3527312811 Semiconductor Electrochemistry (2nd ed.) [Memming 2015-06-22] {F0F3D25A}.pdf 5 MB
Electronics 1/3527328211 Photonics and Electronics with Germanium [Wada & Kimerling 2015-08-10] {D057F117}.pdf 7.1 MB
Electronics 1/3527338659 Green Materials for Electronics [Irimia-Vladu, Glowacki, Sariciftci & Bauer 2017-12-04] {6BE46DC9}.pdf 19.3 MB
Electronics 1/352734022X Power Electronic Converters; Dynamics and Control in Conventional and Renewable Energy Applications [Suntio, Messo & Puukko 2017-12-26] {5C617FEA}.pdf 53.2 MB
Electronics 1/3540004297 Electronic Circuits; Handbook for Design and Applications (2nd ed.) [Tietze & Schenk 2008-03-11] {E41B2F7D}.pdf 17 MB
Electronics 1/3540210962 LNCIS 300; Mechatronic Servo System Control; Problems in Industries and their Theoretical Solutions [Nakamura, Goto & Kyura 2004-07-27] {11F0C29E}.pdf 6.4 MB
Electronics 1/3540237518 Circuits and Systems Based on Delta Modulation; Linear, Nonlinear, and Mixed Mode Processing [Zrilic 2005-04-01] {C12DA028}.pdf 2.7 MB
Electronics 1/3540279946 Introducing Molecular Electronics [Cuniberti, Fagas & Richter] {CF19059B}.pdf 12.3 MB
Electronics 1/3540313338 Micromechanical Photonics [Ukita 2006-06-02] {528DD00A}.pdf 14.8 MB
Electronics 1/3540661999, 3642085474 Technology of Integrated Circuits [Widmann, Mader & Friedrich 2010-12-15] (duplex) {3033EEBF}.pdf 12.9 MB
Electronics 1/3540739556 Recent Advances in Mechatronics [Jabonski, Turkowski & Szewczyk 2007-10-12] {BC18F1FA}.pdf 42.6 MB
Electronics 1/3540853154 Fundamentals of the Physics of Solids (vol. 2; Electronic Properties) [Sólyom 2008-12-12] {FEFAB226}.pdf 6.1 MB
Electronics 1/3642034195 Electronic Structure and Magnetism of 3d-Transition Metal Pnictides [Motizuki, Ido, Itoh & Morifuji 2009-12-17] {E05AE55D}.pdf 6.3 MB
Electronics 1/3642127665 Fault-Diagnosis Applications; Model-Based Condition Monitoring; Actuators, Drives, Machinery, Plants, Sensors, and Fault-Tolerant Systems [Isermann 2011-05-04] {8FA06AA3}.pdf 6 MB
Electronics 1/3642163009 Photovoltaic Industrial Systems; An Environmental Approach [Papadopoulou 2011-01-10] {07BEA225}.pdf 3 MB
Electronics 1/3642197116 Advanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering (vol. 2) [Lee 2011-06-21] {D2EDC523}.pdf 11.5 MB
Electronics 1/3642202217 Dynamics and Control of Electrical Drives [Wach 2011-02-25] {53AFE52A}.pdf 5.1 MB
Electronics 1/3642204988 Advances in Power Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering [Das, Thankachan & Debnath 2011-06-14] {6DDEF720}.pdf 3 MB
Electronics 1/3642230709 Microelectronic Systems; Circuits, Systems and Applications [Heuberger, Elst & Hanke 2011-12-25] {CD1D28F1}.pdf 10.9 MB
Electronics 1/3642287433 Advances in Electric and Electronics (sic) [Hu 2012-03-13] {909BC490}.pdf 14.2 MB
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Electronics 1/3960670249 Industrial Applications of Programmable Logic Controllers and SCADA [Chakraborty, De & Roy 2016-05-10] {CB1B38B6}.pdf 4.3 MB
Electronics 1/4431565922 VLSI Design and Test for Systems Dependability [Asai 2018-07-21] {61810890}.pdf 41.1 MB
Electronics 1/61-7846 Electronic Amplifier Circuits; Theory and Design [Pettit & McWhorter 1961] {FFF241C1}.pdf 11.9 MB
Electronics 1/730808051X, 3642182860 Visual Sensing and its Applications; Integration of Laser Sensors to Industrial Robots [Gan & Tang 2011-10-20] {7B4F02D5}.pdf 19.9 MB
Electronics 1/74-78010 Math for the Electronics Student [1974] (duplex) {B56DD7CE}.pdf 6 MB
Electronics 1/8120314921 Electric Drives [De & Sen 2004-08-30] {7221A571}.pdf 6 MB
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Electronics 1/8120341961 Power Electronics; Devices and Circuits (2nd ed.) [Jagannathan 2011-01-01] {455A08F5}.pdf 5.4 MB
Electronics 1/8121923786 A Textbook of Digital Electronics [Sedha] {7CEA757B}.pdf 14.1 MB
Electronics 1/8121924375 A Textbook of Electrical Technology; in S.I. Units (vol. 2; AC & DC Machines) [Theraja & Theraja] {C9FCA215}.pdf 55 MB
Electronics 1/8121924502 Princples of Electronics (11th ed.) [Mehta & Mehta 2005-02-01] {DB756269}.pdf 41.7 MB
Electronics 1/8121924596 Electronics Laboratory Primer; A Design Approach [Chandra & Sasikala 2014] {05695635}.pdf 7.8 MB
Electronics 1/8122429475 Basic Electrical Engineering (4th ed.) [Wadhwa] {3B9FA656}.pdf 18.6 MB
Electronics 1/8126519452 Power Electronics; Essentials & Applications [Umanand 2009-01-01] {C33949ED}.pdf 7.2 MB
Electronics 1/8126550872 Wiley Acing the Gate; Electrical Engineering [Chatterjee, Lather & Gupta 2016-01-01] {63CDA570}.pdf 136.7 MB
Electronics 1/8132208536 Complex Binary Number System; Algorithms and Circuits [Jamil 2012-10-04] {951C8120}.pdf 548 KB
Electronics 1/8132215478 The Electronic Nose; Artificial Olfaction Technology [Patel 2013-09-14] {20BB5D50}.pdf 4.9 MB
Electronics 1/8132223276 Control Systems for Power Electronics; A Practical Guide [Patil & Rodey 2015-04-02] {44126C87}.pdf 2.4 MB
Electronics 1/8132225198 High Performance Integer Arithmetic Circuit Design on FPGA; Architecture, Implementation and Design Automation [Palchaudhuri & Chakraborty 2015-07-07] {243BDF6B}.pdf 4.4 MB
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Electronics 1/8174092153 Power Electronics [Bimbhra 2006-12-01] {A00760E2}.pdf 99.3 MB
Electronics 1/8177587633 Digital Fundamentals (8th ed.) [Floyd & Jain 2005] {67C13A1E}.pdf 27 MB
Electronics 1/8178001667 Electronic Circuit Analysis (2nd ed.) [Kishore] {3D7F3C15}.pdf 9.8 MB
Electronics 1/8178001675 Electronic Devices and Circuits [Kishore 2008] {6A7AE36B}.pdf 17 MB
Electronics 1/8184315031 Electronics Engineering [Bakshi & Godse] {7D7B5D78}.pdf 20.7 MB
Electronics 1/8184316100 Analog Electronics [Bakshi & Godse] {9CB14AC3}.pdf 16.2 MB
Electronics 1/8184316909 Analog and Digital Electronics [Bakshi & Godse] {99EB8CDC}.pdf 21.1 MB
Electronics 1/8188152161 Electronics Projects (vol. 21) [2006-01] {8CB5C893}.pdf 21.9 MB
Electronics 1/8188152196 Electronics Projects (vol. 24) [2007-11] {C5F3AFC4}.pdf 20 MB
Electronics 1/8188152218 Chip-Talk; Electronics Experimenters' Project-Book [Bhasin] {B251FC63}.pdf 3.3 MB
Electronics 1/8188152242 Simple Projects You Can Make at Home (Electronics) [] {EC26B072}.pdf 24.4 MB
Electronics 1/8188152269 Electronics Projects (vol. 26) [2013-11] {EC122B25}.pdf 16.1 MB
Electronics 1/8188849510 Analog Electronic Circuits; A Simplified Approch [Mahadevaswamy 1899-12-31] {CA21B0AD}.pdf 34.2 MB
Electronics 1/8189473972 Digital Electronics [Brewster 2010-01-01] {29B0FAF6}.pdf 15 MB
Electronics 1/8190457527 Basic Electronics [Taylor] {26F3F7BC}.pdf 1.3 MB
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Electronics 1/8740302822 Electronics and Computing in Textiles [Vassiliadis 2012] {AE1FC579}.pdf 10.2 MB
Electronics 1/8740304043 Essential Electromagnetism; Solutions [Protheroe 2013] {0CC05B29}.pdf 3.9 MB
Electronics 1/8740315878 CMOS Integrated Circuit Simulation with LTspice (2nd ed.) [Bruun 2017] {4BB8A533}.pdf 11.7 MB
Electronics 1/8776814653 Electromagnetism for Electronic Engineers [Carter 2009] {E5658359}.pdf 4.7 MB
Electronics 1/8776814998 Concepts in Electric Circuits [Naeem 2009] {0B13FE99}.pdf 4 MB
Electronics 1/8776815390 Introduction to Electronic Engineering [Vodovozov 2010] {1127CFF1}.pdf 2.6 MB
Electronics 1/8776816257 Introduction to Power Electronics [Vodovozov 2010] {EC5D41CD}.pdf 3.7 MB
Electronics 1/8776818063 Digital Systems Design [Palaniappan 2011] {E343D0F0}.pdf 3.7 MB
Electronics 1/8793379463 New Topics in Simulation and Modeling of RF Circuits [Gheorghe & Constantinescu 2017-02-09] {B3889676}.pdf 29.5 MB
Electronics 1/9036512875 High Efficiency Audio Power Amplifiers; Design and Practical Use [van der Zee] {7C3339A9}.pdf 972 KB
Electronics 1/9048130824 Analog Circuit Design; Smart Data Converters, Filters on Chip, Multimode Transmitters [van Roermund, Casier & Steyaert 2009-12-07] {BC211093}.pdf 17 MB
Electronics 1/9048187753 Electronic Engineering and Computing Technology [Ao & Gelman 2010-06-09] {69BF4E06}.pdf 15.5 MB
Electronics 1/9048191564 Handbook of FPGA Design Security [Huffmire, Irvine, Nguyen, Levin, Kastner & Sherwood 2010-07-01] {6E92C428}.pdf 2.1 MB
Electronics 1/9048192153 CMOS Processors and Memories [Iniewski 2010-08-23] {AC99ACB0}.pdf 10.5 MB
Electronics 1/9048192544 Debugging at the Electronic System Level [Rogin & Drechsler 2010-07-01] {3152E84A}.pdf 2.7 MB
Electronics 1/9048193974 Accelerating Test, Validation and Debug of High Speed Serial Interfaces [Fan & Zilic 2010-10-28] {6719C6D3}.pdf 4.1 MB
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Electronics 1/9048196434, 9400797982 Design, Analysis and Test of Logic Circuits Under Uncertainty [Krishnaswamy, Marokv & Hayes 2012-09-21] {B0B5D93D}.pdf 3.4 MB
Electronics 1/9048196809 Nonsmooth Modeling and Simulation for Switched Circuits [Acary, Bonnefon & Brogliato 2010-10-26] {A44E161C}.pdf 7.8 MB
Electronics 1/9048197937 LNEE 62; Computer and Information Sciences [Gelenbe, Sacan, Lent, Toroslu, Sakellari & Yazici 2010-09-08] {1C114654}.pdf 15.7 MB
Electronics 1/9048199344 Adaptive RF Front-Ends for Hand-Held Applications [van Bezooijen, Mahmoudi & van Roermund 2010-11-05] {56F20A13}.pdf 1.8 MB
Electronics 1/9071301435 Electronic Instrumentation (2nd ed.) [Regtien 2006-03-22] {AD2FB0F7}.pdf 19 MB
Electronics 1/9325990202 Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement [Khurana 2009-12-08] {97784638}.pdf 13.8 MB
Electronics 1/9400703902 Analog Circuit Design; Robust Design, Sigma Delta Converters, RFID [Casier, Steyaert & van Roermund 2011-02-09] {42D1AC2F}.pdf 10.5 MB
Electronics 1/9400705956 Operational Amplifiers; Theory and Design (2nd ed.) [Huijsing 2011-05-25] {27D9EDE0}.pdf 6.9 MB
Electronics 1/940070643X Robust Sigma Delta Converters; And Their Application in Low-Power Highly-Digitized Flexible Receivers [van Veldhoven & van Roermund 2011-02-09] {485DE2AA}.pdf 6.4 MB
Electronics 1/9400706499 Regular Nanofabrics in Emerging Technologies; Design and Fabrication Methods for Nanoscale Digital Circuits [Jamaa 2011-04-12] {36DC57D4}.pdf 3.8 MB
Electronics 1/9400711913 Electrical Engineering and Applied Computing [Ao & Gelman 2011-09-14] {01CEE69B}.pdf 10 MB
Electronics 1/9400713371 Security Trends for FPGAs; From Secured to Secure Reconfigurable Systems [Badrignans, Danger, Fischer, Gogniat & Torres 2011-07-01] {DB89252A}.pdf 4.2 MB
Electronics 1/9400714351 Design and Implementation of Fully-Integrated Inductive DC-DC Converters in Standard CMOS [Wens & Steyaert 2011-05-19] {C2F7B3A3}.pdf 6 MB
Electronics 1/9400714874 VLSI 2010 Annual Symposium; Selected Papers [Voros, Mukherjee, Sklavos, Masselos & Huebner 2011-09-07] {0D1A4118}.pdf 7.5 MB
Electronics 1/9400721897 Analog Electronic Filters; Theory, Design and Synthesis [Dimopoulos] {254E71DA}.pdf 15.6 MB
Electronics 1/9400729863 LNEE 149; Guide to FPGA Implementation of Arithmetic Functions [Deschamps, Sutter & Cantó 2012-04-03] {92E366C7}.pdf 32.1 MB
Electronics 1/940075227X Theory of Digital Automata [Borowik, Karpinskyy, Lahno & Petrov 2012-11-08] {68C1DE64}.pdf 5.3 MB
Electronics 1/9533073004 Intelligent Mechatronics [Naik] {B06F2EC7}.pdf 15.4 MB
Electronics 1/9535101676 Embedded Systems; Theory and Design Methodology [Tanaka] {04F09419}.pdf 10.5 MB
Electronics 1/9535123017 Printed Electronics; Current Trends and Applications [Yun 2016-09-28] {D396BB4B}.pdf 66.5 MB
Electronics 1/9535123955 Alkali-ion Batteries [Yang 2016-06-01] {A5C2C5FB}.pdf 42.7 MB
Electronics 1/9535124056 Electronics Cooling [Murshed 2016-06-15] {B688D90D}.pdf 46.9 MB
Electronics 1/9535125257 Nanoelectronics and Materials Development [Kar 2016-07-27] {705ACF60}.pdf 28.9 MB
Electronics 1/953761963X Programmable Logic Controller [Guedes 2010] {C7789D49}.pdf 23.9 MB
Electronics 1/9712322629 Electronics for Beginners [Alegado 1998] {B43E99C9}.pdf 1.7 MB
Electronics 1/9810206372, 9810206380 Fundamentals of Solid-State Electronics [Sah 1991] {41859C86}.pdf 53.1 MB
Electronics 1/981021488X Algorithmic Aspects of VLSI Layout [Sarrafzadeh & Lee 1993-11-01] {5A826BF0}.pdf 16.2 MB
Electronics 1/9810242506 Liquid Crystals; Fundamentals [Singh 2003-01-01] {B8E3F33F}.pdf 25.3 MB
Electronics 1/9811042349 LNEE 433; Frontiers in Electronic Technologies; Trends and Challenges [Prabaharan, Thalmann & Bhaaskaran 2017-04-28] {27D8888C}.pdf 5.6 MB
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Electronics 1/9811085536 Energy Efficient High Performance Processors; Recent Approaches for Designing Green High Performance Computing [Haj-Yahya, Mendelson, Asher & Chattopadhyay 2018-03-22] {16B0227E}.pdf 5 MB
Electronics 1/9811086710 LNEE 480; Fundamental Research in Electrical Engineering [Kouhsari 2018-07-26] {E147291B}.pdf 34.6 MB
Electronics 1/9811088268 Adaptive Hybrid Active Power Filters [Wang, Wong & Lam 2018-08-02] {A7E4148C}.pdf 15.1 MB
Electronics 1/9811089132 The Essentials of Power System Dynamics and Control [Pota 2018-05-15] {D4D944B0}.pdf 8.7 MB
Electronics 1/9811090556 Control Oriented Modelling of AC Electric Machines [Masmoudi 2018-04-12] {5A8529B0}.pdf 2 MB
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Electronics 1/9812382690, 9812383417 Molecular Electronics; Commercial Insights, Chemistry, Devices, Architecture, and Programming [Tour 2003-03-01] {3244D2F3}.pdf 20.8 MB
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Electronics 1/Thumbs.db 29 KB
Name Size Peers
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Schlaepfer E., Oskay W. - Open Circuits. The Inner Beauty of Electronic Components - 2023.pdf Application 207.3 MB 61
Electronic Bliss Audio 1.8 GB 50
Hayes T., Horowitz P. - Learning the Art of Electronics. A Hands-On Lab Course - 2016.pdf Application 56 MB 33
VA - Best of 2024 Electronic (2024) Audio 1013.5 MB 33
Electronic Devices and Circuit Fundamentals.pdf Application 69.9 MB 32
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Make - Electronics - Learning by Discovery, 2nd Edition Application 32 MB 29
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Fundamental Electrical and Electronic Principles 4ed 2024.pdf Application 9.7 MB 19
Guo G. Electronic Structure Crystallography..Functional Motifs of Materials 2024 Application 2.9 MB 19
Electronics. Explained Simply and Easily 2024 Application 4.9 MB 17
VA compilation part 133 Electronic Audio 438.7 MB 17
VA - Compilation part 128 Electronic Audio 154.7 MB 17 Electronic Music Production with Kygo Video 28.8 GB 15
Monk S. Programming ESP32. Learn MicroPython Coding and Electronics 2024 Application 19.6 MB 14
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